Mauril |

After reading through all of the relevant texts (which includes the information in the core book on favored classes and the Multitalented racial trait), it seems that there is actually nothing forbidding it. It might actually even be intended. Half-elves are described as dilettantes and dipping favored class bonuses from one favored class while taking levels in another seems to fit. Mind you, I can see that opening up some potential abuse, and would probably rule at my table that you must have taken at least one level in the class you are trying to pull the favored class bonus from. You'd have to have at least one level of fighter before gaining the +1 to CMD for disarm and overrun. You can't be a wizard 20 and take that option.

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Just for the link, here is the multi-talented info from the PRD/Core:
Multitalented: Half-elves choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes. See Classes for more information about favored classes.
My opinion would be that you take the favored class option from the class that you just leveled up or choose one of the basic +1 hp/+1 skill options.

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I don't see that you have to level in (or have any levels in) your favoured class to take the alternative benefit, whatever race you are. You just have to choose the appropriate class as your favoured class.
For example, a human with paladin as a favored class may choose to gain 1 point of energy resistance each time she gains a level;
edit: Semicolon at the end of the clause in the original.

Omelite |

I don't see that you have to level in (or have any levels in) your favoured class to take the alternative benefit, whatever race you are. You just have to choose the appropriate class as your favoured class.
PRD wrote:For example, a human with paladin as a favored class may choose to gain 1 point of energy resistance each time she gains a level;edit: Semicolon at the end of the clause in the original.
You only get favored class benefits every time you put a level in a favored class. Anyone but a half-elf only has one favored class, so this issue doesn't come up for them.

seekerofshadowlight |

I would say no. You may have two favored classes, but you can not gain the bonus if you did not level in that class. Case in point. You can take a class at level one but not have it a favored class. In that case you do not gain a favored class bonus at level 1 as you did not level in that favored class.
This works the same way.

Enevhar Aldarion |

The first part is pretty straightforward in that you get a favored class bonus each time you take a level in one of your favored classes. So, for example, if you have a half-elf who is a fighter/wizard/rogue and your favored classes are fighter and wizard, you would get a bonus each time you take a level in one of those two and no bonus at all when you take a level in rogue. That is the easy part and I know what you are asking, using the same example character, is if you take a level in fighter, can you take the favored class bonus from either the wizard or the fighter or must it be the fighter's bonus.
Here is the text for the feat Eclectic from the APG:
Choose an additional favored class and gain
either +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever you take a
level in that class.
I would say that the RAI on multi-talented for half-elves should work this way as well and was just worded poorly back in 3rd edition and kept that way in the Core Book. So if Eclectic gives the same benefit to humans that multi-talented gives to half-elves, this wording should be used for both races and you can only take the favored class bonus for a favored class when you take a level in that class.

Kinithin |

The rules say
The following options are available to all half-eves who have the listed favored class.
The sentence makes no sense as there is more than one class listed. The closest sentence that would make sense is: (change in italics)
The following options are available to all half-eves who have the associated favored class.
So RAW, it appears the answer is (a slightly ambiguous) "yes". If the answer was "no", the rule would be similar to the following:
A half-elf going up a level in a favoured class may choose the associated option instead of the standard options.
That said, I believe the answer should be "no". I believe the author simply didn't take into consideration the possibility of a character having multiple favoured classes.

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Oh RD...
Please FAQ and/or debate.
Multitalented: Half-elves choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes. See Classes for more information about favored classes.
Whenever a character gains a level in his favored class, he receives either + 1 hit point or + 1 skill rank.
Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever she gains a level in a favored class, half-elves have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their favored class. The following options are available to all half-elves who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed favored class reward.
Not exceedingly clear, but I read it as: "you need to take the specific favored class to take a bonus from that favored class".

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I haven't specifically seen anything to forbid this either, but I don't think it was intentional. I'd say no for my campaigns.
If that were true, then you'd get favored class bonuses for leveling in PrC's which is forbidden. Or even better, there would be no such things as favored class bonuses. They're tied to a class by DESIGN. You get those bonuses as an outgrowth of leveling in those classes, not as separate packages.

Kinithin |

hgsolo wrote:I haven't specifically seen anything to forbid this either, but I don't think it was intentional. I'd say no for my campaigns.If that were true, then you'd get favored class bonuses for leveling in PrC's which is forbidden.
No, it can be true without what you said being true.
He's asking if the character gets a level in one of his favoured classes, can he take the reward of either of his favoured classes. The rules are unclear at best.