Black XIII |

I probably should not ask to me some questions after 14 hours of work, but it happens and then ...
Battle Fury (Su): At 20th level, the
dervish dancer can unleash a whirlwind
of blows while performing a battle dance.
As a full-round action, he can take a single
move action and unleash a single attack
at his highest bonus against each target
within his reach during any point of
his move, up to a maximum number of
attacks equal to the dervish dancer’s
character level. This movement
provokes attacks of opportunity
as normal, and replaces
deadly performance.
With that a Dervish Dancer can make a number of attacks equal to his level? then 20? Or it can make the maximum number allowed by his bab?

Mr Jade |

I probably should not ask to me some questions after 14 hours of work, but it happens and then ...
Quote:With that a Dervish Dancer can make a number of attacks equal to his level? then 20? Or it can make the maximum number allowed by his bab?
Battle Fury (Su): At 20th level, the dervish dancer can unleash a whirlwind of blows while performing a battle dance. As a full-round action, he can take a single move action and unleash a single attack
at his highest bonus against each target within his reach during any point of his move, up to a maximum number of attacks equal to the dervish dancer’s character level. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity
as normal, and replaces deadly performance.
He can make an attack at his character level (20 or more in this case, as CL is HD+any class levels), at his highest BAB, i.e., if BAB=15, he can make 20+ attacks at his highest BAB of 15, plus all relevant modifiers.

Omelite |

With that a Dervish Dancer can make a number of attacks equal to his level? then 20? Or it can make the maximum number allowed by his bab?
20. However, none of these attacks can be against the same target, so he'll either need some good reach or some really packed in enemies if he wants to get all 20 off.

Black XIII |

He can make an attack at his character level (20 or more in this case, as CL is HD+any class levels), at his highest BAB, i.e., if BAB=15, he can make 20+ attacks at his highest BAB of 15, plus all relevant modifiers.
One attack against each enemy to a maximum of 20 enemies. Basically, you kill a small army.
Holy Crap Yes.
20. However, none of these attacks can be against the same target, so he'll either need some good reach or some really packed in enemies if he wants to get all 20 off.
Well, True. But in any case, is a very good ability.

Bascaria |

Mr Jade wrote:He can make an attack at his character level (20 or more in this case, as CL is HD+any class levels), at his highest BAB, i.e., if BAB=15, he can make 20+ attacks at his highest BAB of 15, plus all relevant modifiers.Cheapy wrote:One attack against each enemy to a maximum of 20 enemies. Basically, you kill a small army.Holy Crap Yes.
Omelite wrote:20. However, none of these attacks can be against the same target, so he'll either need some good reach or some really packed in enemies if he wants to get all 20 off.Well, True. But in any case, is a very good ability.
This sort of leads to my question about the ability. It says you can make these attacks"against each target within his reach during any point of his move."
Does this mean that
(a) At any one point during his single move action, the dervish dancer can attack every target within reach then, or
(b) At all points during his single move action, the dervish dancer can attack everything within reach.
I am about 95% sure it is option (b), as option (a) is kinda stupid, being a weakened combination of spring attack and whirlwind. The syntax appears as though it could either way, so just wanted to make sure everyone else was in agreement that it meant option (b).

blahpers |

I was curious about this as well. It doesn't state you can't target.a creature more than once. Could you theoretically move back and forth between two enemies and pound the snot out of them?
unleash a single attack at his highest bonus against each target within his reach
Each target gets one attack.