Flaming Sphere casting Defensively

Rules Questions

If i successfully cast Flaming Sphere defensively i won't take AoO right? since its not a range touch attack?

however if i successfully cast Ray of Frost defensively i won't take AoO for it but will Take an AoO if there is an enemy next to me since its a ranged touch attack?

Morris Chan wrote:

If i successfully cast Flaming Sphere defensively i won't take AoO right? since its not a range touch attack?

however if i successfully cast Ray of Frost defensively i won't take AoO for it but will Take an AoO if there is an enemy next to me since its a ranged touch attack?

Not positive, but as per 3.5 rulings; one action can not produce more then one AoO from the same person. So you casting the spell is only 1 AoO, no matter how many different types it would provoke.

mrofmist wrote:
Not positive, but as per 3.5 rulings; one action can not produce more then one AoO from the same person. So you casting the spell is only 1 AoO, no matter how many different types it would provoke.

This is not the case in Pathfinder, although many people institute it.

You would provoke two attacks of opportunity (one for casting, one for making a ranged attack) for casting Ray of Frost.

Personally, I feel in this instance one provoke is enough, but the PF rules definitely call for two.

Only one for Flaming Sphere

Morris Chan wrote:

If i successfully cast Flaming Sphere defensively i won't take AoO right? since its not a range touch attack?

however if i successfully cast Ray of Frost defensively i won't take AoO for it but will Take an AoO if there is an enemy next to me since its a ranged touch attack?

Flaming sphere doesn't provoke because the directing of a spell as a move action doesn't provoke, nothing about it is a "touch attack."

Casting a ray of frost defensively you do not provoke for casting, however ray spells are called out to be treated as ranged attacks (though noted to be touch attacks more often) so the attack does provoke as the table states "Yes" for ranged attacks.

Its not a ranged touch attack, its just a friendly neighborhood ball of fire rolling into someone at about three feet high to roast some chestnuts.

Cast defensively= no aoo for the cast
Not a ranged touch attack= no AoO.

correct, ranged attacks will still provoke, so infact it isn't useful to cast those defensively to prevent AoO.

as i thought it would be, so if the spell doesn't say make a ranged touch attack it won't provoke if you can make a concentration check while casting defensively.

Remco Sommeling wrote:
correct, ranged attacks will still provoke, so infact it isn't useful to cast those defensively to prevent AoO.

As has been stated previously in this thread, it may well be.

In Pathfinder, both casting non-defensively and doing a ranged touch attack provoke AoOs. So, if you happen to be threatened by an opponent with Combat Reflexes, odds are that he'll whack you twice (provided you actually succeeded the casting). Of course, opponents who can only dish out one AoO per turn won't benefit from getting multiple opportunities.

Every single action that provokes an AoO provokes an AoO, from every opponent able to deliver one. The only exception in this rule (as fas as I know) is that leaving a threatened square multiple times will only provoke one AoO per opponent affected.

Remco Sommeling wrote:
correct, ranged attacks will still provoke, so infact it isn't useful to cast those defensively to prevent AoO.

Except that you'll still have the spell ready to make a range touch attack if you cast defensively, where as you could risk losing the spell should you be attacked when casting.

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