Need help finishing BBEG for my campaign


So the BBEG for my campaign is a 16th lvl Antipaladin. I've created his stats, skills, and some of his feats, but I still need to figure out the rest of them. He's a human so he has nine feats, of those I've given him Power Attack, Weapon Focus, Improved Critical, and Leadership. His base stats are 20,10,16,10,10,18.

-I need ideas for the other five feats. Are there any that are especially appropriate (and effective) for Antipaladins?

-His cohort will be lvl 14. I like the idea of giving him a demonic cohort, like a succubus with some class levels. Is this allowed? If it is, how do I determine how many class levels to give a succubus (CR 7) to make it equivilent to a lvl 14 character? Is it as simple as giving the succubus 7 levels in a PC class?

-I want to give him magic items valuewise as if he were a PC, not an NPC. That's a difference of over 250k, so would that increase the CR of the BBEG, and would it be too much since the PCs will obviously take most of his stuff when they kill him?

-If it makes a difference, when the PCs finally engage the BBEG for the final showdown he'll not be alone. He'll have his cohort, a maralith, plus as many additional demons as necessary to make the encounter challenging.

Xexyz wrote:

1-I need ideas for the other five feats. Are there any that are especially appropriate (and effective) for Antipaladins?

2-His cohort will be lvl 14. I like the idea of giving him a demonic cohort, like a succubus with some class levels. Is this allowed? If it is, how do I determine how many class levels to give a succubus (CR 7) to make it equivilent to a lvl 14 character? Is it as simple as giving the succubus 7 levels in a PC class?

3-I want to give him magic items valuewise as if he were a PC, not an NPC. That's a difference of over 250k, so would that increase the CR of the BBEG, and would it be too much since the PCs will obviously take most of his stuff when they kill him?

4-If it makes a difference, when the PCs finally engage the BBEG for the final showdown he'll not be alone. He'll have his cohort, a maralith, plus as many additional demons as necessary to make the encounter challenging.

1-I'm not great at picking perfect feats; I tend more towards flavor than anything else (my paladin in Runelords has a Faerie Dragon familiar, for instance). So I'll let someone else suggest this one.

2-Yes, it's allowed! One of the cooler aspects of the anti-paladin, IMO. Strictly by RAW, a succubus wouldn't gain levels, but would gain the templates mentioned in the anti-paladin. That said, it's you game, so level away! I strongly recommend reading the Bestiary regarding granting levels to creatures, as it's a little weird. Some classes dovetail well with a succubus, others don't. (Might I suggest bard, though?) But yes, if a class dovetails well, it's 1 CR per class level.

3-Gear equivalent to a PC increases CR by 1 (usually), and should be made up for by having other encounters which don't give treasure (treasure-less monsters, traps, hazards, etc.) That way the gear the PCs take stays consistent with the treasure they should be awarded, overall.

4-Hey, that isn't a question! But, it's a good idea. Minions swarming over the PCs while the anti-paladin wades in and his succubus cohort annoys them from the side... sounds like a mighty fine shindig! (And stop reading my notes, as I'd already planned something similar for my current game!) :)

The Exchange

How about a nightmare mount?

Make sure to give the cohort Antagonize(to use on spell caster).

ChrisO wrote:
2-Yes, it's allowed! One of the cooler aspects of the anti-paladin, IMO. Strictly by RAW, a succubus wouldn't gain levels, but would gain the templates mentioned in the anti-paladin. That said, it's you game, so level away! I strongly recommend reading the Bestiary regarding granting levels to creatures, as it's a little weird. Some classes dovetail well with a succubus, others don't. (Might I suggest bard, though?) But yes, if a class dovetails well, it's 1 CR per class level.

Excellent, now I'll just have to figure out what class to give her. Looking at the Beastiary's guidelins for giving a monster class levels I'd be able to give her 11 levels of a spellcasting class or 7 levels of a martial class to bring her CR to 14. Actually trying to figure out if giving her 11 levels of Oracle would be useful...

3-Gear equivalent to a PC increases CR by 1 (usually), and should be made up for by having other encounters which don't give treasure (treasure-less monsters, traps, hazards, etc.) That way the gear the PCs take stays consistent with the treasure they should be awarded, overall.

Good to know, and yes, the preceding encounters would not yield much if any treasure.

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