DM Acid |

I apologize for taking so long to reply. Some company came over so I was away from the computer for a good while.
I have gotten so many amazing applications that I'm considering running two groups. I'll have to think long and hard about whether I'll be able to make that time commitment, as well as whether or not I'll be able to keep things straight between the two groups. As it stands, applications are still open.
As to what's 'too much', I'm not sure it would make sense for her to have connections to rebels quite yet. Even so, she is your character.
Why would the head priest see fit to train him as an inquisitor instead of a cleric? Why didn't the priest discriminate against him as well? Such an inquisitor would probably have to be a secret, due to the tenuous relationship the church of Iomedae has with the church of Asmodeus.
I'm not trying to shoot you down or anything like that, I just want to make sure everything makes sense/ties together.
Does he remember his parents at all? How old was he when the clerics took him in? What was his life like before they took him in?
I smiled when I read Dracius's history, I want you to know. Could you answer the same questions for him that I asked for Arigoder?
If I somehow missed a question, or missed commenting on your application, please let me know.

Groth |

As for shadow beasts, he's well used to having to watch his back and keep a weapon ready. It doesn't much matter to him if it walks on two legs or four. And as a half-orc the darkness doesn't bother him nearly as much. He's got other things on his mind, and he's not well traveled enough for it to really strike him as unusual, so it isn't something he's paid much attention to yet.

jlord |

Rikkan was very young, maybe 5 or so when he was abandoned near the docks. He does not remember his parents well enough to make any claims, and cannot even remember their faces. He remembers that his mother often wore yellow dresses, and that his father always smelled of tobacco pipe. All he remembers about them is that they always bickered about him and that one day he was rushed to the docs by his mother and told to wait for the her to return. she never did. He does not know if his mother abandoned him, or if something happened that prevented her return.
He waited nearly 3 years hoping that they would come to get him, but he had lost hope and realized that no one was coming. he survived as a beggar and a scavenger. He would steal if desperate enough. Through some stroke of luck he survived despite the hardships and the racism he had to endure, and meet with Steven Mandorga, the Cleric of Shelyn. He would have been approximately 8 years old when he was taken in by the clerics.

Keddah |

He gained his powers at the same time but he didn't understand them, he was scared and felt revolted for he felt his spirit filled with life, and he even thought he had stolen his parents' souls. The first time he used them was several months later, he was starting to regain some confidence and trying to meet some of his relatives and acquaitances but he felt his appearance would scare them away, and suddenly in his mind he coul see how to create an Obscuring Mist. This way he learned everybody thought his parents had just retired after that last performance and the fact he acted so misteriously and tried to keep hidden from sight just was an effort to add to his parents' legend.
He's not a loner, he tries to keep contact with his friends and relatives and wouldn't mind joining a group with similar motivations (ie. fighting the corrupt and decadent nobility) and putting the powers his curse has given him to good use.

CaptainCortez |

Would you like me to mention anything else about my characters back story, or do you think we're pretty much done with me?
I'll finalise the feats I plan on using when I've had a better look at Ultimate Combat, but most likely these will be the first few feats I take:
Level 1: Alertness
Power Attack
Level 3: Intimidating Prowess
Level 4: 1 point into Charisma (if it's very unlikely we'll reach level 20, maybe I should just focus on Strength as Intimidating Prowess will already give me +1 from Cha, +4 from Str and at by the time I'm level 3, I'll have 6 ranks in Intimidate, making a grand total of whatever I roll plus 11)
Level 5: ??
Level 7: Cornugon Smash - When you damage an opponent with a Power Attack, you may make an immediate Intimidate check as a free action to attempt to demoralize your opponent.
I'm still deciding on Rage Powers too. Renewed Vigour is definitely one I'm going to take.
Also, I was told yesterday that having two Rings of Protection is pointless as the effects supposedly don't stack, so my AC would be 32 by end game assuming I can afford +5 Armour, a +6 Belt, a +5 Ring and a +5 Amulet.
If I take the Rage Power Guarded Stance, by level 18 or 19 it'd give me an AC boost of 4, taking me up to 36 AC. You don't have to be in rage for this to apply, but you can only use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Con modifier, so right now for me it'd be twice.
On top of this there's my Urban Barbarian class type that gives me +1 dodge bonus to AC when adjacent to two or more enemies. Sadly, it doesn't look as though this increases as I level up, but I guess an AC of 37 (under the right conditions) might not be terrible. I've got to rely on rolling good to get my life up high enough to be able to take damage. :p
Hopefully my 5 Damage Reduction (at level 20) will help out to a degree.
Will you be posting some kind of map to show where we are and where we can move to for each encounter?
If you're happy with everything, let me know if I should move on to choosing feats etc and I'll also put my back story into contextual order, possibly adding slight details if I feel certain aspects aren't descriptive enough. :)

Faelar Braegen |

Even when he was surrounded by the poor and suffering in Westcrown, his faith in The Eternal Rose did not dwindle. He saw it as an opportunity to spread her words and to free them from their suffering.

DM Acid |

I'm not yet sure what I'll be doing about maps. I just downloaded maptool, and if I can get that to work, I might use that mixed with photoshop to create maps. In the past, as my last two games have been over skype, I've just described things in -great- detail, but that was a situation where I could quickly answer questions of where everything was.
As it stands, I'm still considering whether or not I want to run two games at once or not. There are a great deal of you who I feel like I -have- to play for my happiness to remain intact, more than would fit in one party.
If I do one party, it'll have to be six players. If I do two, I'll be picking five for each group, for a total of ten players. Each group will be in a separate continuity, in separate threads.
Applications are still open, but I'll probably close them either later today, or tomorrow.

CaptainCortez |

Ah, well I guess you could simply say "around you, you see small thatched houses when all of a sudden a goblin appears. It's currently standing 20 feet in front of you and 5 to the right" for example.
I could then say "Oh, okay. Well in that case I'll move forwards and diagonally right (5 feet but it costs a character 10 feet in movement as you'll know) and up 10 feet (so I'm in front of it)". I guess that's easy enough, though I'm sure you could probably describe it better than that. :p
Anyway, regarding the party numbers. The thing is, I don't think you should run two simultaneously if you have doubts as it'd prove to be far too much work for you. Both groups will probably end up in two different places entirely and although there would be separate threads for each PBP, it'd get confusing for you having to jump between the two so much.
On a side note, I haven't ever played in a group of 6 before, so that'd be new. Three or four's usually the number I play in. It might be good to see who gets on and who doesn't, but either way none of our characters will know each other to begin with, so characters may want to do their own thing and lean more towards teamwork the more they bond with each other. I think this is good for building character and developing in game relations. :)

Retech |

Yeah, I was unaware of how the adventure path started, so I just left it at a loose end. I could not find where we would begin within the adventure path's player guide, so I felt that leaving at that stage would make it easy to continue on.
I just didn't want to go with the cliche "Oh, girl with super powers escapes from unescapable prison" theme, so anything can be tweaked and weaved in with the story.
I personally recommend looking at one of Shanosuke's games for combat, because it flows really nicely for a PbP combat system.

Hu5tru |

Imperia Sarini
Human Female Bard 1
LN Medium Humaniod (Varisian)
Init +1, Senses Normal Vision Perception -1
AC 13(armor +2, dex+1), touch 11, flat-foot 12
HP 9
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1
Melee spiked chain +0 (2d4 +0/x2 trip, disarm)
Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 16
BAB 0, CMB 0(+2 to trip attempts), CMD 11 (+2 vs trip attempts)
Traits Heirloom Weapon (Proficiency with Spiked Chain, Adventurer’s Armory), On the Payroll
Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Trip
Languages Common, Varisian, Draconic, Infernal
Skills Acrobatics + 5, Disguise +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Local) +7, Knowledge (Nobility) +7, Knowledge (Religion)+7, Perform (Act) +7, Perform (Sing) + 7, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +5
Bardic Knowledge- Ability to roll all knowledge skill checks untrained.
Bardic Performance – 7 rds/day
Fascinate – Confound enemies with a DC 14 will save to resist your charms.
Distraction – Disrupt any spell effect dependent on sight
Countersong – Disrupt any spell effect dependent on sonic components
Inspire Courage - +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.
1st Silent Image, Unseen Servant
0 Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Message
Carrying Capacity:
Light- 38 lbs, Medium - 76 lbs Heavy - 115 lbs
this is a quick adaptation, as I intended to use this character elsewhere, so if there is any problems, let me know, i would be happy to answer any questions
Imperia was the final and only girl child born to Lord Morvius and Lady Korva Sarini. As a young girl, she watched her elder brothers, Manius and Ursion train in the arts of war to promote and advance the cause of their house. When she was only seven, Imperia was awoken early in the morning by her mother's servants, stuffed into her very best dress, then placed atop her father's horse. Lord Morvius, flanked by his sons, quit the safety of their keep to hold court at the village below. Before the trio stood seven peasants accused of plotting a rebellion. Imperia clearly remember the simple tools laid at their feet as evidence, and the mottled, almost purple color of rage spread across their faces as they denied the charges, swearing crude oaths at the witnesses that testified against them. Lord Sarini adjudicated the case, pronounced the accused guilty, and lent his eldest son, Manius the family's blade to perform their execution. After, Lord Sarini commanded his daughter to accompany him to the field. Stepping delicately around the expanding pools of blood, the pair made their way to the pile of evidence. Lord Sarini summoned one of the witnesses, and extended a spade to him.
"Trade has not been advantageous this year, and demand in the capital will exceed their supply," he said. "If you've the strength to fight us, take this and put it to its proper use, with a mind to bounty and not bloodshed."
It was not until some years later that Imperia recognized her father's mercy. For what some would term his brutality, their family was feared. So far as Imperia was concerned, she wanted for nothing in childhood, exceptional tutors, the companionship of her brothers, or her parent's love. She rode with their wards and servants through their holdings and was wholly safe, and though there were some years when the 'keep was forced to open its granaries to sustain the peasants, aide was distributed equitably and peacefully.
At the age of twelve, Imperia was sent to Eogarian to benefit from studying at the feet of the masters. It was expected that she would be polished and refined into a worthy scion of House Sarini, and future bride. It was in her period of study that she became attracted to the cult of Zon Kuthon. She did not recognize it then, but all had been arranged by her mother, an expert manipulator. Fearing the negative influences of contemporaries with pedestrian sentimentalizes, Imperia's devotion was encouraged by an dashing priest who reminded Imperia that life ended at death, and that there were no greater purpose than service. A scion, Imperia's flesh was spared her Lord's sweetest stings, but she was inexorably drawn into his worship, recalling memories of the beauty of her elder brother's artful form when he delivered killing blows to criminals. In particular, Imperia was trained to obey her priest as she was to obey her betrothed.
Upon successful completion of her training, Imperia was called home to be introduced to her intended, the Lord Aerodus Jeggare. After a pleasant ride and private dinner, he beat her savagely, tearing his mark into her flesh with a scorpion whip. Imperia was tended by her own mother, who laid into her open sores the woundweal, allowing her to heal naturally and scar, and presented with her grandmother's spiked chain.
"The temper of man is quick," her mother soothed her, brushing Imperia's hair from her face as she lie prone. "Our profession has been and always will be harder. Like the chain, we bind and serve them, but we are not without our own thorns, hmm?"
Imperia's strict childhood discipline and social training have lent themselves to a rather... dry air of superiority when speaking with others. Her performances lack the passion usually attributed to her people, being noted more for their technical merit. Imperia expects much of her party members, but more of herself. A noble scion and intended bride, she has a high strict standard of behavior to maintain.
When a subject makes Imperia uncomfortable, or there appears to be some point of conflict, she will defer to the established party leader's judgment as a matter of training. If she is asked to supply an opinion to the contrary, she will touch her lower back and simply repeat the consensus in such a way that it gives every appearance of being her own opinion, or just confound with verbosity.
Age 18, Height 5'8", Weight 160lbs, Hair Jet, Eyes Blue
At first glance, Imperia gives every appearance of being a lady of stature, including her prodigious height, pale beauty and practiced smile. Her traveling faire is simple, and for the plain and unadorned, and she keeps her hair tucked beneath a conservative bonnet at all times. Among the social elite, however, Imperia blossoms, at least in terms of her ability to don airs.
Essentially, the inspiration for this character is Machiavelli's axiom - it is better to be feared than loved. A noble scion in House Sarini, fear is a tangible force to be reckoned with, of famine, of peasant uprisings, and the like. So far as the character is concerned, I know it reads as though she is wooden, but she has not truly been given license to live. It seems a challenge, and I am really stretching my abilities with this character, to develop into something... amazing, I am hoping.
edit: should add that this is a very quick adaptation of a character that I have made previously. I am willing to answer any questions put to me.

DM Acid |

The way the AP is laid out, the party is forced to work together relatively early, which I like. It means the members of the party don't have to know each other starting out. Fighting for your life alongside someone tends to build a sort of bond, at least in my opinion.
The problem with me running two games isn't confusion so much as it is time. I've run two games concurrently before, with 6 players each, and have had no problem keeping the characters and storylines separate. This was over skype as well, where I didn't have nearly as much time to fact-check before I made a post. I love doing work for games, absolutely love it. The problem is whether or not I have enough time to post for two games each day. The fact that I've been constantly refreshing this thread whenever I've been awake and at the computer seems to suggest I do, but I want to think it over before I jump into anything. My friend keeps warning me that I'll get the two continuities mixed up, and while I don't think I will, it's just another thing for me to mull over.
Another idea is to pick a party for this game, and then run a different AP where I only recruit from those that applied to this game.
If I did that, what other AP would you guys want to play? I have hard copies of CoT and Kingmaker, and pdfs of all the other APs. I'd prefer to run the APs that were made with the Pathfinder rule set in mind, but I'm open to debate that.

Faelar Braegen |

He is a link:
https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_Pk87cRahI6MzQxMTA3ODktNjEzZS00MTBlLWE5MD ctZjBiYzQ1NThmYzcx&hl=en_US&pli=1
That was done on a web application, not sure what one though.

![]() |

The way the AP is laid out, the party is forced to work together relatively early, which I like. It means the members of the party don't have to know each other starting out. Fighting for your life alongside someone tends to build a sort of bond, at least in my opinion.
The problem with me running two games isn't confusion so much as it is time. I've run two games concurrently before, with 6 players each, and have had no problem keeping the characters and storylines separate. This was over skype as well, where I didn't have nearly as much time to fact-check before I made a post. I love doing work for games, absolutely love it. The problem is whether or not I have enough time to post for two games each day. The fact that I've been constantly refreshing this thread whenever I've been awake and at the computer seems to suggest I do, but I want to think it over before I jump into anything. My friend keeps warning me that I'll get the two continuities mixed up, and while I don't think I will, it's just another thing for me to mull over.
Another idea is to pick a party for this game, and then run a different AP where I only recruit from those that applied to this game.
If I did that, what other AP would you guys want to play? I have hard copies of CoT and Kingmaker, and pdfs of all the other APs. I'd prefer to run the APs that were made with the Pathfinder rule set in mind, but I'm open to debate that.
I would have interest in anything but jade regent. I'm applying to a RotRL game but I would drop that application if you chose to run that and asked me to join. I hardle see any request for crimson throne or carrion crown or ...is it shackled sea? I have ideas abound though so basically put me down to do whatever, I would prefer not to play two jade regent games. I'll have answers for you in a few hours re: your other questions for irina.

CaptainCortez |

Acid: Have you any idea when you might start this once you've chosen the selected applicants?
I'm not trying to rush you or anything, but wanted to ask as I'm actually going to try to find time to draw up my character with my graphics tablet in Photoshop, to hopefully give everyone a good idea of what she actually looks like (instead of just having a female avatar that barely resembles her). In short, I'm just wanting to know what my deadline would be for doing such a thing. :)
As for backup campaigns, Council of Thieves is the main one I'd like to play (having been wanting to play it properly for a while now and managing to make a relatively solid back story for my character), but my runners up in no particular order would be:
Second Darkness
Jade Regent
Curse of the Crimson Throne
Carrion Crown
Legacy of Fire
I hope this helps. :)
Faelar: Something better than that map. It didn't do anything for me when I was reading over your campaign story so far. Descriptions are probably better than that (with all due respect to the guy who made it).

DM Acid |

So, guess who my favorite Golarion deity is!
....it's Calistria, but Zon-Kuthon is a close second. I love when players make non-divine characters devoted to deities. It makes the fluff lover in me squee with joy.
This AP is centered in Westcrown, in Cheliax. How did she get to Westcrown, and what motivation would she have to help make it a better place? What problems would she have with the government? I'll have more questions in a bit, but those are the most important ones.
Seems like Serpent's Skull, Carrion Crown, and Kingmaker are the likely choices. I'm also willing to try Jade Regent if everyone else is dying for it. Legacy of Fire has also been suggested.
To be honest, the only reason applications are still open is because two friends of mine really wanted a chance to get in, but instead of reserving slots for them I wanted to make things fair and give them the same consideration as everyone else. At this point, I think I'm going to close applications later today, and if they haven't submitted applications by then, well, tough for them. If nobody has objection to it I may allow them to apply for the second game, but if there is objection - again, tough for them. You guys take precedence, and the last thing I want is any of you to feel like you haven't been given a fair chance.
As for when I'll start, I think I'll take a day or so to get everyone's character sheets/descriptions/and questions in order in the discussion thread, and then start once everything is set.

Faelar Braegen |

I agree that having it all explained is good, but it takes a VERY long time to write out every detail of what you see, where you go, etc in inches/squares. Where as a small map like that, even though it doesn't have surrounding area's on it, it does show distance to the enemy and where they are.
Edit - If I don't make this selection, I would love to be given another chance in a different AP. I already have a couple of characters in mind, each for a different AP too.

Hu5tru |

I have a bard of Calistria I run in an infrequent game with my husband. She is 16, already level 10 and has been taped by both the goddess and an extremely powerful NPC to assume some greater purpose than she can even understand.
As for Imperia... I imagine that she came to Westcrown on some mission to restore or preserve some part of either her or her intended's estate from rebels, but upon investigating, found that it was not so much a problem with the people as it was bad government and agents of the government.
Essentially, her motivation for fighting the government is to make it more lawful, at least at this time. Evil is not her thing. Though she is manipulated by her family, and her mother and intended almost certainly are, she is not.
Imperia desperately wishes to carve a path where all can exist if not in harmony, then with some method of, well... I do not suppose equality as she is a noble scion, but rigid order maintains the health and prosperity of all people.
Her sense of nobility is very antiquated. She has a duty to her family and the people, to preserve both of their interests. Since she has been given in marriage to another house, she has to be mindful of that duty, as well. A secondary motivation, then, is to prove herself worthy and capable of advancing the goals of the powerful House Jeggare, so that she is not so much a plaything of her husband to be trotted out at parties to sniff at the brie in a haughty way, but to attain some amount of favor and actually be able to serve him.
As an aside, I created this character for a Carrion Crown campaign, where worship of Zon Kuthon seemed to just fit with the whole depressed feel of the area.

Tilnar |

I'm glad -- though re-reading it I see that I should have edited it rather than uploading the first draft -- some areas where I reworked things seem to have sprouted commas -- and there's some rougher wording that I would have liked.
Anyhow, to answer your questions:
Dracius' does not care for the current system of government at all.
He's an actor and has deep ties with the artists community - both from his "heritage" and from his role within the Church - and so he has a very clear sense of what people are giving up for their security. Works of art have been destroyed because of their message, people are not allowed to speak freely, nor worship the gods that call to them (and I assume that he would probably know at least a few closet Desnans and Caildeans, considering).
The fact that the empire's strength (such that it is) comes from having made a deal with devils does not sit well with him, either. He's a romantic idealist, and dealing with devils is just, well, wrong. Evil, even.
Arigoder's view of the government in Cheliax is more complex -- as someone who has lived through some of the worst effects of lawlessness, he greatly respects those who try to maintain the rule of law. He fully supports the need for a strong government and nation, in order to provide security and stability for all its people. And, having seen what happens when the people aren't protected, he can even understand why good men would pledge themselves to Asmodeus to gain the power to protect their loved ones and the innocent.
And yet, the fact that slavery exists within Cheliax is likely the reason his mother and sisters were taken. He has noticed that those who truly rise in power - whether Hellknight or Politician seem to do so because they seek power for power's sake, and not for what good could be done with that power. As a result, the law seems to be more concerned about protecting those with wealth and power than the common folk, and is rarely applied in the same way.
As such, he worries that the cost of this power is their souls -- and, in fact, that the price of the power and stability for the Empire has been its soul, collectively... Which is what we would have expected from a deal with a devil.... And he's starting to feel as the Empire is contracting that the bill is coming due - and he worries that it will fall (again) to the common folk to pay it.

Tilnar |

Another idea is to pick a party for this game, and then run a different AP where I only recruit from those that applied to this game.
If I did that, what other AP would you guys want to play? I have hard copies of CoT and Kingmaker, and pdfs of all the other APs. I'd prefer to run the APs that were made with the Pathfinder rule set in mind, but I'm open to debate that.
Based on my participation in other PbPs (which I hope continue on), I'd be most interested to try Legacy of Fire, Serpent's Skull or Carrion Crown (in fact, that was what I reskinned Arigoder for in the first place, making the evil raiders Belken orcs)... and, to be honest, I'd love to actually play through Runelords (though I know it's 3.5 and not PF) -- I started it with a pen and paper group that imploded.

Everstride |

Heya! First time playing over the internets. Should be interesting. :3
Anyways, my character. Trying something a little different.
Razik "Raz" Azkul
Race: Tiefling (human works too, but some big changes might be needed.)
Class: Rogue - Thug archetype
Alignment: Chaotic Good to start, veering towards Chaotic Neutral
Personality: Raz is, like most tieflings, an extremely impulsive young man, letting his emotions guide his every action. That said, he can be brash, violent, and vindictive to those who affront him, but more than that, he tends to be protective, passionate, and loving to those whom accept him, even going so far as to be willing to die for those he considers friends.
He does, however, bear a very extreme, and sometimes hypocritical view of right and wrong.
Respect should be earned with force.
Petty things are vindicated if done for the good of another.
Two wrongs make a right.
While his fiendish nature can get the better of him, at heart, Raz is a loving, caring boy who wants nothing more than the best for those he loves.
Life growing up in the orphanage was rough, as one would imagine. He was beaten frequently by the older boys, and made few friends. He did, however, find a friend in Leanna, a human girl around Raz's age. Leanna was a frail girl: She was born so weak, she hardly ever had a day without a fever. This eventually lead to the gradual loss of her eyesight. The fear that she was contagious made her something of an exile amongst the other orphans, which was common ground for her and Raz.
The two made fast friends, and as they grew older, she became less sick, and Raz was more capable of defending himself along with her. He adopted the name Razik Azkul to sound more intimidating, but Leanna tended to playfully tease him by calling him "raz-berry" or just Raz. Being bullied since birth also made Raz sick to see someone else suffer at the hands of another, and so he quickly came to the aid of various other weaker children, often violently, and while this got him into much trouble, it earned him even more friends.
As some years passed, Leanna's eyesight began to return. This caused so much anxiety in Raz that he considered running away. Some tieflings were born looking rather human, but he was not one of those: He bore obvious red skin, swept-back horns, spiky, unkempt hair, a slender, barbed tail, along with scaly claws and feet. The fiend in him was obvious, and her horror would almost be certain. However, when the day came and she saw Razik's face for the first time, she treated him no different than before. Better, in fact. She cared for him even more now that he had a face, one so unique from all the others. To say this shocked Raz would be putting it lightly. It was obvious now that Raz deeply cared for her, was in love with her even. In time, it would be revealed that she felt the same, and the two were never happier.
The years passed. more and more of Raz's friends became adopted. He never was, being the most undesirable of the entire orphanage, but this was fine with him. He'd never want to part with his dearest Leanna. However, inevitably, she was adopted, and he wasn't. It was a middle-class couple of human store-owners, the Harkens. After their first child, a young boy, Mira Harken discovered she was unable to have any more children, and had always wanted both a boy and a girl. Barigan Harken, always wanting an average family of his own, decided to comply with his wife and adopt a girl. The teenage Leanna was a perfect fit, much to her and Raz's dismay.
This would not stop the tiefling, however, and sure enough, that night he ran away, searching for his beloved. Westcrown was big compared to the orphanage though, and it took some time to find so much as a clue as to where she could have went. Along the way, he learned much of the city, it's rigid, totalitarian laws, the suffering of it's people, and the bigotry in the hearts of the populace against him. At one point, he was nearly beaten to death in an alleyway, had he not barely managed to escape with his life, he would have certainly been killed. He wondered why everyone else couldn't be like Leanna...
His suffering payed off eventually though, as he had found his long-lost lover. He came to her in the night while she was sleeping in her bedroom in the living quarters of the humble shop. As he tentatively woke her, the young Leanna mistook him for an angel. Even if it was, she wouldn't be more delighted that it was her loving Razik. The joy of being reunited after so many months brought tears to both their eyes. This caused the still-awake Harkens to hear her sobbing and investigate. Upon seeing Razik, Barigan became furious. Raz was about to stand up to him and treat him like a bully from the orphanage, but Leanna pleaded for him to simply run. This was no thug, this was her new father, and right now, he believes he's protecting her. After some hesitation, Raz dashed out the window, and Barigan vowed that if the fiend ever touched his daughter again, he would die.
This, like Leanna's adoption, would never stop the determined young Razik, and, naturally, Raz visited her in the night. It took some convincing, but eventually, Leanna was fine with his visits. He was still caught from time to time, but Raz eventually became much sneakier. That, or the Harkens had come to accept him, though this wasn't likely.
Several years had passed. By day, Raz earned his way through minor bodyguard work, and some healthy vigilantism: There would be the occasional petty thief in the slums. Raz would intercept them and beat the stolen goods from them, always giving the items back to their owners and keeping what was left in the thief's possession, which always wasn't much, and the gratitude he'd earn from the persons he returned the goods to was almost nonexistent.
By night, he would cleanse himself of the bleakness of Westcrown by spending time with his lover. Leanna would stay up all night with Raz, telling eachother of what happened in their day. Some nights Leanna would teach Raz how to read and write. Other nights, they would just enjoy each others company. Raz enjoyed the nights. While there were frightening monsters in the streets that he knew nothing of, and with the day bringing nothing but suffering from this vicious regime, there would always be the stars - and his dearest love.
One fateful day, this was all shattered forever.
Raz had made the mistake of falling asleep for too long with his lover. He had never been caught in bed with her before, but if he had, he knew the consequences would be dire. They never came though, and suddenly, he realized Leanna wasn't with him.
It only took a split second after hearing Leanna's shriek for Raz to bolt out of the bedroom and into the shop to find her. What he discovered caused his heart to sink.
The Harkens were dead. Barigand, Mira, even little Gale, all murdered in their beds. And there was Leanna, sitting there, scared out of her mind and filled with horror. She had just discovered them. He remembered her talking about Barigand acting strange the day before, as if worried, but never thought much on it until now. The door wasn't damaged. The windows were all closed. He was perplexed as to who could have done this, but so many thoughts were racing in his head, he couldn't think straight. All he knew was that he needed to get Leanna away from this horrible scene.
He took Leanna to an abandoned inn in a forgotten corner of Westcrown. It still had sturdy locks and could withstand the dangers of the night, as Raz often spent his nights there when he couldn't stay with Leanna. There, he tried his best to take care of her.
He had forsaken giving stolen goods back to their owners, and began stealing himself, trying his best to feed his traumatized lover. He could barely eat. Here she had the best family she could hope for, and just when they were ready to accept Razik and leave this cursed nation, they were ripped away from her. She was especially distraught over little Gale, who was only twelve at the time. Her condition worsened, and eventually, her old symptoms returned, including the fading of her eyesight. The only thing that helped her cling to living was knowing that her dearest Razik was still there, at her side.
Razik, on the other hand, was finally sorting things out in his own head. This had happened so fast, he didn't know what to feel. Things were getting clearer now though. He knew what he felt. It was hate. Pure, simple hate. How dare they hurt Leanna. How dare they harm her family. How DARE they take away her only chance at happiness! Even if he didn't know who "they" were, he would find out, and he would make them pay.
And so Razik made his preparations to search for the Harkens' murderers and bring justice to his ailing Leanna. Whoever the assassins were, he was confident he would find them and kill them down to the last man, or else he would die trying. He had found Jace, the Harkens' embittered, elderly hireling, and forced him to take care of Leanna. Once he became aware of the situation and at least slightly sure that Razik wasn't the killer, he agreed to taking care of Leanna while he was gone. Nonetheless, Raz promised that he would return every night if he could. He didn't tell her of his plan, only that he would make things better again.
He would make things right.

Keddah |

I wouldn't mind getting a chance to play Serpent's Skull or Legacy of Fire, and I'd love to play Kingmaker, I am currently DMing it and the players seem to be having such a blast I feel jealous, I'd do my very best to act ignorant. So if I don't get in this one I'd be willing to submit an application for the other game.

DM Acid |

Current list of applicants:
CaptainCortez - Human Urban Barbarian, CG
Fnord72 - Human Wizard, NG
Irina Kayzeld - Human Ranger, CG
Faelar Braegen - Elf Bard, CG
halplm - Elf Witch, N
Tilnar - Human Fighter, LG / Half-Orc Cleric, NG
Shanosuke - Tiefling Inquisitor
jlord - Tiefling Cleric, CG
Retech - Gnome Summoner, NG
Keddah - Human Oracle, CN
Paizo Fan - Human Sorcerer
Groth - Half-Orc Barbarian
Hu5tru - Human Bard, LN
Everstride - Tiefling Rogue (Thug), CG
Interest Shown
Allia Thren
Today is the last day for applications. I will cut them off sometime tonight. If you aren't chosen for Council of Thieves, then you're invited to rework your character (or submit a new character) for a different AP that has yet to be determined. If you have a preference, speak up!
Serpent's Skull, Carrion Crown, Kingmaker, and Jade Regent are the choices.
I have no problem with players that have DM'd the APs, by the way. I trust you guys to not metagame. :)

halplm |

I originally built Jynerva for either Council of Thieves or Legacy of Fire. I also have a Martial Artist Monk (from UC) that I want to play that works well for Carrion Crown, Serpent's Skull, or Legacy of Fire. I have a Wizard/Ranger/Spherewalker that I put a lot of time into for Curse of the Crimson Throne, and a super-stereotypical Dwarf Barbarian I want to play that would work anywhere :).
So yeah, there are options.
ETA: I am currently playing Jade Regent and Kingmaker and might get into a RotRL game, so I'd prefer one of the others.

Faelar Braegen |

If you decide to run King-maker after this and I do not make the first selection. I would LOVE to put myself forward for this. I have already had a character create herself in my mind for it. A Halfling Sorceress, probably Draconic, but not sure yet though. If you do decide to run a second game, how long until you start the applications?
Personally I would recommend getting the C-o-T under way first and once your sure you can run a second, then apply. But that is just my opinion. As you said, you are not sure whether you would have the time to do 2.

Hu5tru |

I'd been following this one a while, and decided to give it a try because you seemed so involved in the creation process, and working out concepts with the applicants. That, to me, is a sign of a GM that is good to work with. /shameless flattery that will likely get me nowhere.
And I had this character that I am really dying to express properly. Is just... gnawing at me to, to let some character development happen.

Allia Thren |

Interest Shown
Allia ThrenToday is the last day for applications. I will cut them off sometime tonight. If you aren't chosen for Council of Thieves, then you're invited to rework your character (or submit a new character) for a different AP that has yet to be determined. If you have a preference, speak up!
Serpent's Skull, Carrion Crown, Kingmaker, and Jade Regent are the choices.
The reason I've not actually submitted a character yet, is that the ninja I mentioned in my first post, was originally made for a Jade Regent game. I really want to play her, so I thought "Ok, this sounds fun", but the more I thought, the more I felt it would just feel out of place in another AP, so decided to not submit her.
So if I actually come up with another concept in the next few hours I'll post it, otherwise, I'll wait for that other AP and hope it's JR, and apply there if I didn't get into another JR with that char by then already. :)

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On the subject of alternative APs:
I think my first vote would be for Carrion Crown though Kingmaker and Serpent's Skull are closely tied for second.
I am running a modified Kingmaker game and though a part of me wants a chance to play in that setting I would rather play in something I have no knowledge of. As I have noted I am playing Jade Regent PbP *slight wave at halplm* so would likely pass on that one.

DM Acid |

Honestly, the longer I sit at the computer refreshing the screen, the more aware I get of exactly how -much- time I have. Most of my time seems to be taken up by chatting, and a post on average takes me ten minutes to an hour to type up, depending on if I'm multitasking. As far as my personal time situation goes, I'm an unemployed student that probably won't have a job -or- classes again until Spring next year, and if I do get a job before then it'll be part-time. I'm pretty lucky in the 'free time' department.
At this point I'm thinking I'll open up applications for the second game immediately following my decisions on CoT. After I chose the second party, I might have to have a day or so to read the first installment of the AP, but that day can be spent going over expectations/character sheets/and such in the ooc thread.
I'm absolutely thrilled that so many players are willing to throw their lot in with a new DM like me. Especially considering my lack-luster performance before my current game with DM Barcas. Paragraphs, I barely knew thee. I'm dedicated to putting all my effort into making this the best game I can, but you guys don't know me from Flakey McFlake over there. I've had DMs disappear on me, and it's anything but fun. You guys have no way of knowing whether or not I'll be one of those DMs. Especially not when I'm taking on two games at once. I know how precarious that could look from the outside. You guys are still up for it though, and for that I thank you. :)
Seems while flattery might not get what was intended, it will get a few blocks of text from me as I sputter.
I am heavily leaning towards running Carrion Crown as my other game, partially for personal preference and partially because it seems like it would be a good fit for a lot of you.
So far there are a handful of players/characters that I've decided I want to be in CoT.
Captaincortez - You were the one who convinced me to run CoT, so I feel it would be a horrible, horrible injustice if you weren't allowed in on it. That, coupled with the sheer amount of information you gave me leads me to believe that you'd be a great player to work with. For future reference, I would have preferred a character a bit more tailored to the AP. A refined, former feral child seems like a concept that would better fit in a game like Kingmaker. Still, she has enough motivation to move the game forward, so I'll accept her. You did a great job of taking a concept I was wary of at the beginning and turning it into a character I want to see in play.
halplm - I love your witch. I absolutely -love- your witch. She's engaging, and was able to get my attention despite my usual disdain for first person histories. I can't see her working for any AP other than CoT, so I feel I should give you a spot in CoT.
Paizo Fan - If you're still here, I would like you in one of my games. I don't know if I have a place for your character in CoT yet, but I do know that I would happily welcome you into the other game.
PirateDevon - At this point I'm leaning towards not having Irina in CoT, but I would still love you to play her in my other game.
Everstride - Your story was engaging and actually made me -feel- something as I read it. I'll give you some questions to help flesh your character out in a bit, but at this point I'm pretty sure I want you in one of the games I'm running. I'd never read any of your writing before this, so I admit I was a quite a bit worried about your quality of storytelling when you expressed interest in the game, but you managed to quell my fears. Because I know you in real life, I feel the need to be a bit more harsh on you, if only to dispel worries of possible favoritism. Yes, I have almost complete guarantee that you won't drop out of the game for fear of me physically coming to your house and making you post, but the last thing I wanted was to create an unfair atmosphere by accepting you willy-nilly. Thanks for putting up with me.
Tilnar - I'm not sure where I want you yet, but your storytelling ability impressed me, and your half-orc's story made me audibly 'd'aaaw' at how heartwarming it was. You've been quick to reply to my questions, which suggests to me that you have a genuine interest in the game. I'm leaning towards having one of your characters in CoT, but I'm not sure yet.
That still leaves 4-5 possible spots for CoT.

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N Human Cleric 1
Init +1; Senses: Perception -2
AC 19 (+6 Armor, +1 Dex, +2 Shield) FF 18 Touch 10
HP 10
Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +0
CMD 12
Speed 20ft
Melee +2 Heavy Mace (1d8+2)
Ranged +0 Sling (1d4+2)
Gentle Rest: 1/day; melee touch staggers living creature for 1 round, if creature is already staggered, it falls asleep for 1 round.
Death's Kiss: 1/day; melee touch treats creature as undead for the effects that deal with positive energy, lasts 1 round
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 18
BAB +0, CMB +2
Feats: Selective Channel, Extra Channel
Skills: Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Use Magic Device, +9
Domains: Death (Undead subdomain), Repose
Traits: Westcrown Firebrand, Dangerously Curious
Languages Common, Dwarven
Special Abilities
Channel Energy: 9/day; 30 ft radius burst; 1d6
If this character can't make this game I would love to run him in your other game. I'm hoping game two would be kingmaker, but this guy would also rock in carrion crown so I'll be just as happy with that.

CaptainCortez |

Captaincortez - You were the one who convinced me to run CoT, so I feel it would be a horrible, horrible injustice if you weren't allowed in on it. That, coupled with the sheer amount of information you gave me leads me to believe that you'd be a great player to work with. For future reference, I would have preferred a character a bit more tailored to the AP. A refined, former feral child seems like a concept that would better fit in a game like Kingmaker. Still, she has enough motivation to move the game forward, so I'll accept her. You did a great job of taking a concept I was wary of at the beginning and turning it into a character I want to see in play.
Ah awesome, thanks very much. To be fair Adina has come a very long way to reach Westcrown. :p
I think where the lack of tailoring came into play was the fact I only read information about Barbarian's living in Westcrown and/or Cheliax, and read a great deal of the Cheliax: Empire of Devils PDF. I probably should have focused more on the players hand guide for Council of Thieves, but I think, strangely enough it all worked out for the best in the end.
It's been fun actually rediscovering Adina, as I lost/forgot all of her previous stats when I managed to play her briefly in CoT a year or so back. I barely reached level 3 before everything stopped and as such have forgotten pretty much everything from the campaign and everything about Adina.
I didn't actually have much of a back story before, so really discovering who she is in my head, how she acts, what her desires are and what kind of person she really is has been a fun little challenge for me.
I can write really well (head grows), but just haven't ever had the patience to sit down and write a book. Yet, when I really get into something I just can't stop writing and so I thought I'd give my first play by post my all, so hopefully you won't be disappointed and I won't roleplay her in a shallow way.
Question on the roleplay aspect; Will we be typing in first or third person?
I've always roleplayed in first person as I feel it's best to really get inside the mind of your character and it makes your combat actions fit into place better, as you're actually performing the moves, not just describing them.
I thought I should ask as I've had a look at other PBP's where some people play third person and others first person, even though they're in the same adventure path together.
I'm going to finalise everything tonight I think. I'll probably post a level 20 build (spoilered) just so you can have a good idea of where I intend to take her. It's going to be strange not having a map in front of me, pushing models around a table. :p

Tilnar |

Tilnar - I'm not sure where I want you yet, but your storytelling ability impressed me, and your half-orc's story made me audibly 'd'aaaw' at how heartwarming it was. You've been quick to reply to my questions, which suggests to me that you have a genuine interest in the game. I'm leaning towards having one of your characters in CoT, but I'm not sure yet.
Thanks! (And again, apologies for not revising it before uploading it -- rough in some spots.) I like characters to have good and interesting backgrounds and I find that people often rely on the "parents killed" trope -- the idea of the trait just clicked for me (the idea that his birth was the "biggest" scandal of his mothers), and it all kind of fell into place from there.
I must say that I hope to get picked, because I really do like the idea of working with a DM who's as excited as you are -- and one who really seems to care about character development.

halplm |

Awesome, I'm looking forward to the campaign! I have an alias set up and should be ready with her story and such finalized when we get started. This is my first Witch, and I'm a little bit confused about the stats for the Familiar, but we can work that out in OOC.
I'm excited about Jynerva, as well.

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Here is my application for Uriah Hays.
Uriah Hays was born in Absalom, the son of Jordan Hays, a Pathfinder and adventurer. Jordan was born in Alkenstar and had grown in experience patrolling the Mana Wastes. Recruited by the Pathfinders and sent on various missions, he met his wife Pontia Fullona while in Westcrown on a mission to recover lost artifacts from the sealed Lodge. Falling in love and taking her with him to Absalom, they had Uriah two years later.
When Uriah was 12 he was confronted with the harsh truth of a Pathfinder's life. No matter how noble or skilled, a Pathfinder risks their life on a regular basis, and Jordan eventually did not return from one of his missions. Taking the widow's pension offered her by the Pathfinders, Pontia returned to Westcrown with her son Uriah in tow, vowing to raise him herself, far from the influence of the Society.
Uriah discovered his father's legacy when he was 15. An old battered trunk, locked in the attic and covered in dust and spider webs, contained Jordan's journals, notes, and diagrams for strange sites and weapons. Wrapped in the bottom of the trunk Uriah found a wrapped gift, with a note on it from his father.
To my son, remember your past and always fight for your future."
Inside the package was Jordan's first pistol, well cared for and carefully stored for the day his son would be ready for it. Uriah wasted no time devouring his father's journals, and soon learned to craft his own bullets and repair the old pistol as needed when it inevitably misfired during his practice sessions.
Noticing the growing darkness in Westcrown, Uriah has taken to wearing his father's duster and battered hat, a pistol strapped to his leg and short sword at his side. Traveling the night and confronting those he deems criminals, he arrives to save those in need and leaves as mysteriously, never giving his name.
Uriah is tall, with black hair and scars on his right hand from various gun related accidents. His left eye is blue and his right is green. Lean muscle on a quick frame compliment his easy smile, and Uriah takes little seriously until combat begins. Once a fight starts he is deadly serious, using his sword and pistol to bring those who would victimize others to justice, in this world or the next.

DM Acid |

You're very welcome, CaptainCortez!
I strongly prefer 3rd person narratives to 1st person for the single reason that it...kind of weirds me out to hear 'I' from my players when they're acting as their characters. It's a silly hang up I have, and its one that I can try to get over if enough people prefer 1st. I've had issues before with things getting heated between players who had a hard time with the ooc/ic line. I feel using third person gives an extra level of...separation between the characters and the players.
I'll have questions up for you in a little bit, Belodek.

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CaptainCortez |

Acid: Aww, really?
It's strange, when I came onto these boards I couldn't work out why people were typing in third person. To me, third person is telling a story where as first person is playing the story.
With the Alias options for posts, it allows you to post as your character (name and all) and below this text box in the BBCode tags, there's an Out of Character code for when you're typing in first person, but want to switch to third person or ask your DM a question.
It goes like this:
"I run up a wall in an attempt to grab a ledge higher than I can usually reach."
DM: You fail your acrobatics check, falling down knocking yourself unconscious...
Really? That sucks. It must be a bad day for Adina.
So yea, I think the Alias' were intended for first person, but to be honest, it probably just depends on player preference.
I can probably do third person no problem, but it just makes things so long winded (and less fun for me, as my imagination works much better when I try to get into the mind of my character/s, acting like them at any given situation).
It all depends on what you're okay with though. Every time I play I act in first person, but if you're really against the idea, I might be able to mix the two making it more interesting, but whenever it comes to speech I just naturally have a habit of typing what she/he'd say in speech marks from a first person perspective. :)
I think it's part of the fun really. Typing in first person means you're actually roleplaying as your character and not just telling the story. It sure beats posting as yourself like you can do on every other forum. :p
Anyway, I'll get my stuff finalised (very nearly done). ;)
A normal Barb would have been far better for damage output, but makes little sense to me for this campaign setting. I see people like Conan living out in the wild or in small settlements temporarily that they find during their travels. So although it's less effective, Urban Barbarian is the best choice for her history.
Also, are you going to be including rules for chopping off limbs? Supposedly the rules for this are in Ultimate Combat, so I'll give it a look in a minute.
Thanks man. :)
I bet you'll be happy when this recruitment stage is over as you won't have to click on several hundred spoiler tabs. :p