Calypsopoxta |

Just to set up, I'll go through the paces:
Near as I can tell, any damage that isn't precision based that is added to an alchemists bomb damage is part of it's splash damage. A few examples:
Weapon Specializations (if multiclassed fighter)
Knowledge devotion (3.5 feat)
Arcane Strike (if multicalssed caster)
Ioun stones
Enhancement bonuses (not even sure this can happen for alchy bombs, doubt it)
The new discovery, Immolation Bomb reads:
Immolation Bomb*: When the alchemist creates a bomb, he
can choose to have its substance coat the direct target’s body,
causing the bomb to deal its damage over time instead of all
at once. The bomb’s effect lasts for a number of rounds equal
to the number of damage dice the bomb would normally deal
(for instance, a 5d6 bomb lasts for 5 rounds). When the bomb
hits the direct target, the bomb deals 1d6 + the alchemist’s
Intelligence modifier in damage, and those within the splash
zone take damage equal to 1 + the alchemist’s Intelligence
modifier. It repeats this damage against the direct target of
the bomb each round the immolation bomb lasts, dealing the
damage at the start of the alchemist’s turn. Splash damage
is dealt again to any creature that is adjacent to the direct
target when it takes damage from the immolation bomb.
A creature taking damage from an immolation bomb’s
direct hit can attempt to extinguish the f lames as a fullround
action that requires a Ref lex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the
alchemist’s level + the alchemist’s Intelligent modifier).
Because of the alchemical nature of this bomb, rolling on
the ground does not grant a bonus on the saving throw, and
dousing a creature with water does not stop it from burning.
These bombs can be used underwater. An alchemist must be
at least 3rd level before selecting this discovery.
Yeah, kindof wordy. Anyways, does this apply 1d6 + int mod + any other modifiers each tick?

Jeff1964 |

I wouldn't think that any additional damage from weapon specialization, point-blank shot, or other such feats would apply for anything other than the first round. Arcane Strike wouldn't either. Really, I can't think of any additional damage that might carry over round by round, at least in Pathfinder. I'm not familiar with the Knowledge devotion or what it does.