The number of future important NPC's in Jade Regent

Jade Regent

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'd like to ask how many male and female future important ( i.e. relationship enabled ) and romanceable NPC's we will get in the future modules.

The next one or two modules would also suffice, as I think by this point everybody in my group who wants to participate in the system will have picked at least one NPC to be her/his one special one, to start a non-romantic relationship or romance.

At this point I am already thinking about adding Kelda Oxgutter to the group of "important" NPC's, because as it stands, one guy and one girl in my group may be left out in the cold, unless we get at least that number of new added NPC's in the next module of the AP. I don't really consider Koya to be a likely romance option for my players. ^^

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So, hm, I guess this was not the best question to ask when the devs are all away at GenCon? ^^

Liberty's Edge

magnuskn wrote:
So, hm, I guess this was not the best question to ask when the devs are all away at GenCon? ^^

Probably not. :P

magnuskn wrote:
So, hm, I guess this was not the best question to ask when the devs are all away at GenCon? ^^

it is a bad idea to ask when the devs are away.

magnuskn wrote:

I'd like to ask how many male and female future important ( i.e. relationship enabled ) and romanceable NPC's we will get in the future modules.

The next one or two modules would also suffice, as I think by this point everybody in my group who wants to participate in the system will have picked at least one NPC to be her/his one special one, to start a non-romantic relationship or romance.

At this point I am already thinking about adding Kelda Oxgutter to the group of "important" NPC's, because as it stands, one guy and one girl in my group may be left out in the cold, unless we get at least that number of new added NPC's in the next module of the AP. I don't really consider Koya to be a likely romance option for my players. ^^

I would like to know that as well.

and I also think Koya as a non-romance option for players, unless they are playing an old wizard (which is unlikely)

Azure_Zero wrote:
and I also think Koya as a non-romance option for players, unless they are playing an old wizard (which is unlikely)

I haven't seen Jade Regent books beyond Player's Guide, so... Is it true that Koya has lowest Romance threshold of all the four major NPCs introduced in the first book?

It's true. From lower to higher it goes like this:

Koya, Shalelu, Sandru and Ameiko.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Since it seems James is once again looking at threads, I'll bump this one, because I'd really like an answer ( aaand a beautiful high-resolution picture of Ameiko as drawn by Wayne Reyolds. :p ). :)

I'd love to know this as well. It'd be nice info to pass along to my players.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
magnuskn wrote:

I'd like to ask how many male and female future important ( i.e. relationship enabled ) and romanceable NPC's we will get in the future modules.

The next one or two modules would also suffice, as I think by this point everybody in my group who wants to participate in the system will have picked at least one NPC to be her/his one special one, to start a non-romantic relationship or romance.

At this point I am already thinking about adding Kelda Oxgutter to the group of "important" NPC's, because as it stands, one guy and one girl in my group may be left out in the cold, unless we get at least that number of new added NPC's in the next module of the AP. I don't really consider Koya to be a likely romance option for my players. ^^

Here's my best guess. Note that we're only now starting work on part 4 of Jade Regent, so some of these guesses might end up changing once we get to the last two APs.


Part 1: Ameiko, Koya, Shalelu, and Sandru. These are the only ones we'll be giving official romance scores for, but there's plenty of others that could be made into romance or rivalry options. Just in this first one, some good additions could beKelda Oxgutter, Spivey, Walthus Proudstump, and Buttersnips.

Part 2: Ulf Gormundr (male), the guide who'll lead you over the crown of the world.

Part 3: None come to mind.

Part 4: Miyaro (female), a woman who'll help the PCs navigate the Forest of Spirits and otherwise aid in introducing them to Tian Xia.

Part 5: A friendly geisha (no name yet, female) and Hirabashi Jiro (male), a ronin.

Part 6: None come to mind.

There'll be PLENTY more NPCs to pick from in each adventure's encounters as well. But as I said above, only the four listed in "Brinewall Legacy" are going to be given official romance/rivaly support.

By the sounds of it, these rules are VERY popular though. I wouldn't be surprised to see us expand on them in future APs!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

SnowHeart wrote:
I'd love to know this as well. It'd be nice info to pass along to my players.

Keep in mind that most of the good options for future NPC romances and rivalries are spoilery.

You can certainly tell your PCs that more NPCs can be relationshipizied, though... but I wouldn't say which ones.

James Jacobs wrote:

There'll be PLENTY more NPCs to pick from in each adventure's encounters as well. But as I said above, only the four listed in "Brinewall Legacy" are going to be given official romance/rivaly support.

By the sounds of it, these rules are VERY popular though. I wouldn't be surprised to see us expand on them in future APs!

I'm glad to hear that you guys are getting such a positive response and that you might revisit the system. It's certainly something I'd like to see expanded upon.

I'm a little disappointed to hear that the original 4 Brinewall Legacy NPCs are the only ones we're going to see full-on romance stats for. I was looking forward to seeing that information in other NPC write-ups in future installments of Jade Regent. Luckily, it's a pretty simple system and the four NPCs provided in the Brinewall Legacy offer good examples to build options for other NPCs from.

I do have one question about future Jade Regent installments that I hope you can answer (but can understand if you can't/don't want to:


Would it change the AP much to reskin Kelda Oxgutter as a man? There are plenty of female romance options, but the AP seems a little light on romanceable dudes. At the start we only have Sandru and I know that my players will be looking for at least another guy to swoon over.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Eel wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

There'll be PLENTY more NPCs to pick from in each adventure's encounters as well. But as I said above, only the four listed in "Brinewall Legacy" are going to be given official romance/rivaly support.

By the sounds of it, these rules are VERY popular though. I wouldn't be surprised to see us expand on them in future APs!

I'm glad to hear that you guys are getting such a positive response and that you might revisit the system. It's certainly something I'd like to see expanded upon.

I'm a little disappointed to hear that the original 4 Brinewall Legacy NPCs are the only ones we're going to see full-on romance stats for. I was looking forward to seeing that information in other NPC write-ups in future installments of Jade Regent. Luckily, it's a pretty simple system and the four NPCs provided in the Brinewall Legacy offer good examples to build options for other NPCs from.

I do have one question about future Jade Regent installments that I hope you can answer (but can understand if you can't/don't want to: ** spoiler omitted **

Just because we didn't put romance scores and info in print for anyone else doesn't mean we'll stay quiet about that. In fact, that sounds like it might be a cool little blog post to do now and then!

As for your spoilered question...

There's no reason why you can't change Kelda to a man. Or Ameiko to a man. Or Sandru to a woman. Apart from the fact that you'd have to find different art for them if you want to show them to the PCs.

I chose to make Kelda a woman because "vikings" are almost always depicted as men, and I'm tired of that. Furthermore, I often try to put as many or more female NPCs in my adventures as I do male PCs, because the game's a male-dominated one and I like to see some equality there in things I write.

That said, Ulf Gormundr's coming in the 2nd volume, even if his cover shot doesn't happen until the 3rd one.

Note also that none of the romance options nail down NPC sexuality; they can be gay or straight or bisexual, however works for the PCs and the GM.

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
I'd like to ask how many male and female future important ( i.e. relationship enabled ) and romanceable NPC's we will get in the future modules.
Here's my best guess.
James Jacobs wrote:

Oh god.

I see her as more of a matchmaker, though.

"Awww, you two are so in love. That's so wonderful! I know: I'll stitch you together so you'll never be apart."

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thank you, James. :) Alright, there will be enough romanceable dudes as of part two. I think I'll keep Kelda for the journey, so that the three guys all have their chance at romance. :p

James Jacobs wrote:


As for your spoilered question...

*snip* Note also that none of the romance options nail down NPC sexuality; they can be gay or straight or bisexual, however works for the PCs and the GM.

As it came up and at risk of derailing the thread, I just wanted to quickly express my appreciation of this. I realize not everyone (most people?) don't care and, obviously, a GM can change things as they please, but I have a very inclusive table and some of my players will appreciate that the designers took this into consideration. So, thank you.
Liberty's Edge

Having a romantic relationship with a person more than one size category removed seems...difficult.

Belgerod wrote:
Having a romantic relationship with a person more than one size category removed seems...difficult.

There's always enlarge and reduce person spells.

Liberty's Edge

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
There's always enlarge and reduce person spells.

As long as you don't forget about the duration.

That would be bad.

Belgerod wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
There's always enlarge and reduce person spells.

As long as you don't forget about the duration.

That would be bad.

I've got a gnome trying to seduce Ameiko in the game I'm running; you've just won top spot on my Evil Ideas List.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Belgerod wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
There's always enlarge and reduce person spells.

As long as you don't forget about the duration.

That would be bad.

"What, why do we have to stop now? If you really loved me, you'd pay for someone to cast permanency as well!" <storms off>

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
SnowHeart wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Not sure why we're putting this in spoilers, but when in Rome...

Almost half my regular players are gay. Having said that, the only one who's played a gay PC is straight. I will be interested to see if that changes with Jade Regent.

Liberty's Edge

Better to lose an Enlarge than a Reduce. Glad to see I inspired you, that should be fun.

This Romance/Friendship/Rival thing seems pretty popular. It'd be cool if that becomes a recurring thing in future APs. I can't tell you how many times my players discussed wooing Svetlana away from her husband in my Kingmaker campaign, the rules would have come in handy.

On the subject of NPC romances.

One of my PbP players is running a young Ulfen Fighter and Kelda will be just perfect for him..if he didnt have a crush on Shalelu already. In addition we have one character who is Ameiko's best friend and two more who have crushes on male one should be interesting seeing how this pans out

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Belgerod wrote:

Better to lose an Enlarge than a Reduce. Glad to see I inspired you, that should be fun.

This Romance/Friendship/Rival thing seems pretty popular. It'd be cool if that becomes a recurring thing in future APs. I can't tell you how many times my players discussed wooing Svetlana away from her husband in my Kingmaker campaign, the rules would have come in handy.

It's actually an element we've always included in our APs, back to before when we were doing them in Dungeon magazine.

This is the first time we've really pushed the concept in a Player's Guide, though, and the first time we've done actual rules for them, so I think it's making it a lot more obvious than before, when it was semi-hidden in the context of the adventure's text.

In any event, I suspect we'll be keeping the rules around for future products for sure.

Could we expect a blog post with the rules (romance score, etc...) for major NPC of the past AP (I am thinking of Almah in Legacy of Fire for exemple...) ? It would be great !

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Lev wrote:
Could we expect a blog post with the rules (romance score, etc...) for major NPC of the past AP (I am thinking of Almah in Legacy of Fire for exemple...) ? It would be great !

I'll consider it... but that's a pretty extensive thing to "whip" together for a blog post, so it's not super likely.

2 or 3 blog posts then ;-)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I hope we see Ameiko in high resolution before that. :p

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Lev wrote:
Could we expect a blog post with the rules (romance score, etc...) for major NPC of the past AP (I am thinking of Almah in Legacy of Fire for exemple...) ? It would be great !
I'll consider it... but that's a pretty extensive thing to "whip" together for a blog post, so it's not super likely.

I've been pondering adding the Relationship rules to Legacy of Fire myself; in my game, PCs are either committed to or trending toward relationships of various stripes with Lady Almah, Dashki, Zasotran, Haleen, and, yes, Undrella.

What I could really use down the line is a more generalized take on these rules: How are Romance Scores determined? What makes for an appropriate devotion/enmity boon? (They appear to be roughly equivalent to feats, yes?)

For example, the Romance Scores for the major Jade Legacy NPCs are designed to allow/require PCs to build up their relationships over the course of many levels/most of the campaign. In an adventure path like Legacy of Fire, however, the window of opportunity for building a relationship with a given NPC may be far more limited.

Specific example:


Take Howl of the Carrion King for example. PCs meet Lady Almah at 1st level, which is all for the good. Dashki and Garavel appear at the same time, for that matter, and could make good rivals. Undrella may come in as early as 2nd level, and PCs meet Haleen at 3rd or 4th level. PCs may then have a year of game time to devote to these folks, but in terms of level gain (for the purpose of gift-giving), these relationships may be do-or-die by 6th level. More exotic relationship opportunities arise later in the campaign -- conceivably Dilix Mahad in Part Four, and even a remote possibility of Shazathared, who really doesn't factor until the very end of Part Five. Should these limited opportunities drop the NPCs' Romance Scores from the range we've seen so far (likely, otherwise these characters are probably unobtainable), and if so, should that lessen the boons they grant?

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