DM NomadSage's Jade Regent OOC

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Sorry - I was a bit out of it yesterday...

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

That's okay. I spend most of my best days shambling around looking for delicious brainz to munch on.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

mmmm ... brainz ...

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

hey, so when do we get to know what exactly we got?
who do i gotta punch around here to get some answers : )

Hehe! Each of the items I'm going to have to type up - I'll get them for sure this weekend.

That being said... CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed 'The Brinewall Legacy'! There are still plenty of loose ends to clean up between the castle and caravan, so we can resolve those as you desire, but otherwise the main part of the adventure is done. When you're all ready to move on, I'll start the next thread for Chapter 2 - 'The Night of Frozen Shadows'!

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

Right on! Congratulations, NomadSage. I'm not sure many PbPs actually even complete the first book of an AP. Good job all!

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

YAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!! *Waves hands in the air like a Muppet*

That said...loose ends anyone wants to explore? In the interests of trying to organize things, I'll just make a list of things I remember/can think of. Just please note that it's intended to be unbiased - I'm not necessarily in favor of or against any of them, but I do have my preferences:

1) Zaiobe's still floating around.
2) As is Buttersnips.
3) There was something in the church graveyard.
4) Ameiko and Koya may still want to actually see Brinewall castle or the church. Assuming the area isn't an Oni nest by dawn.
5) Caravan Upgrades
6) Gift/insult planning for level 3. We haven't really had much chance to interact with the important NPCs.

Anything anyone wants to add, or any preferences?

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14


1. Harlan will go to get her
2. She can rot in hell
3. Didn't hurt, let's make tracks
4. See 4
5. Soon as we level
6. It'll always be Sandru for me, though I need to find him a good gift.

Also, yay, we made it to Book 2.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

1) parity will go to protect Harlan ... Just in case
2) snicker
3) I'd be interested in knowing what that it is given all the evil here. Fills paritys need to see the balance in everything
4) I think lingering is bad and I think we need to see what Ame wants to do but they're gonna Chase her forever. Recommend pushing for Minkai
5) Yup
6) Yup
7).is there a city anywhere beyond us or are we pretty much on the edge of civilization?

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

Whatever happened to Kelda?

1)isn't Harpies contagious? just warn her and go.

2)Buttersnips- good riddance. as for the bodies- what bout dropping them by the cemetary on the way out? THat way we can check out the graveyard again.

3)see #2

4)I think they would like a quick look if possible.

5&6) probably need to wait until we hit a town.

Flex-time is still active on the game thread, so if you want to run some of these things down, feel free to initiate. I won't start the next thread for a bit yet - at least until you get back to the caravan.

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

Dang post eating monsters....

1. Never trust a harpy...I'm just saying.
2. Mal will help Heng with the bodies, taking the to the cemetary is a good way to give it our full attention for a bit.
3. Yup.
4. We can be tour guides if we need to, but I am not wearing a funny hat.
5. Not sure what to give Shalelu since I think we sold all of the goblin ears.
6. Up to you guys.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Right. Since it looks like everyone else has weighed in...

1) Honestly, if she's even still around by now it's probably best not to tempt fate.

2) Same. Plus Maeve still feels bad. Yes, I question her sanity too sometimes.

3) In this case....well, whoever or whatever it is probably deserves a warning, considering we have to go right by there.

4) Maeve: "I'll wear a funny hat!"

5/6) I have an idea, but like Heng said, actually getting to it will probably have to wait until we start the caravan trek and flex-time for that.

Aaand... the Nice Loot!

Harlan - Circlet of Mystic Healing:
This finely-wrought circlet is made from gold and red steel, decorated with a red-gold sunburst at the front, the rays of which flow and intertwine to become the headband.

While worn, the circlet provides a +1 competance bonus to your caster level when casting cure spells. The circlet also has 3 charges, which are renewed each day at dawn. As a swift action, you can spend a number of these charges to boost the next cure spell you cast before the end of your turn: 1 charge adds +2d6 points of healing, 2 charges adds +3d6 points of healing, 3 charges adds +4d6 points of healing.

Heng - Wraps of the Crushing Avalanche:
These paired strips of thick white cloth are embroidered with icy blue glyphs of mystic power that channel strength, resilience, and cold. When donned, the wraps fit comfortably to the hands, and the runes glow.

While worn, the wraps give the wearer cold resistance 5. Upon command, the wearer's hands are sheathed in icy cold; while active, unarmed strikes from the wearer deal an extra 1d6 cold damage on a successful hit. The cold does not damage the wearer, and remains until dismissed by the wearer.

Maeve - Dancing Butterfly:
This outfit is of exotic cut, with a form-fit base coat and harem pants and layers of overlapping gold, white and black silk. When the wearer moves, the layers flutter gracefully like a regal butterfly in flight.

While worn, this outfit empowers the wearer with exceptional acrobatic prowess. The wearer gains a +5 competance bonus to Acrobatics checks and their base land speed is increased by 5 feet. Once per day, as a standard action, the wearer can send the layered silks into a weaving, swirling dance of their own, granting them concealment (20% miss chance) for 1 minute.

Malnival - Coat of the Elfen Gaijin:
This armor coat is of the Tian lamellar style, stringing small plates of gleaming mithril in parallel rows with fine, red silk ribbon. It is sized for an elf's figure, and the mithril plates are etched with elven scrollwork.

The Coat is a+2 mithril lamellar steel armor of nimbleness. While worn, the armor counts as light armor for purposes of movement and proficiency. The armor has a +6 armor bonus, +2 enhancement bonus, maximum Dexterity bonus of +6, Armor Check Penalty of 0, Arcane Spell Failure chance of 15%, and weighs 15 pounds.

Additionally, once per day, as a swift action, you can gain the benefits of the Evasion feat for 1 round.

Parity - Chaincloth Cloak:
This cloak appears to be dull gray cloth at a distance, but close examination reveals it is actually comprised of tiny links of fine steel. It carries a scent of iron, smoke and weapon oil, but weighs and folds like regular cloth.

While worn, the cloak grants the wearer a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws and a +1 deflection bonus to AC. Once per day, as a standard action, the wearer can command the cloak to completely envelop their body, giving them a temporary +2 enhancment bonus to natural armor class for 1 minute.

You also understand these items have legacy powers locked within, which will become available as you advance your destiny.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Quick question while I play around with trying to add this to Herolab - is Maeve's a "body" slot item, "Armor" slot, or "Slotless?"

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

Woot for loot!

Maeve Haela wrote:
Quick question while I play around with trying to add this to Herolab - is Maeve's a "body" slot item, "Armor" slot, or "Slotless?"

Body - like a robe...

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

very cool. suits Heng well : )

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

Very nice!

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

loose ends- since i'm keeping track of party loot...

what was the final tally on Buttersnips protection money and what was in the chest we found under the priest's bed under the shrine?

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

My posting will be a little off/on starting tomorrow afternoon, I'm going in for elective eye surgery and while I'm sure the painkillers will have me feeling smurfy I won't be allowed to strain my eyes for a few days.

Harlan Starshine wrote:
My posting will be a little off/on starting tomorrow afternoon, I'm going in for elective eye surgery and while I'm sure the painkillers will have me feeling smurfy I won't be allowed to strain my eyes for a few days.

Smurftastic! Good luck!

Heng wrote:
what was the final tally on Buttersnips protection money and what was in the chest we found under the priest's bed under the shrine?

Maeve loses her pin, but you gain 220 gp of jewelery in return.

The small locker holds four +2 evil outsider bane arrows, a phylactery of faithfulness, and scrolls of cure moderate wounds, remove disease, and restoration.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)
Heng wrote:


Heng stands still watching the creature closely and mindful of his recent encounter with Buttersnips although this creature has a far less frantic and brash demeanor. He simply asks, "What are you?"

"I'm Batman."

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 || just occurred to me that people are posting in multiple places when the impression I was kind of under was that the group split. Is that the case, or should I do posts for the other areas?

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

I think you are right , I just got carried away with the flex time from before.

Actually, I assumed flex-time was still ongoing, so if you want to "be everywhere at once", that's fine by me. Temporal distortion is in effect! ;o)

If there's anything else you want to wrap up in Brinewall, feel free to play it out in the game thread. Otherwise, I'm going to plan on starting Ch II hopefully this weekend. I'll post the link once the new thread is active!

EDIT: OH! And for completing the first chapter, you all have enough experience for 4th level! Huzzah!

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

BAM! 4th level misty eyed monk

hp 1d5 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

*Bites lip* Decisions decisions. Monk (Martial Artist) or another bard level. The former upgrades unarmed strikes into something useful, gives Flurry, but means I'm stuck with the wands of mage armor for the rest of my career (or until I find bracers of armor that someone else doesn't like or want.) The other upgrades Bardic Knowledge and gets second level spells....probably gonna need a few hours to think it over.

EDIT: Also, Maeve won't touch that 220 GP. And may punch anyone suggesting she take a share. Just saying.

EDIT EDIT: And because I just realized the choice doesn't really affect HP either way: 1d5 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 2 = 8

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

+1 Level Vanguard ... woot

HP:1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Ability Score: +1 Strength

+1 BAB
+1 Fort Save
+1 Will Save

Bonus Feat: Cleave

2nd Level Spells Known: Belker's Claws & Chain of Eyes
(will change if research in city required)

Skills: (3)
Perception +1
Intimidate +1
Swim +1

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk
DM NomadSage wrote:
Heng wrote:
what was the final tally on Buttersnips protection money and what was in the chest we found under the priest's bed under the shrine?

Maeve loses her pin, but you gain 220 gp of jewelery in return.

The small locker holds four +2 evil outsider bane arrows, a phylactery of faithfulness, and scrolls of cure moderate wounds, remove disease, and restoration.

Heng's not interested in the shakedown $$ either.

Put it in the "Parity Fund" Ba-dump-dunk!

arrows to Malnival?
Scrolls to Harlan?

phylactery anyone? Could be a gift for Koya- Heng could use it for that if no one is particularly interested.

If anyone else is interested in building their relationship with her, you could use it as well. I think she will be the focus of all Heng's relationship building as he ain't much of an extrovert.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

Shakedown ... sigh, you guys were 3 seconds from cutting her in two, and I'm the bad guy for taking what's freely offered. Ah! the intricacies of morality :)

I started a new thread for the 2nd chapter, but its kinda gooned up right now. Hopefully the mods can get it linked to the campaign page soon. Here it is, though: LINK

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

I'll try to get my sheet (both versions) updated and synced by tomorrow morning.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

You know, silly question: Does the extra attack from Haste/speed type effects stack with the extra attack from TWF/Flurry. My basic assumption would be 'yes' making the first attacks from primary/off-hand weapons go at -2/-2/-2 from BAB but I'm not really sure.

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

HP" 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Maeve Haela wrote:
You know, silly question: Does the extra attack from Haste/speed type effects stack with the extra attack from TWF/Flurry. My basic assumption would be 'yes' making the first attacks from primary/off-hand weapons go at -2/-2/-2 from BAB but I'm not really sure.

Yeah, based on what I can find on the boards, the current interpretation is that flurry and haste can stack.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

Maeve- Does that mean we're going all Double Dragon?

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Well, eventually. One of my first 2nd-level Bard spells is going to be Allegro which is a self-haste that requires an active Performance. Something I need to think about.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Okay, sheets updated (including an intent to sell off that MW Studded leather at the next village.)

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Apologies for the lack of posting lately. I'll be updated tonight (hopefully before my sushi making class).

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)
Maeve Haela wrote:
Quick question while I play around with trying to add this to Herolab - is Maeve's a "body" slot item, "Armor" slot, or "Slotless?"

I've been thinking about picking up HeroLab ... I assume there's no SuperGenius (i.e. Vanguard) pre-built but does it allow you to make your own custom class?

Any other thoughts on it's worth? Or alternatives if there's something better?

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

I use it and like it. You can build your own classes, if you're lucky someone has done it for you, as it can be a lot of work. It's powerful with good forums but if you buy every packages (not really needed) it can add up quick.

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

Sheet updated. I will want to try to gift Shalelu with a Bow +2 Str we found.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Herolab is definitely worth the money, and there might be add-on files for Supergenius from third parties. While it's possible to add custom classes, it's something of a pain and I wouldn't recommend it if you're just going to use it for the one game.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Looks like Tim Shadow made a couple of them already, he may be able to help with the Vanguard class. Also Herolab is free to download and preview, you just can't save or print.

Hero Lab Repository

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

Yeah, I decided to pick it up. Will help immensely with the game I'm running as well.

I saw Tim Shadow's stuff ... may be able to work something out. Seems like you need to be part computer scientist to build some of the stuff. :)

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

1d8 ⇒ 4

Harlan Starshine
4th Level Oracle of Life

HP +4+1

+1 Diplomacy
+1 Ride
+1 K. Religion
+1 Spellcraft
+2 Perception

BAB +1

+1 Will



Cure Moderate Wounds
Restoration, Lesser
Resist Energy

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

Additionally, I know playing the "not good" dude can be a bit of a pain in the ass for everyone else, so if it's goes beyond the fun roleplaying conflict bit and starts to interfere with player enjoyment, please let me know. Not my goal at all, I just wanted to try something challenging.

You have no idea how many posts I write and then delete, thinking that maybe I'm pushing it too far.

I just see Parity as struggling with his own lot in life and trying to make sense of it in the bigger world, combined with a lack of education, a chip on his shoulder, and an immature development in empathy (not a lack). However, he's a powerful personality so some times things come out a bit discordant, yeah? If it's off mark, please holla.



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