DM NomadSage's Jade Regent OOC

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Did you only take one armring, or all of them? I don't recall it was ever specified, but they were made of gold so I assumed you'd have looted them.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

I think we took them and sold all but one? The one to be used in case we needed to show who had attacked us.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

...sorry, couldn't resist.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

I don't see that we did specify what we did with the spoils. I probably should have been up on that. There were something like 30 sets of chain shirts, battle axes, small shields and armrings. Did we have room in the caravan for all that? We didn't sell anything, but mainly due to oversight...

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

We haven't sold them yet, but the plan was to sell all of that stuff except the arm bands because we didn't want to sell them in a town where people might recognize them. The loot rules for caravans are 50 pounds of treasure per cargo unit so we should've had plenty of room at that stage to get all of it loaded up.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

that makes sense. Now we just have to see if the GM is going to go easy on us and allow us to have them along.

Yeah, if you haven't sold them, no reason you can't have them with you.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

By the way, PLEASE shoot that idea down. I'm OOCly aware of a number problems, but . . . you know, Maeve doesn't always think more than one step ahead.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

done :)

Are we stuck? ;p

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

No, we are still at work. F*** this job.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Or asleep, then at work.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk
Parity wrote:
No, we are still at work. F*** this job.

Tru dat. Damn job getting in the way of gaming! :P

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Sorry I was trying to kill my wife's PFS character and just got home. :D

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk
Harlan Starshine wrote:
Sorry I was trying to kill my wife's PFS character and just got home. :D

I killed a friend's wife's PFS character the other week. She took it quite well, but I wouldn't recommend it.

You guys crack me up! :D

Sorry for the pace slowdown... longer work-days than normal, and I haven't had much opportunity to update during the day. I'm trying to get at least one round out per day.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

GM- I was wondering why I took AoOs, but I now see you noted we hadn't finished round 5 yet. It would help if you posted Initiative order each round and maybe bolded where we are at the moment.

I've been trying to do that with my post. It helps when our actions may be interrupted. In this case, maybe waiting to recap until just before the mooks and Helva went, although Asvig was kind of in the middle of things. I could wait to post, but many times things bog down as everyone is waiting for the other guy to post first.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

For ease of reference-

Loot list:

Helva’s ring (magic)
Elven boots (magic),
Asvig potion (magic),
short spear (magic),
Mwk chainmail
Mwk short sword with a walrus ivory pommel cap,
Mwk heavy wood shield
Platinum armring
30+ 19 +12= 61 gold lion-head armrings,
Gold neck ring
Gold ring pin brooch
Gold and copper brooch
a jeweled box brooch,
5 copper neck rings,
5 silver ringed pin brooches,
5 silver pommel caps,
an ornate whalebone tally stick,
50 ft silk rope
4 fine felt cloaks,
3 small bales of fine angora wool,
felt bag containing 258 sp and 47 gp.

No posts in a long strech... where'd everyone go?

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

I'd been feeling under the weather for the past few days, but it's really started hitting me in the last 18 hours or so. I'll try to get more with it after I've had a solid rest.

No worries... things just got very quiet all of a sudden. Get rest and hope you feel better soon! =D

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

Parity would like to keep Asvigs armband as a trophy. If there's a potential issue with that, we can role play it out.

Inputs have been alarmingly slow this week. Understand Chris's been sick, but that's 1 of 5. Everything okay?

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

sorta in a wait for this one thread to play out before we can move on ... not a lot of parallel options ...

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Sorry, had wireless go down for the entire State and I've been working on that all week, haven't had much time or energy to post.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

hey GM NomadSage- would you mind marking Brinewall Legacy as no longer active? There's a button near the top when you edit the campaign page.

Heng wrote:
hey GM NomadSage- would you mind marking Brinewall Legacy as no longer active? There's a button near the top when you edit the campaign page.


Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

Thank you, Sir!

All my games have been really slow over the last week as well. I think it must just be folks getting busy as spring starts.

I'm up late finishing ME3 and reading all the conspiracy theories. =) I'll get R2-3 up tomorrow morning.

As for the current event, sorry I wasn't very clear earlier... I'm trying something a little different, like a skill challenge from 4e - I couched it in a round-by-round format, but its not like a pure combat round. One roll/action per "turn". Your successes/failures in the skill checks determine how quickly (or if) you reach the boat. You can use your skills/spells/abilities in creative fashion, and I'll tally that into your progress. If you gain enough successes in time, you reach the boat before it burns. If not... dun dun dunnnnnh! Does that make sense?

On the rest question... no. You decided to press on with a short break and coffee.

On the AC question... yes. The archers gain the bonus because they know your destination (lead fire).

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

more fog in the forecast. it might be time to invest in a fan feather token.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

Never been so happy to be blind ... mist/fog ... say what now?

Sorry for the delay today - power was out most of the morning/afternoon.

I see a parallel to the hurried escape from Jabba's floating palace here. :o)

Anyway... Congrats! You just made 5th level!

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Woo hoo! Will post level when home, depending on how late these consultants are in the office today.

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

Sweet!! Will start stating it out.

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

HP: 1d5 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

HP: 1d5 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

Not much for monks at 5th- get all jumpy and i'm thinking I'll take Extra Ki for my feat. I'm kinda digging the Ki bonuses. Also my archetype can now burn Ki to give an ally a re-roll so that might be handy.

Hp- 1d5 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

unfortunately, that doesn't apply to HPs :P

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

1d5 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Add spells:
1 - Touch of Gracelessness
2 - Ghoul Touch

Additionally, I have a spell swap this level, can I save it or is it use/lose? I intend to swap out for color spray, but I think it'll be effective for another level. I think the SRD says no, but it's worded strangely.

Gain Craft Magic Arms/Armor for my falcata at this level. It's half time, but if we restrict Parity to enhancements encountered, can he get half cost as well? Remember this weapon is only useable by Parity. For everyone else, it's a masterwork weapon

Gain Vanguard spell pen (+enhancement bonus on attack rolls to spell pen checks)

Perception +1
Intimidate +1
Stealth +1
Linguistics +1 (time to break down and learn Tien ... some body wanna teach this not so bright boy?)

Cleaving Finish
(there's actually a falcata feat in the Inner Sea World Guide ... won't take it but I was surprised)

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk
Parity wrote:

Linguistics +1 (time to break down and learn Tien ... some body wanna teach this not so bright boy?)

Heng is patient and very proud of actually learning a new language. He was planning on starting a conversational Tien class during his tea time with Koya. Parity is invited if he can behave around Koya. : )

Hmmm, now I'm thinking I might like to try out some of the Style Feats.
I was interested in Dragon or Mantis as a way to get my stunning fist DC high enough to actually affect someone.

Has he monk bonus feat list been updated to include Style Feats?

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Unfortunately, no. That seems to have been specifically reserved for the Master of Many Styles (admittedly, it's most useful for them since they're really the only monks who probably want more than one chain.)

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

hmmm, it does seem like time to update the monk bonus feat list. Extra Ki seems like a natural as well as all the added combat expertise tree feats. I get one next level and nothing is particularly useful. maybe deflect arrow just because? I'm surprised none of the Greater feats made it on.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

I think right now they're just trying to get the class repaired and archetypes working again, what with the Flurry blowup. Glad I haven't been doing PFS lately, the nightmare of explaining that a Zen Archer needs two bows by current RAW and RAI to a couple of players must not have been fun.

So, for a monk to take a style, they have to use their regular odd-level feats?

RE: Parity - Given the restrictions, I'd allow a 20% discount on materials.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

1d5 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
+1 Level Oracle
+1 Skill point favored class
+1d6 channel
Level 1 Spell Command
Level 2 Spell Shield Other
+3 Perception
+1 Ride
+1 Spellcraft
+1 Linguistics (Tien if Harlan is allowed to attend the classes with Koya, else Diplomacy)
Feat Precise Shot

Harlan Starshine wrote:
+1 Linguistics (Tien if Harlan is allowed to attend the classes with Koya, else Diplomacy)

Koya doesn't know Tien, but Ameiko (obviously) does; between her and Maeve, lessons are not a problem. Once you set out from Brinewall with the intent of going to Minkai, we'll assume you started group sessions during the journey.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

I wasn't sure if Koya knew Tien, but Heng does and would be happy to teach what he knows although Ameiko is more fluent : )

yeah, monk needs an update. I think they were trying to keep it too close to 1st edition when the game has changed far too much for that. I like the class and I'm happy with Heng- i played him through 4th level in PFS.
we'll see how he does at intermediate levels.

Well, Heng seems to work well against ninjas! :o)

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

Ill-gotten gains:

Magic Ulfen helm
Stone-Eye's stone eye
MW chain shirt
MW greataxe
Twelve armrings, decorated with silver and gold runes.
Iron sceptre covered in tiny, glittering gems.
Merchant's scale set of exquisite design, with a full array of precise weights.

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