Gunslinger + Rogue / Ninja = Easy Sneak Attacks


This thought occurred to me last night and as far as I can tell it would be perfectly legal.

Gunslinger 7/Rogue or Ninja 13
Feats: Rapid Reload Pistol, Two-Weapon Fighting
Items: 2 pistols, 2 weapon cords, Paper cartridges
Class features: Gun-training, Startling Shot, Sneak-Attack
Final BAB: 16/11/6/1

The strategy:

1) Start off combat wielding both pistols. Use TWF to fire and intentionally miss (Startling Shot) to make the target flat-footed for the round, then drop the pistol (free action).

2) Continue full-attack (using paper cartridges), applying sneak-attacks within 30 feet. Reload pistol as fee action via paper cartridge.

3) Round two, use pistol in current hand as TWF (intentionally miss for Startling Shot) , reload it (paper cartridge), and drop it.

4) Swift-action redraw other weapon and full-attack applying sneak-attacks.

5) Rinse and repeat.

Each attack will take a -4 penalty for TWF but since they hit touch AC and you've stacked Dexterity, it should not be an issue. The only legality issue is whether one can take a swift-action in between TWF and full-attack. I could not find anything prohibiting it.

My question to you all is what manner of optimization should be done for the rogue/ninja section of this build? Are there any good feats or archetypes that would benefit this build?

Thanks in advance.

The problem is that Startling Shot is a standard action so you are not able to do a full attack with it.

Silt wrote:
The problem is that Startling Shot is a standard action so you are not able to do a full attack with it.

I have not seen the final version of the Gunslinger from UC, but from what I understand from Cheapy and others is that the final version did not change much from the second play test.

Startling Shot:
Startling Shot (Ex): At 7th level, when the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point and misses a creature with a firearm attack, the target of the attack becomes f lat-footed until the start of its next turn. A gunslinger can aim at but purposely choose to miss a target in order to gain this effect.
The wording of Startling Shot in round 2 of the play test does not require a standard action, it is on any missed attack.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Cibulan wrote:
Silt wrote:
The problem is that Startling Shot is a standard action so you are not able to do a full attack with it.

I have not seen the final version of the Gunslinger from UC, but from what I understand from Cheapy and others is that the final version did not change much from the second play test.

** spoiler omitted ** The wording of Startling Shot in round 2 of the play test does not require a standard action, it is on any missed attack.

From UC: Startling Shot (Ex): At 7th level, a gunslinger with least 1

grit point can spend a standard action to purposely miss a
creature that she could normally hit with a firearm attack.
When she does, that creature becomes flat-footed until the
start of its next turn.

riatin wrote:
Cibulan wrote:
Silt wrote:
The problem is that Startling Shot is a standard action so you are not able to do a full attack with it.

I have not seen the final version of the Gunslinger from UC, but from what I understand from Cheapy and others is that the final version did not change much from the second play test.

** spoiler omitted ** The wording of Startling Shot in round 2 of the play test does not require a standard action, it is on any missed attack.

From UC: Startling Shot (Ex): At 7th level, a gunslinger with least 1

grit point can spend a standard action to purposely miss a
creature that she could normally hit with a firearm attack.
When she does, that creature becomes flat-footed until the
start of its next turn.

Alrighty, they changed it. I don't agree with the change. The class was mediocre at best in round two, and I haven't been too impressed with what has been leaked from UC. Between the terrible action economy of firearms and the fact that all of their class features are either full-round or standard actions for subpar returns, there's little to be excited about.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

What's strange about Startling Shot is that the target doesn't even have to be aware of the Gunslinger. The gunslinger can be in a silenced area and invisible. The target is still flat-footed, to everyone, for a round. That's weird.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Chris Mortika wrote:
What's strange about Startling Shot is that the target doesn't even have to be aware of the Gunslinger. The gunslinger can be in a silenced area and invisible. The target is still flat-footed, to everyone, for a round. That's weird.

I think the name of the ability makes the intent of the ability clear. A GM is free to rule that a silenced invisible gunslinger can't use this ability.

I would probably allow it though. Feeling/hearing a bullet whiz past your head is pretty startling, especially if you weren't expecting it.

I suppose in the grand scheme of net utility it might be worthwhile for the gunslinger to burn his turn to make the opponent flat-footed if the party's rogue can do more damage than the gunslinger could, but is that fun? It reminds me of 4e's warlord: I spend my turn to let my friend do something. Yay, /sarcasm.

A lot of the Gunslinger's class features are lack-luster:
-Gunslinger's Dodge: Kinda situational but useful in a ranged heavy game.
-Quick clear: Fixes firearms
-Pistol Whip: Not likely for a dexterity heavy ranged character, last resort if anything.
-Utility Shot: Eh, I guess you may need to scoot an object or break a lock (where'd the rogue go?), but probably once in a blue moon.
-Dead-Shot: Vital Strike's full-round brother, weak.
-Startling Shot: Spend your turn to let someone else do something cool.
-Targeting: Decent, one of their few good deeds
-Etc., etc.

I can't rightfully think of using the gunslinger other than a 5 or 7 level dip and then going into another class's firearm archetype.

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