DM Aron Marczylo's Kingmaker OOC

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Human Ranger 3 / Rogue 2
HP 38/38; AC 18, touch 13, Flat Footed 15; CMD 19; Fort +3, Reflex +9 (Evasion), Will +4; Perception +11 (+1 v traps; +2 v Humans); Initiative +3

Fair enough. Besides I'd have to put ranks in diplomacy in order to get the best of it. I'll most likely use bluff for my social skills to better make for Ganit's rogue-lyness. It could also help if I'm joining Bronwyn for some stupid infiltration again. Kressel did say that green booze-ahol was for the stag lord...

Female Changling(Hulking) Sorcerer - Orc Bloodline/5 - HP: 12/28; AC16,T14,FF13

How about something along the nature of "Freedom's Claws" or "Evil's Bane"

Human Ranger 3 / Rogue 2
HP 38/38; AC 18, touch 13, Flat Footed 15; CMD 19; Fort +3, Reflex +9 (Evasion), Will +4; Perception +11 (+1 v traps; +2 v Humans); Initiative +3

The Super Action Revengers

Female Changling(Hulking) Sorcerer - Orc Bloodline/5 - HP: 12/28; AC16,T14,FF13

I thought there were only 4 of them, although Ganit, you would probably look great in the tight pink outfit.

Human Ranger 3 / Rogue 2
HP 38/38; AC 18, touch 13, Flat Footed 15; CMD 19; Fort +3, Reflex +9 (Evasion), Will +4; Perception +11 (+1 v traps; +2 v Humans); Initiative +3

Obviously. The pink ranger was the best of the bunch. I don't think anyone else has the skills (or class levels) to compare.

Male Human Fighter (Armor Master) 4
DM Aron Marczylo wrote:
Carina Stigard wrote:
We could go with "Scards" to use the first letter of each current character's last name.

Would be nice to have a name as otherwise everyone will simply call you guys "the warriors of the greenbelt" or "warriors of the stolen lands" or another variation. Plus your names might travel beyond these lands, which it is in whispers which is how Oleg has been getting better stuff from traders.

wil have to say no to the talent due to the argument Alex brought up that I quite agree with.

Cambyl's Brave or Cambyl's Crusaders are my submissions.

Male Orc Expert 5

I should have a proper submission to you soemtime tomorrow evening. Would ahve been done tonight but I had to run to the emergency room with my nine month old daughter. She's okay.

I'll see about getting an actual back history written and turned in tonight though.

Female Changling(Hulking) Sorcerer - Orc Bloodline/5 - HP: 12/28; AC16,T14,FF13
TarkXT wrote:

I should have a proper submission to you soemtime tomorrow evening. Would ahve been done tonight but I had to run to the emergency room with my nine month old daughter. She's okay.

I'll see about getting an actual back history written and turned in tonight though.

Glad she is ok, I have a 5 year old and a 7 year old and worry every time I get a call that something has happened to one of them.

Male Human Fighter (Armor Master) 4
TarkXT wrote:

I should have a proper submission to you soemtime tomorrow evening. Would ahve been done tonight but I had to run to the emergency room with my nine month old daughter. She's okay.

I'll see about getting an actual back history written and turned in tonight though.

Oi! That's no fun. It is always the scariest when they are that young. Glad she is ok.

Female Changling(Hulking) Sorcerer - Orc Bloodline/5 - HP: 12/28; AC16,T14,FF13

Ok, in honor of Cambyl, I think that we should be:

The Six Pack

Our motto could be The Six Pack is Back when we have to take on adventures.

Male Human Fighter (Armor Master) 4
Carina Stigard wrote:

Ok, in honor of Cambyl, I think that we should be:

The Six Pack

Our motto could be The Six Pack is Back when we have to take on adventures.

Hah, that's a good one.

Init 8, HP 56/56, Speed 30 AC 20, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 10, Will 7

Here's part of ye olde backstory.

Telias Markan:
Telias Markan hates people. That isn't to say he hates individuals. He tends to get on with his neighbors such as Oleg and Bokken. It helps that these individuals are several miles away and are just as happy to keep him that way.

The truth is that Telias just can't stand what happens to people when they gather into crowds. They do things like forget one another existed. Worse they treat people like things. That isn't to say that Telias is a nice man. He's killed before, out of survival, out of necessity, but he didn't act like it wasn't personal,or that it was just part of his job. That part really irks him.

Thing is he's always felt more comfortable as far away from people as feasible. Even from birth he would endeavor to wiggle or worm his way away from his mother as soon as he's had his fill of the teat. As he grew older and more capable he would grow more and more distant from humanity as a whole and closer and closer to the wilds that surrounded his small village.

Yet, much to his amazement and ire as he grew more self sufficient and closer to nature so too did people come to seek him out. Sometimes for advice, sometimes for healing, usually bringing something to pay for the service.

Will have to finish this later just looked up to realize I need to head to work.

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map
Telias Markan wrote:

Here's part of ye olde backstory.

** spoiler omitted **

Will have to finish this later just looked up to realize I need to head to work.

interesting so far he has a whole mysterious air around him, though curious how he would've gotten the charter either through voluntry or some other way (like Sir Bronwyn's creative way) that landed him with the charter.

Female Changling(Hulking) Sorcerer - Orc Bloodline/5 - HP: 12/28; AC16,T14,FF13

well - backstories can be adjusted, at the same time, he knows the land, perhaps the sword lords were looking for someone with more local knowledge of the area to make sure that everything is thoroughly searched

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map
Carina Stigard wrote:
well - backstories can be adjusted, at the same time, he knows the land, perhaps the sword lords were looking for someone with more local knowledge of the area to make sure that everything is thoroughly searched

True enough, I have no problems and I'm just waiting for him to get back from work and flesh it out a little. No rush.

Human Ranger 3 / Rogue 2
HP 38/38; AC 18, touch 13, Flat Footed 15; CMD 19; Fort +3, Reflex +9 (Evasion), Will +4; Perception +11 (+1 v traps; +2 v Humans); Initiative +3

It's a touch similar to Ganit's history but that’s ok because I've been thinking of a slightly different take on his relationship with Restov and motives in the Stolen Land. I apologize, TarkXT, most of the history I've given for my character has been in game so if you were looking through our sheets for diversity you wouldn't have picked it up.

Aron, would you mind if I emailed a little summery of what I had in mind to you? It's a little scandalous and I can think of at least 1 (maybe 2) characters who would be more than a little upset :)

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map
The Hermit Ganit D'Artain wrote:

It's a touch similar to Ganit's history but that’s ok because I've been thinking of a slightly different take on his relationship with Restov and motives in the Stolen Land. I apologize, TarkXT, most of the history I've given for my character has been in game so if you were looking through our sheets for diversity you wouldn't have picked it up.

Aron, would you mind if I emailed a little summery of what I had in mind to you? It's a little scandalous and I can think of at least 1 (maybe 2) characters who would be more than a little upset :)

I'l be fine with that.

email is:

use a appropriate subject so I know it's not spam.

You guys are great :). Cambyl's crusaders indeed :).

I'll try an keep up with things, maybe contribute some NPC dialog should I be around, if Aron doesn't mind.

Good Luck!

Your Humble Narrator
Jhod Kavken AKA DM wrote:

the spell comprehend languuages does what it says on the tin, unfortunatly it means you only "comprehend" the language, but you are unable to speak it.

A Solution

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map
DM Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
Jhod Kavken AKA DM wrote:

the spell comprehend languuages does what it says on the tin, unfortunatly it means you only "comprehend" the language, but you are unable to speak it.

A Solution

ahh good one, though I don't think Cambyl can cast 2nd level spells yet, though Jhod could.

Male Half-Orc Slayer (Vanguard)/14 | AC 21 T 13 F 19 | HP 130 | F +13* R +13 W +8* | Init +11 | Perc +23*

Now to convince the boggard to let us touch it.

Male Human Fighter (Armor Master) 4
Jameson Addercop IV wrote:
Now to convince the boggard to let us touch it.

hahaha, and as we cast a spell... Now that would be one for the books. Maybe we can distract it with the naked elf monk statue.

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map
Lukan Swane "Swaney" wrote:
Jameson Addercop IV wrote:
Now to convince the boggard to let us touch it.
hahaha, and as we cast a spell... Now that would be one for the books. Maybe we can distract it with the naked elf monk statue.

Don't know about the boggard, but that statue would certainly distract me for quite a while.

Init 8, HP 56/56, Speed 30 AC 20, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 10, Will 7
Telias Markan wrote:

Here's part of ye olde backstory.

** spoiler omitted **

Will have to finish this later just looked up to realize I need to head to work.

And now for Part the second.

Telias Markan Pt2:
Things worked well for a while. Occasionally someoen would come to him asking for healing, advice, or the occasional scroll. And despite himself he'd lend a hand typically in exchange for feed for his horse, or some item he would otherwise be unable to obtain. And as villages and cities would come closer to him he would get farther and farther away. Now he seems to have finally found some balance of peace and the space he needs on the borders of the "stolen" lands. A land he spits as much as speaks. How can one steal what was never there's from the start?

It was during a trip Telias made through the trading post into the stolen lands to gather some herbs and materials to scribe scrolls with when Oleg mentioned the bandit troubles he was having. Telias wrote it off as something none of his concern and went back to his little hut to the north and found it ransacked and burned to the ground out of spite. Incensed, he marched back to Oleg's snatched the letter he was going to send to Restov and swore (a lot) that he would get them to do something about it. He went straight to Restov riding wings of rage and demanded that something be done. The details are still a bit fuzzy to him as delirious and dizzy as he was to be inside a major city but somehow he left the city with a charter that basically gave him authority to act as judge, jury, and executioner in the stolen lands. As he wanders his way back to Oleg's with a major headache and a charter he gets this odd feeling that he was given this charater purely to be rid of him. Still being a loyal worshiper of Erastil he finds it good to know that his rampage against the stolen lands local bandit population will be an "official" rampage.

Telias is a wiry hairy taldan man with a certain smell to him that suggests he bathes in the rain and whatever river he happens to be crossing at the time. He is accompanied at all times by a "hawk" whose scraggly feathsers and general ill temper match him well. He's dressed in an assortment of hides from various unfortunate creatures who have crossed his path. While not particularly anti-social he prefers to spend time as far away from people for as long a time as possible. When adn if he eventually comes across them he likes to leave them with the sense that common visits with him might be dangerous in the sense that consulting a dark book of magic might be insanity draining. While simultaneously making them feel like they owe him something. His current state of homelessness is seen less as a disaster and more of a mild inconvenience. He'll simply deal with the bandits and (he thinks anyway) he'll settle back down with hsi favorite tobacco pipe and enjoy some good Restov's Best (the only civilized vice he can stand).

There we go. Now let me actually work on that sheet now.

I actually didn't look at anyones sheets in terms of story. I figure I'll jsut discover them through my character. It wouldn't surprise him to meet another hermit. Gods only know this is certainly the place to hide a few crazy men in beards who talk to birds and make magic happpen by asking inanimate objects to politely smash someones skull in.

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map
Telias Markan wrote:
Telias Markan wrote:

Here's part of ye olde backstory.

** spoiler omitted **

Will have to finish this later just looked up to realize I need to head to work.

And now for Part the second.

** spoiler omitted **...

actually in some cases it's better not to read other people's bios due to spoilers that some characters hide. Afterall, not everyone bears their souls open and everyone has skeletons in their closets which makes the characters far more realistic too.

Female Changling(Hulking) Sorcerer - Orc Bloodline/5 - HP: 12/28; AC16,T14,FF13

Skeletons in the closet? This group has zombies, ghouls, a few ghasts, a ghost and probably a vampire and a lich in their closets.

Human Ranger 3 / Rogue 2
HP 38/38; AC 18, touch 13, Flat Footed 15; CMD 19; Fort +3, Reflex +9 (Evasion), Will +4; Perception +11 (+1 v traps; +2 v Humans); Initiative +3
Carina Stigard wrote:
Skeletons in the closet? This group has zombies, ghouls, a few ghasts, a ghost and probably a vampire and a lich in their closets.

True. Brings me to my next point: Aron, I will email you my disgraceful back story in the next day or so. It should bring some justification to my character's class mechanics and whatnot.

I'll cover the treasury stuff when we let one of our companions with a positive Char mod do some sweet talking or spell casting when we finish up the deal with those lizard heads. Also we have a bunch of stuff we couldn't sell last time we were at the outpost so if Oleg restocked we can make a few extra gold with that.

Telias is a character who will probably mesh well with Ganit. Up until now I've played him gravitating towards the charismatic PC's and being cold and judgmental to the rest. Except Lukan of course. The two of us are ultra BFF's.

Male Orc Expert 5

After a long and arduous battle I'm getting down to writing down things on a sheet.

So how are hit points being done?

Lastly how much gold should I start with?

Female Changling(Hulking) Sorcerer - Orc Bloodline/5 - HP: 12/28; AC16,T14,FF13

Pretty sure it was max hp at level 1 and then roll for level 2.

Looking at me, I am at about 700 gp in gear, so a little behind on WBL although we have gotten some magic stuff. I have nothing so far, but as the group spellcaster, I tend to avoid getting into combat.

DM Aron will probably have answers in the morning. He is in England, so usually has posted by the time we are getting up in the states. He is usually up much later than DMZZ though, so you will frequently get posts until early evening on the east coast.

Init 8, HP 56/56, Speed 30 AC 20, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 10, Will 7

1d8 ⇒ 4 Might as well get the hp out of the way.

Male Human Fighter (Armor Master) 4
The Hermit Ganit D'Artain wrote:
Carina Stigard wrote:
Skeletons in the closet? This group has zombies, ghouls, a few ghasts, a ghost and probably a vampire and a lich in their closets.

True. Brings me to my next point: Aron, I will email you my disgraceful back story in the next day or so. It should bring some justification to my character's class mechanics and whatnot.

I'll cover the treasury stuff when we let one of our companions with a positive Char mod do some sweet talking or spell casting when we finish up the deal with those lizard heads. Also we have a bunch of stuff we couldn't sell last time we were at the outpost so if Oleg restocked we can make a few extra gold with that.

Telias is a character who will probably mesh well with Ganit. Up until now I've played him gravitating towards the charismatic PC's and being cold and judgmental to the rest. Except Lukan of course. The two of us are ultra BFF's.

Yeah we are... but now I am scared. Telias and Lukan might get in a scuff or two if you two are similar ;)

Female Changling(Hulking) Sorcerer - Orc Bloodline/5 - HP: 12/28; AC16,T14,FF13

I'm gonna just start casting sleep on you clowns whenever you start hitting each other.

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map
Carina Stigard wrote:

Pretty sure it was max hp at level 1 and then roll for level 2.

Looking at me, I am at about 700 gp in gear, so a little behind on WBL although we have gotten some magic stuff. I have nothing so far, but as the group spellcaster, I tend to avoid getting into combat.

DM Aron will probably have answers in the morning. He is in England, so usually has posted by the time we are getting up in the states. He is usually up much later than DMZZ though, so you will frequently get posts until early evening on the east coast.

half right on hitpoints. I leave it as a choice for second level to either take the average roll, but once the choice is made it's locked in so it's either perminantly roll or perminantly average. I allow re-rolls if you roll badly for hp, say if you rolled a 2 and then next level you rolled a 1. I allow a second roll just because it would be so unfair.

Cash will be wealth per level as per the table for making a character beyond 1st level, though the group is only 1615 xp from leveling. I have it as over-all group exp in case of new characters so everyone levels up together as it's rarther sad to be 1 level lower than the other characters, especially this early.

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map
The Hermit Ganit D'Artain wrote:
Carina Stigard wrote:
Skeletons in the closet? This group has zombies, ghouls, a few ghasts, a ghost and probably a vampire and a lich in their closets.

True. Brings me to my next point: Aron, I will email you my disgraceful back story in the next day or so. It should bring some justification to my character's class mechanics and whatnot.

I'll cover the treasury stuff when we let one of our companions with a positive Char mod do some sweet talking or spell casting when we finish up the deal with those lizard heads. Also we have a bunch of stuff we couldn't sell last time we were at the outpost so if Oleg restocked we can make a few extra gold with that.

Telias is a character who will probably mesh well with Ganit. Up until now I've played him gravitating towards the charismatic PC's and being cold and judgmental to the rest. Except Lukan of course. The two of us are ultra BFF's.

ahh, been spying on my email in box just in case.

Druid is a good choice for this AP, as is ranger too. Anyone who can get on with nature will be well recieved in the stolen lands and by the friendly fey as druids understand balance almost as much as they do.

Dungeon Master

Hi folks, Sorry to jump the thread like this, but I have a message for Lukan at the following OOC Thread.


Enjoy your Kingmaker Campaign. Have a Great Day!

Male Human Fighter (Armor Master) 4
DM Harpwizard wrote:

Hi folks, Sorry to jump the thread like this, but I have a message for Lukan at the following OOC Thread.


Enjoy your Kingmaker Campaign. Have a Great Day!

Hahaha... A summon for me? Hmmm. Fellas, if I don't report back in 6 hours, then send out the search party.

Human Ranger 3 / Rogue 2
HP 38/38; AC 18, touch 13, Flat Footed 15; CMD 19; Fort +3, Reflex +9 (Evasion), Will +4; Perception +11 (+1 v traps; +2 v Humans); Initiative +3
Lukan Swane "Swaney" wrote:
DM Harpwizard wrote:

Hi folks, Sorry to jump the thread like this, but I have a message for Lukan at the following OOC Thread.


Enjoy your Kingmaker Campaign. Have a Great Day!

Hahaha... A summon for me? Hmmm. Fellas, if I don't report back in 6 hours, then send out the search party.

I've got your back, brother.

Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Female Changling(Hulking) Sorcerer - Orc Bloodline/5 - HP: 12/28; AC16,T14,FF13

Have fun Lukan, just watch out for the dragons. And knowing that DM, flying harps.

Male Orc Expert 5

Telias is nearing completion just dealing with a lot of hassles atm. Starting a fun game of evil bastards doing bad things to people for lots and lots of money.

Female Changling(Hulking) Sorcerer - Orc Bloodline/5 - HP: 12/28; AC16,T14,FF13
TarkXT wrote:
Telias is nearing completion just dealing with a lot of hassles atm. Starting a fun game of evil bastards doing bad things to people for lots and lots of money.

Whistles innocently.

No problem Tark. We are back at Oleg's right now, and can probably delay it a little while we decide on which direction to go next. We got our last outing cut short because we found the Tatslewyrms or whatever they are called and wanted to get the heads back to claim the bounty.

Init 8, HP 56/56, Speed 30 AC 20, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 10, Will 7

He slowly comes together.

Mainly just need to get equipment done. I do need to ask for the purposes of spell selection whether or not the groups going to go ahead and pump out the money for a wand of CLW?

Female Changling(Hulking) Sorcerer - Orc Bloodline/5 - HP: 12/28; AC16,T14,FF13
Telias Markan wrote:

He slowly comes together.

Mainly just need to get equipment done. I do need to ask for the purposes of spell selection whether or not the groups going to go ahead and pump out the money for a wand of CLW?

Ok, feeling really dumb here, didn't we already buy a wand of CLW?

Also, we sold a suit of magic hide armor I think, perhaps if Oleg still has it, we could buy it back for less than the full value. He would still make a profit on it.

Male Human Fighter (Armor Master) 4
Carina Stigard wrote:
Telias Markan wrote:

He slowly comes together.

Mainly just need to get equipment done. I do need to ask for the purposes of spell selection whether or not the groups going to go ahead and pump out the money for a wand of CLW?

Ok, feeling really dumb here, didn't we already buy a wand of CLW?

Also, we sold a suit of magic hide armor I think, perhaps if Oleg still has it, we could buy it back for less than the full value. He would still make a profit on it.

We sure did buy one. For cheap too!

Human Ranger 3 / Rogue 2
HP 38/38; AC 18, touch 13, Flat Footed 15; CMD 19; Fort +3, Reflex +9 (Evasion), Will +4; Perception +11 (+1 v traps; +2 v Humans); Initiative +3

We still have the +1 Hide Armor and the CLW wand has like ~30 charges. I'm thinking it was on Cambyl's sheet...

Male Human Fighter (Armor Master) 4

Telias, are you aware how we distribute loot? It was a thing of contention for some previous players. Thought I should ask.

Init 8, HP 56/56, Speed 30 AC 20, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 10, Will 7
Lukan Swane "Swaney" wrote:
Telias, are you aware how we distribute loot? It was a thing of contention for some previous players. Thought I should ask.


Female Changling(Hulking) Sorcerer - Orc Bloodline/5 - HP: 12/28; AC16,T14,FF13

Everything is split evenly - you take something worth 3k, you owe the party 5/6 of this, 2500 or 500/person. Balances out fairly quickly as the other loot just goes to other people. We all kicked in for the wand of CLW. Ganit has been doing the divisions so far.

For instance, Lukan grabbed a Breastplate +1 recently, so he owes us all about 200 each as I recall. Most of this will come from the 900 bounty from the wyrm heads together with the extra 600 for the extra 2 heads I just sold to Oleg. So that 1500 is split either 5 or 6 ways, not sure with Cambyl leaving, but we all get either 250 or 300 apiece. Lukan will pay the rest of us 50 or so each to reduce what he owes.

Just think of it as a net zero bank, you take something, you owe the party bank until we have gotten enough other stuff to offset this.

There was a huge fight about this before I joined which resulted in the original wizard and summoner being asked to leave when things got way out of hand and I believe abusive with their refusal to agree to an equal loot split.

Male Human Fighter (Armor Master) 4

Realistically you will never truly "owe" anyone for anything as you will be buying the item from the group for half price. In the end, you will be able to sell it to a vendor and make the amount of money back for what you paid for it. This system allows us to liquidate assets so that other members of the group that may have more exotic needs can find what they need through purchasing the items.

Human Ranger 3 / Rogue 2
HP 38/38; AC 18, touch 13, Flat Footed 15; CMD 19; Fort +3, Reflex +9 (Evasion), Will +4; Perception +11 (+1 v traps; +2 v Humans); Initiative +3

Tatzlwyrm Head: 900g
Extra Heads: 600g
Bandits: 600g

900+600+600 = 2100
2100/6 = 350g

350g from the board quests we just completed. I'll put up the spoils when Oleg has the gold to buy them. If you look under the Loot spoiler in my profile you an get an idea of what we have to sell or divy up.

Male Human Fighter (Armor Master) 4
The Hermit Ganit D'Artain wrote:

Tatzlwyrm Head: 900g

Extra Heads: 600g
Bandits: 600g

900+600+600 = 2100
2100/6 = 350g

350g from the board quests we just completed. I'll put up the spoils when Oleg has the gold to buy them. If you look under the Loot spoiler in my profile you an get an idea of what we have to sell or divy up.

(Amount Owed) 484-350= 134g

Everyone add 70 gold to your inventory.

Total for everyone else so far is: 420 Gold

Tossing the cold iron hand axe into the pile for the cold iron longsword, increasing my debt by (rounding up) 5g.

More to come ;)

I owe 139g.

Ganit, we should split up the loot we found in the bag in the water. That was 178 gold total. 178/6 = 29 Gold, 6 Silver, 6 Copper. (We'll give the leftover repeating 6 to Oleg =P)

Now I owe 110g

Everyone Else's Updated Gold: 455 Gold, 4 Silver, 6 Copper.

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