DM Aron Marczylo |

Congratz everyone, I'll post the main game thread momenterily. I saw a lot of potential for things to add into the campaign concerning your backstories.
The thread will be up momenterily, just have to take the dog out first.

Tholamin Medvyed |

Congratz everyone, I'll post the main game thread momenterily. I saw a lot of potential for things to add into the campaign concerning your backstories.
The thread will be up momenterily, just have to take the dog out first.
Hey just wanted to thank you on behalf of me and my brotehr really looking forward to the game.

DM Aron Marczylo |

here's the IC thread and for the moment it's time for you guys to introduce yourselves as you are travelling on your way to the green belt. So time for roleplaying!

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

Am I assuming that we all start with mounts? also I need to know how we roll skill checks attacks etc... dice rolling
@ DM Aron - Idk if we're using an online dice tool or if we're just giving you our dice stats
DM Aron Marczylo |

I use the one in the fourms. It's the same format as using Bold, for instance:
An attack roll with +5 bonus: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
made by making {dice]1d20+5{/dice] and replacing the { with [.
You can preview the result so continue roleplaying, for instance this attack misses so with the preview post I can then say.
Davor the Half-Orc inquisitor brings the blade down against the kobold, however his powerful swing doesn't manage to get quite low enough to hit his target.
This can be done with any dice roll, simply changing the number like 1d4, 1d6 or any other. Plus with sneak attacks you can do this:
1d8 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (7) + 2 + (5, 2) = 16 = {dice]1d8+2+2d6{/dice]
As said before, when adding a commend look at the bottom where you can click on BBCode so that you can look at the instructions.
SAme thing for out of character questions made in the thread made with {ooc]out of character talking{/ooc] again with the replacing { with [.

DM Aron Marczylo |

I use the one in the fourms. It's the same format as using Bold, for instance:
An attack roll with +5 bonus: 1d20+5
made by making {dice]1d20+5{/dice] and replacing the { with [.
You can preview the result so continue roleplaying, for instance this attack misses so with the preview post I can then say.
Davor the Half-Orc inquisitor brings the blade down against the kobold, however his powerful swing doesn't manage to get quite low enough to hit his target.
This can be done with any dice roll, simply changing the number like 1d4, 1d6 or any other. Plus with sneak attacks you can do this:
1d8+2+2d6 = {dice]1d8+2+2d6{/dice]
As said before, when adding a commend look at the bottom where you can click on BBCode so that you can look at the instructions.
SAme thing for out of character questions made in the thread made with {ooc]out of character talking{/ooc] again with the replacing { with [.
Also as stated in the recuitment thread I'll be making secret rolls for you when things like entering a dungeon with perception checks to see if anyone notices a trap, assassin hiding in the shadows or monsterous creature that blends into the environment, such as a Gargoyal.
If it's a check you want to make such as a knowledge check on a creature or diplomacy check to try and gather info on rumors in the area then you make it as well as searching an area or auto max if you decide to spend a while searching (taking 20) then I'll look at your stats and see if the max can find whatever might be hidden in the room like if there was a hidden lockbox with a DC 25 to find it and the only person in the room searching has a +4 to the modifer and is taking 20 they won't find anything.
I'll bot for combat though if you don't post within 24 hours of the start of the round so it's handy to have the stats on your character sheet for me to look at.

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

Thanks for clarifying the dice rolls. Also, I'm not sure to what degree you're using house rules. In my group we use the survival skill to gather natural poisons from slain enemies (ie. giant centipede, spider venom, scorpion venom, etc...). The check is typically the same DC as the save for each poison or the CR of the monster. You gather 1 dose for beating the DC and another for every 5 your roll exceeds the check.
I just want to ask early on.

DM Aron Marczylo |

Thanks for clarifying the dice rolls. Also, I'm not sure to what degree you're using house rules. In my group we use the survival skill to gather natural poisons from slain enemies (ie. giant centipede, spider venom, scorpion venom, etc...). The check is typically the same DC as the save for each poison or the CR of the monster. You gather 1 dose for beating the DC and another for every 5 your roll exceeds the check.
I just want to ask early on.
Yeah that's understandable, it's the same with alchemists making poisons by using their craft alchemy to make poisons and at 2nd level gain the ability to apply poison without poisioning themselves.
I'd rule that if you don't have the poison training then you'll have to make a reflex save not to accidently catch it on yourself if it's a contact poison.

Sir Bronwyn Raslov |

Loving the interaction between the characters so far :)
I'm fairly new to this pbp business, so bear with me for some silly questions, please.
Can/should I read the other characters' profile? I've read some, but some people may have a secret or two they'd like to remain hidden, so I've avoided reading most backgrounds (although I read Thalomin's in the recruitment thread).
Is my formatting ok? I've seen some people using italics for in-character thinking or to describe actions.
Does anyone have any suggestions about spells or feats?

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

Loving the interaction between the characters so far :)
Agreed! Yeah I kinda peered through some character sheets too but mostly to see what the party looks like. As long as you can keep player knowledge separate from pc's you should be golden. Personally I just picked up the bolding for quotes. I figure us newcomers can adopt the proper etiquette as time goes on.
Cure spells are always great. Grease is a fun control spell. Touch of gracelessness is pretty funny. Bard has some fun spells but you have to know where your focus is. Just my suggestions for what its worth.
Sir Bronwyn Raslov |

I inteded to get some buff spells, but the first level is kindda dry on those (the one awesome spell is so situational that I don't think it'll ever be used). Furthermore, I'll probably progress as Cavalier, so I'll have few bard spells, and I want to keep them useful (sleep is a cool spell, but gets useless pretty fast).

Sir Bronwyn Raslov |

I thought hard about cure spells, but honestly I don't think I'll be able to do much about them. I'll probably have 2 1st-level spells per day for most of my career, stuck with a caster level 1. Cambyl can probably do it far better than I, but I'll try getting a healing wand ASAP so he can preserve his spells.

Zayne Dragoneye Atchin |

Sorry I'm not very familiar with the Summoner class, so I have to ask: Does the half-elf has a dragon following him around?
@Bronwyn *laughs* Well Drakor isn't really a dragon, but I didn't want to go into what he looks like under the cloak until we enter combat. That way i don't bore anyone with the description or bog down the story. Also it'll be in a spoiler so anyone who actually takes the time to look at him once the cloak goes off can 'see' him but his head looks a lot like the portrait i picked out, just not the body.

Tholamin Medvyed |

I thought hard about cure spells, but honestly I don't think I'll be able to do much about them. I'll probably have 2 1st-level spells per day for most of my career, stuck with a caster level 1. Cambyl can probably do it far better than I, but I'll try getting a healing wand ASAP so he can preserve his spells.
Well what kind of spells are you looking for or have in mind for your character. I know in the UM book they released a ton of new spells for bards theres even a combat one that at first level is a 15ft cone with 2d6 damage "Chord of shards" so theres a combat one but otherwise any spell that matches how you think your character would use is best bet

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

I know it really isn't important but does anyone want to know what Drakor looks like now so they know how their characters will react when they see him without a cloak?
I wouldn't mind. You could even just update your profile with what you had in mind.
@ Bron - You can never have too many healers : )

Lukan Swane "Swaney" |

Sir Bronwyn Roslov wrote:Loving the interaction between the characters so far :)Agreed! Yeah I kinda peered through some character sheets too but mostly to see what the party looks like.
We have some really good personalities within the group. I've been enjoying the game thoroughly so far. From what I have seen, it looks like the group is full of awesome players. No one is taking the banter personally and can really put themselves in their character's shoes.
I foresee some of our challenges just coming from one another - especially when we have to make decisions that effect a kingdom. By the way, what position in the kingmaker leadership were you guys thinking of filling? I'm really looking forward to jump into the General spot.

Lukan Swane "Swaney" |

I know my brother who plays Tholamin was saying he was thinking councilor that way he could represent his character fey ties as well as the common people. For me? I dunno any suggestions?
Magister would work well for your character.

Lukan Swane "Swaney" |

Hey Bronwyn, Lukan was a guard in Restov. I think it would be interesting if he happened to be one of the guards that was coming to arrest you. But its up to you =). We can always role play it out later in the game when realizing this fact would do little to cause a disruption in the group. You know, when 'Bronwyn' has done much to help the group and has become a trusted ally.

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

Well for anyone who would like to know what Drakor looks like, it has been posted :), and again, no idea what to go for
I've never played a Kingmaker AP before so I'm not entirely sure the leadership roles really do outside of basic real world logic. My guess would be to check out your character's ability scores and try to get a position the uses the best one available. In your case it's CHAR. Your logical choices should be Ruler, Councilor, or Magister. That is unless you're RP-ing towards something else.
Btw, sweet summon. Being a pretty big fan of FFX I've really wanted to try the summoner class out so I'm interested to see how you play it.
As for myself, I'm not exactly certain what the Marshal's job entitles but its either that or Assassin, provided targets have a legit reason to be killed.

Zayne Dragoneye Atchin |

you know actually, i could try going for Ruler. my brother and me were talking about it and if no one else objects i will try and go for ruler :) btw going for Marshal would be a great idea for your character. A marshal is charged with defending the borders of the kingdom and marshals the kingdoms forces when it is in danger, as opposed to the Warden who instead enforces law and order. :) i read and write a lot of medieval kingdom books and stories so i know a bit about medieval kingdoms. also thanks for the compliment, i wanted Drakor to be cool to eveyrone in a way w/out overdoing it:)

Sir Bronwyn Raslov |

@Lukan: This really could work! Trouble = fun! You're probably hoping for a bounty of about 200g on the head of a certain Derik of Restov, leader of a bandit gang. The gang has apparently been disbanded, but their leader is rumored to had fled to the Stolen Lands.
As for the leadership positions, I'd rather see how the game progresses in-character. It could very well be that I'll die in the wrong end of a bow critical hit, or I may get kidnapped, maimed, run away, etc.
That said, my strongest stat is Charisma (17, going for 18 on level 4). Considering the positions Ganit said, I'll probably do well as ruler or councilor (magister just isn't right). It just may be that you have some competition there, Zayne ;)

DM Alexander Kilcoyne |

As for myself, I'm not exactly certain what the Marshal's job entitles but its either that or Assassin, provided targets have a legit reason to be killed.
The Marshall organises patrols, maintains safe trade throughout the kingdom, and is expected to be an expert of the kingdom's geography.
The Warden is more like the loyal palace guards commander type character you see in staple fantasy. He'd be the guy smuggling your heirs out of the palace if the city was about to fall.
The Royal Assassin could easily be fluffed out as some other role, like Head Executioner. No assassinations necessarily need to happen, hes just a fear-inspiring figure that commands respect in the Kingdom.

Tholamin Medvyed |

Id say we should go with browyns suggestions about roleplaying it out. That way we kinda all just "happen" to be those roles. Plus if were going to have a competition per say for roles really think about how your characters would act in each role and if your character even has a need to be that role. Like dont just go for what your abilities say you can thats just boring.

DM Alexander Kilcoyne |

I agree. Kingdom building is actually a very easy system to 'game'- don't worry about making your choices optimal as its unlikely you'll need to. The ranger in my KM PbP only has 14 Dex but he went Marshall because it fit, rather than a role that used his 18 Strength.
That and you can get NPC's to sit in various roles anyway.

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

I agree. Kingdom building is actually a very easy system to 'game'- don't worry about making your choices optimal as its unlikely you'll need to. The ranger in my KM PbP only has 14 Dex but he went Marshall because it fit, rather than a role that used his 18 Strength.
That and you can get NPC's to sit in various roles anyway.
Ahhh yes, NPC's. God's little cure-all. God being a synonym of GM.

DM Alexander Kilcoyne |

Hey Alexander, while you're helping us out, what are a Councilor's duties? I mean, what does he do?
A Councillor would be expected to hold regular meetings where the people could bring their issues to the rulers of the kingdom, as well as represent them on the ruling council. At least, thats what the one in my game does. You could also fluff it out as the voice in the ruler's ear, but that tends to fit nicer with the Spymaster.

Sir Bronwyn Raslov |

I think we'd better wait a bit to see how things develop. AFAIK, Cambyl could also make a fine High Priest (the church is the tavern is the church!), Tholamin could make an awesome High Diplomat (brokering relations with other kingdoms and the fey) and Lukan could end up as a good Marshal, etc.

Tholamin Medvyed |

Lol this group is great its like reading a freaking novel all these characters humor, mirth, friction its wonderful thanks you guys me and my brother have played a few homegames here where we live but roleplay is always so stupid glad we get to have some fun with this.

Lukan Swane "Swaney" |

Just wanted to feel out some aspirations. I'm sure everything is bound to change a few months from now ;).
Hey Bronwyn, I'll be waiting for the moment to catch ya :) Lukan is no bounty hunter, but he'll still be interested in returning you to Restov if he could figure out your identity. Luckily for you he has no knowledge nobility. More than likely your capture would, personally, reward him more in honor rather than gold. It would be entertaining if you became ruler and ended up confiding this info to Lukan. What a strange conundrum that would be.

Lukan Swane "Swaney" |

Hahaha, this group cracks me up. Nothing like getting snockered the night before a battle. I was a rule nazi for drugs in my campaigns. Once the players found this out, and when they had the chance, they would always send their enemies a bunch of alcohol before they attacked. Sickened is a nasty condition.

DM Aron Marczylo |

Sorry I'm not very familiar with the Summoner class, so I have to ask: Does the half-elf has a dragon following him around?
It's not a dragon. The creatures they summon are outsiders that can gain abilities and change shape with levels. Summoners gain evolution points for their creatures so technically it can look like a dragon at later levels with buying points for wings, claws, breath weapon and then you can even spend points to increase size and ability points increase. At later levels the summoner can spend some of the Eidolon's points on itself though.
Loving the interaction between the characters so far :)
I'm fairly new to this pbp business, so bear with me for some silly questions, please.
Can/should I read the other characters' profile? I've read some, but some people may have a secret or two they'd like to remain hidden, so I've avoided reading most backgrounds (although I read Thalomin's in the recruitment thread).
Is my formatting ok? I've seen some people using italics for in-character thinking or to describe actions.
Does anyone have any suggestions about spells or feats?
Yeah same here about the interaction, really strong and loving how the personalities are bouncing off each other, but not leading to anyone wineing or complaining going "DM, his character is being mean to mine!" or just going out and killing the other person.
Well...sometimes I've played with people who don't descripe their character that much so I usually look at their character and picture them in my mind. Doing this I can then react to if they're a different race or the same race, depending on whatever problem my character might have with them as something to roleplay off, but I wouldn't do something as far as know the person's spells if they don't tell me them or suggest they take something out which I have no reason of knowing if they have the partilular item.
formats, fine, usualy I put speaking out loud in bold and inner thinking in Italics (though not for NPCs) that's usually the format but some people deviate. I find the bold best as it makes sure people notice if my character is speaking to one of them or the NPC.
Feats...not too much I can suggest as I don't know if you're going to remain a bard or if you'll dip into fighter. If you're going into mellee class or something Toughness is a good fear. +3 to hitpoints, but when you reach 4th level you get another +1 to hitpoints and it increases with each level meaning you get extra hitpoints equal to your level like my 16th level cleric has a extra +16 from the feat. If you're staying bard then there's always the typical feats to take for spell casters like metamagic feats, spell penetraition, combat casting and any others that I can't think off the top of my head.

DM Aron Marczylo |

you know actually, i could try going for Ruler. my brother and me were talking about it and if no one else objects i will try and go for ruler :) btw going for Marshal would be a great idea for your character. A marshal is charged with defending the borders of the kingdom and marshals the kingdoms forces when it is in danger, as opposed to the Warden who instead enforces law and order. :) i read and write a lot of medieval kingdom books and stories so i know a bit about medieval kingdoms. also thanks for the compliment, i wanted Drakor to be cool to eveyrone in a way w/out overdoing it:)
For Ruler the main score is Cha so summoner could forfill that and the bigger the kingdom gets the bonus gets to cover all three stats, but I'll fill you guys in on the rules of kingdom building when we get to that point. There's no point in describing how all the ability scores take place beyond what's described in the player's guide. Of course, as a ruler who you choose will be important as the person you choose has their charisma added to the stat you use and will cover the other bonuses with yours when the kingdom grows of that size.
As Alex pointed out, NPCs can be given positions in the government as there are so many spaces afterall.

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

@ Bron - Interesting side note. In my first IC post I rolled a knowledge check to recognize the crest and when I previewed it: freakin Nat 20. Hand to God. So I start writing up something along the lines of: /fluffy/ Ganit was hired to search for remains and blah blah blah... /fluffy/ then I remembered that know. checks are trained only. I've been spoiled by playing wizards so much that I forgot to even check Ranger's class skills. In any case I'm glad not to have outed such a big part of PC's concept so early in game. Definitely makes for a better conflict when the party actually starts trusting and working well with each other.