Blessing of Fervor: What kind of bonus is the +2?

Rules Questions

On the fourth bullet, you gain +2 to attk, dodge, AC & reflex saves. What kind of bonus is it? Holy? Luck? Morale? or Enhancement?

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Terrel wrote:
On the fourth bullet, you gain +2 to attk, dodge, AC & reflex saves. What kind of bonus is it? Holy? Luck? Morale? or Enhancement?

If no type is listed, then it has no type.

This is good for you, because untyped bonuses always stack (unless they're from multiple instances of the same source).

Rereading the spell, I see that the AC bonus is a Dodge bonus. But the rest.....? That'd be great if it stacked w/all other, but I'm not sure my DM would like it lol.

Terrel wrote:
On the fourth bullet, you gain +2 to attk, dodge, AC & reflex saves. What kind of bonus is it? Holy? Luck? Morale? or Enhancement?

"Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves."

+2 untyped bonus to attack rolls
+2 dodge bonus to AC
+2 dodge bonus to Reflex

Because dodge bonuses stack with each other, it all stacks.

There is one caveat, "These effects are not cumulative with similar effects, such as those provided by haste.... Blessing of fervor does not stack with haste."

Ok, thanks a lot guyz. Appreciate the answers. Axes High!

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Terrel wrote:
Ok, thanks a lot guyz. Appreciate the answers. Axes High!

Axes? Not Aces?

Dark Archive

Jiggy wrote:
Terrel wrote:
Ok, thanks a lot guyz. Appreciate the answers. Axes High!
Axes? Not Aces?

Must be a Dwarf thing... j/k!

What happens if my cleric casts blessing of fervour on the group in the first round and follows up wit Divine Power for himself in the second round?

Divine Power says: "This additional attack is not cumulative with similar effects, such as haste or weapons with the speed special ability."

So the extra attack would not stack (because it is a haste effect), but would other boni of blessing of fervour? If not, would the second spell simply override the first spell?

Another question: If someone is hasted would he profit from one of the other effects (that don't give an extra attack) of blessing of fervour?

Sorry if that seems to be a stupid question. In my opinion haste and blessing of fervour don't stack at all, but the question came up during a discussion. Someone thought that only the effect of haste was not cumulative with the haste effect of blessing of fervour.

"Blessing of Fervour" says: "These effects are not cumulative with similar effects, such as those provided by haste or a speed weapon".

I'd say: If both spells are on you, you can decide which effect you chose, but never both together.

On the other hand, the other boni given by blessing of fervour are not "similar effects".

Thank you for your answers,
Turgan of the autumn leaves.

The bits that are similar don't stack, they overlap. The bits that are dissimilar both apply.

If a character has both haste and blessing of fervor on them, then haste (which doesn't give options) will increase speed, AC, reflex and attack rolls and give the additional attack on a full attack.

The character can then choose one of the options from blessing of fervor. Choosing the speed boost would be wasted, since it is identical to that from haste (they do not stack to be +60). They can choose to stand up as a swift action without provoking; there is nothing in haste that this conflicts with. Choosing the additional attack is also a waste, since haste provides exactly this bonus. They may choose the bonus to attack, reflex and AC, however this simply becomes a +2 bonus, and not a +3, since the +1s from haste would not stack. They may also choose to gain the free metamagic option; nothing in haste conflicts with this.

In essence, you can have both spells active, but not all of the effects from blessing of fervor remain useful if you do.

Also, necro post.

Thanks Mauril.

Is it considered bad style using old threads with similar questions? I was not aware of that. I am member in another forum, where there is sth. like a forum police that tells you not to open new topics all the time, when there are similar ones existing.

Back to the topic:

This would also mean that the bonus from Blessing of Fervour, in this case +2 to attack would not stack with the scaling bonus from Divine Power (level 12 cleric: +4 to attack and damage), but with the bonus to AC and Reflex saves. So +4 to attack and damage, one extra attack on a full attack (DP) +2 to AC and reflex/standing up as a free action/extra movement (BoF) instead of +6 on attacks, +4 to damage, +2 on ref/AC.

Divine Power +4 LUCK to hit/dam +1 attack
Blessing of favor (4th option selected) +2 to hit/AC/reflex.
giving you +6 on attacks, +4 to damage, +2 on ref/AC. - yes.

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Bigtuna seems to have it right. More specifically, since the line in Divine Favor only states that the extra attack does not stack with effects similar to haste, it is only the attack that explicitly does not stack.

As noted, the attack bonus from Blessing of Fervor is an untyped bonus and thus stacks with the luck bonus from Divine Power. The dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves also stacks with the luck bonus from Divine Power. The temporary hit points from DP have no conflict with BoF. DF also grants a bonus to strength checks and strength-based skill checks (so... climb and swim), which does not conflict with any element of BoF.

The only two things from DF and BoF that would not stack are the extra attacks granted by each. So, if you were to have DF, BoF and Haste cast on you, you'd get:

+4 luck bonus on attacks, weapon damage, strength checks and strength-based skill checks (DF)
+1 attack on a full attack (DF/Haste)
+12 temporary hit points (DF)
+30 foot enhancement bonus to speed (Haste)
+1 untyped bonus on attacks, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex (Haste)
+2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves (BoF) [Replaces above]
Cast a single spell of 2nd level or lower as if it were an enlarged, extended, silent, or still spell (BoF)
Stand up as a swift action without provoking an attack of opportunity (BoF)

Under the normal magic rules, the attack, AC and reflex bonuses should stack (since dodge bonuses and untyped bonuses from different sources normally always stack), but the text of both Haste and Blessing of Fervor explicitly say that similar effects do not stack and those are "similar effects".

Obviously you realize that you only select one of the options from BoF.

Regarding necro posts: It's not a problem. It just always amuses me to see it happen.

Thank you very much for your answers. My cleric will like them.

Blessing of Fervor and Metamagic

"Cast a single spell of 2nd level or lower as if it were an enlarged, extended, silent, or still spell"

Does that spell still then burn a higher spell slot?

example: Silent Spell: Level Increase: +1 (a silent spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.)

Also, does the caster have to had to previously memorized the spell as a 'silent' version earlier that day?

No it does not burn a higher level spell slot. That's the power of BoF.

You cast the spell "as if it were"...

Where would the advantage of BoF be if you had to use a higher level spell slot?

Prepared casters would gain nothing of it: They would burn a prepared level 3 spell to cast an extended level 2 spell (and lose thast as well).

Also, necro post. :)


Doug Hood wrote:

Blessing of Fervor and Metamagic

"Cast a single spell of 2nd level or lower as if it were an enlarged, extended, silent, or still spell"

Does that spell still then burn a higher spell slot?

example: Silent Spell: Level Increase: +1 (a silent spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.)

Also, does the caster have to had to previously memorized the spell as a 'silent' version earlier that day?

When you use that option, you cast one of your known or prepared 2nd-level spells, and you simply choose to apply the benefit of one of those metamagic feats to it. You don't use a higher slot, and you don't even need to have the chosen metamagic feat.

I'd really like the spell to be clarified. Especially whether or not the non-haste-like effects stack with "similar effects", such as a plain bless, inspire courage or expeditous retreat.

Untyped bonusses are rare. It would seem plausible that the Intent is that no Blessing of Fervor effect stacks with anything, because you can always choose another effect.

(Side-note: the reason the AC is still typed as dodge would then be that you lose dodge bonusses when losing dex, so it still makes sens to type it.)

Does somebody have *any* example of an untyped bonus in any other spell - or power?

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