Kyrademon's Transnational PBP -- Discussion, Description, and Preparation

Play-by-Post Discussion

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In case it comes up, after reading the rules, I have ruled that you do not get an AoO against someone who attempts a combat maneuver on you while they are in squares outside of your reach, even if one would normally provoke.

Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
I see. Can I power attack when making a grapple check to deal damage?

Yes. Unarmed strike damage for a large creature is 1d4.

Male Human Cleric 10

Alaric should probably be in the middle. Everything else sounds fine to me.

I was going to say it's somewhat refreshing that you're in an actual underground dungeon, but then I realized it's like the fifth one: Cave in Brinestump Marsh, caverns under Brinewall Castle, basement level of Ravenenscraeg Keep, tunnels in the ice at Tunuak's bore. And there would have been one more if you'd gone into Vegsundvaag's Crevasse. D&D likes to get people underground.

This one kind of has a more classic dungeony feel to it somehow, though.

Male Human Cleric 10

Well, yeah. It's Moria!

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Hey Hrunndalf, I didn't realize you were going for a grapple. And especially since you missed, all Mel saw was Hrunndalf closing his eyes and taking a swipe at her. If Hrunndalf is confused, or wants to clear it up can we do in character rather than having ooc clarifications on the IC board, please?

Currently we have:

Alaric - middle
Everyone else - wherever the heck I feel like

Since you'll be getting into it quite soon, just wanted to note that

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Oh ~ sorry

probably near Alaric.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

Kalimac should be near the front with the less squishy members.

Male Half-elf Barbarian
Kyrademon wrote:
Once he has incorporated or double-checked the matters noted on the bottom of his character sheet, Rhost will be APPROVED.

This is done now. It's amazing what procrastination will gain you.

Dungeon Crawl Mode Stuff

1) Traps - Sounds good.
2) Marching Order - Closer to the front.
3) Advance/Rear guard - Also reasonable.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

Marching order: Front.

I'll get around to the rest shortly.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

I am also fine with the Traps idea and the Advance/Rear Guard idea.

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

I have it as 17 on my version of the caravan sheet. (And i double checked my upload to make sure :) )

I have 6 (morale) + 3 (entertainers) + 4 (royal wagon) + 4 (heroes) = 17

Human Ranger

Kyrademon wrote:

2) Why are there the words "do not use" in front of your "Charming" trait?

don't think it's been appropriate from after first day/week of gameplay

Human Ranger
Kyrademon wrote:

Dungeon Crawl Mode Updates

1) Traps: is good

2) Marching Order: where ever appropriate. I would assume middle

3) Dungeon Crawl Mode with the Caravan: fine

Human Ranger
Kyrademon wrote:
Myriana would make the determination of where Silmemir is.

I think normally with her unless others feel the caravan needs an additional guard.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Lio is in the middle or the back. She's squishy. Unless the situation calls for survival rolls or heaps of perception... those are her two highest skills.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Liothonae --

Only thing I noticed on a quick look-over was that your bonus to hit foes threatening Shalelu should be +2 now (that also doubled when you hit Devotion.) Other than that, just the fact that the Relationship scores need to be updated.

Other than that, Liothonae is APPROVED.

Quick minor comments on your assignment of bonuses, since it's still a relatively new ability:

1) You forget Silmemir, and added a couple of NPCs who are not present; I think you were using an old template.

2) Giving yourself an attack bonus for one round doesn't make a lot of sense; by the time your next turn comes around, the round will be up and you won't be able to use it.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

Nothing says "your DM wants to kill you" like everyone having to roll half a dozen saves against paralysis. :P

I assume Alaric's incredibly powerful ability was Freedom's Call from the Liberation domain? Shouldn't that take a standard action to activate, though? Since it's a (Su) and there's no overriding text.

Male Human Cleric 10
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:

Nothing says "your DM wants to kill you" like everyone having to roll half a dozen saves against paralysis. :P

I assume Alaric's incredibly powerful ability was Freedom's Call from the Liberation domain? Shouldn't that take a standard action to activate, though? Since it's a (Su) and there's no overriding text.

You mean the ability that was so completely game-imbalancing that no one knew he even had it until now? That ability?

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

Kyrademon wrote:

Quick minor comments on your assignment of bonuses, since it's still a relatively new ability:

1) You forget Silmemir, and added a couple of NPCs who are not present; I think you were using an old template.

Oops. Yeah, I copied and pasted from the "Fake Hrunndalf" battle. I thought I'd fixed all the changes from that battle to this one, though.

I think I should use the list of combatants that is at the bottom of each Battle Map you send.

Kyrademon wrote:
2) Giving yourself an attack bonus for one round doesn't make a lot of sense; by the time your next turn comes around, the round will be up and you won't be able to use it.

Given that they specifically state that the cavalier can use the Strategy ability on himself, I figured that the only way that makes sense is if the round starts ticking down after he uses it. So the +2 to hit also encompasses his next round that has attacks in it. Otherwise it's a pointless bonus.

Kalimac Proudfoot wrote:
Given that they specifically state that the cavalier can use the Strategy ability on himself, I figured that the only way that makes sense is if the round starts ticking down after he uses it. So the +2 to hit also encompasses his next round that has attacks in it. Otherwise it's a pointless bonus.

That makes sense. OK, let's go with that.

Quick question - Just noticed you only have two nondomain 4th level spells picked instead of three ... is the other one a second flame strike?


Concentration Check: +12 (+9 CL, +4 Wis)

Wouldn't that add up to +13?

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

i also think i forgot hit points. it's been a rough week... i'll get on fixing the character sheet in the morning... after some sleep.

Male Half-elf Barbarian

Several times I have written "Rhost drops out of Rage, and pants" -- this is the first time I haven't caught it and corrected it before an hour had passed.

To clarify, this should be "Rhost drops out of Rage, panting" -- this time.

You have shattered my belief that Rhost drops his pants after every combat.

Male Human Cleric 10

"It's a little late to try and impress them, Rhost."

Male Human Cleric 10
Kyrademon wrote:
Alaric Graff wrote:
Alaric will loot the graves. It's not like the dead have any need for baubles anymore.
You collect funerary goods worth a total of 8,347 gp.

Alaric resolves to blow it all on booze and whores.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

i'm going to say yes to the second flame strike... that actually makes a whole lot of sense. :)

And we have just reached our 20,000th IC post!

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

I don't know if you missed it (or are just busy which is all good) but Mel did respond to you. :) /gameplay&page=160#7981

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

Melinda Sorn wrote:

I don't know if you missed it (or are just busy which is all good) but Mel did respond to you. :) /gameplay&page=160#7981

Huh. I could have sworn I responded to that. Maybe it was just in my head. I remember composing a response.... Must be the Arizona heat getting to me. And I did get busy, so maybe I forgot to hit Submit.

I'll get something out tonight.

Male Human Cleric 10

Just got the package. From Lauri and me, thanks!

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

before i forget, as an addition to the shopping list, would i have been able to get a 2nd spell component pouch thingie?

Sure, that's fine.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

So what are those resolve checks about? Keeping Sandru and his boys from stealing the treasure?


Claimable items:

The Nine-Fold Spirit Sword: This +1 ghost touch nine-ring broadsword is crafted of silverygray steel, with nine golden rings threaded through its spine that glow with magical power. Streamers of blue and purple silk hang from the sword’s pommel. The nine-fold spirit sword has 9 charges, represented by its nine rings. As a swift action, the wielder can discharge the energy in these rings to create one of three effects. By expending 1 charge, the wielder can add the undead bane special ability to the sword for 1 minute. By expending 2 charges, the wielder can attempt to banish a creature possessing another creature (such as a ghost possessing a creature with its malevolence ability) with a successful hit on the possessed creature. The possessing creature must succeed at a DC 17 Will save or be driven out of the body of the creature it is possessing. By expending 3 charges, the wielder can add the "undead slaying" quality to the sword's next successful hit. The undead creature must succeed at a DC 20 Fort save or take 50 extra hit points of damage, even if the creature is normally immune to similar effect requiring a Fortitude save. Spell resistance does not apply against either the banishing or slaying effect. Each ring holds 1 charge; when a charge is expended, one ring stops glowing. The sword recharges 1 charge per week. A nine-ring broadsword is a one-handed martial weapon that does 1d8 damage with a x3 critical. It can be used in a monk's flurry of blows ability. (14,400 gp)

Ghost Mirror Armor: A suit of ancient +1 ghost touch four-mirror armor. The wearer of ghost mirror armor can cast deathwatch (caster level 1st) three times per day. In addition, when the wearer is attacked by an incorporeal undead creature, the armor automatically casts protection from evil on the wearer as an immediate action up to once per day. +1 four mirror armor is medium armor providing a +7 armor bonus with a -4 armor check penalty and a max Dex bonus of 2. (11,337.5 gp)

+1 rapier (1160 gp)
Cloak of elvenkind +5 competence bonus to stealth (1250 gp)
Goggles of Minute seeing +5 competence bonus to disable device (1250 gp)

Masterwork thieves tools (50 gp)

Various funerary goods - bracelets, rings, masks, fetishes, etc.; none are worth less than 20 gp or more than 200 gp apiece (32796 gp)
8 amethysts (8000) gp
4 topaz crystals (7200 gp)
65 diamonds (6500 gp)
21 hematites (2100 gp)
Golden mask with eyes of jade (2000 gp)
8 matching bracelets (1600 gp)
8 matching rings (1600 gp)
8 emeralds (800 gp)
Scraped gold inlay (500 gp)

Not claimable:

940 gp

Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
So what are those resolve checks about? Keeping Sandru and his boys from stealing the treasure?


Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
So what are those resolve checks about? Keeping Sandru and his boys from stealing the treasure?

Umm... We are traveling with Varisians, not Sczarni. I know we all look the same to you northerners, but really...

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1
Melinda Sorn wrote:
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
So what are those resolve checks about? Keeping Sandru and his boys from stealing the treasure?
Umm... We are traveling with Varisians, not Sczarni. I know we all look the same to you northerners, but really...

it's not just Varizians looking like Sczarni... you humans all look alike ;)

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

I don't think there's a visual way to tell a Sczarni from a Varisian, especially considering that Sczarni generally are Varisians. But yeah, I did read Sandru's part in the Player's Guide.

I assume it's because some people might find graverobbery objectionable?

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer


Kyrademon wrote:
8 matching bracelets (1600 gp)

claim please

It'd be nice if we could get this particular loot claim sorted out relatively quickly (as it'd be nice to know, for example, if someone takes the armor and therefore has a different AC before we get to the next encounter, etc.) I won't change the deadline, but I would like to encourage prompt decision making on it.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

No claims.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

Unless any of the weapons or armor are conveniently hobbit-sized, no claims.

Human Ranger
Kyrademon wrote:


Claimable items:

claim Goggles of Minute seeing +5 competence bonus to disable device (1250 gp)

also, Myri is more than willing to try to destroy the demon faces at range if that is decided on. Kyra feel free to roll for her if that is decided on and you want to move things on. Have to go to work now. Bye

Male Human Cleric 10

No claims

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

is the rapier better than ameikos current rapier? if so... I'd like to claim it. Also, Shae doesn't have a cloak of elven kind, does she? If not id also claim that.
possible claims depending on info. Will post after work...

Ameiko's rapier is better than the +1 rapier. However, Shalelu does not have a cloak of the elvenkind. So based on your post above, you'd want to claim the cloak but not the rapier.

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