Interest in a Mutants and Masterminds (3e) PbP?

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As folks here are an eclectic and friendly bunch, and I feel like running something other than Pathfinder, I thought I might check interest in a Superhero game using MnM :)

I'm thinking of running the Emerald City Knights 'Adventure Path' that is available along with some homebrew stories.

Any takers? :)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I'd be interested. I have M&M 2nd Edition, and the DC Core book, so I imagine I have most of what I'd need.

I'm unfamiliar with Emerald City Knights. Is that a Green Lantern thing?

Wow. I have been thinking about maybe looking at seeing if there were any M&M pbp games out there. Just what I'm looking for. I too have most of the 2nd ed stuff so I'd love to take part. Am I right in thinking that Emerald City is the new setting for the game as Freedom City was for the 2nd ed? Anyway, this sounds like just what I'm after. Count me in!

Dark Archive

Never done pbp before, but I might be interested. I have the 3e book, and I'm fairly familiar with my 2e collection.

Yep, if you've got the DC book, then you'd be set :)

Emerald City is the west coast counterpart of Freedom City. It's a place where there have been relatively few heroes or villains. The PC's are ( if I recall right ) witness to an event that creates several powered individuals, including the PC's ( I think. I don't have access to the info here in my phone.) The PC's become the Knights of the title asthe first hero team based in EC.

I've also got the 3e data for Herolab so can help any in need of character crunch.

im very interested, this is using the 3e rules?? not familiar with them currently, but i'm sure i could track them down.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Green Ronin's store

Ok, seems I've got 4 interested parties which would be about right. :)

I've also got the GM Kit which will let create random characters if want to use it as well.

The Exchange

I too am VERY interested, it seems every time I get into a MnM pbp it dies in its infancy. :(

But yes, I am very interested.

Dark Archive

So am I right to assume then that all characters will be "powers" based, so no suits or abilities based on training (ie characters like spiderman yes, iron man or batman no)?

It does kind of limit the archetypes available if we were to use the GM Kit.

Not that I'm complaining. I'm probably not going to use an archetype. Character building the best part of any game for me.

Great ! Another vict... Err.... PC :D welcome!

Matthew Winn wrote:

So am I right to assume then that all characters will be "powers" based, so no suits or abilities based on training (ie characters like spiderman yes, iron man or batman no)?

It does kind of limit the archetypes available if we were to use the GM Kit.

Not that I'm complaining. I'm probably not going to use an archetype. Character building the best part of any game for me.

The kit and archetypes are really just there as an additional option, noone will have to choose one because I too know that the building of the character is a lot of fun :)

All types of characters are available, there's no limit on tech-based not being valid. The setting is in the world of Freedom City, just a place with a whole lot fewer heroes and villains. If you want to tie in to FC somehow, feel free. :)

It will be a typical PL 10, 150 points build for characters. If you want to work out ideas here, I'd be glad to share input and feedback. I'm trying to get the blurb together so I can get a summary of the game up and I may use Obsidian Portal just as an information storage and supplemental stuff like images, etc.

Anyone have any other thoughts or questions on the game or setting?

Arknight wrote:

Great ! Another vict... Err.... PC :D welcome!

Matthew Winn wrote:

So am I right to assume then that all characters will be "powers" based, so no suits or abilities based on training (ie characters like spiderman yes, iron man or batman no)?

It does kind of limit the archetypes available if we were to use the GM Kit.

Not that I'm complaining. I'm probably not going to use an archetype. Character building the best part of any game for me.

The kit and archetypes are really just there as an additional option, noone will have to choose one because I too know that the building of the character is a lot of fun :)

All types of characters are available, there's no limit on tech-based not being valid. The setting is in the world of Freedom City, just a place with a whole lot fewer heroes and villains. If you want to tie in to FC somehow, feel free. :)

It will be a typical PL 10, 150 points build for characters. If you want to work out ideas here, I'd be glad to share input and feedback. I'm trying to get the blurb together so I can get a summary of the game up and I may use Obsidian Portal just as an information storage and supplemental stuff like images, etc.

Anyone have any other thoughts or questions on the game or setting?

We're definitely using 3e rules, correct??

Monkeygod wrote:
We're definitely using 3e rules, correct??


I'll try to have a blurb up a bit later about the setting. :)

The Exchange


So, I have a number of ideas, but I'd rather not butt heads with anyone else's concepts, so maybe we should start brainstorming what everyone is planning on making?
My ideas currently consist of the following:
The Elementalist, focuses on different elementally themed forms (
Xaphan, a new "Magic" user (does magic exist in the FC/EC world?) who specializes in Hellfire
Graviton, a scientist who was working on a mysterious gravity-related experiment which either gave him the ability to manipulate gravity or which influenced his transformation due to the super-creating "event"
Tachyon, very similar to Graviton, except the research was on FTL travel and Tachyon is now a speedster-style super

Hi , I would be interested in this please.
Been MM fan since first ed , all the PDF books for second and slavering on the release of the next lot.

Was thinking about a Freedom City Exile , maybe a Bowman or Raven understudy?

what do you think.


Oh my I'm certainly interested if there's room. With all these heroes we could start our own super team! haha

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Arknight, are you still there?

Yep, still here . :)

I've been mulling it over as to how large a group I could handle. I've got 7 people interested, but feel like as this is my first attempt at running a PbP that five would be the most. I could do.

As most are familiar with MnM 2nd edition at least I think that would make things a bit easier. So, the following folks are more than welcome to begin creating a character. :) I'd like it to be a collaborative effort to make a workable team, so if you want to discuss ideas, powers, etc here feel free.

I'll post a link tonight with info about Emerald City itself.

Once we get some characters hashed out I'll start a couple of appropriate threads. :)

Sound fair? :)

standard pl levels ? pl 10 150PP ?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150

STR: +0 (10), DEX: +4 (18), CON: +4 (18), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +2 (14)

Tough: +10, Fort: +6, Ref: +6, Will: +4

Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+8), Computers 4 (+7), Drive 1 (+5), Gather Information 4 (+6), Intimidate 4 (+6), Investigate 4 (+7), Notice 1 (+3), Pilot 1 (+5), Ride 1 (+5), Search 4 (+7), Sleight of Hand 2 (+6), Stealth 4 (+8), Survival 2 (+4), Swim 1 (+1)

Feats: All-Out Attack, Ambidexterity, Attack Focus (ranged), Bank Shot, Benefit (military rank) (private / seaman), Benefit (organizational ties) (UNISON), Benefit (rank) (Rank), Chokehold, Combat Driver (ground), Dirty Fighting, Dodge Focus, Eagle Eyes, Fighting Style: Krav Maga, Improved Aim, Improved Block, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Throwing Mastery (+1)

BodyVest (Protection 6) (+6 Toughness; Impervious)
Bolas Line (Snare 8) (DC 18)
CS Gas (Nauseate 8) (DC 18)
Pakour (Leaping 2) (Jumping distance: x5)
Taser (Stun 8) (DC 18)

Attack Bonus: +6 (Ranged: +7, Melee: +6, Grapple: +6)

Attacks: Bolas Line (Snare 8), +7 (DC Ref/Staged 18), CS Gas (Nauseate 8), +6 (DC Fort/Staged 18), Taser (Stun 8), +6 (DC Fort/Staged 18), Unarmed Attack, +6 (DC 15)

Defense: +6 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -8

Initiative: +12

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 30 + Skills 10 (37 ranks) + Feats 20 + Powers 62 + Combat 22 + Saves 6 + Drawbacks 0 = 150

DM Arknight wrote:

Yep, still here . :)

I've been mulling it over as to how large a group I could handle. I've got 7 people interested, but feel like as this is my first attempt at running a PbP that five would be the most. I could do.

As most are familiar with MnM 2nd edition at least I think that would make things a bit easier. So, the following folks are more than welcome to begin creating a character. :) I'd like it to be a collaborative effort to make a workable team, so if you want to discuss ideas, powers, etc here feel free.

I'll post a link tonight with info about Emerald City itself.

Once we get some characters hashed out I'll start a couple of appropriate threads. :)

Sound fair? :)

I don't see a list of those accepted, am I missing something??

The Exchange

Monkeygod wrote:
DM Arknight wrote:

Yep, still here . :)

I've been mulling it over as to how large a group I could handle. I've got 7 people interested, but feel like as this is my first attempt at running a PbP that five would be the most. I could do.

As most are familiar with MnM 2nd edition at least I think that would make things a bit easier. So, the following folks are more than welcome to begin creating a character. :) I'd like it to be a collaborative effort to make a workable team, so if you want to discuss ideas, powers, etc here feel free.

I'll post a link tonight with info about Emerald City itself.

Once we get some characters hashed out I'll start a couple of appropriate threads. :)

Sound fair? :)

I don't see a list of those accepted, am I missing something??

I think he means "following" as in "actively following the thread" not as in "the following list". Just my 2c.

Actually, I did mean to post a list, but I posted before I included the names. Here's the list:

Chris Mortika
AJ's Dad
Matthew Winn

Also, here's the link to the information on Emerald City. It's on google sites, and private for the game, so please post an email or such that I can use to add you to the site. :)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Let's talk team-building.

The canonical superhero choices are things like
*Energy Projector
*Martial Artist
*Skills / Smart guy/gal

So, I didn't include origins, like "high tech" or "super-soldier serum". Wonder Woman and Juggernaut are magical bricks. Wolverine is a mutant / lab experiment brick. Steel is an armored suit brick.

In fact, one way to build team cohesion is to give everybody the same type of origin. The Fantastic Four all got their powers from Cosmic Rays. The X-Men are all mutants. It could be fun to have an all-magic-themed group (A magical martial artist? See "White Tiger" or "Iron Fist") or an all high-tech team. Or an all-aliens team.

I am, personally, a fan of the common origin for teams. I don't get a good sense about JamesF's proposed character's background. It's a martial artist, but it could be a government agent, a mystic karate guy, or whatever else he might decide on.

Sweetsauce for getting in!

The concept I am planning is Magneto like, but also focusing on being tech savvy, though I'm not sure if he would have gadgets or not. Anyways totally away from my books right now, so can't really say much more atm.

Dark Archive

I was thinking something psychic/telekinetic. I was always a huge Jean Grey/Psylocke fan.

The concept is fairly easy to make whether it be mutant/radiation/alien half-breed/mystic/tech

The Exchange

Sorry about the assumption, but hey, it made sense at the time.
Anywho, shared origins does make sense, but there is that "event that creates several powered individuals, including the PC's" that Arknight mentioned earlier, which usually means some sort of mutation-style event. I may be wrong (again), but that's how it came off for me.
As for what archetype I was thinking of, that's up in the air (I'm flexible), though I usually enjoy doing a Brick or an Energy Projector the most; a Speedster could be fun too though. The specifics on the origin will help narrow it down for me though.



Dark Archive

AlanM wrote:
"event that creates several powered individuals, including the PC's" that Arknight mentioned earlier, which usually means some sort of mutation-style event.

Huh. I read that and immediately thought "Rising Stars"...


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

We've seen comics with all-teen groups (Teen Titans) all middle-aged groups (Justice Society of America during the silver age), all mutants (New Mutants), all the same radiation accident (FF, the entire damn cast of Smallville), all magic (Shadowpact), all female (Birds of Prey), etc.

So far as I know, we haven't seen an all-robot team, an all-bleeding-tech team, or an all-aliens team. (The LSH is only mostly aliens, and its schtick is being from 1000 years in the future, rather than aliens among us. I guess you could consider the Green Lantern corps.)

To a substantial amount, any decision about a common origin needs Arknight's buy-in. An all-magic group is going to have different adventures than an all-preteen group or an all-dinosaur group.

So, Arknight, what kinds of stories do you want to tell?


Should have posted the concept first really.

I said I wanted to do a apprentice of The Raven or Bowman , from Freedom City , so a martial artist/enhanced human.

Matthew Winn wrote:
AlanM wrote:
"event that creates several powered individuals, including the PC's" that Arknight mentioned earlier, which usually means some sort of mutation-style event.

Huh. I read that and immediately thought "Rising Stars"...

I haven't read Rising stars (something like Heroes tv show?), but in this case the 'event' is called the Silver Storm. Episode 0 begins just hours before the storm, so it is up to you if you'd prefer a character just gaining powers or one that has had them for a bit. The 'storm' does give everyone a tie-in for common events at least.

Chris Mortika wrote:

We've seen comics with all-teen groups (Teen Titans) all middle-aged groups (Justice Society of America during the silver age), all mutants (New Mutants), all the same radiation accident (FF, the entire damn cast of Smallville), all magic (Shadowpact), all female (Birds of Prey), etc.

So far as I know, we haven't seen an all-robot team, an all-bleeding-tech team, or an all-aliens team. (The LSH is only mostly aliens, and its schtick is being from 1000 years in the future, rather than aliens among us. I guess you could consider the Green Lantern corps.)

To a substantial amount, any decision about a common origin needs Arknight's buy-in. An all-magic group is going to have different adventures than an all-preteen group or an all-dinosaur group.

So, Arknight, what kinds of stories do you want to tell?

To be honest, I think a wide array of stories are in the making. The set of adventures I'm starting with is for a standard mixed team such as the Titans or the Defenders. beyond that we can work on it as a group to see where you as players want to go and I can blend my ideas in along those lines and make this a true group effort. :)

JamesF wrote:


Should have posted the concept first really.

I said I wanted to do a apprentice of The Raven or Bowman , from Freedom City , so a martial artist/enhanced human.

No problem, remember you mentioned wanting to be a transplant from FC. :)

Are his powers device based or true powers? If they're devices, you've got the possibility of a few points back because of the device.

Oh, and for the Benefits, may have to change UNISON out.... I think UNISON was a Meta-4 organization.... Could make it AEGIS for FC. I think the similarities are there for no issues. :)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

So far we have:

JamesF -- military skils and gadgets
Matthew -- psychic and/or telekinetic
AlanM -- brick or energy projector or speedster
Monkeygod -- Magnetics possibly through gadgets
AJ's Dad -- ?
Redclover -- ?

I'll throw in either a flying brick (like Hawkman) or an energy projector (like Green Arrow), or maybe someone with weather / nature-based powers.

The more I think about an all-aliens (or mostly aliens, if JamesF has a human in mind) group, the more intrigued I find it. Does anybody remember Teenagers from Outer Space?

Dark Archive

Chris Mortika wrote:
Does anybody remember Teenagers from Outer Space?


Ah... any rpg that has rules for pulling a giant mallet out from under your bikini is automatically a winner!

no the powers are device based , apart from the leaping , which is to represent the pakour like abilities.

Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150

STR: +1 (12), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +2 (15), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +1 (12)

Tough: +2/+10, Fort: +5, Ref: +7, Will: +5

Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+9), Computers 1 (+3), Drive 1 (+6), Gather Information 4 (+5), Intimidate 1 (+2), Investigate 4 (+6), Notice 1 (+2), Pilot 1 (+6), Ride 1 (+6), Search 4 (+6), Sleight of Hand 1 (+6), Stealth 4 (+9), Survival 2 (+3), Swim 1 (+2)

Feats: All-Out Attack, Assessment, Attack Focus (ranged), Benefit (military rank) (private / seaman), Benefit (organizational ties) (Aegis), Benefit (rank) (Rank in Aegis), Chokehold, Combat Driver (ground), Connected, Dodge Focus, Fighting Style: Krav Maga, Improved Aim, Improved Block, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Throwing Mastery (+1)

Device Belt (Device 9) (Hard to lose)
. . Bo Staff (Strike 7) (DC 22)
. . Pepper Spray (Nauseate 8) (DC 18)
. . Snare 6 (DC 16; Range (touch))
. . Taser (Stun 8) (DC 18)
Facemask and Bodysuit (Device 7) (Hard to lose)
. . Bodysuit (Protection 8) (+8 Toughness; Impervious)
. . FacePlate (Immunity 9) (life support)
. . TechnoSunglasses (Super-Senses 9) (darkvision, direction sense, radio, spatial awareness)
Pakour (Leaping 2) (Jumping distance: x5)

Attack Bonus: +6 (Ranged: +7, Melee: +6, Grapple: +7)

Attacks: Bo Staff (Strike 7), +6 (DC 22), Pepper Spray (Nauseate 8), +6 (DC Fort/Staged 18), Snare 6, +6 (DC Ref/Staged 16), Taser (Stun 8), +6 (DC Fort/Staged 18), Unarmed Attack, +6 (DC 16)

Defense: +7 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -9

Initiative: +13

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 25 + Skills 8 (30 ranks) + Feats 18 + Powers 66 + Combat 24 + Saves 9 + Drawbacks 0 = 150

The Exchange

I could get behind all aliens... especially since I have an idea floating around my head right now for an alien Shapechanging Brick character...

Dark Archive

Arknight wrote:
Matthew Winn wrote:
AlanM wrote:
"event that creates several powered individuals, including the PC's" that Arknight mentioned earlier, which usually means some sort of mutation-style event.

Huh. I read that and immediately thought "Rising Stars"...

I haven't read Rising stars (something like Heroes tv show?), but in this case the 'event' is called the Silver Storm. Episode 0 begins just hours before the storm, so it is up to you if you'd prefer a character just gaining powers or one that has had them for a bit. The 'storm' does give everyone a tie-in for common events at least.

"Rising Stars" was the comic from Image that gave J. Michael Strazinsky (sp?) his leap from TV to comic books.

The non-spoiler "you'll find all this out by page three" plot:

After a bright star quickly appeared in the sky over one town and then vanished, every person who was pregnant at the time within said town gave birth to a child with powers (so, what the writers of Smallville stole to completely F-up the Superman storyline. It's an awesome idea that NEVER should have been meshed with something of Superman's canonical caliber). The children are essentially drafted into a government "day care" facility attempting to understand what happened. The rest of the series is effectively an examination of the Supers private lives leading up to the big reveal at the end.

Oh, and a serial killer murder mystery. Can't forget that. Supers start getting killed and every time one of them dies, the rest become stronger. It's kind of a "best of" Smallville/Watchmen/Highlander/Lost mash-up.

Dark Archive

AlanM wrote:
I could get behind all aliens... especially since I have an idea floating around my head right now for an alien Shapechanging Brick character...

Aliens or Event=Powers are both awesome plans in my book

if we go with aliens or the event , I could quite easily get behind a strechy martial artist , think Mrs Incredible with Shang Chi's Martial Arts...

Chris Mortika wrote:
So far as I know, we haven't seen an all-robot team, an all-bleeding-tech team, or an all-aliens team.

all robot: Metal Men

all alien: Palladium supers had an all alien villian team whose origin was alien starship crashlands after being caught in the fringe of a nuclear test explosion. Though I think they had powers before the explosion. Their group origin was more motivation then power basis.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

All right. I'll design an alien PC with weather control / nature powers. (I'm not familiar with the setting enough to know: has there been any sort of "United Federation of Planets" or "Galactic Imperium" established?)

Here's a proposed backstory: I came to Earth about two years ago, and misunderstood what was part of the ecosystem and what wasn't. (Back where I come from, we grow our own ships and technology; unliving machines were the doomsday remnants of a long-dead civilization.) Believing that cars and telecommunications satellites and oil drilling industry was all part of a previous invasion on Earth, I set about to cleanse this planet of technological menace. I made some progress before a hero was able to show me my error.

I still serve the wilderlands, but I try to do so without killing humans or dismantling modern technology along the way. (It still baffles me that a civilization would strip-mine its own planet.)


And ... I'm off to Gen-Con.

Wow, i just realized i never left my email, so sorry!


Hopefully this is still on/I have a spot, lol

Monkeygod wrote:

Wow, i just realized i never left my email, so sorry!

** spoiler omitted **

Hopefully this is still on/I have a spot, lol

Yes, it's still on and yes you have a spot. :)

I got all the folks added that gave me the email, so you should be able to see the details about Emerald City here.

I've only seen a couple of concepts so far, but I imagine with Gen Con and the weekend, might not see much.

This isn't dead, just picking up steam. :)

I noticed it says on the welcome that its a site for a 3e M&M game, yet u mentioned up-thread you were gonna go with 2e, did u switch back?

Arknight wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:

Wow, i just realized i never left my email, so sorry!

** spoiler omitted **

Hopefully this is still on/I have a spot, lol

Yes, it's still on and yes you have a spot. :)

I got all the folks added that gave me the email, so you should be able to see the details about Emerald City here.

I've only seen a couple of concepts so far, but I imagine with Gen Con and the weekend, might not see much.

This isn't dead, just picking up steam. :)

requested access there pal, I'm still shut out!

redclover wrote:

requested access there pal, I'm still shut out!

Did you send me the email this morning? If so, then you should be good...

Monkeygod wrote:
I noticed it says on the welcome that its a site for a 3e M&M game, yet u mentioned up-thread you were gonna go with 2e, did u switch back?

Sorry about that! I see where it's confusing. I meant to say that if you were familiar with 2E, then 3E is easy to get into. If all you have is 2E, I can help get whatever you have in mind converted over to 3E....

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ok, after monkeying around a lot, I've decided the psionic archetype is actually pretty dead on for what I wanted. So instead I just took that and tweaked it a little to fit the alien origin (assuming that's where we are going with this. I can easily readjust).

When my parents were executed for leading the rebellion against my planets evil regime, the remaining members of the rebellion rushed me off planet. I spent most of my childhood going from one backwater planet to another trying to evade the declaration of treason against my family.

Each time I tried to blend in with the inhabitants, my people would show up and be able to spot through the telepathic illusion. The fact that my telepathic powers were inherent to my race meant they couldn't help me evade my enemies.

Eventually my choices grew slim and I had to flee to the furthest, most technologically deficient planet I could find: Earth.

Much to my amazement, the denizens of this planet looked so much like my own I could hide myself among them without relying on my telepathic powers! My pale skin can be passed of as being a northern persuasion. My hair can be excused as hair dye. My eyes... well, let's just say I don't like taking my glasses off.

Phrenic - PL 10

Strength 0, Stamina 0, Agility 1, Dexterity 2, Fighting 2, Intellect 2, Awareness 6, Presence 3

Languages 1, Ultimate Effort: Will defense

Insight 5 (+11), Perception 3 (+9), Persuasion 8 (+11), Vehicles 5 (+7)

Cat's Eyes: Senses 1 (alien, Low-light Vision; Noticeable: Eyes like a Cat)
Mental Awareness: Senses 2 (alien, Radius (Type): Mental)
Telekinesis: Move Object 8 (alien, 6 tons; Accurate 4: +8)
Telekinetic Field: Force Field 12 (alien, +12 Toughness; Impervious)
Telekinetic Levitation: Flight 5 (alien, Speed: 60 miles/hour, 900 feet/round)
. . Communication: Mental Area Communication 2 (Linked; alien; Area)
. . Mental Blast: Mental Blast 5 (Alternate; alien, DC 20)
. . Mind Reading: Mind Reading 5 (Linked; alien, DC 15)
. . Telepathic Illusion: Illusion 4 (Alternate; alien, Affects: All Sense Types, Area: 15 cft., DC 14; Selective; Limited: Targets with a Mind)

Initiative +1
Grab, +2 (DC Spec 10)
Mental Blast: Mental Blast 5 (DC Will 20)
Mind Reading: Mind Reading 5 (DC Will 15)
Telekinesis: Move Object 8, +10 (DC 18)
Throw, +2 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +2 (DC 15)

Motivation: Acceptance: I joined with a disparate group of aliens. All we want is to blend in. I ache for the day I don't need to use my telepathic powers to constantly convince people I am one of them.
Secret: The authorities from my home planet will stop at nothing to find me. As far as anyone is concerned, I'm an Earthman.

Alien, English

Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 6, Toughness 12, Will 14

Power Points
Abilities 32 + Powers 78 + Advantages 2 + Skills 11 (21 ranks) + Defenses 27 = 150

Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2011 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.

The Exchange

Right, I know that I have been very quiet recently, but I am still interested, and I think that I might have nailed down the concept of my character:

A college student finds (through one method or another) a symbiotic alien lifeform (somewhat in the vein of the Venom symbiote) which proceeds to bond with him. Normally this race of symbiotes completely controls their hosts, but Drake (the student) has a surprisingly strong will; so strong in fact that it is unable to utterly dominate Drake like it was expecting, and instead forms a sort of partnership with him, teaching Drake how best to use it.

I still need to work out a few things (why is the symbiote here, what is its motivation for aiding Drake, etc) and get a character sheet finished, but I figured that this is a good start.

So going on this Alien origin, i'm going to be drawing inspiration loosely from the film Paul, as in my character would have crashed in the 40's or 50's and has served as a consultant for the government for the last 50-60 years. He'd look like a gray, with some Healing and regenerative power, but from there i think I'll make him into something of an agent.[Think of a big headed gray Nick Fury with alien tech.]

That's what i'm thinking now, we'll see where i end up with the build!

Dark Archive

chris mortika wrote:
I came to Earth about two years ago, and misunderstood what was part of the ecosystem and what wasn't. (Back where I come from, we grow our own ships and technology; unliving machines were the doomsday remnants of a long-dead civilization.) Believing that cars and telecommunications satellites and oil drilling industry was all part of a previous invasion on Earth, I set about to cleanse this planet of technological menace. I made some progress before a hero was able to show me my error.
redclover wrote:

So going on this Alien origin, i'm going to be drawing inspiration loosely from the film Paul, as in my character would have crashed in the 40's or 50's and has served as a consultant for the government for the last 50-60 years. He'd look like a gray, with some Healing and regenerative power, but from there i think I'll make him into something of an agent.[Think of a big headed gray Nick Fury with alien tech.]

AlanM wrote:
A college student finds (through one method or another) a symbiotic alien lifeform (somewhat in the vein of the Venom symbiote) which proceeds to bond with him. Normally this race of symbiotes completely controls their hosts, but Drake (the student) has a surprisingly strong will; so strong in fact that it is unable to utterly dominate Drake like it was expecting, and instead forms a sort of partnership with him, teaching Drake how best to use it.

Wow. What a perfect example of giving a group a people the same set of paints and seeing just how different the pictures are. And not even powers, but just the alien concept.

* My "near human" just looking to blend in
* Redclover's "definitively alien" character who is not only known to the government but works with them
* AlanM's symbiont of human and parasitic alien of unknown intent
* Chris's druidic fish out of water (or "plant out of water", rather)

Color me impressed. I am intensely eager to see what comes next!

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