Channel Energy for clerics based on Charisma?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I am confused as to why the Channel Energy ability for Clerics is based on charisma. Not only the number of uses per day but also the saving throw! All other saving throws of clerical actions are based on Wisdom, the cleric's prime attribute.

When I first saw this in the SRD, I thought it was a copy/paste error from Paladin or Oracle, which have charisma is their prime attribute. But looking in my book, it seems to be the same.

Is this a typo? Can someone explain the reasoning behind this.

It is not a typo. The ability is replacing turn undead from 3.5 which was also charisma based.


Because it makes the game more interesting if you're not able to maximize one ability score and bottom out the rest.

Liberty's Edge

What he said.

Anything that discourages min-maxery is good design as far as I'm concerned.

And Charisma represent your Force of Personality (at least that's how we play it) and Channel Energy is an effect/power you achieve/power through your Force of Personality not your Intuition and Common Sense.




Clerics who max out their CHA instead of their WIS are very powerful healers or damage dealers. All you really give up are spells that attack your foes which the Cleric has the worst selection of.

If you got both, the cleric would be too overpowered.

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