Battle! Tim Jenkins |
Hey, everyone! I just started work on the next set of my line of paper minis, which is going to be Elven adventurers. This is in keeping with the "by race" theme that I'm doing; two sets have already been completed, being Humans and Dwarves.
Battle! Studio Paper Minis: Human Adventurers
Battle! Studio Paper Minis: Dwarven Adventurers
I just thought I might come on here to get some feedback while I work on the Elven set - are tehre any character designs or archetypes that you think would be essential to a set of Elven adventurers? That is, of course, besides the obvious, like archers and such. Conversely, are there any interesting or "out there" character concepts you think would stand out?
I'm not short on ideas of my own, but I am very interested to hear what kind of elves you would expect or like to see!
Another thing I was thinking of doing was releasing a pack supplementary to this, using the same miniatures but colored with dark skin and light hair, like drow. Since they would be using the same base artwork as the elven set, it would likely be a whole set of "pure hearted rebels seeking to throw of the reputation of their murderous kin" drow - though I think that archetype may be common enough to warrant such a thing! In any case, I'm not sure if it would be appreciated as much in the main set. It would probably be only 99 cents, but would not contain the uncolored lineart or any alternate colored versions.
Battle! Tim Jenkins |
They're meant to be printed out and shaped. It's not difficult or expensive - a print shop like Kinko's or an office supply store charges less than a dollar per page of full color cardstock, and a full page of minis only takes about 15 minutes to put together.
The Human set actually has a "lorekeeper" character who carries a big book, if you look in the bottom right of the central photo on the Human set cover. Actually, I'm not sure if the book is visible!
gigglestick |
Lorekeepers, maybe? Someone with a big book, that is.
Also, are paper minis meant to be printed out and shaped? Or are they sturdy paper that you have shipped to you?
Printed out.
If you look a the link in the Human Adventurers section, you'll see ALL of the humans done up as A frame Cardboardhero-style minis.
As for archetypes:
Elf with Wode Tattoos
Elf with 2h weapon (my first Gurps character was one...and we had an elven Sorcerer in 3E who combined 2H sword and mage armor to really confuse low level foes...)
Elf druids
gigglestick |
Jeff de luna wrote:Calistrian priestess
Elven swashbuckler
My 2 cents for the things that would be useful to me.
Thoguh of course it can't be specifically a CALISTRIAN priestess. But elf chick in yellow with a whip works.
And as a secondary color choice, you might get Elven Dominatrix...
Maybe one or two elven "commoners"...some sort of not obvious combatant: basket weaver, berry picker, etc.
weirmonken |
I was actually thinking of doing a commoner set once I get past doing adventurers for the races and start doing sets of NPCs.
Some African / Ekujae Elves in tribal garb would be very useful for my Serpent's Skull game (or anyone playing River Into Darkness).
miniaturepeddler |
Elven Druid and some faithful animal companions
Elven Arcane Archer
Elven Wizard
Elven Witch and her little familiar too
Elven Oracle (bald women in robes)
Elven Ranger
Elf with Elven Curved Blade
+1 to Elven Swashbuckler (scimitars)
Tattooed Elfs
Elven Magus
Battle! Tim Jenkins |
Sorry, no tokens for animal companions in this set! It's gonna be elves only.
Also I tend to avoid having the classes of the characters in these sets be explicitly clear when I can (though some classes, like druid and alchemist, are pretty much instantly recognizable). That being said, there should be an even enough spread to where there should be a mini that can be used for every class.
That being said, I'll definitely make sure that there's an Arcane Archer in there, as well as a whip-using priestess.
Unfortunately they're only in standard American letter size right now.
mike smith 853 |
You could always think about regions, cold weather elves, aquatic elves, what are the weird one in Pathfinder, Mordant Spire Elves or something like that. I think the variety that you had for the Dwarf and Human sets are the right track, even if some of the characters end up similar (two characters in different sets) it wouldn't bother me. Looking forward to this and future sets.
Battle! Tim Jenkins |
miniaturepeddler |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Tim, looking forward to the Elves, given the human and dwarf sets I just purchased from you.
My only complaint: Please do not make the half-circle bases and the base circles pure black. That kills our print cartridges. I would much prefer a pattern or a simple white circle with black border.
Laithoron |
Please do not make the half-circle bases and the base circles pure black. That kills our print cartridges.
Agreed. I can easily use a Sharpie marker to color the base black and for much less cost. Furthermore, having a white base would allow me to color-code the mini with other colors or notes if I so wanted — can't do that if it's already filled in.
gigglestick |
I can not wait to get this. Any ETA and just wondering what is you next plan. Plus I was wondering what is a good way to commission art from you. I would like to get some gunslingers done.
I commissioned a bunch of minis from him and they were great.
Just contact him at his email. (I don't want to post it here, but I think its on his deviantart page).
Battle! Tim Jenkins |
I'm available to contact at Tim (at) battlestudio (dot) com for commissions at pretty much any time! They are not expensive.
Sorry for the delay on this, everyone - I haven't made as much progress on elves as I would have liked. Real life stuff and other projects are interfering somewhat. That being said, I'm going to take the initiative to get these done within the next few weeks.
spacemonkeyDM |
I'm available to contact at Tim (at) battlestudio (dot) com for commissions at pretty much any time! They are not expensive.
Sorry for the delay on this, everyone - I haven't made as much progress on elves as I would have liked. Real life stuff and other projects are interfering somewhat. That being said, I'm going to take the initiative to get these done within the next few weeks.
thanks for more eye candy, elves are my second fav. race right behind gnomes.
Battle! Tim Jenkins |
Battle! Tim Jenkins |
Battle! Tim Jenkins |
Yep! I plan to do a set each for all the core races, in roughly this order:
I may end up doing gnomes before halflings. Half-elves are last because they aren't too terribly distinct from humans or elves, and someone playing a half-elf could easily pick from the human set.
Battle! Tim Jenkins |