DM Patcher's Kingmaker OOC Discussion Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Welcome to the Kingmaker OOC and Discussion thread!

To recap, this Kingmaker adventure path will follow the adventures of:

Kragath Lightbringer;
Ingle Farwen;
Evan Freehame;
Peregrine Fetch;
Jonas Medvyed;
Gathien Toran;

I have a couple of PbP-habits that you should be aware of. Feel free to contest them or ask questions if necessary:

First of all, in regards of skill checks, if you wish to use a skill, declare that you are using it, and do the necessary roll. As an example, if you decide to go carefully through the jungle, simply roll the perception check, instead of asking if you need to roll one. I will roll secret checks when necessary, and ask you if you have to do a roll, but help me save time by declaring and rolling as necessary.

Secondly, I ask that you follow this thread as much as the other one. This thread is named the OOC thread for a reason - please refrain from OOC-only posts in the IC thread.

Thirdly, whenever combat occurs, I will roll your initiatives,
calculate the average of your values, and compare it to the enemies' initiative. Because PbP combat easily gets confusing, there won't be individual turns. Instead, you act on a group initiative, and when you post, you act (with "I wait for X to do his/her move before I do Y" if necessary for your actions to make sense). When all five of you have done your actions, the enemy acts as a group, round over, new round. Does this make sense?

Lastly, I may add other rules for how I wish you do certain things in regards of skill checks and the like. This will not be sprung on you without warning, however. Your opinions do matter to me, and I am here to make this an enjoyable experience.

Now, this AP in particular will require a lot of effort from my side, so please do not be surprised if it doesn't start before Saturday. This, however, gives us concrete time to personalise the adventure path. I will also post some background information that may help immerse you.

Let us get to discuss the path in front of us!

Reporting for duty! Question...would you prefer that we post as our character alias here or our regular account?

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2

Here I be, reporting as requested (with dotting as a side-benefit).

Group initiative with conditions sounds good to me and I'm totally fine with pre-emptive rolling if we're using skills.

Question: How will you be handling knowledge checks -- just telling us what we know, or will you want us to roll that as well?

Also, here and ready when you are.

As far as confusing combat, will you be posting a map somewhere for these, or will it just be old-school use-your-imagination style?

Gonna just stick w/ posting as Kragath since that seems to be the easiest way to keep track of who is saying what.

1) Sounds good to me, will make whatever roll I may be necessary for my actions per post.
2) Bookmarked now :)
3) Easy enough.
4) Right on.

Now, I'm kinda posting just for my own reference, and to hopefully make it easy on anyone else.

Group Make-up:

Kragath - Paladin
Ingle - Alchemist
Evan - Druid
Peregrine - Diviner
Jonas - Cavalier
Gathien - Barbarian

Thanks for the nod, glad to finally get a chance to play Kingmaker. I'm quite excited about it.

Regarding my posting habits, I tend to be pretty sparse with preemptive rolling, just because when I run a game I tend to resolve a lot of stuff without turning to the dice to decide. So if I should forget to include a dice roll, or you think one is required where I might not have, please feel free to roll it for me to avoid holding things up.

Regarding initiative, I'm a little worried that hurts the main upside to being a diviner overmuch. I mention this out of self-interest, but it is my preferred method of handling initiative in PbP is to have the NPC's roll as a group and have the PCs roll individually. Anyone that beats the NPC's initiative gets to act before them and then after that is just alternates NPCs and PCs in whatever order people post. It's just meant to reward people that invested in a having a high initiative.

I do have a question about where we are picking up the game. Will have already have the charter and be en route or will we be deciding how to prepare before we set out. I'm curious as it affects what I do with my remaining starting gold.

Looking forward to playing with everyone. :)

Actually Peregrine, mine and yours (and whoever else has high initiatives) would be of great benefit to the team this way, as we can potentially help make sure our group acts before NPC's/Monsters a lot of the time. You are seeing ahead with your magics, and of course Abadar guides my sword ;).

Edit: Also, if we are picking up right on the road, then I may make a few purchases with my remaining starting gold as well.

Hell everyone! Thanks for choosing Evan, DM Patcher. I thought I might have been a little too laid back in the role-playing and blown the audition. Glad not. I'm happy with all your suggestions above.

That's gonna be an awesome front line :)

So I'm the only mainline healer, which will stifle my tactical / buff spell options for a while until we have adequate wands of CLW for everyone who can use one. Since my spontaneous casting summons badgers or whatever I actually have to prepare any healing I want.

I still need to complete my animal companion, equipment, background and appearance. I'll get to that tomorrow.

Good morning!

I will be posting maps in regards of combat. I warn you, they will not be fantastic, but you won't have to deal with imagination only.

I haven't quite decided where we're to start the adventure. I'm thinking, probably right on the road. But before that, I have some adventure information I'm going to share, which will be some time later today. I just woke up, and am very slow in the mornings.

Cool. So we should definitely stock up on supplies for the expedition at character creation time. Fair enough!

Here is some information of the seven houses of Brevoy.

Brevoy's Seven Houses:

House Garess

...A snow-capped mountain peak in gray against a dark blue field like the sky, with a silvery crescent moon in the upper right corner and a black hammer across the base of the peak, head toward the left...

The valleys and lowlands of the Golushkin Mountains are the domain of House Garess, founded on both the defensibility of the mountain terrain and the mineral wealth the house has brought out of the peaks for generations. House Garess once had a profitable alliance with a clan of dwarves living in the Golushkin Mountains, serving as brokers of a sort for the ores, metals, and worked goods the Golushkin dwarves produced. Lord Howlan Garess even took Toval Golka, the son of the clan-chief of the dwarf hold, as his ward (some say more as a hostage than a guest in Grayhaven Castle). This proved fortunate for young Toval, as Grayhaven lost all contact with the dwarf hold of Golushkin during the same winter as the Vanishing. With his own son Bren lost inside the mountains, Lord Howlan, a widower with no other children, has named Toval his adoptive heir. This has earned the dwarf, now a skilled young warrior in his own right, few friends in Grayhaven.

“Strong as the Mountains.”

House Lebeda

...a white swan, serenely sailing across a blue expanse, with the sun on the horizon behind it. Whether the sun is said to be rising or setting depends on the house’s fortunes, but the Lebedas’ sun appears ascendant at the moment...

The Lebedas of Lake Reykal are known as the most “Rostlandic” of Brevoy’s noble houses, having inherited a good deal of Taldan blood and tradition, including a fondness for sword fighting and an appreciation of the finer things. Their family seat of Silverhall is one of the grandest castles in Brevoy, its spires rising above the shores of Lake Reykal. The Lebedas earn and maintain their fortune as merchants and brokers between the northern and southern reaches of Brevoy, and control much of the shipping across the lake. Dame Sarrona Lebeda has ruled the house as regent since the death of her husband, but their son Lander is approaching his majority, when he will become lord of the house. His older sister Elanna spends a great deal of time representing their house in New Stetven, and rumors claim the Lebedas are looking to arrange a marriage between her and Noleski Surtova. Naturally, Natala Surtova hates the young and charming Elanna Lebeda with a passion.

“Success through Grace.”

House Lodovka

...a greenshelled crab climbing from the blue waters toward the gray band of shore surmounted by a gray tower-keep in the center, against a backdrop of black...

Whereas House Surtova slowly changed their waterborne ways to focus on their lands and political affairs in Brevoy, House Lodovka has remained strongly interested in maritime affairs. They have steadily grown their fleet of ships in the Lake of Mists and Veils and their influence along their lakeshore lands and the trade routes crossing the waters. House Lodovka claims comparatively little land in the northernmost areas of Brevoy, and much of the land they hold is unsuitable for farming, but the house has many vessels hauling catches of fish and freshwater crabs from the Lake. Lord Kozek Lodovka is at heart a cunning old pirate with a love of the water, looking to do right by his house, his family, and his people.

“The Waters, Our Fields.”

House Orlovsky

...a black eagle against a gold field, wings spread, feathers almost touching at the point of the base...

From Eagle’s Watch on the slopes of Mt. Veshka, House Orlovsky seeks to remain above the conflicts in Brevoy, both figuratively and literally. Unfortunately, the house’s role as a staunch ally of the Rogarvias has placed it in an awkward position under the current regime. Thus far, House Orlovsky has refused to acknowledge Noleski Surtova as anything other than Lord Regent in the absence of King Urzen or a true Rogarvian heir, but it is becoming increasingly clear which way the political winds are shifting. Lord Poul Orlovsky will soon be forced to either declare for the man he considers a usurper and opportunist, or seek to overthrow him and claim the Dragonscale Throne for himself (or another he finds worthy). An alliance between Orlovsky, Garess, and Medvyed could divide the nation, and cut the Surtovas’ travel and supply routes between Port Ice and New Stetven, but any such arrangement must be cultivated discreetly.

“High Above.”

House Medvyed

...a black bear, rampant against a red field, with a spread of black antlers above the bear’s head...

The easternmost house, Medvyed claims lands nestled against the Icerime Peaks and the Gronzi Forest, and rules them from the fortress of Stoneclimb in the lower peaks. They are a hardy folk, raisers of mountain goats and sheep, hunters in the Gronzi Forest, and cultivators of what good land can be found on the edges of their harsh territory. The Medvyeds and their people hearken back to the “Old Ways” of worshiping nature in its myriad forms. Isolated forest and mountain shrines to Old Deadeye (and, it is rumored, Lamashtu) are more common than temples of Abadar or Gorum. Lord Gurev Medvyed loves to hunt, ride, and feast with his men, and dotes on his wife and children.

“Endurance Overcomes All.”

House Rogarvia

...a two-headed red dragon, one head breathing flames, the other bearing an unsheathed sword, representing Choral’s legendary conquest, against a quartered field in white and gold...

Looking to secure himself and his progeny as high a place in the new order as he could, Nikos Surtova offered the hand of his daughter, Myrna, in marriage to Choral, binding the house of the Conqueror with his own. Since Choral’s final victory in the Valley of Fire, House Rogarvia has ruled Brevoy, until the recent mysterious disappearance. The house built the Ruby Fortress in the city of New Stetven as its stronghold, and Urzen Rogarvia sat on the Dragonscale Throne up until 4699, when the entire family vanished overnight. The Rogarvias were well known as ruthless rulers, determined to hold Brevoy together in the Conqueror’s name by whatever means necessary. Still, while their loss was not overly mourned, the stability they represented has been. Loyalists have continued to call for investigation into the Vanishing and make much of the fact that their rule lasted precisely 200 years, but it has become increasingly clear that House Rogarvia will not return soon, if ever.

“With Sword and Flame.”

House Surtova

...a gray ship against a field of blue below and black above the upper shield spangled with silver stars...

The most influential house in Brevoy is also the oldest, established in Issia centuries before Choral’s arrival. The Surtovas were infamous pirates and raiders in those early days, and with the Conquerer’s coming were able to parley captured wealth into lands and titles. What started out as a defensible fortress became Port Ice, a settlement that has been the seat of Surtova power for generations. Current king, Noleski Surtova rules and his sister, Natala Surtova reigns as unofficial “queen,” since her brother is single. Rumors say she enjoys her role and has considerable power over her brother, too much to enjoy the idea of becoming sister in law. There is still great pressure for Noleski to take a bride and produce heirs.

"Ours is the Right.”

The way I see the roleplay as it's developed so far, combined with our class make-up, I see quite a few good candidates for both Ruler and General. As such, I'm going to post my plans here for how I'll use my Leadership feat eventually depending on if I get either of these positions when the time comes. If I get another one other than that, I'll probably stick with what I choose for General.

Ruler: Cohort would be a Cleric of Abadar, to serve as the temple's High Priest. Followers I attain would flesh out the temple clergy.

General (or other): Cohort would likely be a Ranger or Fighter. Followers would be officer's in our armed forces (or whatever branch of our new nation's government I get tasked with running).

Granted this is making an assumption as to how my home group has always run Leadership when it comes up: Cohorts and Followers gained are not the entirity of the people loyal to you. They are the ones, however, that would gladly give up their life to protect their leader. If you intend to run Leadership another way, Patcher, feel free to lemme know.

Also, if you need me to add/adjust anything about my character sheet just lemme know. As is I think I'm ready to rock whenever you are.

Also, Evan, to hopefully make you feel a little less pressed in the healing department, as it stands right now, I predict my feat progression to go like this:

3:Extra Lay on Hands
5:Greater Mercy (UM)
7: Leadership
9: Ultimate Mercy (UM)

So at level 3, I'll have 7 Lay on Hands available each day, at 1d6 a pop. And then at level 4 I can use those charges to CPE for burst healing. So at that point hopefully you won't be quite so pigeon-holed.

At lower levels, Ingle can help a little by brewing potions of CLW as well. Time and money are the only limitations there. Eventually he can work his way all the way up to Cure Serious, but by then that probably won't be such a big deal.

If memory serves I don't think any of us (aside from myself) was interested in the Grand Diplomat position. I'm not sure yet wether Ingle would be a good choice for that, but I am sure that HE would think he was.

I do have a list of everybody's suggested leadership roles.


Apologies for the caps, it's a direct copy-paste.

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2

As Gathien comes into his own, with his high charisma, he might also press toward warden or ruler - however he certainly won't step on anyone's toes.

Except maybe Ingle's. But that would be literal, not figurative. :)

Also, Gahtien will get some healing when I start him down the road from Elemental Kin to Flame Mysteries Oracle and Rage Prophet -- but I'm not expecting that for a while yet.

Aldo, if allowed, Kragath has like, 10 gold he would use to help purchase anything the group may think we need for the journey, as he doesn't particularly know a lot about the wilderness and will trust his companions discretion (until proven otherwise).

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2

If the paladin mentions that idea IC (preparing for the wilderness before we head out), then Gathien will offer his few remaining coins as well.

Ya I would have. Especially if someone had suggested we needed something.

Male Human Cavalier 1A

Sorry I haven't posted much. I was out yesterday evening and today has been a bear at work (the hangover did not help the work day).

A bear at work? I blame Evan.

Ingle can contribute to group purchases as well.

Another question: How do you handle encumbrance? I think Ingle is right at the limit of his light load capacity. He's probably slightly over it if you take coins into account.

In home games we tended to be somewhat lax with it (out of laziness more than anything), but I'm fine with it either way.

Sorry. Bessy, get back here and leave Jonas alone. He's hung-over and doesn't need your help right now.

Male Human Cavalier 1A

Jonas found the gold limit to be rather tight *cough*, so I have 2gp left and little in the way of survival gear except 7 days of food.

Well, I can contribute 6 gold for whoever needs gear (Jonas). Gonna hold the other 4 I have for potential needs later.

Evan only:

I have a favour to ask of you - could you possibly relinquish your position in this AP? Due to a horrible miscommunication from my side I realise that one of the other applicants did a lot more effort than you in the roleplay (not to offend you - but in my selection process I did notice a lack of interaction from you, compared to your Serpent's Skull AP) - and to be honest, I do believe he may deserve the spot in this AP more than you.

I mean no offence - I simply made a mistake. Would you be content with the Serpent's Skull AP only this time, so I can correct my own stupidity?

DM Patcher || Kingmaker wrote:

I have a favour to ask of you - could you possibly relinquish your position in this AP? Due to a horrible miscommunication from my side I realise that one of the other applicants did a lot more effort than you in the roleplay (not to offend you - but in my selection process I did notice a lack of interaction from you, compared to your Serpent's Skull AP) - and to be honest, I do believe he may deserve the spot in this AP more than you.

I mean no offence - I simply made a mistake. Would you be content with the Serpent's Skull AP only this time, so I can correct my own stupidity?

Hey Patcher, no problem. He absolutely did put more time into the conversation than I did. I was as surprised as I was pleased to be selected, and guessed that you were judging on something other than effort :) Good call on admitting a mistake and deciding to put it right. Gotta respect that.

No worries, I'll enjoy Serpent's Skull and Evan will get a run out in some other game sometime. Wish I'd seen this before I polished Evan's stats and profile though (or done Avarthiel first)!

Everyone, have a great game.

Thank you. I apologise for having this occur in the first place. I have no excuse.

If Rorgrym decides to join us, then please welcome him.

DM Patcher || Kingmaker wrote:

Thank you. I apologise for having this occur in the first place. I have no excuse.

If Rorgrym decides to join us, then please welcome him.

Don't worry about it, these things happen. If Rorgrym is otherwise occupied then do give me a shout in the Serpent's Skull thread; I still think this looks like a fun group to play with.

This is not really any of my business, but, bravo to both of you. It's always a pleasure to see a bit of maturity on the internet. Well done.

DM Patcher || Kingmaker wrote:

Thank you. I apologise for having this occur in the first place. I have no excuse.

If Rorgrym decides to join us, then please welcome him.

Sure thing boss

Starting on the road is cool. I'm assuming that we can coordinate our purchases a bit, maybe even pool money for stuff since that our characters would have had a chance to prepare the expedition. Are the Swordlords helping to equip the group for the mission, if so what kind of supplies will we have received? Just so that we're on the same page, how closely will we be tracking resource management?

I have about 20 gp to contribute. There are things I would have bought, but I'm up against my carrying capacity at this point. I'm waiting to hear back from Patcher on how tightly we're going to follow this.

To start a list of gear we should have (please contribute):

Rope (as Sam Gamgee would be sure to point out)
Enough rations for a week or so? (I have 4 days for myself)

I'm sure there are other things.

Also, if any of our frontliners need gear to support that, we should probably make an effort to supply them.

For IC purposes, Ingle will eventually relent in sharing his money for these purchases after much hedging and complaining. But anything purchased with his money he will secretly perceive as his own. ;)

I would put my 6 gp towards some silk rope, as it's stronger and lighter. Also, the only thing I can think of that we REALLY need are horses, as we have a Cavalier in the group and the rest of us are walking. Although I dunno if the swordlords would volunteer that much gp worth of assistance.

In character, Kragath would try to negotiate for some, though he failed to convince his home temple to give him one before he left. ;)

Diplomacy Roll (just in case): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Kinda weak sauce on that one...bleh.

Edit: Yeah Ingle, I've just crossed into Medium load myself. But as far as gear to support myself, I think I'm pretty much squared away, except for the Masterwork Mithral Full Plate I rightfully should start play with, lol.

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2

I have 50' of silk rope -- other than food and a single torch (and my bedroll), that's about all I've got that's survival gear -- I've only got 5 days of food though -- just because I'm approaching the medium load line.

I'm wondering if since many of us are in a similar spot if buying a packbeast (mules are 8gp) to carry our extra supplies might be a good use of pooled funds. (Unless someone took the pioneer trait and comes with a horse and is willing to share?)

Also, welcome Rorgrym.

Hadn't considered a pack mule. If you have rope covered, I'll put my gold towards that then. Anybody else contribute to a pack mule/supplies for it? Would help those of us crossing load limits immensely.

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2

Also, not that we want to do it, but if we run out of food or water in the wilds, taking 10 on survival lets me find enough food and water for 3 people via foraging (though it does slow us down to half normal overland speed). Not sure if anyone else is trained in survival, but if there is -- well, the odds are we won't have to worry about starving.

Kragath -- Gathien will offer to buy half a mule with you, and then we can let the others put their stuff on it. I can spare 4gp.

So far we have contributed:
6 gp: Kragath, put towards pack mule
4 gp: Gathien, 2 towards pack mule, 2 towards I assume a pack saddle
20 gp: Ingle (grudgingly, lol), how you contribute I'll edit this post to reflect later, assuming the remaining 3 at least for the pAck saddle.

So, group possessions:
Pack mule (name?)
Pack saddle

I reckon I should chime in here quickly:

I was considering giving you all a horse (or funds if you already have one) - as well as resources to survive in the wild if necessary as part of your quest to explore and map the Stolen Lands.

In the beginning, you will arrive (or start) in a trading post which will essentially be your headquarters for as long as you need one - you can buy and sell resources and supplies there as well.

Here are the rules of exploration: The map itself is a hex grid. I will reveal it to you with "fog" over the unexplored tiles, so to speak, so you won't know what each hex contains until you successfully map it out. The time it takes to cross a hex - and fully explore one - is given below. With horses, your speed will be 50 feet - but they may suffer from events, and I am not above killing your horses either. Or you, for that matter. Though I'm not a bloodthirsty DM, I won't pull punches if the enemies get lucky crits, so consider this a fair warning.

Exploring the Stolen Lands
Traveling (Time to cross 1 hex)
Party Speed - Plains - All Other Terrains
15 feet - 11 hours - 16 hours
20 feet - 8 hours - 12 hours
30 feet - 5 hours - 8 hours
40 feet - 4 hours - 6 hours
50 feet - 3 hours - 5 hours

Exploring (Time to fully explore 1 hex)
Party Speed - Plains - Forest or Hill - Mountain or Swamp
15 feet - 3 days - 4 days - 5 days
20 feet - 2 days - 3 days - 4 days
30 feet - 1 day - 2 days - 3 days
40 feet - 1 day - 1 day - 2 days
50 feet - 1 day - 1 day - 1 day

I will try to involve some more "political" aspects (such as news and the like) during the course of the first part of this AP, but I am still not sure how well I will do this.

I will track days and hours of the day rather fiercely as well. If you can help with this, that would be a great help. Maybe somebody could keep a journal?

Horses would rock! If we do get horses, the following basic changes will affect my character:

1) All gear listed as in his backpack (aside from one outfit) and the pack itself would be carried by the horse.
2) Load would drop back down to light.
3) Still suggest we obtain a pack mule either now or later. Would come in handy at some point I'm sure. But with horses not as immediate of a concern.

As far as a journal goes, I would try to do one, but the posts on it would be spaced out a bit, as I would probably be a bit more meticulous about it than I would my posts. Mainly because I would only write em up from my PC, while often times my posts are made by IPhone, and this little screen is easy to make some simple mistakes on. So if someone else would rather be the chronicler of our adventures that's fine by me. Personally I think everybody's character would have an interesting journal.

Male Human Cavalier 1A

I already have my bonded mount, so we can use the money from my horse to get a pack horse that could be used as a mount in a pinch.

If we're supplied with horses and basic survival gear that would be great. And I like the idea of an extra pack horse. Let's see, I have a ride skill of...+2! Well, that's good then.

If we do go this route I'll also move some of my things to the horse as well. Enough to get me safely in the light load range.

As for keeping a journal, I'd be willing to give it a try. I'm debating whether to make it in-character or just a bullet point list. The former would be amusing (to me anyway) but would require a lot more effort to maintain. The latter I think I could do pretty easily.

Also, assuming we have horses or a pack animal, I'd probably use what I have left to buy:
A cauldron (for potion making, should the opportunity arise) 1gp
50' Hemp Rope 1gp
10 more days of rations to be divided as needed. 5gp
10 torches 1sp

Of course, if some of this is being supplied, then nevermind.

Edit: Also, my email is at if a need for it should come up.

DM Patcher:
Updated my character sheet, adding in my Favored Class bonus to my HP (hadn't used it yet cause I'm a genius), and expanded my Skill list to show every skill that can be used untrained to streamline looking up my bonuses to rolls. If you see anything missing on my sheet that you personally like to have noted, just let me know and I will edit the profile again.

I apologise for the delay in starting this campaign, but with the mistake I made (mentioned above) I'm waiting to hear if Rorgrym will join us - in addition, I've come down with some nasty sickness so my efficiency isn't as high as I prefer.

I'm looking over the list of supplies; for every item you already have, you can instead add the gold to party funds - this will be what the Swordlords and nobles have sponsored for you.

1x backpack per player (up to 6) - 2 gp for each
1x bedroll per player - 1 sp for each
1x bell - 1 gp
1x blanket per player - 2 sp for each
3x barrels of foodstuffs (jerky, fish) (enough food for six people for a week) - 14 gp total
1x 10 foot chain - 30 gp
1x large empty chest - 10 gp
10x firewood (daily) - 1 cp for each
2x hammers - 5 sp for each
1x hourglass (hour) - 25 gp
3x vials of ink - 8 gp for each
2x cooking kits - 1 gp for each
5x empty books for mapping - 5 gp for each
1x riding saddle per player - 10 gp for each
1x light horse per player - 75 gp for each
1x sealing wag - 1 gp
1x pavilion - 100 gp
10x torches - 1 cp for each
1x cart and heavy horse - 215 gp
10x waterskins - 1 gp for each

From what I already had, I see that I am adding 2 gp and 1 sp to the starting funds, as I already had a backpack and bedroll. I will update this post as other players inform me as to what they are adding to group funds. I won't be adding the remainder of the gold I had from my starting purchases just yet, until we see if there is anything else specific we need.

Total Party Funds: 2 gp, 1 sp, 0 cp.

From the list I had a backpack and 10 torches. I also had some food, but I think I'll just keep what I had in addition to the extra food the swordlord's supplied. They are, of course, available to anyone who may need them.

Total Party Funds: 4 gp, 2 sp, 0 cp

From the list I'm adding these to my character sheet (which I'll update shortly):
Light Horse
Riding Saddle

Does anyone want to volunteer to be responsible for tracking the gear on the cart?

@Patcher: No worries on the delay. Though I am anxious to get going, it's only fair to give Rorgrym an opportunity to decide what he wants to do.

Seeing as Kragath serves the "Master of the First Vault," I don't mind taking on the responsibilities of keeping tabs on the wagon. In fact, he'd drive the wagon if nobody was keen on the idea. I'll just update the list as appropriate and repost it on here (wish I could edit older posts on this forum, would help reduce clutter...) Ingle, I'm assuming you already did the math for me given you posted it as "Total Party Funds." Appreciated, but kinda confused me a bit. If you guys want me to keep tabs on party supplies let me know what you had, the value of that gear added to party funds, and what you take, so I can update the list easily.

Example based on what I took:
Had Backpack and Bedroll, add 2 gp, 1 sp.
Took 1x Light Horse, 1x Riding Saddle, 1x Blanket

Party Supplies Remaining
4x backpack
4x bedroll
1x bell
4x blanket
3x barrels of
1x 10 foot chain
1x large empty chest - Contains 4 gp, 2 sp, 0 cp
10x firewood (daily)
2x hammers
1x hourglass (hour)
3x vials of ink
2x cooking kits
5x empty books for mapping
4x riding saddle
4x light horse
1x sealing wax
1x pavilion
1x cart and heavy horse
10x waterskins

Male Human Cavalier 1A

I have:
Backpack 2gp
Bedroll 1sp
Riding saddle
Light horse

I suggest we keep the horse and saddle for replacements.

I'm taking:

I've added a journal at the bottom of my character profile. I'm going to look into Obsidian Portal to see if that will work better. Never really used it before so I'll report back once I've had a chance to fiddle around with it.

Male Halfling (HP: 20/20)
(AC: 16/13/16 ; Percep: +6; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +3; Will: +2 [+4 vs. fear]; CMD: 15; CMB +3; Rage: 8/8)
(Acro +6, Appr +1, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplo +3, Disg +3, EscArt +1, Intim +3, Perc +6, Ride +5, SenMot +0, Stealth +11, Surv +0, Swim +5)
Bloodrager (Fire) 2

Things I have (monies back into party stores):
Backpack (2gp), Waterskin (1gp), Bedroll (1sp), Torch (1cp).

Assuming that I can get a size-appropriate mount (pony or riding dog), then Gathien will grab:

- Mount, Saddle
- Book for Mapping
- Blanket

I'll store most of that on the mount, as to leave the party stuff on the cart... (At the same time, I'll transfer some of my rations to it as well, to ensure I'm not so close to the medium-load line)

Just a reminder: My base move is 30 because of Fast Movement, so I'll not be slowing anyone down we're on foot.

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