Overheard at the Paizo office

Off-Topic Discussions

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Former VP of Finance

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Gary: show me on the dole where the economy touched you

I just want everyone in this thread to know I scratch myself.


Chris Self wrote:
Gary: show me on the dole where the economy touched you

[Mork] Hmmm...financial humor. Arrr. Arrr. Or should I say a money funny? [/Mork]

Dave Tennant wrote:

I just want everyone in this thread to know I scratch myself.


I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

PMG: hmm. maybe handlebars instead of mustache

RoboChris: handlebar mustache?

PMG: it's a variant of mustache!

RoboChris: just along as it doesn't have a chinstrap

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Robot Chris I think we might need helmets tomorrow, or the redacted is going to just take our brains.

Erik K Cosmo's punching a few redacteds that deserve to go into the special filing cabinet. So my sanity is stable for now.

Robot Chris So... what you're saying is Cosmo might be *less* stable than usual? I think we might need the helmets anyway in that case.

Erik K I have a motorcycle helmet at home for the zombie apocalypse, I'll just cover it in tin foil.

Robot Chris Good call.

Wearing helmets at work should be mandatory around my office somedays...

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*undulates tentacles irritably*

T'ony. Take R'occo and M'ugsy and pay these folks a visit. The Brainfather's hearin' helmet talk again and it ain't makin' him happy.

'Eyyy! What's you freaks doin' on our turf? Youse had better get outta here quick unless you want to end up sleepin' with the koi.

Gnome cheerleading mobster wrote:
'Eyyy! What's you freaks doin' on our turf? Youse had better get outta here quick unless you want to end up sleepin' with the koi.

In Seattle? "Sleepin' wit da salmon" or "Sleepin' wit da geoduck" is more like it.

"Wan' we should lean on 'em a little, boss?"

"Nah. They're small-time. Ain't worth the effort ta crack th' skull. We got bigger brains t' boil."

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blue chris: But you have proven your superiority. That obviously means you get more work. Job well done and all that.

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crystal: Crazy is an all-month-long sort of deal

robot chris: there will be roomba-ing!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

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I'm posting in context because... I'm not that funny (well... looks aren't everything).

I just read the Sutter / Cosmo smackdown a few pages up. I imagined this funny weird battle in my head. Sort of like Scott Pilgrim versus the World meets Who Framed Roger Rabbit (specifically where Bob Hoskins has to dance and rhyme at the end to kill the weasels and stop Judge Doom).

I picture Sutter rhyming while tap dancing, as a result Cosmo is launched out of his chair ala ejector seat/giant spring so that he flies head first into the vending machine.

I don't understand it either. They weaned me off the viocdin weeks ago.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

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Red Chris: poopyseed ≠ poppyseed

PMG: at least not at first

Ross: So that's why this bagel tastes terrible.


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On why you *shouldn't* do certain Google image searches...
Cosmo: I looked in the trap, Ray.
Robot Chris: yeah, when *I'm* giving advice it's usually of the "DEAR GOD SAVE YOUR EYES" persuasion
Cosmo: When *I'm* giving advice it's usually the "Dear God Save Your Eyes, But We Both Know You're Going To Click It Anyway So LOL" persuasion.
Chris Self: ^
Robot Chris: well, you're Cosmo

This forces me to ask the question of what the image search was.

Sovereign Court

I hope for the sake of all this is not a repeat of the entire car****le {self-censored to protect the innocent ... seriously} image search (I still blame you all for putting those disturbing images in my brain).

<shakes fist and tries not to gag at the mental images that pop up now whenever the topic of image searches that should not be made comes up>

7 people marked this as a favorite.

It was probably a Karelzarath link.

Lantern Lodge

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cosmo: My character would be awesome right now if someone else were playing him.

Lantern Lodge

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will: I'm throwing up rainbows right now.

Lantern Lodge

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cosmo: I was faster, but sara was more correct.

liz: that's about normal.

Dark Archive

wait, wait, wait... who's Will? where did he come from? how long has he been there?

ulgulanoth wrote:
wait, wait, wait... who's Will? where did he come from? how long has he been there?

I think he works in the warehouse.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sara Marie wrote:
will: I'm throwing up rainbows right now.

What was Will doing with Sebastian?!?!?!?!?!?!

Scarab Sages

Justin Franklin wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
will: I'm throwing up rainbows right now.
What was Will doing with Sebastian?!?!?!?!?!?!

Are we really sure we want this question answered?

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
will: I'm throwing up rainbows right now.
What was Will doing with Sebastian?!?!?!?!?!?!
Are we really sure we want this question answered?

With pictures!

The images of Will [redacted] with Sebastian while [redacted] [censored] [excised to prevent SAN loss] shall only be available on a pay-per-view basis. ^__^


*stores purchase name list for later blackmail purposes*

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gary: actually that space has already been assigned to: Tech Team Paintball Arena

cosmo: CS would >DESTROY< the tech dept in paintball.

gary: we're hiring Sawyer as a ringer. just FYI


doctor_wu wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
wait, wait, wait... who's Will? where did he come from? how long has he been there?
I think he works in the warehouse.

Warehouse Will.

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Mark You fast!

Robot Chris I robot!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Jason: I'm scared. I'm getting under the table.

James Jacobs: Heh heh.

Jason: You put work under here!


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robot chris debates wearing helmet to work

robot chris: pros: no more hurting my head from repeated desking

robot chris: cons: I look like a nerd

robot chris: pros: I work with nerds

robot chris: cons: I *really* will look like a goober

robot chris: pros: nobody really around to see

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cs erik: Remember Chris as Crazy as you may look, its how crazy you actually are that counts

Lantern Lodge

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robot chris: what you're saying is that I should be wearing a poodle?

Feiya wrote:

robot chris debates wearing helmet to work

robot chris: pros: no more hurting my head from repeated desking

robot chris: cons: I look like a nerd

robot chris: pros: I work with nerds

robot chris: cons: I *really* will look like a goober

robot chris: pros: nobody really around to see

I got a seventh sense sayin' we gonna need to be havin' a talk with some folks again soon....

J'immy. Go get th' wagon. *undulates tentacles irritably*

Sara Marie wrote:
robot chris: what you're saying is that I should be wearing a poodle?


Dark Archive

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Feiya wrote:

gary: actually that space has already been assigned to: Tech Team Paintball Arena

cosmo: CS would >DESTROY< the tech dept in paintball.

gary: we're hiring Sawyer as a ringer. just FYI


Gary watches Community... good to know...

Abed: "And old, naked man appears on the road before you. He'll die of exposure in 12 turns. What do you do?"

Jeff: "Wait 13 turns."

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3 people marked this as a favorite.

crystal: *twitch twitch*

Mind sharing with the class, Crystal?

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Blue Chris This hat just doesn't sit right anymore after [redacted] puked on it!


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Robot Chris: Today, my mind is like a jellyfish—it's all wobbly and FULL OF STINGERS!

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