james maissen |
My chosen 1st lvl spells
(with 18 INT)
0-lvl-all in spellbook0-lvl-detect magic, daze, prestidigitation memorized
1st-lvl-color spray, sleep, cause fear, protection from evil, identify, mage armor, ray of enfeeblement in spellbook.
1st-lvl-sleep, mage armor memorized.
what about you guys?
Unless there is a monk in the party or someone else that should be in melee that needs it I wouldn't take Mage armor at first level but rather have both 1st level spells that work for the party.

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Conjurer 1
Opposition Schools: Enchantment/Necromancy
Int 18
Spell Book
0th - All
1st - (7) Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Expeditious Retreat, Grease*, Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Obscuring Mist.
Prepared Spells (3/2+1)
0th - Acid Splash, Dancing Lights, [OPEN SLOT]
1st - Colorspray, Grease*, [OPEN SLOT]

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If you are playing PFS, Burning Hands is pretty important early.
Early perhaps, but not level 1. Having to get within a single move of your enemies when you have the least HP you'll ever have, just to deal a maximum of 4 damage - and that only at your best roll and with them failing the save - is incredibly bad. I speak from experience. Burning Hands isn't worth using until it's at least CL 2.
Of course, if you take the Gifted Adept trait to put Burning Hands at +1 CL, then a 2d4 damage cone at first level is pretty nice. Pick a sorcerer bloodline (or similar) that gives you bonus damage on fire and you can really get good. But otherwise, don't bother until level 2-3.