TWF with Revolvers


How is TWF with revolvers handled? Would it be treated as a light weapon? I can't find it in the Gunslinger PDF.

Dark Archive

sphar wrote:
How is TWF with revolvers handled? Would it be treated as a light weapon? I can't find it in the Gunslinger PDF.

they are 1 handed weapons.


sphar wrote:
sphar wrote:
How is TWF with revolvers handled? Would it be treated as a light weapon? I can't find it in the Gunslinger PDF.

I'd have thought they would be classed as a light weapon, where as a rifle should be classed as a two handed weapon, but I guess one handed makes sense in some way.

Still, I see a lot of problems when trying to dual wield old fashioned guns.

Reloading will be problematic if you have a gun in either hand. You'd have to put one away, reload the one you have out, then put that one away, bring the other out and reload it, then bring the first one back out again. You don't have four arms, unfortunately.

That's a lot of time out of action, leaving yourself open for attack.

I guess from a practical point, you'd be better off with one gun, but if you really want to go through with this, as long as you have a high intelligence score, your DM might let you create some special reloading device in game, which could allow for you to just flick the barrels out and slide the bullets in, through some sort of mechanism/harness located on your wrists or something. Maybe even load them with magical bullets that can reload themselves, only depleting after a certain amount of shots (maybe 10 for each gun?).

If you don't want to worry about how it would look or work, just go with it and ask your DM if you can count them both as light weapons.

I suppose if you really wanted, you could have your character (or a blacksmith/gunsmith) make extended ammo compartments (clips) so you shouldn't have to worry about ammo mid fight. This seems more of a viable option to me.

For progression, you could in fact ask your DM to make different upgrades for you to purchase over the course of the game. The first upgrade could be £2k (for each gun) for an extended clip that can hold up to 15 bullets (imagine it to be rickety and old fashioned, not like a modern day gun accessory), then next upgrade could be £4k each gun for a 20 bullet capacity, then 8k per gun for 25, and 16k for 30.

That's pricey, but means you won't have to reload so much, and you could always keep extra bullets on your character so that when he/she does run out, you could just load the clips back up again. Just make sure you're well away from any opposing threats when doing this.

Dark Archive

pistols should not be light weapons, its actually kinda hard to fire 2 and hit things.

But then again, they hit touch ac in the first range increment, so the -4/-4 to hit isnt too bad.

Name Violation wrote:

pistols should not be light weapons, its actually kinda hard to fire 2 and hit things.

But then again, they hit touch ac in the first range increment, so the -4/-4 to hit isnt too bad.

Well that may be, but why I think they should be is because even at a -4 penalty, you can still hit things, and I think they should be finessable.

It's not like you can use your strength to increase the damage of a gun, and if you can hold one in each hand without too much of a problem, it's a little different from say dual wielding Bastard Swords which are pretty big lumps of metal that are weighty and awkward to handle.

Pistols (one handed weapons or not) are in comparison easier to hold.

Just my two cents.

Dark Archive

CaptainCortez wrote:
Name Violation wrote:

pistols should not be light weapons, its actually kinda hard to fire 2 and hit things.

But then again, they hit touch ac in the first range increment, so the -4/-4 to hit isnt too bad.

Well that may be, but why I think they should be is because with time you could become good with them (like anything), so I think they should be finessable.

It's not like you can use your strength to increase the damage of a gun, and if you can hold one in each hand without too much of a problem, it's a little different from say dual wielding Bastard Swords which are pretty big lumps of metal that are weighty and awkward to handle.

Pistols (one handed weapons or not) are in comparison easier to hold.

Just my two cents.

finessable? you do get your dex to attacks, its just hard to hold them tight when black powder is exploding in your hand and distracting you from combat

its harder to dual weild guns than daggers. 2 daggers incur -2, so 2 guns incur -4.

[sarcasm]oh no, -4 to hit touch ac with a full bab. how will you ever hit?[/sarcasm]

@Captain:Realistically yes.Pathfinder,no.I have Quick Draw,stow reload draw stow reload.Problem solved.

@Name:Agreed,an extra -2 to touch more than offsets it.

Dark Archive

sphar wrote:

@Captain:Realistically yes.Pathfinder,no.I have Quick Draw,stow reload draw stow reload.Problem solved.

@Name:Agreed,an extra -2 to touch more than offsets it.

you cant put a weapon away as a free action. even with quick draw

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Revolvers are six shots so until high levels it will take at least a few roundsto empty. Also it not that hard to hold both in one hand to reload. Besides, given the abilities of the Gunslinger (presuming the char is a gunslinger), dropping the guns to draw swords isnot that bad. Also you could just use the weapon cord the guns.

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