Ki Mystic

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

6 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Ki mystic is terribly badly written. It's simply just full of questions. I tried searching with Google and Paizo boards to find answers to these questions, but couldn't find any.

1) Does Ki Mystic ability replace Ki Pool ability? Doesn't say so.
2) Do the pools stack then? RAW yes, but seems bogus.
2.1) If they stack, can I use ki points from either pool to use any ki ability?
3) When I gain the ki mystic pool at 3rd level, can I use it to other means than +4 to knowledge rolls?
4) Can I take the Extra Ki feat at 3rd level even though I don't namely have the Ki Pool ability?
5) Possibly a lot more questions?

I look for answers that are RAW or clear the intention. I play PFS primarily so a house rule is out of the question.

My opinions and interpretations of the answers:

1) Practically yes.
2) No. Ki Mystic practically gives +2 ki points from level 4 onwards.
3) Mmmmaybe? I really don't know.
4) Yes. This is just a stupid oversight regarding requirements.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

1) Ki Mystic ability at 3rd level replaces Still Mind, and effectively renames the 4th level ability of Ki Pool (since the Ki Mystic ability specifically mentions your Ki pool, which you don't get from anything else) and allows you access to your Ki pool 1 level earlier.
2) the pools don't stack, since there is only one pool to begin with.
3) I'm not familiar with PFS rules, but the ability itself says you can use 1 point of Ki to add +4 to any skill or ability check, not just knowledge checks.
4) Yes, since you have a class feature that gives you a Ki pool.

Sovereign Court

Jeff1964 wrote:

1) Ki Mystic ability at 3rd level replaces Still Mind, and effectively renames the 4th level ability of Ki Pool (since the Ki Mystic ability specifically mentions your Ki pool, which you don't get from anything else) and allows you access to your Ki pool 1 level earlier.

2) the pools don't stack, since there is only one pool to begin with.
3) I'm not familiar with PFS rules, but the ability itself says you can use 1 point of Ki to add +4 to any skill or ability check, not just knowledge checks.
4) Yes, since you have a class feature that gives you a Ki pool.

Regarding Q3 I meant that can I use the ki points to gain +4 AC for instance, like I could on level 4 with the ordinary ki pool ability.

Sovereign Court

3. No.

Scarab Sages

1). As its written, the ki mystic ki pool doesn't replace the monk ki pool. If you go as written, then you do have two separate ki pools.

2). However, in this case, you don't get to stack the pools together. They're still separate. The ki mystic entry doesn't mention anything about its ki pool granting access to any other abilities.

2.1). But then you run into ANOTHER wording problem. The core book entry allows the monk to access his extra abilities by "spending 1 point from his ki pool".

3). Arguably, with two ki pools, both with ki points, either one fulfills the requirements of activating these abilities.

4). However, the ki mystic doesn't grant the Ki Pool class feature. It instead grants a pool of ki points... yeah...

Now, SHOULD the ki mystic grant all those extra points? Probably not. If you're using the same dm for all your pfs games, talk to him about it. He should be able to tell you whether he wants to go by what makes sense, or by what the rules are actually saying.

If you'll be switching between dms a lot, you'll just have to ask a lot, or pick one interpretation and don't talk about it unless you're asked.

And I hope everyone will join with me in faq'ing this thread :p

Sovereign Court

Magicdealer wrote:

1). As its written, the ki mystic ki pool doesn't replace the monk ki pool. If you go as written, then you do have two separate ki pools.

2). However, in this case, you don't get to stack the pools together. They're still separate. The ki mystic entry doesn't mention anything about its ki pool granting access to any other abilities.

2.1). But then you run into ANOTHER wording problem. The core book entry allows the monk to access his extra abilities by "spending 1 point from his ki pool".

3). Arguably, with two ki pools, both with ki points, either one fulfills the requirements of activating these abilities.

4). However, the ki mystic doesn't grant the Ki Pool class feature. It instead grants a pool of ki points... yeah...

Now, SHOULD the ki mystic grant all those extra points? Probably not. If you're using the same dm for all your pfs games, talk to him about it. He should be able to tell you whether he wants to go by what makes sense, or by what the rules are actually saying.

If you'll be switching between dms a lot, you'll just have to ask a lot, or pick one interpretation and don't talk about it unless you're asked.

And I hope everyone will join with me in faq'ing this thread :p

This is how I read the things as well, but it just smacks you in the face. This just cannot be the way it was intended. I refuse to believe so.

Regarding PFS it will be easy to make ruling decisions. All GMs operate within one IRC channel and due to our remote location (Finland), we can be quite sure no one abroad will come bother us about it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The monk gets a pool of Ki at level 3 with Ki Mystic. When he then gets the Ki Pool ability at level 4, it cannot grant him a second ki pool, so the Ki Mystic pool of ki supersedes that part, but he gains the other benefits of Ki pool--the ki strike, and the various ways it allows him to spend ki.

Yeah, a pretty convoluted explanation which could be made simpler with better wording. But I think it works.

Scarab Sages

Actually, nothing prevents him from gaining a second ki pool.

The ability from Ki Mystic that specifically grants the ki points is called "Ki Mystic" whereas the ability from the monk is called "Ki Pool".

The Ki Mystic ability doesn't replace the monk Ki Pool class feature. There are no stacking rules for the two either, so what you end up with is two separate pools, separately named different things, both providing ki points.

Sovereign Court

My PFS monk is nearing 3rd-level, so I'm forced to make a decision myself. I think I'll choose the non-cheese way, RAI way. No stacking of pools.

Dark Archive

I don't think it is cheesy to have two separate pools. Monks quickly run out a their Ki points, so it makes sense a Ki Mystic would have plenty more Ki. If he were to only get one, then the "Ki Mystic" ability would say it replaced Still Mind AND Ki Pool. But it doesn't. It just replaces Still Mind. So the Ki Mystic Archetype still gets the Ki Pool supernatural ability at 4th level.

However, RAW, the Ki Mystic only gets the +2 to knowledge checks if he has the Ki Pool 4th level ability: "If the monk has at least 1 point of ki in his ki pool, he gains a +2 bonus on all Knowledge skill checks."

The ability to get +4 to an ability or skill check can use Ki points from either the Ki Mystic or the Ki Pool ability: "As a swift action, the monk can spend 1 ki point (doesn't say source) immediately before making an ability, or skill check to gain a +4 insight bonus on the check." The other Ki Mystic archetype's abilities can use Ki from either pool.

However, RAW gets complicated. These abilities specifically say the Ki is drawn from the Ki Pool: Extra attack, +4 dodge AC, high jump, wholeness of body, abundant step, empty body. The +20' movement does not specify it is the Ki Pool being used, and so the point can be drawn from the Ki Pool pool or Ki Mystic pool. In fact (to add further confusion/need for FAQ), it actually doesn't specify a Ki point: "he can spend 1 point to increase his speed" - could it be drawn from the Magus' arcane pool of points?!?

Qinggong monk abilities don't reference the Ki Pool specifically, and so the abilities can be drawn from either pool. The only mention of the Ki Pool ability for the Quinggong monks is about the 0 Ki powers: "Ki powers that cost 0 ki do not require the monk to have any ki points in her ki pool to use the ability."

Having said all of that, I think this needs tidying up with a answer in the FAQ. I mainly play in PFS, and so it's not something that a GM can houserule for me. That being the case, I'm going to use it the way I want it to (i.e. most beneficial for me), and I'll argue my case when a GM calls me on it (I don't like bringing up rules questions unless I need to). The fact that I've thought this through a lot more than 95% of GM's I'll play with will generally mean I'll win the argument and get away with it. I know that's not how PFS want us to be playing, but they have to contribute to FAQ more often or accept that this kind of behaviour will happen.

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