The Shadowrager-Build Idea help?


I've been tinkering with the idea of a rogue/barbarian type for the last few weeks,but I'm having trouble seeing synergy.The idea behind it is that he is a sneaky character that can function skill-wise as rogue,but lets shadowy rage power him through battle.Any way to optimize this more? It
is completely unbuilt at the moment,but here's what I'm thinking:

Str 14
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 10

FEATS(He's a human)
L1:Weapon Finesse
L1:Extra Rage
L3:Weapon Focus(Greatsword)

Greatsword of some sort
Chain Shirt/Studded Leather
Elven Cloak
Assorted Adventuring Door

sphar wrote:

I've been tinkering with the idea of a rogue/barbarian type for the last few weeks,but I'm having trouble seeing synergy.The idea behind it is that he is a sneaky character that can function skill-wise as rogue,but lets shadowy rage power him through battle.Any way to optimize this more? It

is completely unbuilt at the moment,but here's what I'm thinking:

Str 14
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 10

FEATS(He's a human)
L1:Weapon Finesse
L1:Extra Rage
L3:Weapon Focus(Greatsword)

Greatsword of some sort
Chain Shirt/Studded Leather
Elven Cloak
Assorted Adventuring Door

What level are you? I am assuming level 3 at least. I am assuming you want sneak attack, otherwise you could just go Two-Hander Ranger Barbarian, and you would still get stealth as a skill. Although I would think raging and sneaking are counter intuitive to each other :p .

"While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration."

I guess you could charge out of stealth raging. Do you just want the skills, I think ranger/barbarian would be your best bet.

I could see 4 levels of rogue being useful towards a barbarian in the long run, with evasion and uncanny dodge. Although Barbarians get uncanny dodge as a class skill anyway.

If you wanted to get more sneak attacks, I would recommend the rage power bite, on top of two weapon fighting, so that at level 5 you would have Animal Fury, giving you 3 attacks with a total of 6d6 sneak attack damage + your weapons and bite damage, since that is where a rogue gets most of his damage from. Then get Double Slice so you could add you whole str bonus, but I don't that that goes towards natural attacks.

Also, you can't use weapon finesse with a greatsword. I don't know why you have weapon finesse and weapon focus(greatsword) otherwise.

If your going to use weapons that require two hands, as appose to two weapon fighting, you might want to switch stats, make dex the 14, and strength the 18. That way when you rage, you would get a bonus of 22. which would give you a +9 on attacks with your two-handed weapon. That would be one hell of a surprise for your enemies to get hit with :p. Some power attack instead of weapon finesse, and you have a competent front line barbarian, who can stealth when he wants too. Get Distracting Attack as a rogue talent at level 2, and you do a great job at debuffing.

I am not any specific level,just looking at an overall level-by-level build if possible.

Hmmmm,yes that will be a problem :P perhaps I'll use a spiked chain is it?

Also,he doesn't rage until the middle of the fight.

My idea is falling apart D:

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