Tome of Horrors Complete -- Order NOW or miss out forever

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Frog God Games

Githzilla wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
I'm seriously considering getting a book pedestal to put the book on. No, let me correct that: I'm seriously considering getting a book pedestal to chain the book to!
Good luck wrestling a CR20 book onto a pedestal long enough to collar it!

Klaatu, Verata....


Dark Archive

When does it ship from FGG?

Dark Archive

carmachu wrote:
When does it ship from FGG?

Supposedly the end of the month, the book has not even been printed yet so it will be a while.

The Exchange

silverhair2008 wrote:

I haven't really sat down and looked through the entire book yet. Mostly because my GM who is running Kingmaker may want to use some of these monsters and I don't want to cheat. But what I have looked at is awesome. I can only imagine the enormous amount of work that went into just putting this together. My hearty thanks and a job well done.

Just my 2 cp.

Why stop now?

@ Wolfthulhu, I was asked not to.

Geistlinger wrote:

No, that's not it. Noodle? It was something with N

Githzilla wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
I'm seriously considering getting a book pedestal to put the book on. No, let me correct that: I'm seriously considering getting a book pedestal to chain the book to!
Good luck wrestling a CR20 book onto a pedestal long enough to collar it!

Not that hard.

"Listen, *pamphlet*, we can do this the easy way, or the *snaps fingers* *lackey breaks Tome of Horror 3.0's spine* FUN way"

And if that doesn't work, the mere mention of a gaggle of pre-schoolers and a big box of crayons will tame every tome.

Frog God Games

KaeYoss wrote:

Not that hard.

"Listen, *pamphlet*, we can do this the easy way, or the *snaps fingers* *lackey breaks Tome of Horror 3.0's spine* FUN way"

Dude... you just threw away so much money there.

Dark Archive

bigkilla wrote:
carmachu wrote:
When does it ship from FGG?
Supposedly the end of the month, the book has not even been printed yet so it will be a while.

Thanks. I wasnt sure if it was beginning or end of the month.

Grand Lodge

KaeYoss wrote:
Geistlinger wrote:
No, that's not it. Noodle? It was something with N

You'd think the old man would have mentioned 'misspeaking the words awakens the army of the dead' sooner. Not that Ash would have paid any more attention, being the action hero and all.

Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Matthew Morris wrote:

One thing I need to add in the 'thanks' department.

Thank you to those wonderful people who were at WotC at the time who greenlit the original ToH.

No doubt. I can tell you who it was. It was primarily Anthony Valterra. Now, he had to consult with others, but Anthony is who I worked with to get permission to use the "forgotten" monsters.

I approached him and asked about all the monsters that they were NOT converting to 3E and asked if I could do them. It was really, really important to me and also wound up being really important to him to make sure all the original authors and their sources for those original monsters were credited, which is why you see our interesting copyright section and then section 15 information. We were dedicated not only to opening up all that content, but also to crediting the original authors.

Anthony was cool and everyone at Wizards was really easy to work with. I know they get the bad rap, and the 3E/4E stuff, and I have sure said about my disappointment with the GSL, but I have to give it up for Wizards on this--they were awesome. Anthony was awesome and really cool to work with.

Of course, I was swelling with geek pride to be able to "rescue" the "forgotten" monsters. But the process of discussing it with Wizards was friendly and honest and open. They were just super, super cool.

So good point, Matt. BIG props to Wizards for giving me the authority to do what we did with the original Tome.


Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Mary Elizabeth Allen from their legal department was also a huge help. She wound up reviewing my planned approach for OGL compliance and credit to the original authors. Her sign off on the creative approach to the license I was using was crucial.

She was really cool, and back in that approval email in 2002, she even commented that she appreciated my "vigilance in complying with the spirit of the OGL," which meant a lot.

Yes, that's right, you heard it here. An employee from WotC talking up the spirit of the OGL and loving what I was doing. I know, its cool to say Wizards never actually believed in or supported the OGL but that is just not true and boy oh boy have I got the email from back in the day to prove it. Tome of Horrors is a perfect example. Here is a legal person and the D&D brand director giving me the thumbs up to do this. I mean, what more proof do you need to know that back in the day there was insider support for the OGL.

Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

I also briefly worked with David Wise, but he transitioned me to Anthony Valterra (because he was leaving the company as I recall; I'll have to check my old emails). Though I have to admit that David was very helpful in pointing out, on Wizards' behalf, some language for me to add to my proposed copyright notices. Very helpful.

Chuck Wright wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:

Not that hard.

"Listen, *pamphlet*, we can do this the easy way, or the *snaps fingers* *lackey breaks Tome of Horror 3.0's spine* FUN way"

Dude... you just threw away so much money there.

Then I'll bust out the crayons first. It's crueller, but my greed far outweighs my compassion towards tomes.

But all joking aside, I actually have that book (TOH 2, too). What with the outdated rules and the TOH Complete coming, I don't really need it. So you say there's money in it?

Clark Peterson wrote:
I know they get the bad rap, and the 3E/4E stuff, and I have sure said about my disappointment with the GSL, but I have to give it up for Wizards on this--they were awesome. Anthony was awesome and really cool to work with.

But wasn't that ages ago? How many of the people who made that possible back then are still with wotc?

I mean, wotc used to be all OGC, too.

Frog God Games

KaeYoss wrote:
Chuck Wright wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:

Not that hard.

"Listen, *pamphlet*, we can do this the easy way, or the *snaps fingers* *lackey breaks Tome of Horror 3.0's spine* FUN way"

Dude... you just threw away so much money there.

Then I'll bust out the crayons first. It's crueller, but my greed far outweighs my compassion towards tomes.

But all joking aside, I actually have that book (TOH 2, too). What with the outdated rules and the TOH Complete coming, I don't really need it. So you say there's money in it?

Yes. Check out what they're selling for on EBay right now.

Clark Peterson wrote:

Yes, that's right, you heard it here. An employee from WotC talking up the spirit of the OGL and loving what I was doing. I know, its cool to say Wizards never actually believed in or supported the OGL but that is just not true and boy oh boy have I got the email from back in the day to prove it. Tome of Horrors is a perfect example. Here is a legal person and the D&D brand director giving me the thumbs up to do this. I mean, what more proof do you need to know that back in the day there was insider support for the OGL.

Anyone that says Wizards never believed in it or supported it is dead wrong, but, as KaeYoss points out, sadly, those that believed in it and supported it (at least, openly) were laid off or ran off early on, from Peter Adkison all the way down.

In the early days of 3E, the enthusiasm and excitement for the OGL was palpable, and you're right - the ToH is one of the prime examples of that.

I think a lot of us hold a special place in our hearts for those Wizards, wherever they may be today.

Chuck Wright wrote:
Yes. Check out what they're selling for on EBay right now.

I see a softcover ToH 3?! All three of mine are hardcovers - wasn't aware any of them got a softcover print/reprint.

Was the 3.5 ToH update PDF only?

Frog God Games

Brian E. Harris wrote:
Chuck Wright wrote:
Yes. Check out what they're selling for on EBay right now.

I see a softcover ToH 3?! All three of mine are hardcovers - wasn't aware any of them got a softcover print/reprint.

Was the 3.5 ToH update PDF only?

I don't think it was ever a softcover. Mine are all hardcovers, too.

And yeah, 3.5 Tome of Horrors Revised never saw print. :/

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I still don't have my PDF copy available for download. I can log in just fine, and see all of my Slumbering Tsar downloads in the ezine section, but no ToH. :-(

Frog God Games

Alz--ping and ask for assist

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Bill Webb wrote:
Alz--ping and ask for assist

Problem solved and downloading now. Thanks Bill!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
KaeYoss wrote:
I mean, wotc used to be all OGC, too.

Really? Can you point me to a book which has 100% open content? WotC always intended to hold things back. Experience and leveling were never released in the SRD. A selection of monsters held back.

Don't get me wrong, WotC deserves props for all the open content they gave us. But even the people who made the OGL happen intended to keep some rights to Wizards.

Anyway, thanks everyone who made this incredible Tome happen. From Wizards to Necro to Frog God. If you haven't purchased the PDF yet, you are missing out.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Chuck Wright wrote:
And yeah, 3.5 Tome of Horrors Revised never saw print. :/

I printed it and put it into a binder. I'm hoping the Complete Tome will fit in about the same spot on my bookshelf. (It was a 3 inch binder. Best ~$5 in materials spent ever.)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

deinol wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
I mean, wotc used to be all OGC, too.

Really? Can you point me to a book which has 100% open content? WotC always intended to hold things back. Experience and leveling were never released in the SRD. A selection of monsters held back.

I was going to say unearthed Arcana, but I'm not sure all the bloodlines were OGL.

I said elsewhere, I've no interest now in 3.x PDFs unless WotC opened up more stuff.

When will the books be shipping? Is there a(n approximate) date? Have they been shipped? Will we be notified?

deinol wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
I mean, wotc used to be all OGC, too.
Really? Can you point me to a book which has 100% open content?

I didn't mean "all OGC" as in "everything they did was OGC" but more as in "they were all for the idea"

The never supported it as much as Paizo does with Pathfinder, but there was a WotC once that did like the idea.

Frog God Games

We should be receiving the books by 9/3. Bill posted the print schedule in its own thread. :D

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