Lore Seeker - Which spells are avaialble?

Rules Questions

Lore Seeker reads::
Lore Seeker: The secrets of an ancient fallen civilization intrigue you, particularly the magical traditions of its highly mystical culture. You've studied magic intensely, and hope to increase that knowledge by adding ancient lore. You've come to the region to pursue that study, and chose the town as your base because it was out of the way of bigger cities—meaning less competition to study the ancient monuments in the region, you hope! You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks, and Knowledge (arcana) is a class skill for you. If you cast arcane spells, pick three spells on your spell list. You are particularly adept at casting these spells, so they function at +1 caster level when you cast them, and their save DCs (if any) gain a +1 bonus.

Basically, which spells can I choose?
Only spells I can cast at the time I take the trait?
Any spells from my spell list?

It says from my spell list, which AFAIK the PRD only ever refers to spell list as all the available spells for that class, so I'm just not sure if Lore Seeker is a sweet mid~late game trait that involves roleplaying (hence a campaign trait) OR if it is relatively useless if I only take it at level 1.

La'Vantis casts Animate Thread

Lets see if we can get an answer.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Phage wrote:

Basically, which spells can I choose?

Only spells I can cast at the time I take the trait?
Any spells from my spell list?

Any 3 spells from your spell list.

I would argue that it's any three spells you can cast at the time the trait is taken.

Precedent: In the recent kerfuffle over Magus and Spell Combat, the designers indicated that "on your spell list" is equivalent to "a spell that you can prepare into one of your class spell slots".

The intent (at least on my reading) is that you've trained casting these spells using 'lost' techniques, and therefore get a bonus to them. I could see where it could go either way, though.


Can you link that Xara?

Your studying lore from ancient civilizations not 'from your spells known'.

For wand and scroll use the definition of 'your spell list' is pretty clear. Its your spell list, not your spells known.

Here is the FAQ in question, La'Vantis.

They nailed that down as narrowly as they did because multiclass Magi were arguing that they could cast spells with other class's spell slots and spellcombat so long as the spells they chose to cast were also on the Magus spell list. Which was bad. I guess.

There's nothing about Lore Seeker to indicate that they mean spell list any differently than what it means for a wand or scroll. You have to decide when you pick your spells which spells you're going to use the most over an entire campaign - if you take a fourth of fifth level (or higher) spell, you won't get any benefit for a very long time. If you take first or second level spells, you'll likely reach a point where you never get around to casting it most days. So it's a balance. (Of course, the trait is still ridiculously powerful given that it boosts three spells, but it's technically not legal outside RotRL.)

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