Bobson |

Yes, a single weapon is fine.
Starting at 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action. When doing so he may make one additional attack using any combination of unarmed strikes or attacks with a special monk weapon (kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, and siangham) as if using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat (even if the monk does not meet the prerequisites for the feat).
Any combination means that "unarmed strike / unarmed strike / unarmed strike" is just as valid as "unarmed strike / sai / shuriken".

Revan |

The monk in my game flurries with just his right hand, because that is the hand that has his brass knuckles +1. I can't stand the mechanic. It's "flurry of jabs" and it drives me (and the PC) nuts.
So let him enchant his unarmed strike directly. Mechanically, doing so is not really any different from enchanted brass knuckles, but it lets him flavor a flurry into any combination of strikes he pleases.

deathsausage |

I support any and all interpretations of the rules that allow a character to act exactly like E. Honda. Now all we need is a way for a character to fling himself like a missile, in a straight line, for a headbutt using the top of the skull.

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I support any and all interpretations of the rules that allow a character to act exactly like E. Honda. Now all we need is a way for a character to fling himself like a missile, in a straight line, for a headbutt using the top of the skull.
Ooh, of course! The Sumo Monk! Now there's an archetype we need to make!
(Runs off to start designing)

Dosgamer |

So let him enchant his unarmed strike directly. Mechanically, doing so is not really any different from enchanted brass knuckles, but it lets him flavor a flurry into any combination of strikes he pleases.
We've come up with a system between us to do something similar without having to get his "unarmed strikes" enchanted by the normal means (since creating custom items in my games is typically quite hard due to story reasons). Essentially, I am giving him the paladin's divine bond ability for weapons that are only applicable to his unarmed strikes but it counts against his WBL. So at level 8 he will be able to enchant his unarmed strikes as +2, level 11 as +3, etc. That combined with his amulet of mighty fists should do him just fine. /salute!

Dosgamer |

deathsausage wrote:I support any and all interpretations of the rules that allow a character to act exactly like E. Honda. Now all we need is a way for a character to fling himself like a missile, in a straight line, for a headbutt using the top of the skull.Ooh, of course! The Sumo Monk! Now there's an archetype we need to make!
(Runs off to start designing)
Sheer greatness! I can't wait to see what turns up.