AJs Dads Ptolus


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As you all sit and chat, discussing your various plans, the door of the inn opens and a swirl of fog briefly obscures the cloaked figure standing in the doorway. The hooded person seems to survey the interior of the inn before settling on your group. It then steps through the door and you notice now that it is accompanied by a young woman with a grey shawl around her head. Walking toward you all, the figure drops its hood revealing a weather beaten but kindly face.He stands just under six feet tall and has long brown hair that is pulled back away from his face. "Hah! I thought I'd find you here Sev. Managed to raise that cash yet? No, dont look so worried. I don't expect miracles you know." He looks at the rest of you and exclaims, "Oh, where are my manners. How rude. My name if Brother Fabitor Thisk. I work with Sev. This by the way is Phon. I just bumped into her on my way over here. She is a paritioner of mine. I managed to stop her getting into a spot of bother. Didn't I dear?" As he asks this, he turns to the young woman, whilst rubbing at a cut above his left eye. The woman sheepishly looks down at the table.
"Anyway, if you’ll allow me to buy you a round of drinks, I’d like to talk to you all about a job. What do you say?”

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1
A J s Dad wrote:
Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:

"Mr True, I only wish I could believe you, yet I hold out little hope. She has been gone over a week now. I wouldn't know where to even start looking"

"Good then we won't have any preconceived notions getting in the way. Now I am sure you've done this a thousand time in the past week but I want you to tell me as best as you remember, when you last saw her."

"Actually, it was my wife who was the last to lay eyes on her. I had already left for work in the Necropolis - I'm a professional mourner. My wife kissed Ellan as she ran off on an errand for her to buy fish at the fish market at the docks. She never came back. I spent days roaming the docks but no one could remember seeing anyone fitting her description."

Zebulon takes careful notes. "Where do you live Mr Etherin? I will need to talk with your neighbors and with your wife. Everyone leaves traces even eight year olds. She can and she will be found.

Now tell me about your street, what does it look like when you leave for work?"

Male Human Paladin 1
A J s Dad wrote:

"Anyway, if you’ll allow me to buy you a round of drinks, I’d like to talk to you all about a job. What do you say?”

Well, Brother Thisk, we have already agreed to help this young man Hissarion gestures to Cody Find his missing Uncle, but I certainly wouldn't say no to the drinks. Let's hear what you have to say and maybe we can help you too.

Valoria looks up at the priest and his companion, speaking softly, "Please you two, take a seat at the table so we can hear what your job offer is all about.", pointing to some empties near the table, "Perhaps, in aiding Cody in finding his uncle, we may be also able to help you at the same time."

"Seeing you willing to buy a round of drinks, I would have some tea to drink."

Brother Thisk shouts a serving girl over. "Drinks all round for my friends here - whatever theyre drinking and a tea as well if you please. No, dont give me that look, I know you can do a tea; I've had one in here befoe myself. Thankyou. Now...to business.
“Two days ago, a librarian from my church disappeared. For reasons that are somewhat complicated, the high priest has declined to look into the matter. The missing man, Lucius, is a dear friend of mine, and I’m worried that evil may have befallen him.
I’m willing to offer you 50 gold each, 10 now and 40 on completion of the mission, if you can find Lucius and return him to the church. I will provide you with any information I can, and healing should you require it. Interested?”

Male Human Warrior 1
Sev Granger wrote:
Lainadan Raelin wrote:

Lainadan was observing all the chatter in front of him, where acquaintances and decisions were being made. Seemed like all these youngsters were actually looking for trouble... well, a quest.

Suddenly, Lainadan wanted to experience that sense of unexpected adventure again, like the times he often roamed the nearby wild... He knew another gardener or two that could take over his shifts (as he sometimes did for them when they were ill or absent). So he spoke up: Cody and Sev, I'm Lainadan Raelin. I think I'll be joining Hissarion, Valoria and you on that mission you're about to discuss."

"Wonderful! Missing uncle it is! So, where did your uncle go missing?"

Cody, thankful at the responses he was receiving, joined the others at the table. "Well the rumors have it that he was heading towards Giants Staircase and into the Eternity Cave". "He's been missing a long time, but I'm sure he's still alive somewhere". "I just want to help him like he's always helped me". He then signals for a barmaid. "Large glass of milk please".

Lainadan's half-elven ears suddenly grow more pointed. 50 gold? Wow, he should've gone with adventuring sooner.
As the barmaid fixed her gaze upon him, Lainadan said "Something fresh and, uh, strong as well." That would do just fine to invigorate his limbs.

Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:
Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:

"Mr True, I only wish I could believe you, yet I hold out little hope. She has been gone over a week now. I wouldn't know where to even start looking"

"Good then we won't have any preconceived notions getting in the way. Now I am sure you've done this a thousand time in the past week but I want you to tell me as best as you remember, when you last saw her."

"Actually, it was my wife who was the last to lay eyes on her. I had already left for work in the Necropolis - I'm a professional mourner. My wife kissed Ellan as she ran off on an errand for her to buy fish at the fish market at the docks. She never came back. I spent days roaming the docks but no one could remember seeing anyone fitting her description."

Zebulon takes careful notes. "Where do you live Mr Etherin? I will need to talk with your neighbors and with your wife. Everyone leaves traces even eight year olds. She can and she will be found.

Now tell me about your street, what does it look like when you leave for work?"

"Well, I live in a tenament on Foggy Way. We call it the Three Sisters, 'cos of an arty mural on its front. There's a fair few people lives there too."

Dark Archive

Female Human

sorta standing off to the side i now join the the party at the table flasing a little smile stating "i couldn't help but notice an adventure my be starting here.. i'll be willing to he yall in your quest although normal don't do this but a lady with my talent can't stay on the side lines forever..."

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1

"Right, Three sisters, Foggy way. You said she has been gone a week. What day exactly did she vanish?"

Kn:local to know anything about Foggy way, the three sisters, or the business of professional mournuing? Skill is +9 for kn: local. Now that I have had some time to assess the gentelman what impression do I get from Mr.Etherin? Is his grief real, he mourns for a living afterall? Any sign of atrifice or makeup? Any sign of injury, drink, or drug addictions? Skills that may be useful: Perception +12, Sense Motive +7.

There are no signs of drink or drugs. The Three usters is an old residential block, about four storeys tall. It's in a bit of a rough part of the city. His grief seems genuine and he seems to be still in shock really.

Male Human Paladin 1

Hissarion listens to Brother Thisk's plight. What information to you have which might be pertinent to where Luicus may have gotten himself too now?

Brother Thisk leans forward in his chair, looking at all those around the table. "Hmm...Well, I have known Lucius for most of my life. We were both brought up in the Church. He became a librarian and I, a priest. But six years ago, something strange happened.
He seemed to change overnight. One day he was my friend of many years, and the next he was a complete stranger. He asked bizarre questions, seemed to remember nothing of our friendship, and treated the Churchas his own personal library. Some months later he was caught violating the sanctum and was expelled from the Church.
Shortly thereafter, he left Ptolus entirely and was gone for four years.
“When Lucius reappeared, he was like his old self. He came to the Church and begged to be readmitted, saying that he had no memory of the previous five years.
Adlam Theobold, the Arch Bishop here in Ptolus, seemed adamant about refusing Lucius’s petition but changed his mind after a private
meeting with him.
“Lucius returned to the Church, and it was just like old times for eight or nine months. Then he started to look haggard, and he told me he wasn’t sleeping well. Something was disturbing him, but he wouldn’t say what.
He started asking a lot of questions about what he had been like right before his expulsion. The Arch Bishop talked to him about it, but Lucius wouldn’t let it go.
“I grew increasingly worried for my friend. He seemed on the brink of insanity, as if one small thing could push him over the edge. Two days ago, he failed to come to the Church. I went to his home and found
it empty. I searched all over but could not find him. The priests of my order deny it, but I know that something has happened to Lucius. I want you to find out what."

Male Human Paladin 1

What sorts of books was he reading before he disappeared and before he left for four years. Do you think that he could have discovered something which scared him?

Dark Archive

Female Human

I fear your friend may have went completely crazy or my have just became another statistic of the many who are kidnaped, but their be something more sinister going on due him be slightly more important than you average citizen...

Valoria sips her tea as of being of royalty, listening to the information provided by Brother Thisk. Once he finished speaking and Hissarion asked his question, she speaks softly, "By the personality changes Lucius had, I would not be surprised if he was not possessed at varies times in the last few years. Maybe he discovered a tome within the library that allowed a portal to be opened or possession of the reader."

She looks at Hissarion, "Do you think we can help Cody and help the Priest at the same time?"

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1
A J s Dad wrote:
There are no signs of drink or drugs. The Three sisters is an old residential block, about four storeys tall. It's in a bit of a rough part of the city. His grief seems genuine and he seems to be still in shock really.

"Do you remember the exact date she disappeard, and do you remember what she was wearing and if she had any toys or trinkets on her?"

Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:
There are no signs of drink or drugs. The Three sisters is an old residential block, about four storeys tall. It's in a bit of a rough part of the city. His grief seems genuine and he seems to be still in shock really.
"Do you remember the exact date she disappeard, and do you remember what she was wearing and if she had any toys or trinkets on her?"

"It was Earthday, a week ago. All she had with her was a few coins - enough to buy some fish with I think."

Sev shakes himself from his fugue, and nods at Thisk and Valoria. "Sure, we can, right? I mean, we have to. It's what Lothian would want!" Sev seems sincere, if a little overly-so.

Male Human Paladin 1

Well what is better than one adventure but two at the same time? If we're lucky we will find one of them on the way to the other.

A large smiles forms, "Brother Thisk, I presume we will not be hindered in gaining access to the church library, and Lucius' belongings."

Sits back to ponder the ideas of adventure as she sips her tea.

"Well Cody's adventure is going under the city. Brother Thisk's adventure would probably lead to going under the city too. So we could start our adventure at Lucius' home and the church library. Tomorrow perhaps, seeing that it is already dark.", pauses for a moment, with suddenly raising an eyebrow, "I just remembered, where I going to sleep tonight, need good sleep to prepare for the big day, first day of adventure."

Male Human Paladin 1

Hissarion slams back the rest of his ale and grimaces because even the house's best ale is s&~*. Well. I'm supposed to to be keeping an eye on you. I have a floor and a bedroll. It's a fine bedroll, got me through some tough times in the army it did. You can use it tonight and we can see about getting you a bed of some sort later if you can't find your own place.

He digs around in his coat pocket for a few coppers which he throws on the table as he stands up to leave. Brother Thisk, we'll meet you at St. Gustav's tomorrow, Cody I would be honored if you would join us. We can proceed from there to delver's square to inquire after your uncle. The paladin gives a brief nod to each of the people at the table.

Dark Archive

Female Human

my place is just around the corner anyone woh needs a place to stay is welcome not much but does have a good roof and a nice view...

Seeing Hissarion standing to leave, Valoria quickly throws the remaining of her tea down her throat, then stands up to follow Hissarion.
"I also have a bed roll on my backpack.", as she lifts her backpack onto her back, "In my youth I did go on a few trips into the wilds with my father ...", falling silent for a few moments.

"Brother Thisk, once again thank you for the tea.", giving a slight bow, before following Hissarion through the crowd out of the tavern.

Lainadan was glad the party was breaking up - he figured he'd need the rest. He felt worn out already, and the real adventure had yet to begin.

Thanks for the company, and I'll see everyone at St. Gustav's then. At what hour shall we meet?, the ranger asked before he emptied his cup. He would need to make arrangments so that he'd still find his job available to him once the trip was over.

You push throuh a crowd of dwarves and a smaller group of humand as you exit the tavern. Outside, the rough slabs of the pavement are just as crowded, with labouresrs and other workers making there way to who knows where. Through the crowd you note a relatively well dressed old man raising his voice accusingly. Words to the effect of “You!? It can’t be! No! No! It can’t—” directed toward a grey shawled woman. He hurriedly backs away, between two carriages parked at the side of the road, directly into the path of an oncoming fast moving carriage.
the horses suddenly, the carriage strikes the old man, snapping his body forward and hurling him, doll–like, against the back of a carriage
parked nearby. The battered body crumples to the dirt, motionless. The old woman turns toward the gaping crowd, for the first time seeming to noticing you. She smiles cruelly, turns and walks back the way she came rounding a corner.

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1
A J s Dad wrote:
Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:
There are no signs of drink or drugs. The Three sisters is an old residential block, about four storeys tall. It's in a bit of a rough part of the city. His grief seems genuine and he seems to be still in shock really.
"Do you remember the exact date she disappeard, and do you remember what she was wearing and if she had any toys or trinkets on her?"
"It was Earthday, a week ago. All she had with her was a few coins - enough to buy some fish with I think."

"I am now going to ask a very impertinent question. I have made a bit of a study of kidnappings and the numbers indicate the question needs to be asked. Is there any reason, any reason at all, to consider that Ellen might not be your and your wife's daughter? If anyone else believes they have a claim on her then that might be a place to start."

A J S Dad. I am enjoying following my own path her but if it is causing problems I will try to mesh into the main group. I expect we are all on the same case and will meet eventually.

Dark Archive

Female Human

letting the keep know that i'll might gone for a while i follow them out closly... know that while one adventures would be great 2 might be a once in a life time opertunity... noticing the guy being hit and the old lady fleeing i decide to fallow trying to be steatly..

Seeing the old flung into the carriage, then becoming motionless on the ground, Valoria pulls the paladin by the arm as she moves to the old man to see if they can help.

Male Human Warrior 1

I guess I'm a little confused with all the different story arc's and things going on all at once (Much like Cody would be). Could I get a quick summary of everything that is going on right now, and maybe a time frame. Sorry I'll try to keep up better in the future

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1
Cody Ulshak wrote:
I guess I'm a little confused with all the different story arc's and things going on all at once (Much like Cody would be). Could I get a quick summary of everything that is going on right now, and maybe a time frame. Sorry I'll try to keep up better in the future

Well I am interviewing a grief-stricken father and will soon be heading to the Three sisters building to interview the Mother ands begin tracking down a missing Daughter. A dissapearance that may well be related to a number of similar kidnappings. I have yet to talk to the other party members and for that I am sorry. Zeb is a bit focused at times.

Male Human Paladin 1
Cody Ulshak wrote:
I guess I'm a little confused with all the different story arc's and things going on all at once (Much like Cody would be). Could I get a quick summary of everything that is going on right now, and maybe a time frame. Sorry I'll try to keep up better in the future

[/ooc]I think that the rest of the party is going to meet at St. Gusdtav's tomorrow. We are going to search for both your uncle and the priest and hope that one quest leads to the other somehow. Hissarion, as always, does not really have a detailed plan.[/ooc]

Hissarion sees the man hit by the carriage and runs with Valoria to see what can be done. He looks around to see where the cloaked woman who cased this went.

Assuming that the man is dead...
Hissarion bends down to examine the man and quickly discovers that he is beyond help. He looks up to the corner which the woman is disspearing around and grabs Valoria. He is beyond help. That woman, however, clearly knows something and is getting away. He runs off, half pulling Valoria behind him for a few steps.

Dark Archive

Female Human

i was on my way home after agreeing to meet/ alowing people to at my home... but now i'm fallowing the woman who escaped stealthly trying not to be seen

Thanks fir the story so far update guys:)

Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:
Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:
There are no signs of drink or drugs. The Three sisters is an old residential block, about four storeys tall. It's in a bit of a rough part of the city. His grief seems genuine and he seems to be still in shock really.
"Do you remember the exact date she disappeard, and do you remember what she was wearing and if she had any toys or trinkets on her?"
"It was Earthday, a week ago. All she had with her was a few coins - enough to buy some fish with I think."

"I am now going to ask a very impertinent question. I have made a bit of a study of kidnappings and the numbers indicate the question needs to be asked. Is there any reason, any reason at all, to consider that Ellen might not be your and your wife's daughter? If anyone else believes they have a claim on her then that might be a place to start."

A J S Dad. I am enjoying following my own path her but if it is causing problems I will try to mesh into the main group. I expect we are all on the same case and will meet eventually.

Ellens father stares at you, tears welling in his eyes. "I was there when she was conceived and I was there when my wife gave birth. Any more questions?"

Hissarion Azor wrote:
Cody Ulshak wrote:
I guess I'm a little confused with all the different story arc's and things going on all at once (Much like Cody would be). Could I get a quick summary of everything that is going on right now, and maybe a time frame. Sorry I'll try to keep up better in the future

[/ooc]I think that the rest of the party is going to meet at St. Gusdtav's tomorrow. We are going to search for both your uncle and the priest and hope that one quest leads to the other somehow. Hissarion, as always, does not really have a detailed plan.[/ooc]

Hissarion sees the man hit by the carriage and runs with Valoria to see what can be done. He looks around to see where the cloaked woman who cased this went.

Assuming that the man is dead...
Hissarion bends down to examine the man and quickly discovers that he is beyond help. He looks up to the corner which the woman is disspearing around and grabs Valoria. He is beyond help. That woman, however, clearly knows something and is getting away. He runs off, half pulling Valoria behind him for a few steps.

As you bend down next to the victim you note that the fallen man is barely conscious and largely unresponsive. It seems fairly obvious that he is fatally injured.

There are deep gashes on his temple and scalp, blood runs freely from his mouth, and one arm and both legs are broken, one break
a terrible compound fracture at the knee. From the wheezing noise he is making you would sumise that he has several broken ribs and a punctured lung. His breathing is ragged, and he is coughing on his own blood. Death is imminent.
The man manages to focus his last few seconds of life into a
few whispered words. “Three…three sisters…no! No, she’s…she’s
He exhales raggedly and dies.

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1
A J s Dad wrote:

Ellens father stares at you, tears welling in his eyes. "I was there when she was conceived and I was there when my wife gave birth. Any more questions?"

"No, and sorry about that. Let's get you home and see what can be seen at the Three sisters."

Assuming agreement. Pay tab if any and head for he scene of the crime.

Knew the plots would converge pretty quiclky.

Moulini Tankard wrote:
letting the keep know that i'll might gone for a while i follow them out closly... know that while one adventures would be great 2 might be a once in a life time opertunity... noticing the guy being hit and the old lady fleeing i decide to fallow trying to be steatly..

OK Moulini, can you give me a Perception roll please.

Dark Archive

Female Human

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

MouliniYou spot the old woman, but she is nearly 100 yards away, a distance she couldn’t possibly have covered in the few seconds
since you last saw her. She is walking away from you at a casual
pace, and soon turns another corner.

Valoria runs just behind the paladin, speaking aloud for him to hear, "Definitely a dangerous old lady if she scared him enough to walk backwards into the road. Wonder what the old man is referring by three sisters?"

As she runs with Hissarion, she looks for the old lady.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Dark Archive

Female Human

i quicken my pace in hope of catching her... while still trying not draw attetion to myself...

Valoria and Hissarion set off after the old woman and manage to catch up to Moulini who has pursued her already. As you round the corner of the street, you again spot the old woman. Once again she appears to have got far ahead of you and is now almost a block away, and turning anothe corner. The streets are still crowded with citizens going about their business.

Seeing the old lady rounding a corner a block ahead, speaks loud enough for the paladin to hear, "Wow! For an old lady she does move quick. Definitely something not natural about that old lady. Either old lady with fast movement magic, or young person in magical disguise.".

Male Human Warrior 1

Hey everybody. I'll be on a 9-day business trip starting this afternoon, so posting will be spotty. Still should be able to post every day, but feel free to NPC my character to move things along.

You race after the figure and turn another corner. One again, the old woman appears to somehow have gotten a good distance away from you. She now appears to be climbing some steps that lead up to a tenament building.

Valoria, can you make a Will save

Dark Archive

Female Human

i keep an eye on her but from a distance...

Male Human Paladin 1

Where in the city are we, ie, how far did we have to chase her away from the tavern?

As requested.

Will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Hissarion Azor wrote:
Where in the city are we, ie, how far did we have to chase her away from the tavern?

You are still in the same district approx 3 blocks from the tavern.

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