AJs Dads Ptolus


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Its a cold and dark evening that has seen you all, for whatever reason arrive at the Black Swan, in the Midtown district of the city of Ptolus. A fog is just starting to roll in, almost obscuring the faded painted sign outside. Although, judging by the raucous laughter and raised voices coming from within the place, you presume that you could have found the tavern blindfolded. A strong smell of potent ale wafts out into the cold evening air as you push your way into the crowded tap room. The inside is dingy and lit by guttering candle light emanating from several wooden chandaliers hanging overhead. The ceiling is suprisingly low, the floor is dirty, the tables are splintered wood, and the walls are bare, apart from a well used notice board — yet the clientele don’t seem to mind one bit. On the contrary, it appears that most of the patrons tonight are dwarves - drunk or half-drunk dwarves to be precise. As you enter, the bartender is trying to call for quiet, as a beautiful flame haired woman takes to the stage, to the loud banging of tankards on tables.

Male Human Paladin 1

The door groans open as a tall man in a heavy coat enters the tavern, looking around at the clientele. Effortlessly dodging out of the paths of some of the more inebriated patrons, he finds a table in the corner with a view of both the door and the stage and sits down. He swings his legs up on the table and pulls a copy of The Courier from under his coat which he proceeds to read while half watching both the performance on stage and the door.

Whats the news in the broadsheet today?

Hissarion Azor wrote:

The door groans open as a tall man in a heavy coat enters the tavern, looking around at the clientele. Effortlessly dodging out of the paths of some of the more inebriated patrons, he finds a table in the corner with a view of both the door and the stage and sits down. He swings his legs up on the table and pulls a copy of The Courier from under his coat which he proceeds to read while half watching both the performance on stage and the door.

Whats the news in the broadsheet today?

Headlines Today:-


The Godsday Tournament and Festival planning committee hits a snag when city officials seek to ban the Spell Challenge competition, due to damage sustained at the Tournament Field in last year's event. Talks are ongoing to install new safeguards for this crowd-pleasing event at the festival, held annually on the 5th of Rain.

The Dockmaster finally acts on his threats, as no less than six ships have been ordered seized by the port authorities. City Watch has been able to evacuate the vessels without resistance from the crews, but Captain Karra Bann of the Arrowhead has filed a protest with the office of Commissar Igor Urnst. The Dockmaster has long warned that he lash out against ships that anchor too close to the wharves while avoiding docking fees.

Two months after being ravaged by a major fire, the Starry Night Restaurant in Star Crossing Plaza is set to re-open on Earthday of this week, with a larger dining room and some additional staff. Proprietor Yallathin Stone hopes the addition of a gnomish chef and some new specialties will attract customers from outside the South Market.

The infamous Republican movement is organizing yet another political rally in front of the Administration Building in Oldtown. While the Republicans cry out for secession from the Empire, exasperated citizens cry out for unimpeded circulation along Dalenguard Road.

In the 16th of Birth edition of The Courier, in the article about the Imperial Academy of Music, an unfortunate typographical error had the last name of the esteemed Lady Devina Kath mistakenly spelled as Khat. We apologize for the mistake and to assure our readers there wasn’t any attempt to play on any perceived similarity between the names or manner of House Kath and the equally esteemed House Khatru.

Lainadan had quickly finished his routine today, and went home a little weary. He put a key in the crude front door, swung it open on its squealing hinges, and saw the note someone had slipped under the door. Upon reading the tiny paper, Lainadan was surprised that Hissarion still remember him (or perhaps, his mother) after all those years.
Lainadan hadn't exactly what you'd call a social life, and he didn't really feel the need to chat up for the sake of it. Still, his lips curled in a barely visible smile, as he had always found Hissarion quite the type: quick and clever as you could imagine it.
The half-elf let out a small sigh, partly with joy, partly with the effort of picking his tired body up again, and headed out to the Black Swann.

Lainadan chucked the door open, glanced over the place, and recognized Hissarion at once. Even though humans aged faster, to Lainadan, he still looked as vivacious and quick-witted as ever.

Hissarion didn't seem to have a drink yet, so Lainadan went over the bar, ordered two, and took them to Hissarion's table.

"Mister Azor," Lainadan said with a smiled that got bigger and bigger, "how have you been?" And he sat down opposite of his friend.

A large smile formed when Ralelle informed her that a friend of hers, Kaira, knew of Paladin Hissarion Azor. Thanked Ralelle for helping her and directions to the the Black Swan. She returned to the merchant ship for the night as they were still in progress of unloading the vessel.

As the sun set below the horizon, Valoria casted the light spell onto her mother's wedding silver ring she worn as reminder of her parents. She took out the paper with the directions to the Black Swan and proceeded to walk along the main roads. Even with the fog rolling into through the streets she safely arrived at a building from withn dwarven laughter could clearly be heard. She raised her hand to bask the sign in light to verify she had indeed arrived at her intended destination. A board once again formed as she packed away the travel directions, yet her face became emotionless as she took out the paper containing the paladin's coat of arms, name and brief decsription.

She took a deep breath before attempting to push the door open, only for a dwarf opened the door as he exited the tavern. She quickly entered the tavern to stand to one side quickly as not to hinder the patrons leaving or entering the tavern. She brought the light near her paper, looked at it then squinting at the patrons to spot the human paladin amongst the dwarves. After a while she spotted a human and someone else before him at a table in the corner of the room. She nervously approached the seated man, for she knew nothing much about the man except what Ferren had written on the piece of paper she held in her hand.

"Pardon me, sir.", pausing enough until she had his attention while also taking a gimpse of her paper and returning her gaze to him, "Are you perhaps Paladin Hissarion Azor?"

Male Human Warrior 1

Cody turns the scrap of paper with the directions to the Black Swan mapped out on it. I think this is where the 'X' is . He then blunders in the door of the noisy place, turning slightly sideways, as he normally has to do to get his broad shoulders through a doorway. (Though this one is plenty wide...it's habit).

As he enters he literally has to step around the entrance sign with the Black Swan written, and a life size picture of a Black Swan on it to enter the tavern.

He stops the first person at the door as he enters. "Is this place the Black Swan"

Male Human Paladin 1

Hissarion, seeing the half-elf approach with drinks, squints for a minute before recognizing Lainadan. He puts down his broadsheet and greets the man with a handshake and pat on the back before retaking his seat.

What have you been up to? I haven't seen you since before I went off to the army...

As the two make small talk and catch up, with Hissarion eager to tell his stories of adventure in the war, he looks up as Valoria appears at his elbow. He stands to greet her, offering his hand.

@Valoria:Why yes I am. And who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1

A thin figure watches the Black Swan through the gathering fog.

He is nearly invisible, dark gray cloak, dark leather tricorn hat.

He moves towards the Swan. Feet making little sound on the slick cobblestones.

"There are a million stories in this city. Time for mine to begin."

He slips easily into the smokey low ceilinged room. A quick glance takes in the notice board the bar and the staff.

"The rat said something would happen here tonight. He can usually be trusted to know..... Strange folks in tonight."

Valoria stands for a moment completely still just staring at Hassarion, before shaking her head briefly, "I apologize. Where are my manners. I am Valoria, from Erish-aga in Kem. Ferren sent me to you."

She quickly fiddles in her pockets looking for something for a little bit to reveal a sealed letter with writing stating, "To Paladin Hassarion Azor". Valoria places the letter into Hassarion's hand, "This is for you.", then stands waiting patiently.

The contents of the letter reads:
Dear Hassarion,

I hope all has been well with you since the last time I received your letter five years ago. I doing well with my research projects, and still busy with that teleportation improvement project I wrote about last time. Sadly I not so fit any more as I used to be.

The purpose of this letter is about Valoria, who would be standing in front of you while you read this letter. Remember I mentioned of a young girl I took into my care after both her parent's died a year earlier in a raid on the caravan I was travelling in. The girl's name is Valoria, if you have forgotten. She has grown well into a fine lady, and in arts of the magi, always eager to learn something new and to explore magic. Sadly I no longer young enough to aid her adventurous spirit she has developed over the years. So not to stifle her dreams of adventure and thirst for magical treasure, I ask you good friend if you aid me in bringing her dreams true. To be her protector, to keep her alive so she can come home to show me her discoveries.

I do apologize for not asking you before sending Valoria to you. I believed she was ready now for adventure and I don't know how much of her nagging I could take in going off on an adventure trip.

From your dear friend,

Male Human Paladin 1

Hissarion reads the letter and looks up with a smile on his face.

@ Valoria: So you're Ferren's girl, he would say quite a bit about you on the rare occasions that we corresponded. How is the old man doing? Did he ever tell you the story about...

Hissarion launches into a story about how Ferren once saved him from a band of Nallish barbarians through the clever use of a Ghost Sound.

I'm sure that I can some up with some exciting...and relatively safe...adventuring to do around here. No lack of excitement in the city.

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1

Zebulon moves unobtrusively through the crowd. Listening to a conversation here. "So I says to him..." Standing a drink there."Let me, you were saying..." Trading off-color spire jokes with a group of dwarves. "....and then he sat down on it...." Fitting in, working the room, becoming part of the background. And subtly, subtly nuging conversations to the missing folks.

"Rotten night to be out alone..."
What is known about them?

How many?
"Just not safe on the streets...."

Common traits, gender, age, race?
'...really, been there long?"

Diplomacy to gather information I am at +7. Other helpful skills Knowledge local +9 and Perception +12.Not sure if you want me to roll or not.

Sev slouched into the bar, his shoulders bent, his head down. "1,000 gp?!? Might as well be a 100,000. How am I going to raise 1,000 gp, short of larceny and extortion? Like I'd be any good at extortion... Still engrossed in his dark thoughts, he nods at the bartender for a pint of the cheap stuff, then turns to the knot of people, in his mind acting out his extortionary speech.

"Excuse me, but I have incriminating evidence of your foul mis-deeds! Pay me 1,000 gp or I'll take them to the law! Ha!"

All of the sudden Sev starts, realizing he's said this out loud.

"Oh my. Wait, I..."


Please feel free to make the rolls yourself.

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1
A J s Dad wrote:

A J's Dad:

Diplomacy to gather information, 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15.

Knowledge Local 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

Dark Archive

Female Human

A Red head looks over the patrons as she leave the area by the stage and heads over to the bar to grab he usall tanderd... and thinks of a diffent time... back be for she had to work for a living... the then tells the bartender that she'll need a minitue.

afew miniutes later she amoung her normal group of dwarfs talking of the goings on at the docks and religion..

sorry for the late posting had a tooth removed and just now am awake enought to do so...

When Hissarion starts telling his tale, she quickly finds an empty seat nearby the paladin. She always loved listening to adventure stories. After enjoying hearing the tale, she remember seeing the other stranger sitting at the table, "Whom do I have the pleasure to enjoy the evening with?"

AJs Dad:
I updated the profile. Was missing her bonded item, spell slot for the bonded item. Added the Perception also to the skills list. Split equipment into it's own spoiler.

Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


You learn that there almost seems to be two sets of dissapearences. Childen (mostly) are vanishing - some even from their beds and usually in the dead of night, with no witnesses. But ther have also been other occurences when adults have mysteriously vanished, usually in groups of two or three, and mainly is the seedier parts of the city. In both cases, there doesnt seem to any pattern to race involved.

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1
A J s Dad wrote:
Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
Zebulon** spoiler omitted **

A J s Dad:
Pattern of social class or profession in either group?

For the kids, localized to an area or type of area? Good neighaborhood middle class, slum?

For the adults, also mainly at night?

Dark Archive

Female Human

after some idle chating with the dwarfs i ask them if they know anything about the post on the board...

Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:
Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
Zebulon** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **


Most of the children seem to be from the Midtown and Oldtown areas. Ther doesnt seem to be any talk of children of noble blood being taken.

The adult abductions seem to be occuring late at night and appear to be opertunistic.

One of the dwarves looks up at you and leers at you drunkedly, winking with his one good eye. "Which sign be you be refering to then... innit.. hey? ...Hic!"

Male Human Warrior 1

Cody looks around the room, looking for anyone bearing the mark of the Knights. He grabs the first employee looking person.

"Hey Friend". "I'm looking for Wynn Rabnall". "Is he here"?

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1

Moulini. A thin man you hadn't been paying attention to speaks from behind you.

"Rogard there has been punishing the rum all night. He couldn't tell you where the wall was much less what was on it. I might know something though? What are you looking for?'

Signs on the board read as follows...

'Quick Expedition into the Natural Caverns
Under Ptolus
Family seeks to hire an efficient and well tuned Delving
group for a precision mission into a particular area of the
Map available.
Group will be fully funded/outfitted by family.
References a Plus.
Apply in writing to:
Family Expedition
c/o Forrence Tillman, Barrister.
1503 Dalenguard Rd

'Ring Lost down Garderrobe!
Must be urgently recovered!!
Reward offered!!!
Ask for Meniquis Slom at the Mystery Pub
South St, South Market'

'Tired of slogging through dark, damp
Lost one too many friends to the horrors in
the caverns?
Just drank your last copper?
Experience the open air, travel to the
eastern Cities, and feel the warm sun while
peacefully earning money as a caravan
Come to the South Gate any Kingsday at
4th Hour and prove your worth!
*Must be willing to be subject to Detect
Alignment prior to hiring.'

My Basement is overrun
with RATS!!!
Could someone Please come
and clean them out?
Thanks in advance,
Cluadia Fleurlein
15 Basker Way

'Adventurers wanted
To Find Our Missing Daughter
Reward 200 gold imperials
See Toman Etherin at the Black Swan'

'Highly Experienced Delving group sought
for recovery of Family Jewels.
Very well paying contract.
References and/or proof of competence
Priest(s) in group a PLUS.
Aplly in writing
with contact information to:
Family Jewels
c/o Forrence Tillman, Barrister.
1503 Dalenguard Rd

References a MUST!
Apply in person to:
From A Distance
7 Center St

For Crimes Against The Empire Including
The Murder Of Public Official, Murder,
Assault, Animating The Dead.

Rullus Hobb
Also known as 'Rullus the Scar, Rulus the Blade
and Serrin Aveen.

Reward of 5000 gold thrones for his capture or
proof of his demise. Apply at Dalenguard.'

The above poster also shows a sketch of a scarred faced human male with a mean looking sneer.

Wanted - Dead or Alive -
Dark Elf Thief And Mage

Extremely Dangerous

1000 Gold Throne reward
from House Abbanar

Cody Ulshak wrote:

Cody looks around the room, looking for anyone bearing the mark of the Knights. He grabs the first employee looking person.

"Hey Friend". "I'm looking for Wynn Rabnall". "Is he here"?

"Wynn...nah, he aint been in for a few weeks now. Last I heard he was heading below..."

You don't see any visible members of the Knights although there is an imposing individual in armour sat at a table with two others individuals, deep in conversation.

Male Human Paladin 1

After finishing his story, Hissarion motions for Valoria to follow him over to the board, where he ponders the various postings.

I figure that since you can here for some adventure, we might as well find one.

Dark Archive

Female Human

after some time i aproach the board i head up to the board and look over the sholder of the guy staind in front of it...

Valoria Grundmire wrote:
After enjoying hearing the tale, she remember seeing the other stranger sitting at the table, "Whom do I have the pleasure to enjoy the evening with?"

Lainadan Raelin, an old friend of Hissarion. Hm, this girl looks naïve but clever – most magicians just are bookworms, I guess, but this one’s got enough spirit to go off on adventures as well. After Hissarion and Valoria went to read the posters, Lainadan followed them out of simple curiosity…

"Please to meet you Lainadan.", giving him a slight bow of respect.

"Oooo. Adventure time.", claps her hands together ad twists her palms outwards to stretch them. As she follows Hissarion, she speaks softly, "Hope there is something interesting, yet not too dangerous to do. A magical item or two would be nice to find."

She scans the posters, with one catching her attention, she shakes her head, "Only 1000 Gold Throne just for a dead or alive dark elf mage thief. They are a dangerous bunch to bump into."

"Down a garderrobe.", expressing a disgusted emotion, "That means only one thing, stinky dirty sewer work. Pay probably not grand and a difficult find to do."

"Hmmm...", she points to the first notice, "That looks interesting, sadly I am no delver expert. The reward must be good though."

She giggles to herself, "That one should be easy. Killing rats.", pauses, "Even the finding of daughter honourable to do."

After apologizing profusely to the dwarf he just inadvertantly insulted, Sev makes his way over to the board. His eyes light up when he sees a reward for 1,000 gp listed on the board.

"That would be terribly useful!"

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1

With a slight sneer at the crowd moving towards the notice board Zebulon walks to the bar.

"Pardon me, I am looking for Toman Etherin, has he been in tonight?"

Male Human Warrior 1
A J s Dad wrote:
Cody Ulshak wrote:

Cody looks around the room, looking for anyone bearing the mark of the Knights. He grabs the first employee looking person.

"Hey Friend". "I'm looking for Wynn Rabnall". "Is he here"?

"Wynn...nah, he aint been in for a few weeks now. Last I heard he was heading below..."

You don't see any visible members of the Knights although there is an imposing individual in armour sat at a table with two others individuals, deep in conversation.

Cody approaches the people in conversation, and waits for a lull in the conversation before interrupting... "Excuse me". "My name is Cody, and I notice by your armor that you are a warrior of some sort". Cody admires the mans craftsmanship on his armor. I was looking for some Knights of the Gold Crown, but don't see any". "Do you know of any of them". "I need them to help me find my Uncle who's lost somewhere below" .

Sense Motive DC10


Cody may seem very naive and simple, but that's only because he is. He doesn't have much grasp of timing, and could never read the board. Reading makes his head hurt.

Valoria turns to face Cody, "Good evening Cody. My name is Valoria. I, myself only arrived in Ptolus yesterday for the first time in my life, thus I be of no help in useful information concerning Ptolus."

Before Cody could dash off looking for the knights, she place one hand onto his arm, "May I ask, when did your uncle go missing? Also why did he go below the city?"

Dark Archive

Female Human

moulini looks ove the board every so offten muttering to herself... maybe alittle too loud ...RATS! yuck i really detest those things... a ring in the sewers, i don't think i'm ready for that... finding a daughter has she been kid naped or ran away.. if its the later i might be able to do that as long a its not.. Caravan guarding sounds kinda fun though i've never left the city... Squaters how i just detest those...

Male Human Paladin 1

Hissarion was somewhat hoping that Valoria would pick one of the tamer postings on the board, but then realizes that he probably should have known better since in her position he would probably have rejected the jobs on the board as well. He also turn to Cody.

I do believe that we can help you find your Uncle, Cody. Shall we have a drink and see what see can do?

"Lost uncle? I could help. I mean, I need to earn some coin. Well, a lot of coin, and that sounds like an adventure and adventures bring cash, right?"

Male Human Warrior 1

"Well actually he's been missing...everyone can see Cody struggling with the numbers in his head, and quietly moving his fingers in a counting motion..."Well several years". "But I think he's still alive". "He was a very brave man, and a member of the Knights of the Gold Crown". "I just want to find him, or find out what happened to him". "I've been able to trace him down to this place, which apparently used to be a favored watering hole of the Knights".

Zebulon True wrote:

With a slight sneer at the crowd moving towards the notice board Zebulon walks to the bar.

"Pardon me, I am looking for Toman Etherin, has he been in tonight?"

The half elf behind the bar turn to you, cloth in hand and begins to wipe the bar down. "Can't say I've seen him tonight. Not yet anyways. Take it you're asking after him 'cos of his notice? Well, I'll gladly pass a message to him when I see him again, if you like. But between you and me, I think it's a lost cause. She's gone and not connin' back if you ask me."

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1
A J s Dad wrote:

The half elf behind the bar turn to you, cloth in hand and begins to wipe the bar down. "Can't say I've seen him tonight. Not yet anyways. Take it you're asking after him 'cos of his notice? Well, I'll gladly pass a message to him when I see him again, if you like. But between you and me, I think it's a lost cause. She's gone and not connin' back if you ask me."

"So did she run off with a boy the father disapproved of? Will she show up in a few months married and with a fat and happy baby? That's how these things usually run."

Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:

The half elf behind the bar turn to you, cloth in hand and begins to wipe the bar down. "Can't say I've seen him tonight. Not yet anyways. Take it you're asking after him 'cos of his notice? Well, I'll gladly pass a message to him when I see him again, if you like. But between you and me, I think it's a lost cause. She's gone and not connin' back if you ask me."
"So did she run off with a boy the father disapproved of? Will she show up in a few months married and with a fat and happy baby? That's how these things usually run."

A quiet voice from behind you replies,"I dont think so my friend. Ellan was only eight years old. I wouldnt mind so much if that was the case..." The innkeeper smiles sheepishly, "Oh, evenin' Toman. Didn't see you arrive..."

Hearing Hissarion offering their help to Cody, she excited responds, "Yes. Yes. Definitely can help. well it is an adventure too.", a broad smile forming as she begins thinking of possible events that may take place.

She points to the table they were sitting at, "Shall we take a seat at the table. To discuss how we go about doing this expedition."

She turns to the other man standing her, "May I ask you sir, your name. Seeing you are interested in also helping out Cody with his quest."

Valoria Grundmire wrote:

She turns to the other man standing her, "May I ask you sir, your name. Seeing you are interested in also helping out Cody with his quest."

"Oh, frightfully rude of me not to introduce myself. I'm Sev, Sev Granger. I'm a priest of Lothian, though not very good at it, I'm afraid. My superior's sent me off to raise gold to keep the chapel open. Otherwise, it's closed. St Gustav's. Do you know it?"

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1
A J s Dad wrote:

A quiet voice from behind you replies,"I dont think so my friend. Ellan was only eight years old. I wouldnt mind so much if that was the case..." The innkeeper smiles sheepishly, "Oh, evenin' Toman. Didn't see you arrive..."

Zebulon turns.

"Good evening Mister Etherin, My name is Zebulon True and I will find your daughter."

This is said without much emotion. It is a statement of fact, like a comment on the weather.

Gives a sigh, "Sev, I afraid not. I only arrived in Ptolus yesterday. A pleasure you meet you. Come, join us at the table."

Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:

A quiet voice from behind you replies,"I dont think so my friend. Ellan was only eight years old. I wouldnt mind so much if that was the case..." The innkeeper smiles sheepishly, "Oh, evenin' Toman. Didn't see you arrive..."

Zebulon turns.

"Good evening Mister Etherin, My name is Zebulon True and I will find your daughter."

This is said without much emotion. It is a statement of fact, like a comment on the weather.

"Mr True, I only wish I could believe you, yet I hold out little hope. She has been gone over a week now. I wouldn't know where to even start looking"

male Half-Elf Dectctive 1
A J s Dad wrote:

"Mr True, I only wish I could believe you, yet I hold out little hope. She has been gone over a week now. I wouldn't know where to even start looking"

"Good then we won't have any preconceived notions getting in the way. Now I am sure you've done this a thousand time in the past week but I want you to tell me as best as you remember, when you last saw her."

Lainadan was observing all the chatter in front of him, where acquaintances and decisions were being made. Seemed like all these youngsters were actually looking for trouble... well, a quest.

Suddenly, Lainadan wanted to experience that sense of unexpected adventure again, like the times he often roamed the nearby wild... He knew another gardener or two that could take over his shifts (as he sometimes did for them when they were ill or absent). So he spoke up: Cody and Sev, I'm Lainadan Raelin. I think I'll be joining Hissarion, Valoria and you on that mission you're about to discuss."

Lainadan Raelin wrote:

Lainadan was observing all the chatter in front of him, where acquaintances and decisions were being made. Seemed like all these youngsters were actually looking for trouble... well, a quest.

Suddenly, Lainadan wanted to experience that sense of unexpected adventure again, like the times he often roamed the nearby wild... He knew another gardener or two that could take over his shifts (as he sometimes did for them when they were ill or absent). So he spoke up: Cody and Sev, I'm Lainadan Raelin. I think I'll be joining Hissarion, Valoria and you on that mission you're about to discuss."

"Wonderful! Missing uncle it is! So, where did your uncle go missing?"

Zebulon True wrote:
A J s Dad wrote:

"Mr True, I only wish I could believe you, yet I hold out little hope. She has been gone over a week now. I wouldn't know where to even start looking"

"Good then we won't have any preconceived notions getting in the way. Now I am sure you've done this a thousand time in the past week but I want you to tell me as best as you remember, when you last saw her."

"Actually, it was my wife who was the last to lay eyes on her. I had already left for work in the Necropolis - I'm a proffesional mourner. My wife kissed Ellan as she ran off on an errand for her to buy fish at the fish market at the docks. She never came back. I spent days roaming the docks but no one could remember seeing anyone fitting her description."


If the rumours are to be beleived, you have heard that your uncle was heading down the Giants Staircase and into the Eternity Cave.

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