Here's to the Army and Navy and the battles they have won.
Here’s to America's colors, the colors that never run.
May the wings of liberty never lose a feather.
Happy Birthday to the United States of America, the greatest country on the face of the Earth!
I was wondering what movie might make for good viewing later tonight. Now I’m thinking Jaws would be best.
I introduced the boy to Jaws last night. I was actually a little surprised that he not only watched the whole movie, but actually liked it. I thought for sure he’d get bored with it.
I guess maybe it really is a timeless classic.
Busy day.
Started off about 10 minutes later getting to work than usual, thanks to a traffic-inducing car accident. Hopefully no one was hurt.
Since then it’s been one thing after another. Mostly lots of small things, but they’re adding up to a big headache.
And tonight we have to be at the church to load up the trailer for the Troop Summer Camp. Trailer leaves tomorrow. Scouts leave early Saturday.
And on top of all that, my stomach issues are acting up again.
More than what’s become usual, anyway.
Another Friday. Huzzah!
In less than 24 hours, the boy will be on his way to summer camp with his Scout Troop.
Apparently, iPhones (with the latest software update) now allow you to cut and paste images of individuals from pictures. My old manliness has so far prevented me from figuring out how to paste pictures of my dog into other backgrounds….
The boy is off to summer camp with his Scout Troop. They were supposed to leave at 6 am, but didn’t pull out until closer to 6:30 thanks to one parent completely getting the time wrong.
And, of course, there was one last thing the boy forgot to pack in his footlocker (which left yesterday). So I had to zip tie his hiking shoes to the strap on his day back pack.
I would really have loved to go with them this year, but circumstances would not allow.
Next year, hopefully.
I finally gave in and bought Diablo IV. My first character is a barbarian. He is, of course, named Buliwyf, after one of my favorite on-screen northmen.
Although, it’s probably good I’m at work. Gives my poor thumbs a chance to recover from Diablo 4.
I was up later than usual playing Diablo 4.
I regret nothing.
My boss is going on a business trip this week. He’s visiting a plant that captures methane from cow poop.
I think that’s awesome. It fun knowing cows are now even more useful.
Work from home Wednesday! Which is good, because last night I stayed up too late playing Diablo 4. Again.
I called my primary doctor’s office yesterday, thinking to make an appointment a month from now (which has become typical over the last few years).
Instead, I’ve got an appointment for this Friday. I was amazed.
So, of course, this morning I feel more crappy than usual.
Last week my supervisor had me working on a restriction orifice issue. I was using this industry standard Crane technical paper, which covers all the basics.
I was hoping for more information, though. So I noted a few promising books in the bibliography, looked them up on the internet, and bought them.
The first book arrived yesterday. It’s older than me, and missing a page or two, but for $10 it’s not too bad.
Ugh. Been feeling like crap since yesterday. When I got home from work, I just ate some dinner and went to bed. So today I’m working from home. Thankfully, my bosses are cool about that.
I’m also thankful I have that appointment with my primary care doctor today. And equally thankful they were able to fit me in on such short notice.
The boy comes home today (later tonight actually) from his Scout Summer Camp. I’m hoping he had fun.
I’m also hoping he was able to get signed off on some requirements.
I’m debating whether I should wait until tomorrow morning to tell him I bought Diablo 4. If I tell him tonight, he might want to play tonight.
Which would be a problem if they don’t get back until 8 or 9 pm.
And my second book on orifices came finally arrived. I just have to go out to the mailbox and get it.
I’m torn.
I’ve got trees growing up right behind my back fence. Actually, between it and another fence. Those trees will inevitably pose a threat to the power lines running back there. Yet at the same time they provide a bit more shade to my backyard.
Still, eventually, I’ll have to have them cut down or trimmed back. The power company should do it, I believe.
Oooh….our high is supposed to be 101 today. Lots of nice sunshine.
The new solar panels we had installed on the house aren’t turned on yet. Still, we’re already seeing a benefit. The panels have let the upstairs stay cooler than it use to during these hot summer days.
Is it possible to snuggle with an 84 lb German Shepherd?
Why, yes! Yes it is.
Now I’m sorely tempted to jump on D4 for a bit this morning.
Well, the boy is home. And intact.
At first report, he lost one lens out of his glasses. I wasn’t too upset, as I know those frames suck balls. So this was enough to convince both him and the wife of the need for new frames.
As luck would have it, however, the lens had actually fallen into a fellow scout’s bag. They found it last night and let us know. He and ran over to their house to retrieve the wayward lens.
I’m still making him get new frames though.
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Otherwise, he had a blast at camp. Earned several merit badges. Got some rank requirements signed off. And had lots of fun.
We do think, however, he might have a mild allergy to Permithrin, which is the bug spray we coated his clothes and big net in.
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And then, while he was getting cleaned up last night, I started playing Diablo 4. He had that surprise when came down again.
I’m reminded of the song by The Mamas & The Papas.
Yesterday actually wasn’t half bad.
Which, of course, means today will probably be horrible.
Still, yesterday I did try a new route home. One a co-worker told me about. It was fantastic. I’ve been warned, however, that it does occasionally tend to get backed up a bit.
My new route home yesterday was a little bit worse than the first time, if only because I caught a bunch of lights. Still wasn’t too bad, though.
The rest of yesterday ranged from annoying as hell to meh.
At least I got to kill a ton of monsters in Diablo 4.
And my dentist office called to say they had an opening today at 4 pm for my cleaning. So that’s convenient.
Which surprises me the Universe would allow it to happen.
F&@k you, Universe! You f$@king suck.
Remains to be seen. At least I’ll have more time to play Diablo 4 over the weekend.
Although I will have to take the kids shopping at some point. The wife’s birthday is Monday, and they need to buy her gifts.
I also have an Eagle Board of Review on Monday. I look forward to seeing another young man earn that awesome achievement.
Huzzah for Saturday! And it’s been a pretty decent one so far.
Ugh. Feel drained this morning.