Highlight of the Banquet@PaizoCon - Congrats to new 5 Stars!

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange 3/5

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Best part of the banquet (for me anyway) was seeing Kyle Baird and Jason Roeder being elevated to 5 stars by Hyrum.

Piddlespottingly awesome!!!

Kyle and Jason have put in literally thousands of hours putting on PFS games. It's nice to see them elevated to PFS's highest honor.

I hope to someday achieve the greatness that they have.


Lantern Lodge 4/5

Congratulations Kyle and Jason :-)

The Exchange 5/5

wooohoooooo Gratulations guys!!!!!!!!!

The Exchange 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Having seen the amount of prep work and pageantry Kyle adds to his tables at the numerous conventions we have shared, I don't think that anyone knows better than I how much he has earned this honor. I am proud to know Kyle and now I have met Jason as well. They were given their due and we look forward to adding to our ranks come GenCon.

In addition to the hundreds of hours these two gentlemen have devoted to PFS, they have also spent hundreds, probably thousands, of dollars in their efforts to promote this game and raise awareness of RPGs in their communities. Even without five stars these guys set the standard for Pathfinder Society GMs.

Congratulations to both Jason & Kyle!

The Exchange 4/5

Congrats! I look forward to meeting (and possibly GMing for) y'all at GenCon! :D

/Hopefully by next year I will be able to rise to your ranks.
//Looking to possibly be a 3-star by the end of GenCon.




NO! I can't be.

Please, Please take it back.


Congrats Kyle.


Congrats guys! Thanks for all the work you do!

4/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

As a participant of the last table Kyle GMed before his ascension ;-), I am certain his fifth star was deserved. I can only speculate, but presume that Jason's was equally so.

Well done, guys, and congrats!

Grand Lodge 3/5

Congrats Jason!! and kyle.


Shadow Lodge 5/5

A huge contgrats to both Jason and Kyle. The amount of work both have done is next to amazing.

Kyle's distribution of $100 bills at his Midnight Mauler session might have had something to do with it though.

Okay seriously, the amount of time and detail Kyle puts into his sessions borders on complete insanity.

Edit: stupid autocorrect.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Congratulations guys you deserve it!!!

Observing Kyle's table presence, prep, and knowledge of the rules has taught me a lot despite years of gaming experience.

I hope to meet Jason at GenCon and perhaps have an opportunity to play at his table.

Scarab Sages 3/5

Congrats to Kyle and Jason! That was some hard work!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Congrats Jason! Who is Kyle. ;)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 ****

You mean I missed getting to see Hyrum kick them in the junk?
Darnit I always miss the cool stuff.

Painlord wrote:

Best part of the banquet (for me anyway) was seeing Kyle Baird and Jason Roeder being elevated to 5 stars by Hyrum.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:
I hope to meet Jason at GenCon and perhaps have an opportunity to play at his table.

Maybe we can both get a game with Jason at GenCon.

As for Kyle, well...I'm sure I've got a new character or two for him to kill laying around somewhere.

Congrats to you both!

Paizo Employee CEO

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Congrats to Jason and Kyle! We couldn't do what we do without the support of folks like you.



*looks at his profile page* What 5th star? ;-)

Thanks everyone!

It's been a long road. One filled with the blood of a hundred PCs and the crushed hopes and dreams of countless players. Their tears will keep me fueled for years to come.

Seriously though, I couldn't have done it without a lot of support.

  • Doug Miles, without you, there would be no games to run. There would be no bar for excellence. No person to challenge me to be my best. Thank you.
  • All the players who've sat at my tables. Without your smiles, laughs, and looks of terror, I couldn't have done this. There are a few of you out there who kept coming back for more. Thank you.
  • Gaming Friends. You know who you are, and at the risk of missing someone, I'm not even going to attempt to make a list. Thank you all for the forcing me to be better (usually by comparing everything to how Doug does it...).
  • Paizo Publishing. Thank you for picking up the banner and making the best damn products on the market. Without you there would be no game to play.

I look forward to seeing a lot of you get to this point. The view from Mt. DougDoug is amazing. I can only hope I have the opportunity to play at your tables while you finish the ascent.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Kyle (and Jason),

Your 5th star should show up on your accounts in the next few days, when Ross has a chance to get into the system and grant it. Congrats again to you both.

2/5 *

Kyle Baird wrote:
It's been a long road. One filled with the blood of a hundred PCs and the crushed hopes and dreams of countless players. Their tears will keep me fueled for years to come.

LOL! Congratulations.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Hello everyone!

I have in my hands right now Kyle's 5th star reporting sheet...ready to be entered.

Oh hi dog, how are you? Hey give me that back!

Mark - my dog ate the reporting sheet.

Sorry Kyle, guess you'll have to earn that 5th again.

Did I really give him that 5th star? Jason I can understand, but Kyle? And didn't I take a star or two away for Kyle not killing enough PCs at the Grend Melee?

What was I thinking?


Congrats Jason and Kyle! You both seriously deserve that 5th star.


Grand Lodge


Congratulations. You guys deserve it. Our first 5-star generals!

so are you two going to try and start a coup against the Decemverite and elevate yourselves into the position as benevolent dictators... oh... wait a minute...


Krome wrote:


Congratulations. You guys deserve it. Our first 5-star generals!

so are you two going to try and start a coup against the Decemverite and elevate yourselves into the position as benevolent dictators... oh... wait a minute...

To be fair, Mr. Massacre Miles was our first 5-star general.

And despite my stars, I'd rather be a front line, enlisted GM. No plotting an planning the coordination of other GM soldiers for me (unlike our 4 and 5 star VC's).

Think of me as the Glabrezu of GMs, while they are the Balors, and Hyrum is our Demonic Overlord.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Congrats guys, I should qualify in about 10 years at this rate ;)


Made my second star on Sunday! Just 5 more years for me!

Grand Lodge 3/5

Majuba wrote:
Made my second star on Sunday! Just 5 more years for me!

Congrats, Majuba!

I remember having a lot of fun at your Tide Of Morning table at PaizoCon a couple of years ago.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Majuba wrote:
Made my second star on Sunday! Just 5 more years for me!

Congrats! I too pulled in my second star at PaizoCon!


This convention had some serious star power. :D Congrats to Ryan, Majuba, and Eric on their extra stars!


K Neil Shackleton wrote:
I remember having a lot of fun at your Tide Of Morning table at PaizoCon a couple of years ago.

That's right - Zaresh! I always remember chatting in the cab back to the airport (thanks for sharing!).

Thanks for the congratz and.. Kyle, be careful. I've heard Red Mantis are often hired to inflict pun-ishment.

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