Making A Harrower


Liberty's Edge

I want to make a Harrow themed character to justify my purchase of the Harrower miniature. I'm fishing for advice on how to do that.

I'm thinking the obvious choices for base class are Oracle, Sorceress, or Witch. One can prestige into Harrower from any of these classes, each uses Charisma as their prime requisite, and each has access to divination spells.

Because divination spells aren't very combat oriented, I was thinking the Witch, with her potentially much larger spellbook, might be the best choice. But the firepower of the Oracle and Sorceress are both tempting.

What do you recommend? And if you recommend Oracle or Sorceress, what Mystery/Bloodline would you go with?

@Gailbraithe: First of all, Wiches use Int for their casting, not Cha. Second, there's nothing that requires one to have a high Charisma to be a harrower and its not a part of any class features (outside of the the Perform requirements).

That being said, none of those classes are a bad idea flavor wise. You'll get to 3rd level spells faster and have more options as a Witch, but Oracles and Sorceresses get to cast spells more and thus get to use Harrow Casting more. If you choose Witch, some patrons that would tie into Harrowing are Wisdom, Light, Occult, Ancestors, Insanity, Moon, Spirits, Stars, Time, and especially Portents.

For sorcerer bloodlines, Destined, Arcane, Celestial, Dreamspun, and Starsoul all fit the flavor. Maybe Serpentine.

Oracle mysteries that work are Ancestor, Dark Tapestry, Lore, and Time all work well. Most of the oracle mysteries can work with the Harrower prestige class, those are just the ones that stand out to me.

Hope this helps!

My Sorcerer harrower would go with Visionary, cause the arcana is better imo. Sleep for an hour have your spells.

Oracle practically has an archtype BUILT on divination. Which would be somewhat good for a harrower, cept its a little varied in all the many ways it can divine things.

Personally though, I'd go with wizard, with divination school and the appropriate sub school for divination.. I forget exactly what. But that wasn't an option.

Liberty's Edge

OmegaZ wrote:
@Gailbraithe: First of all, Wiches use Int for their casting, not Cha.

You're right, still getting used to the Witch. I've only had the APG for a little over two weeks now.

Second, there's nothing that requires one to have a high Charisma to be a harrower and its not a part of any class features (outside of the the Perform requirements).

The Spirit Deck ability is limited to (1+CHA modifier)/day. So one would want it to be fairly high.


That being said, none of those classes are a bad idea flavor wise. You'll get to 3rd level spells faster and have more options as a Witch, but Oracles and Sorceresses get to cast spells more and thus get to use Harrow Casting more. If you choose Witch, some patrons that would tie into Harrowing are Wisdom, Light, Occult, Ancestors, Insanity, Moon, Spirits, Stars, Time, and especially Portents.

For sorcerer bloodlines, Destined, Arcane, Celestial, Dreamspun, and Starsoul all fit the flavor. Maybe Serpentine.

Oracle mysteries that work are Ancestor, Dark Tapestry, Lore, and Time all work well. Most of the oracle mysteries can work with the Harrower prestige class, those are just the ones that stand out to me.

Hope this helps!

It does. Right now I'm building it as Destined Sorceress, but I'm also going to try Witch with Portents and see how it compares.

Ævux wrote:
Personally though, I'd go with wizard, with divination school and the appropriate sub school for divination.. I forget exactly what. But that wasn't an option.

Hmm, I haven't even looked at the subschools yet. Maybe I'll try that too.

@Gailbraithe: Ah, my mistake, missed that part. The Scrying sub-school is probably what you're looking for in the wizard.

Liberty's Edge

This is the 12th level version of Sorceress Harrower. I don't like it - the spell selection is weak at best, especially since almost all my WOTC 3.5 is currently in storage. So, being limited to the spells in Core, APG and UG this is what I came up with. It just doesn't feel right.

Yvane v1.12
Female human sorcerer 12
CG medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +1
Languages Common, Celestial, Shoanti, Varisian
AC 13, touch 13, flatfooted 10 (+0 armor, +3 Dex)
HP 49 (12d6+5)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +9, +1 against enchantments
Special Defenses bloodline arcana, fated
Speed 30 ft
Melee dagger +4 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged dagger +8 (1d4-1/19-20)
Special Attacks harrow casting (tower of charisma, tower of intelligence, tower of strength), spirit deck
Class Spells Prepared (CL 12nd, concentration +16)
6 (3/day) enemy hammer (DC 20)
5 (5/day) break enchantment, fire snake (DC 20), major creation
4 (7/day) arcane eye, ghost wolf, lesser globe of invulnerability, scrying (DC 18)
3 (7/day) clairaudience/clairvoyance, haste, fireball (DC 18), harrowing, lightning bolt (DC 18), protection of energy, slow (DC 17)
2 (7/day) blur, defensive shock, detect thoughts (DC 16), glitterdust (DC 16), hypnotic pattern (DC 16), locate object, scorching ray
1 (7/day) alarm, anticipate peril, detect charm, detect secret doors, disguise self, magic missile, shield (DC 15)
0 (at will) arcane mark, dancing lights (DC 14), detect magic, mage hand, message, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance
Bloodline (Destined)
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 18
Base Atk +5; CMB +4, CMD 17
Feats Cosmopolitan, extra cohort, fortuneteller, harrowed, heighten spell, leadership, maximize spell, spell focus (evocation)
Skills Bluff +13, Diplomacy +13, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (local) +12, Perform (dance) +13, Profession (fortuneteller) +12, Sense Motive +11
SQ Blessing of the harrow, touch of destiny, Varisian wanderer, world traveler
Combat Gear dagger, harrow deck

Obviously I didn't bother to do her equipment. I went with Leadership and Extra Cohort because I decided I wanted her first cohort to be her grandmother (probably a witch) and her second cohort to be a male cousin who acts as a bodyguard, and then her followers to be a bunch of Scarzi smugglers and legbreakers.

Also there are no decent feats for Diviners. Diviner's Delving is kinda sucky, and Spell Focus (Divination) is the weakest feat choice ever.

I'm going to try the Witch build next, as I think the Witch has a better spell list that will feel more thematically appropriate for a "gypsy fortuneteller," which is kind of where I'm going with this character.

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