Anyone ever convert Castle Amber (and Mark of Amber) to Pathfinder?


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Silver Crusade

Thanks very much, Kirth!

Grand Lodge

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Final mailing sent to the rest of the people here -- if anyone else wants a copy hereafter, please contact one of the earlier recipients.

Thanks mate

Sovereign Court

Thanks Colin (and Kirth), now people can spam me for a copy

My email is my name as one word all lower case at

FYI - I'm doing a full conversion of this one. I'll post it when I'm done (probably a few weeks). Cheers,


Scarab Sages

Anyone know what happened to daemonslye? His work was fantastic, and it's sad that he's dropped off the map.

Dark Archive

A bit of a silly mod as I recall, either you died badly or came out a low-level god from the "feast of power" and other such nonsense :).

The Exchange

Funnily enough, I was recently considering converting X2 into PF recently... but decided upon closer inspection that the module itself - despite absolutely bulging with neat new concepts - was such a combination of sloppy design and railroading that I would never be able to get players to jump through the hoops necessary for them to achieve victory - or even deduce what their victory condition was. I still consider revisiting the concepts, but I'd have to thread them together so differently that it wouldn't be X2 anymore. Kudos to Kirth if he managed to get the module to work properly!

(Oh, and MicMan - I'm also a big fan of Zelazny's Amber series, but it has its own RPG. It would be... difficult... to implement a PF setting where agelessness, cosmic powers and infinite wealth are things a character starts with at 1st level.)

Dark Archive

I think a better approach would be to pull the riddles and family from the original module and make a new module that revolves around those loonies :).

Lincoln Hills wrote:
I still consider revisiting the concepts, but I'd have to thread them together so differently that it wouldn't be X2 anymore. Kudos to Kirth if he managed to get the module to work properly!

I didn't even try:

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Yeah, did I mention that I don't recommend actually trying to run this as an actual adventure?

It might make a fun one-off for characters who aren't part of an actual campaign, but that's about it.

Dark Archive

Kirth Gersen wrote:

Yeah, did I mention that I don't recommend actually trying to run this as an actual adventure?

It might make a fun one-off for characters who aren't part of an actual campaign, but that's about it.

There was a very funny, very long and completely disrespectful "Castle Amber in actual play" report done at RPG Net.

Castle Amber in actual play

Dark Archive

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
MicMan wrote:
And I was hoping that this is about Roger Zelaznys "Princes of Amber".

I knew Castle Amber was based off a book(s) but I didn't know who the Author was. About 6 months ago I saw a book called The Chronicles of Amber thinking it was the same as Castle Amber I bought it.

I wasn't disappointed Zelanznys stories are great but I am still looking for Clark Ashton Smiths books.... :-)

The Averoigne stories can be found in this one.

Return of the Sorcerer

However, I think the Amber family is a D&D creation.

amethal wrote:
However, I think the Amber family is a D&D creation.

As I noted earlier in this thread, the idea that there's a family of powerful individuals who live in the mysterious Castle Amber and who are always scheming against each other must be at least partially inspired by the Amber books.

Note that bits were also inspired by Edgar Allen Poe as well (e.g. "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Cask of Amontillado").

Dark Archive

You know, this was actually kind of representative of most early modules; thinking back, most involved us running through dungeons with little reasons for a why, fighting ecologically misplaced creatures who took up residence, and fighting a big baddy at the end who had little to nothing to do with all of the other creatures surrounding them. The family of D'amberville was at least a family, and used the mist of doom that worked so well in Ravenloft.

That read of the run-through was HILARIOUS though :). Somehow the boxing ring arbitrarily appearing in the dungeon made perfect sense to us at the time; we didn't question the odd match for a minute. Ahhh for the simpler times.

The Exchange

amethal wrote:

There was a very funny, very long and completely disrespectful "Castle Amber in actual play" report done at RPG Net.

Castle Amber in actual play

That's a great link. I laughed until I stopped. Eventually the players just shrug their shoulders and greet each new room's insanity with Ford Prefect-like aplomb.

Hey there. Sorry for the absence. I just completed this (e.g. Stephen's tomb). Just need to finish the Bestiary (magen, lupin, etc.) and it should be done. Should be able to post this during the weekend. Had to learn InDesign and Photoshop, so that chewed a few weeks (given I can only spend a few hours a week).

Look for it Sat or Sun. Hope you like it. I did take a little cthulhu-esque turn on the Ambers. Spent some quality time inside getting a feel for CAS. Hope you like it.

The new skill-set should help finishing up another project I keep meaning to wrap up. ;^)



Scarab Sages


Glad to see you're still around. I really do appreciate all of your hard work!

Can anyone of you guys mail me the file to dyx at gmx dot net please?

Also check out this link to a great and funny [D&D3.0] (Actual Play) X2: Château d’Amberville campaign log.

I'll have to read those CAS stories and see if this module can't be made a bit more serious/dark...

Edit: ninjaed with the link. Also though i meant Kirth's conversion file above and would still like to have it, I'm also interested in your conversion daemonslye .

Helaman wrote:

Huge fan of X2 and Aborgiene...


The 8th Dwarf wrote:
MicMan wrote:
And I was hoping that this is about Roger Zelaznys "Princes of Amber".

I knew Castle Amber was based off a book(s) but I didn't know who the Author was. About 6 months ago I saw a book called The Chronicles of Amber thinking it was the same as Castle Amber I bought it.

I wasn't disappointed Zelanznys stories are great but I am still looking for Clark Ashton Smiths books.... :-)

I got into Zelazny the same way! I did find out that the "Amber" family in the X2 module was inspired by Zelazny's Nine Princes in Amber (who was also inspired by Clark Ashton Smith).

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

There is a conversion right in this area of the message boards. It is for Pathfinder and it is awesome.

You should have no problem finding it here.

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