Age of Cthulhu: Volume 1—Death in Luxor PDF

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In the age of the pharaohs, a great and unfathomable evil rose from the murky depths to cast its gibbous shadow over ancient Egypt. At the cost of his empire, Ramesses III imprisoned the horror beneath the sands of Luxor, where it has slumbered ever since.

In 1924, a team of visiting archeologists unearthed the last remaining testament of that ancient mystery, only to unleash a terror from out of time. Now death stalks the dusty streets of Luxor and a new age of horror is at hand. Can your investigators succeed where the mightiest of pharaohs have failed? Or will they fall victim to Luxor's secret past?

Set throughout the globe and torn from the pages of the hidden history of the world, Age of Cthulhu adventures bring new secrets and mind-bending horrors to your 1920s Call of Cthulhu game

Each adventure comes with copious player handouts, detailed maps, and pre-generated investigators ready to risk their lives and their sanity to confront the horrors of an uncaring universe.

Review at Yog-Soggoth.Com: 4 stars. “There is a definite tip of the hat to several classic investigations (Masks, Shadows, etc), but it still seems fresh and original… For 2-3 nights of gaming at $12.99 (US), I would consider this a very good value. Accessible and useful for both novice and experienced investigators.”

Rules Set: Chaosium Basic Role Playing
Writer: Harley Stroh
Cover Art: Eddie Sharam
Interior Art: Tom Martin and Brad McDevitt
Graphic Design: Brad and Jess McDevitt
48 pages

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Sovereign Court

While it seems unlikely, given the d20 bust and the difficulties in getting CoC d20, I have to ask because this *is* Goodman Games, will this be dual-stat, or pure BRP?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

cappadocius wrote:
While it seems unlikely, given the d20 bust and the difficulties in getting CoC d20, I have to ask because this *is* Goodman Games, will this be dual-stat, or pure BRP?

Looks like it uses Chaosium's BRP system only.

I had a chance to read and review it it you look here.

N'Haaz-aua wrote:
I had a chance to read and review it it you look here.

Heh, i'd like to say that was an in character post, but that's just bad typing...


I just found a video I shot with the author at DDXP 2009. Have a look.

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