DM Kalizar's Greenbelt Heroes Game


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While conducting matters in the town of Restov, you are approached by a liveried attendent bearing a missive and a small pouch of coins. Upon confirmation of your identity, the man hands you the scroll and pouch, indicating you are being invited to an event in two days time.

The contents of the missive are as follows:


By special invitation, you are summoned to a luncheon and meeting hosted by and for the benefit of the Swordlords of Restov, agency of Brevoy. Accompanied you shall receive an inducement of 150 gold talons, for your appearance and discretion in this matter. A coach shall be made available on the morrow after next, half past 10 bells in Downgreen Plaza, to take you and other guests to this occassion. Should you deign to appear, no issue shall arise, and you are thanked by the Swordlords of Restov for the courtesy and discretion it is assured you will show in this matter.


Jouls Dunkrint
Council to the Lordship
Swordlord of Restov

The funds are the additional gold each player started with, not additional funds.

If possible, please indicate any reasons each character is in Restov, if backgrounds do not already offer explanation.

Welcome to the game. I hope it turns out fun for all of us.

Male Human Cavalier 1

Keiran holds the small package with shaking hands. He rips apart the missive, and begins reading..

".. Curses! Two days! I do not have much time left!"

Keiran casually tosses the bag of coins into his pack, and immediately begins preparations for the hard ride south.

"The Swordlords work fast, I certianly hope that Crusher is able to maintain such a fierce pace for so long a time."

Keiran is on his horse, riding hard south within the hour, leaving Port Ice behind...

Keiran Surtova wrote:

Keiran holds the small package with shaking hands. He rips apart the missive, and begins reading..

".. Curses! Two days! I do not have much time left!"

Keiran casually tosses the bag of coins into his pack, and immediately begins preparations for the hard ride south.

"The Swordlords work fast, I certianly hope that Crusher is able to maintain such a fierce pace for so long a time."

Keiran is on his horse, riding hard south within the hour, leaving Port Ice behind...

Actually, from your background I thought you would be in New Stetven. Perhaps you and Xanthan Lebeda could both be coming down to Restov on business for Claus. Perhaps Claus, realizing his cousin was sending his "son" off to his death, freed you from service temporarily to see him safely to Restov. Just a thought and way of introducing some interpersonal connections amongst the players.

Or not, however you folks want to set it up.

Female Half Elf Sorcerer

Bisimone reads her note over and over. Could the Medvyed family be starting trouble already? No, it's too soon for that. Father mentioned
he had friends in Restov. Maybe this is their way of making contact with me.

Bisimone spends the evening visiting a few nearby taverns, gathering information on Jouls Dunkrint and the Swordlords.

Diplomacy Check:
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Bisimone wrote:

** spoiler omitted **


The locals, realizing you are new to town, regal you with stories of the Aldori Swordlords and their renown with the slender dueling blade. What they fail to give you, however, is much information on the current Swordlords or the families involved. You do get that Dunkrint is a Swordlord, but no one tells you exactly where he sits on amongst the hierarchy.

Dark Archive

M Human- Cheliax Cleric 2 of Sarenrae

Simondale mutters as he folds the note and places it into his belt pouch. He knees his mount Cinderclops toward the busier districts, looking for lodging that won't leave him itching with bedbugs. His first stop is to secure a room, and then to seek out the center of divinity in the town.

Surely someone would be able to give him more details of the swordlord's character.

Diplomacy (untrained) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

Male Human Cavalier 1

Keiran knocks on Xanthan's door before letting himself in

"Xanthan, we're late! Let's go, I've been waiting downst.."

It's then that Keiran realises Xanthan is not alone, as a lithe, attractive blonde has also slept in his bed that night. As Xanthan begins to turn, Keiran holds up his hand, shielding his eyes

"Ugh, have some decency, man! Put on some pants! That thing could block out the sun.. Come! Restov is a 3 day ride, and we need to be there in two.."

It is then that Keiran notices the redhead on the other side of Xanthan, "Umm.. is that.. the Blacksmith's daughter?!" Keiran's mood sours considerably, "we.. need to move faster than I had thought, my friend. They don't call her dad the "Woodchopper" for no reason. Quickly! I will be downstairs, the Stolen Lands await!"

Simondale Albus wrote:


You find decent lodgings that should serve your needs, as well as a temple open to multi-denominational worship. Sarenrae has no active church in Restov, though some faithful do congregate at the temple on days of high worship.

Gather Info Results:
In discussions with the staff that provide upkeep and spiritual support for the temple, you learn that the Swordlords have recently been at odds with some of House Surtova's more draconian decrees, considering them to be at odds with how each district has ruled it's peoples. So far, this has been only respectful, firm questioning, nothing more.

About Dunkrint, you only learn he rose in power with the Swordlords a few years ago, has been very private, and maintains a small training house in a villa outside of town.

Good Morning Keiran! I trust you slept well? Seeing the effect the girls were having on Keiran, Xanthan grins broadly. I went to bed fairly early but there was not much sleeping done was there girls? Now come on off with the two of you. You are offending my good friend's sensibilities and I fear if he goes a shade redder he may pass out. Xanthan gives each of them a kiss on their way out with a promise to see them again when next he came through town.

As he pulls on his breeches, Xanthan says, ...and what is old Woodchopper going to do to me? I am no where near the first to have lain with that charming young lady, nor will I be the last I'll wager. In any event, you are right we had best be on our way. We will need to ride hard to make up the time. I trust you are prepared and stocked to go?

Knowing that Keiran is always prepared, Xanthan gets his kit together and follows him out of the inn to the horses, casting a furtive look towards the blacksmiths shop, but thankfully the blacksmith was no where in sight.

Shall we then? Without waiting for a reply, Xanthan vaults onto Sunspot and heads south at a canter.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 1

"So let me get this straight," the wizard says to the lithe half-elf standing in his bookshop, "not only do you not have the money you owe me for the spellbook, the arcane ink, and the treatise on cantrips I sold you on credit a week ago based on that sob story of you having been attacked and your spellbook stolen, but you actually don't have any magical training and you want me to take you on as an apprentice to pay off the debt."

"That's right. I'm a hard worker, you'll see. And a quick study too." said Adinas.

"Get out of my shop, and you'd better come back with my merchandise or the money in a week. I'm watching you, Hawkeye. Don't cross a wizard."

Adinas, almost reflexively, attempts to palm a sprig of herbs from a nearby table on his way out the door to see how closely the wizard is really watching him.

Sleight of Hand 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Assuming he beats DC 10 to palm an unattended object and the wizard's opposed perception, he'll leave the shop and proceed as below, if not there may need to be an interlude

Walking down the busy Restov street he holds the herb to his nose and inhales the exotic fragrance. He lets the sprig blow out of his hand as he turns a corner.

"Adinas Hawkeye?" says a uniformed man approaching him.

"Uhm.... who wants to know?" replies Adinas, preparing to make a break for it.

"I have a message for you." says the man, handing him the scroll and the bag of coins.

Adinas pauses to read the scroll and examine the coins. Not believing his luck he thanks the man and proceeds down the street whistling.

The wizard's perception check 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

edit: You may proceed normally. The old conjurer failed to notice your minor theft.

Male Human Cavalier 1

I'm assuming Xanthan and Keiran will arrive either late, or barely on time for the meeting?

Keiran Surtova wrote:
I'm assuming Xanthan and Keiran will arrive either late, or barely on time for the meeting?

We will hand wave your arrival the morning of the luncheon, (your missive arriving ahead of the others to give you the time), so you will both have an hour or so to prepare yourselves for the meeting.

Male Human Cavalier 1

Keiran will ride directly to Downgreen Plaza. Once there, he will attempt to find the closest Inn, to both stable his horse and change into something more presentable.. If possible, he will also attempt to bathe. He's been riding hard for 2 days, and the smell of horse has weaved itself into his very being.

Xanthan follows Keiran's lead though with not so much of a need to rush. He gives himself a quick smell and says Whew, maybe you're right Keiran. A bath may be warranted. Perhaps we might even convince one of the serving girls to join us eh?

Male Human Cavalier 1

Keiran looks at his friend incredulously, shaking his head, “Xan.. You’re incorrigible. We have less than an hour before our meeting, I don’t think it would be appropriate to be tardy. Also, I sincerely doubt you will be able to convince ANYONE to do ANYTHING with you, smelling like you just came out of a horses arse.”

Xan grins as he gives himself another smell, "Ha, you're probably right Keiran, as usual. Well let's go get this meeting out of the way. Do you think we'll be able to stay the night or are they going to want us to leave immediately. He says this last while obviously admiring a certain buxom brunette that is carrying a tray of steaming spiced potatoes to a group of merchants conducting business at a table near the hearth.

As you enter from a side street, you are momentarily taken aback by the view before you. Rumored tended by some of the best druids ever to leave Gronzi Forest, Downgreen Plaza is a lush green vista amidst the hustle and bustle that is Restov. The nearly mile on square boasts trees of various local varieties standing amongst meandering hedgerows and soon to bud flowering bushes. Amongst the pathways, small stone benches and crystal clear reflective pools await those in need of respite. Plots of green grass show signs of earthed and sowed plantings, wherein blossoms and herbs will soon break forth to greet the early spring. It seems Golarion is eager to grant the world with new life, new possibilities. Only a few passersby meet your gaze, many seem to be taking in the green, or rushing quickly to errands that only offer the most skirting of glances at this vista of quiet contemplation.

Standing along the southern approach to the plaza stands a fine black coach, a large yet stylish enclosed carriage perhaps able to carry six in relative comfort. The coach sits manned by two stout guards atop the master's bench, a third standing aside the carriage trunk. Their Restovian livery is immaculate and crisp. Stoically before them, four fine chestnut steeds stand hitched and ready to travel. The coachmen and steeds bearing and purpose matches that of the young officer waiting by the closed carriage door. His sergeant's uniform matches the pristine nature of his men's, perhaps even more so. He stares forth at no distant particular, attent to everything, yet nothing at all. Beside him, a slate and reed in hand, you recognize the young attendent that delivered your letter and purse only days prior. The only difference in his demeanor and livery now, is he seems well at ease with the Aldori blade fastened by his side, and the silver pin and chain secured over his left breast.

He notices you as arrive, yet makes no move to approach. It seems obvious you must come to him.

After the bath, which Xan was disappointed to find was attended by two old manservants, Xan follows Keiran out to the Downgreen Plaza to meet with their contacts. Seeing the coach, and pomp that was accompanying it, Xan gives a bit of a chuckle and says to Keiran Well at least if I am going off to my death I'll be going in style. Come on let's get this farce over with.

Cantering over on Sunpot, Xan approaches the two "peacocks" as he referred to them in a whisper to Keiran. "Ahoy, good gentleman. Captain and my lord, it is a pleasure to see you again. You really didn't need to wait on us but we appreciate it all the same don't we Keiran. Without waiting for an answer, Xan forges ahead and says, So...what's next?

The attendant makes note on his tablet of Keiran and Xanthan's arrival. He then motions to a young lad across the way to take and stable the mounts at the nearby inn. The Lordships would prefer you arrive by carriage, your mounts will be well provided for. Should you not trust in the hospitality of my masters, please feel free to hitch your mounts to the rear of the coach. The guards will keep a strong eye upon them. With that, the sergeant opens the carriage door, and awaits your entrance, then shuts the door behind you.

Female Half Elf Sorcerer

Dressing in the best of her outfits, Bisimone checks herself over in the mirror as she dabs herself lightly with perfume. Not enough to be gaudy, just enough to hint at a pleasurable thought. Well, better to be early than late.
Bisimone makes her way to the plaza, arriving within minutes of her appointment. She notices the carriage and crew awaiting it's guests. Summoning up both her courage and her grace she boldly approaches.
I am Bisimone Odraken. I believe I am expected. May I board the carriage?
Assuming the men have no objection, she climbs aboard the carriage with the guard's assistance, asking that he close the door behind her. Seeing she is not alone, Bisimone nods to her fellow passengers, and then says Greetings, sirs. I am Lady Odraken. It would seem we all have a luncheon to attend. Might I ask to whom I have the pleasure?
Bisimone then shifts to the far corner of the carriage, making room for any other arrivals.

Dark Archive

M Human- Cheliax Cleric 2 of Sarenrae

A pleasure, madam. says the black haired Chelish gentleman as he hops into the carriage. You can't help but notice that he forgoes the traditional hand grasp greeting, and folds his white leather gloved hands in his lap. He wears a crisp white frock emblazoned with a fiery phoenix on the chest; steel chain links peak out from the neckline, and a scimitar dangles from his hip. He squeezes into an empty seat.

"Charmed, my Lady, I..."he says with a slight bow from his seat and a dramatic pause,"am Xanthan Lebeda. And might I say, if you are a taste of what is to come on this journey...then things are looking up indeed.

Grinning at Keiran, he says, "...and my friend here is Keiran Surtova. Knight, Horseman, and he attempts to keep me on the straight and narrow, although I fear he is fighting a losing battle.

Xan looks Bisimone up and down, and says So what brings you on this fine excursion to death and doom?

Xan looks at the new arrival and says"and who might you be?" Xanthan is wearing well made clothing in Brevish style in white and pale green. He has a very large gorgeously crafted greataxe that is leaning against the seat with the black metal haft coming up between his legs. The silvery steel head is polished to a mirror finish, the twin heads of dragons set in the middle with the axe blades their fiery breath. It definitely looks like it was the work of a master smith. Despite the fact that he very obviously recently bathed, his hair is tousled somewhat as if he had just rolled out of bed along with what looks to be a permanent shadow of a beard on his cheeks and jaw giving him a rugged look. He is fairly good looking but by no means beautiful.

Dark Archive

M Human- Cheliax Cleric 2 of Sarenrae

You may call me Brother Simondale. I am an acolyte of the church of the Dawnflower. Her blessings be upon us.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 1

Adinas uses some of the money to pay off various debts and to buy new clothes fit for the occasion. Being of average stature he hopes the fact that he has no time for tailoring won't be noticed. He selects attire that is suitable but with touches that suggest a traveler. His eyes gleamed when he saw the brown leather cavalier's hat with the brim upturned on one side and a large hawk feather in the other. He wears it proudly as he strides toward the coach and enters.

Making note of the young priest and the hat to follow, the attendent directs the sergeant to see everyone aboard the coach. A short while later, as the eleventh bell tolls, with no other arrivals in attendance, the sergeant and attendent are heard mounting the carriage. Shortly thereafter, the carriage begins to move. Within a few minutes, you distinctly catch the sounds of passing the southern gate, marking your passage from the town into the countryside.

Gazing around the coach, the guests observe that while racks are available for various manners of bottles and goblets, none are actually stocked at this time. The shades are drawn, letting in the slightest glimmers of sunlight, piercing the interior's gloom. A softly glowing blue stone affixed to the roof grants enough light to see one another and make note of the appearance of each of the five passengers.

Aside from the clopping of hooves and occassional bird call, no other sounds are observed, the guards and attendent seem to remain silent.

Male Human Cavalier 1
Xanthan Lebeda wrote:
Grinning at Keiran, he says, "...and my friend here is Keiran Surtova."

Keiran nods.

Xanthan Lebeda wrote:
"Knight, Horseman,"

Keiran does some knightly background poses to emphasize the descriptions

Xanthan Lebeda wrote:
"and he attempts to keep me on the straight and narrow, although I fear he is fighting a losing battle

Keiran mumbles under his breath, "I would settle for wide, slightly curving, truth be told, hahaha!"

Male Human Cavalier 1
Simondale Albus wrote:
You may call me Brother Simondale. I am an acolyte of the church of the Dawnflower. Her blessings be upon us.

"I already feel safer, knowing that a cleric of Saranrae has our backs! The Stolen Lands don't stand a chance!"

Male Human Cavalier 1
DM Kalizar wrote:
The Lordships would prefer you arrive by carriage, your mounts will be well provided for. Should you not trust in the hospitality of my masters, please feel free to hitch your mounts to the rear of the coach. The guards will keep a strong eye upon them.

Keiran hitches his mount to the rear of the coach, "Please take no offense, kind sir. It is not that I do not trust you, however, I do not go anywhere without my steed. I pray for your understanding"

Xanthan will have done the same with Sunspot, hitching to the rear of the carriage with a muttered "it's always good to have a getaway handy."

Male Human Cavalier 1

Keiran gives Xan a slight nudge and an over exaggerated stern look, "shh.. I think they heard that.."

Keiran Surtova wrote:
Keiran mumbles under his breath, "I would settle for wide, slightly curving, truth be told, hahaha!"

Surely the gods brought us together my friend so that I could bring excitement to your life! You remember that time in Port Ice, where that big brute accused me of cheating at dice? HAHA, man that was great the expression on his face when I said that it wasn't my fault that his luck was as ugly as his face.

Male Human Cavalier 1

"...yes.. and I believe his even BIGGER friend then decided to use MY face as a place to park his FIST.. that kind of "excitement" I can really do without! I believe I'm still missing teeth from that night.."

Male to kill the six fingered man Duelist/20 years

Oh yeah. HAHA. I forgot about that. But it all builds character as my sadistic father used to say. Besides we got out of there all right didn't we? No tub of a man with no neck is going to hit my friend and get away with it. Cracking that tankard of ale over his head and seeing him go cross-eyed was priceless. Although I was a bit disappointed when the bouncer tossed me out on my rear. Perhaps you're right, I do need to stop drinking and I will do so...tomorrow." He says this last with a wink at Keiran.

But anyway, How are you all doing? Which god is Sarenrae again? He says with interest.

Male Human Cavalier 1

"yes yes.. you went home with.. what was her name? Kristen? And I went home with a headache.. those exchanges never seem to come out my way.. Sarenrae is.. Goddess of the Sun, I believe? Brother Simondale?

It's true, you've pulled me out of more scrapes than I can count and even saved my life in that incident on the Awzera River, but you can't admit traveling with me isn't interesting.

Looking at the acolyte, So, Brother Simondale, do you mind if I call you Simon? Brother Simondale is a mouthfull and it's a little much to yell across a pitched battle. You can call me Xan. Big fan of your god by the way. Sarenrae, the sun right? Nothing like sitting back on a riverbank a fishing hook in one hand, a comely young wench in the other, and the beautiful sun illuminating us all.

Male Human Cavalier 1
Xanthan Lebeda wrote:

It's true, you've pulled me out of more scrapes than I can count and even saved my life in that incident on the Awzera River, but you can't admit traveling with me isn't interesting.

Looking at the acolyte, So, Brother Simondale, do you mind if I call you Simon? Brother Simondale is a mouthfull and it's a little much to yell across a pitched battle. You can call me Xan. Big fan of your god by the way. Sarenrae, the sun right? Nothing like sitting back on a riverbank a fishing hook in one hand, a comely young wench in the other, and the beautiful sun illuminating us all.

Keiran looks horrified, "XAN!! Saranrae isn't a glorified lamp post, and there is a lady present!"

Dark Archive

M Human- Cheliax Cleric 2 of Sarenrae

Of course call me Simond, my friend Xan. Titles and lineages are for temples and castles- not the real world. I fear that you all tempt me with the chance to pontificate about our goddess the Dawnflower. I shall endeavor to be brief and concise and provide only the most basic of detail.

He takes a breath, and seems to look up off to the right as if reading from a well rehearsed script.

Sarenrae, the Dawnflower, the Lightbringer, knows that you have your choice in deities, and she respects that right. As such, she offers warm healing light to the world. She is responsible for driving down Rovagug into his prison at the creation of the world. Since then she has sought the redemption of evil and banishment of the darkness. Ours is not a faith of rules and restrictions- but one of seeking truth and glory and health. She doesn't promise a paradise full of virginal nymphs- but provides an afterlife of peace and tranquility.

Wherever there is justice needed, wherever there is a chance at redemption, she is there. She does not condemn unless it is necessary. She does not expect tithing and sacrifice of her faithful, nor does she demand payment for her holy arts. Rather, she offers her shoulder, her arm, and her divinity to you, should you need it. She would rather you do what is good and just than what is right by the law. In doing so, we remain in her graces and warmed by her radiance.
He breaks away from the script...
Except for those who willingly commit evil. Those suckers get to burn.

Male Human Cavalier 1

Keiran elbows Xan sharply in the ribs, halfway through Simond's sermon, "wake up, you're snoring!" he whispers under his breath..

Female Half Elf Sorcerer

Bisimone spends the first several minutes of the ride somewhat distracted. She tries to catch glimpses of the country side as the window shades jostle in time to the carriage's movements. It seems to bring more frustration than reward. She turns her intentions back towards her new companions.
Well, my good sirs, it seems the Swordlords have taken an interest in each of us and whatever talents we possess. For my part I am but a novice arcanist; really a dabbler you might say. It seems obvious that three of you are seasoned warriors and of course a worthy follower of the Dawnflower. It seems your expertise is needed by our host, myself must be an error in judgement.
Bisimone cools herself with a small fan she takes from a fold in her outfit. A slight twinkle crosses her eye as she leans slightly towards Xan. I have seen a few others wield weapons nearly as large and girthy as your own. I have always been curious. Is it compensation?
Bisimone leans back in her seat, a faint smile upon her ruby red lips, her skin slightly blushed. She slowly continues to fan herself.

Male Human Cavalier 1

Keiran starts to chuckle before deftly..

bluff 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

coughing to attempt to hide it, "ugh.. I can see this is not going to end well.." He says as he holds his hand over his eyes..

The coach ride seems to take a little over an hour, the roadway at first well worn, less so the latter part of the journey. Upon arrival, voices are heard announcing guests to see the assembly. The carriage door is opened, bright light streaming in once more. Within several blinks, your eyes adjust and you find yourselves parked in a small cobblestone courtyard before a brick and mortared three storied manor house. A tall wall surrounds the outer grounds, a wrought iron gate clamors closed as the first of you exits the coach.

Stationed around the courtyard are half a dozen guardsmen in the livery of the Restovian Guard. They stand at attention much as the three guards and Sergeant that accompanied you from Downgreen Plaza. Of the attendent, you see no sign.

A small elderly halfling approaches, leaning upon a wooden staff chastened in silver. I am Jeyhen. Kindly follow me into the inner hall. Who wishes to be announced first to the assembly? He lurches and lumbers onwards, not waiting for your reply. At the doorway to the manor, he pauses and looks to you expectantly. Milords, milady, if you please.

From over his shoulder to the room beyond, you see a hall of modest elegance, if somewhat dated in decor. The way is light by great standing candelabra, the tall white tapers casting a warm glow. Off to the right of the only door you can view, a small boy holds a triangle and sword at ready. A man obviously his father stands tall to the other side, gazing back towrds you, but unable to see well into the bright light outside.

I'll be prepared to give you a private showing my lady. Anytime you wish...or if you prefer you can inspect to see if I am compensating right here. As Xan begins unlacing his breeches Keiran reaches over covers Xan while making an exclamation about "ladies" and "uncouth" and something about "being raised in a barn." My apologies Keiran, but the lady did ask. Anyway it appears we are here. Later then my dear. Xan says with a wink to Bisimone to show he enjoyed the game and is looking forward to more sparring.

Jumping down from the coach, Xan looks around and laughs at the halfling's brusque attitude. Xan slings his axe around into the holder on his back and offers his hand to the Lady Bisimone as she climbs down.

Male Human Cavalier 1

Keiran sighs... HEAVILY. He turns to Bisimone,"I can't take him anywhere.. Honestly.. things.. escalate when my friend is concerned.. often times, quite uncontrollably.. heh. But he is correct, it is a lot more.. undull, when he's around.. I think he's waiting for you there..."

Male Half-Elf Rogue 1

"Smaller swords wielded with more finesse and subtlety can be just as good," Adinas adds. "With a a giant sword like that one starts to feel that whipping it out is the solution to every problem." Adinas smirks at Xan and then turns to Bisimone. "So you are a spellcaster? I am very interested in magic. I've been studying some things that a wizard gave me. Perhaps you could help me."

Male Human Cavalier 1

Keiran leans over to Adinas, "I think you mean axe..."

Keiran Surtova wrote:

Keiran starts to chuckle before deftly..

bluff 1d20+1

coughing to attempt to hide it, "ugh.. I can see this is not going to end well.." He says as he holds his hand over his eyes..

Your bluff goes over 'cough cough', well.

Bisimone takes Xanthan's hand as she exits the coach. Thank you good sir. Glancing down at her aide's half done breeches, she smirks a sly smile. She walks forward, stretching her legs, and gives Keiran a wink. I think for now I would rather we just enjoy the mystery.

Jeyhen looks expectantly at the group. Realizing some reluctance or confusion exists as to proper protocol, he takes it upon himself to begin the process. Milords, milady, before I begin the introductions, I must address a matter of decorum. No weapons will be allowed in the presence of the assembly. In yonder alcove before the great hall, you will find a series of weapons racks. Please feel free to deposit your items there. Young master Delo will take charge of them and see they come to no harm while you dine. The young boy beyond seems to rise up in stature at the mention of his name. Spell wielders will be on their honor to do no craft whilst in the presence of the assembly as well. Manservant Denorin gesturing to the older man, will seat the first guest, and then return for each in sequence. Please, do not address the assembly unless first addressed.

The aging majordomo then stamps his staff once upon the ground, at which the boy Delo strikes his chime with the sword. It echoes a clarion tone, followed by Jeyhen’s voice drifting from the great hall, “Lady Bisimone.” Denorin steps forth, offering his arm.

As Denorin returns, Keiran of Surtova.

Upon returning, Denorin offers his arm Xanthan of Lebeda.

Next back, the manservant motions for his charge to join him Master Simondale Albus of Sarenrae.

Lastly, as Denorin returns and offers his arm, the halfling calls Adinas Hawkeye.

Dark Archive

M Human- Cheliax Cleric 2 of Sarenrae

At the sound of his name, Simondale bows curtly. He places his scimitar on the rack and joins the group.

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