I posted this in the HoL ooc... but since we just got this thread up, I'll put it here instead.
I'm also going to be gone this weekend, I just found out. A friend offered me a free ticket and ride to a music festival this weekend really last minute and I can't really refuse. I'll be back on Tuesday, and will be around for another 12 hours or so.
Yeah off work til 6 June, but no strenuous activiy til at least the end of June. A bit disappointed as I was supposed to have a great activity coming up, and I also had a few sporting events to compete in.
Sort of gutted about it really...if you'll pardon the pun.
The trip was a slog into the cold cold winter in five weeks, carrying heavy loads and a fair way from proper help for almost three weeks, and the sports involve a lot of body contact, not really a good idea :)
Kirk is curious about the magical dagger we found, and once it's revealed he'll probably ask for it if it's useful at all.
Bonzo will continue helping to reel in Kyren, as will Donna, but he doesn't have any immediate concerns other than that. Donna, however, really wants to smash something to oblivion with her new hammer.
S'mores! 2 faves- use those dark chocolate topped cookies instead Hersheys and graham crackers or go all american with melted marshmallows on Oreo cookies : P
Sorry I've disappeared over the last few days. Got an exam this afternoon and I disconnected my network cable to stop myself getting distracted. I freaking hate revision.
Clever & Charming Halfling Sorcerer 7 (hp: 53/53, AC 21, T 17, FF 18) Spells: 1st: 8/8, 2nd:8/8, 3rd: 5/5
Hi Zyren,
Have you thought about how the Tzarek tournament is going to work? When I created it as a skill for Kyren I invested 1 rank in it as a profession and made it a class skill for him based on intelligence. Kyren is +7 (+1 rank, +3 class skill, +3 Int). I certainly have not play tested this idea, but I was thinking about three phases to each game. Opening, Middle and Endgame. Each phase of the game gets a Tzarek skill check. Each check is rolled opposed by my opponent's roll. For the opening, every three points over my opponent's skill check grants me +1 bonus on my roll for the middle game. Likewise, every three points over my opponents roll in the middle game grants a +2 bonus for the endgame. Ultimately, the winner of the endgame is considered the winner of the game. This does put a lot of weight to the endgame, but it may be very exciting. The one thing I am not sure about is how to add the wager portion of the game. Should the stakes change as the game progresses, or simply keep the money out until a final winner is determined at the end? Feel free to do what you want, but these are just some ideas. Let me know if you have some other ideas.
LOL yeah, umm might be a bit underequipped for that kind of crazy :p
Yeah he's been pretty busy with his study of late, and not a lot of game time etc... we were due for a tabletop session this weekend, now cancelled of course as I got a bit waylaid! I am feeling a lot better already, just the incisions are a bit uncomfortable, and getting used to eating as I was nil by mouth (no food or water) for four days as they flushed my system so just eating slowly and lightly
If its handy, can we get a breakdown of the unidentified loot so that we know what is still outstanding later? Just in summary format. I think there are a few items we have no idea about from the Count as well as possibly earlier?
I assumed Vic levelled up, so will do up the stats.
I have put a few skill points into he developing more along the Courtesan aspect (Proff:Courtesan) and (Know:Nobility) to reflect her growing understanding of matters of State etc.
I read the UM guide, and although I did like some of the stuff it doesn't really fit. Deception is still really where it is at for her so I saw no need to change.
On the other hand the party might find themselves more...gifted by Fortune...or is it the 'Devils Luck'? eh Solaric?