Beliefs I accept before I start drinking

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I believe I see a new thread about my least favorite sport authored by one of my least favorite posters. Ø

I believe a once fun thread is being overrun with trolls.

I believe that has become the nature of the beast.

I also believe it's nice to see Gary again. Long time no see man. =)

Thanks for the kind words, Orthos. I may not post much but I'm always lurking. :)

I believe its time to get some stuff done!

I believe I didn't drink last night yet today I have felt like I have a hang over

Turin the Mad wrote:
I believe that Iron Sky was a very fun movie to have seen. Two kinves up!

I believe I want to see IRON SKY,

I believe it looks like a fun flick.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
I believe if I continue to read the politcal stuff on the boards here I'll forget this is a small cross section of folks and lose all faith in humanity.
I believe you would be welcome among the cynics, brother.

I thunk I was a cynic once.

Then, I slipped on some ice whilst carrying coffee. I looked at my cup and reflexively and, like, totally nonsarcastically said, "hey. It's half full."

So deep down maybe I'm an optimist after all.

I believe there are optimists who say "the glass is half full"

I believe there are Pessimists who say "The glass is half empty"

I believe I am a realist, I believe I look at the glass and say,

"Alright! Who drank my beer?!?"


Scarab Sages

I believe.....ugh.

Scarab Sages

I believe tired zombie is tired.

Scarab Sages

I believe someone needs to pull his head out of his ass.

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I believe the forum today is irking me. So many people just bickering.

Scarab Sages

I believe, eh?

I believe I do not have enough caffeine for this s*~&.

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Aberzombie wrote:
I believe someone needs to pull his head out of his ass.

I believe that a great many people need to extract their ears from their rears.

Although when your hordes shamble forth ~22 December, those people will make optimal prey.

I believe that Ragadolf and anyone else will enjoy IRON SKY.

I believe that the unending work cycle from Hell temporarily ends this coming Thursday. Starting Friday there will be copious Labor Day Weekend grilling, drinking, excercising of marital perquisites and sleeping in late for five straight days.

Scarab Sages

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I believe I'm still loving all over the hide feature.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I believe my blood pressure has lowered from hiding the poli-threads.

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I believe... I started drinking hours ago.

I believe margaritas are goooooood.

Scarab Sages

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I believe I expected better, but am not surprised.

I believe "BAAAAAAAAAAAW!!!"

Scarab Sages


Hooboy! I believe Crazy wife is crazy! She's talking about moving back to the city again something I really don't want (+ I've only just got a good pathfinder group going in the last 6months to a year)

Kip84 wrote:
She's talking about moving back to the city


Lol :D it's a little late for that...

But maybe it's time for a change. I've been fixing forklifts for ten years maybe I'll retrain as a history teacher... If I have to find a new job anyway maybe it's time to chase that dream.

I believe I have to prepare for a hurricane.

I (hope) Believe that it will not be a big deal,... but still have to prepare,...

I believe SO many people need to pull their 'ears from their rears' (Thank you for that quote, it is going to be used SO much very soon!) :)

I believe I will drink my coffee now.

And I believe I will be 'drinking' tonight! While watching it hurricane all over my yard,... ;P

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I believe I shall wish you 'good luck!' Rags, from another location that sometimes gets hammered by nature's PMS.

I'm fearing another one of these puppies one day up here. We are sooooo unprepared for it.

Scarab Sages

I believe that, despite the best efforts of the beeyotch we're forced to work with, that my crew still did good last night and made some progress.

I believe that a swarm of 3 point earthquakes in southern California is not news.

I believe anything is news when you have a 24-hour cycle to fill

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I believe yet again I am thankful for the Hide function.

Scarab Sages

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I believe I made a successful save vs trollery today. Go me!

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I believe that's a hard save to make zombeh when the trolls lope out of their endless politico-religio circle jerks to menace the populace at large.

I believe I agree with Patrick, Aberzombie. Your incredible will save makes you a man amongst men. (Or is that a zombie amongst zombies?)

Silver Crusade

I believe work is kicking my ass and I am tired of it.

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I believe I am immensely thankful for the bonuses my meager will save receives. A +4 from my Apathetic trait, a circumstantial +2 from Perform: Mockery, and a whopping +10 from a judiciously applied invisibility spell.

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I believe that there are so many threads that need a good hiding. Jackassery is at an all time high it seems.

I believe 'tis the season.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I believe I will watch a Clint Eastwood movie this evening.

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I believe it is harder and harder to espouse an opinion anywhere on the Internet these days without getting dogpiled

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Patrick Curtin wrote:
I believe it is harder and harder to espouse an opinion anywhere on the Internet these days without getting dogpiled

Don't you push your beliefs on me!

*dogpiles Patrick*

Jumps on pile

OH BOY! *joins pile*

Charlestons into pile


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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I believe I really like you guys.

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I got dibs in the boxer briefs. No piling, please.

Scarab Sages

I believe that was the wrong thread.

I believe you're gravely mistaken.

I believe it's a beautiful weekend for a beach trip!

I believe it could be possible to exchange a wave across the pacific with an American! Anyone near the west coast?

I believe the filth is becoming so prevalent it's overflowing the hide function. Every now and then a thread I've hidden suddenly makes itself visible again with no reason.

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