I believe I can't get to sleep.
I believe my mead could help you with that, TOZ. I have proof that drinking enough of it allows you to sleep through even such things as a child standing next to your side of the bed and crying.
I believe that college football is the only thing on my docket this sat.
oh and picking spells for next weekends game
I believe that isn't very attractive to me Zombie, but I'm grateful for the offer.
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I believe some people are just douchbags who love to piss on other people's joy. They're short on charm, perhaps.
I believe that last night I dreamt that I was at a game store and the lady behind the counter said "oh look it's sebastian".
I believe I hesistated to correct her in the hopes that I would get free stuff.
I believe F@~! you douchebag client! Those P&IDs did get out on time, despite the roadblocks you asswipes have put in our way!
I believe having to work all weekend is just a price I have to pay.
I believe that 3 beers is about right on a thursday evening.
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I believe I miss the days when I got things on a more accurate schedule.
I believe it's gonna be a busy weekend.
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I believe I'm disappointed, but not surprised.
I believe I had to break out the warm hat this morning. And that's a good thing.
I believe the more things appear to change, the more they've just gotten a new coat of paint over the same old frame.
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I believe if I knew that simply by posting an extremely outlandish post in a troll thread could get it to stop for at least 44 minutes I would do it more often.
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I believe given the time I could use this avatar at least at least 112 times a day in said threads
3 people marked this as a favorite.
I believe the hide function is still awesome. The board looks so much nicer without all the little polititrolls' bile in sight.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
I believe I keep forgetting this: "I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
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I believe the question "What've you been smoking?" doesn't even begin to describe the un-reality some asshats subscribe to.
Aberzombie wrote: I believe the question "What've you been smoking?" doesn't even begin to describe the un-reality some asshats subscribe to. I assume that asshats must smoke e-cigarettes, because anything lit will explode once it contacts all the methane in their GI tract.
e-cigarettes - the "e" stands for "evil".
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Aberzombie wrote: I believe the hide function is still awesome. The board looks so much nicer without all the little polititrolls' bile in sight. I believe that you should tell me how to use this hide function as i do not enjoy the taste of bile.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote: Aberzombie wrote: I believe the hide function is still awesome. The board looks so much nicer without all the little polititrolls' bile in sight. I believe that you should tell me how to use this hide function as i do not enjoy the taste of bile. From an section showing a list of threads, when you're looking at the right side of the screen it has the date/time stamp of the latest post in each thread. Next to that is a little circle with a line through it. Clicking on that symbol will hide the thread.
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I believe a big thank you is in order sir.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
I believe sometimes a tool is just a tool. But sometimes, he's a douche as well.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote: I believe sometimes a tool is just a tool. But sometimes, he's a douche as well. Does that make him a multi-tool?
I believe I'd really like to be over this f++~ing cold I've had for three weeks or so.
I believe updating my games was hard, but now I feel better.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I believe I finally found a brand of bacon I will never buy again, just because it was a pain in the ass to cook.
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I believe all of this Mikazemas business restores my faith in humanity.
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Whoa, hey, it's nice and all but let's not go overboard here.
I believe my inlaws are becoming less likable the more I have to spend time with them.
I believe I am amazed! And in a good way. Mayhaps we've finally turned a corner.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote: Aberzombie wrote: I believe the question "What've you been smoking?" doesn't even begin to describe the un-reality some asshats subscribe to. I assume that asshats must smoke e-cigarettes, because anything lit will explode once it contacts all the methane in their GI tract. Only if they swallow the e-cig.
I believe that certain e-cigarettes are healthier and cheaper, much moreso, to smoke that regular packaged cigarettes. I will probably hwarf lung cheese for about a month. Afterwards, only one of the three nasty factors of the habit will remain.
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I believe I am ready for the holidays to be done
7 people marked this as a favorite.
I believe silence is golden. Unless you have kids, then silence is just suspicious.
I believe 4 stars are shiny.
Aberzombie wrote: I believe silence is golden. Unless you have kids, then silence is just suspicious. It's a bit alarming when you have cats, too.
I believe 4 shiny stars gets a very fast "Ma'am, yes, Ma'am!" (Or "Yes, Sir!").
I also believe I hear a bunch of cats yelling at me. Must be tuna treat time.
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I believe someone got off his meds.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I believe I am on vacation. And that it is good
I believe.....holy shit! 100K posts.
I also believe going offshore was an experience I would not mind duplicating.
I believe I continue to be happy about moving away from the northeast and all that damnable frozen sky water.
I believe the one of the greatest disservices committed by those who should know better these days is to lead young people to believe they are smarter than they actually are.
I believe people are smarter than they actually are.
I believe the dead president just lied.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
{arrives dressed as theater usher} Mr. Lincoln, the Burnt Offerings play is about to start in a few minutes. May I escort you to your booth?
I believe circle jerks can sometimes be a good thing.
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I believe WTF? doesn't even begin to cover what some people consider thinking.
I believe we're all just people.