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Anybody got any Drow PC/NPCs statted up they want to share?
I need a bunch of CR20 drow for my game on Wednesday and I am feeling terribly lazy.
A bunch of CR 20 as in multiple guys that are CR 20 each? or 1 encounter = CR 20?
Here is a single CR 20 Drow
Male Drow, Noble Ranger (Beast Master) 20
CE Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +6; Senses Darkvision (120 feet), Low-Light Vision; Perception +28
AC 28, touch 17, flat-footed 23. . (+5 armor, +3 shield, +4 Dex, +3 natural, +2 deflection, +1 dodge)
hp 144 (20d10+20)
Fort +15, Ref +20, Will +11
Defensive Abilities Evasion, Improved Evasion; Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities; SR 31
Weakness Light Blindness
Spd 30 ft.
Melee +2 Keen Rapier +24/+19/+14/+9 (1d6+4/15-20/x2)
Ranged +2 Seeking, Shock Darkwood Crossbow, Heavy +28/+23/+18/+13 (1d10+2/19-20/x2)
Spell-Like Abilities Dancing Lights (At will), Deeper Darkness (At will), Detect Magic (Constant), Dispel Magic (1/day), Divine Favor (1/day), Faerie Fire (At will), Featherfall (At will), Levitate (At will), Suggestion (1/day)
Ranger (Beast Master) Spells Known (CL 17, 22 melee touch, 26 ranged touch):
4 (3/day) Freedom of Movement, Bow Spirit (DC 17), Cure Serious Wounds (DC 17)
3 (4/day) Magic Fang, Greater, Bloody Claws, Instant Enemy, Strong Jaw
2 (5/day) Barkskin, Cat's Grace (DC 15), Cure Light Wounds (DC 15), Hunter's Eye, Versatile Weapon
1 (5/day) Resist Energy, Entangle (DC 14), Aspect of the Falcon (DC 14), Gravity Bow (DC 14), Lead Blades (DC 14)
Str 14, Dex 20/22, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +20; CMB +22; CMD 39
Feats Crossbow Mastery: Crossbow, Light, Dodge, Endurance, Far Shot, Mobility, Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Mounted Skirmisher, Parting Shot (1/combat), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Ride-by Attack, Shot On The Run, Trick Riding
Skills Acrobatics +18, Climb +9, Escape Artist +5, Fly +5, Handle Animal +23, Heal +11, Knowledge: Arcana +6, Knowledge: Dungeoneering +14, Knowledge: Geography +19, Knowledge: Nature +19, Perception +28, Ride +28, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +23, Survival +21, Swim +9
Languages Common, Elven, Undercommon
SQ Animal Companion Link (Ex), Enemies: Aberrations (+4 bonus) (Ex) (1/day), Enemies: Humanoids (Dwarf) (+6 bonus) (Ex) (1/day), Enemies: Humanoids (Elf) (+2 bonus) (Ex) (1/day), Enemies: Humanoids (Goblinoid) (+2 bonus) (Ex) (1/day), Enemies: Humanoids (Human) (+4 bonus) (Ex) (1/day), Hero Points (1), Hide in Plain Sight (Su), Improved Empathic Link (Su), Improved Quarry, Master Hunter (DC 23), Poison Use (Ex), Ring of Invisibility, Share Spells with Companion (Ex), Swift Tracker (Ex), Terrains: Forest (+2 bonus) (Ex), Terrains: Mountain (+2 bonus) (Ex), Terrains: Underground (+8 bonus) (Ex), Terrains: Urban (+2 bonus) (Ex), Track +10, Wild Empathy +20 (Ex), Woodland Stride (Ex)
Combat Gear +2 Seeking, Shock Darkwood Crossbow, Heavy, +2 Keen Rapier, +1 Chain Shirt, +2 Buckler; Other Gear Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Belt of Incredible Dexterity, +2, Boots of Elvenkind, Cloak of Resistance, +2, Gloves of Arrow Snaring, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (3), Potion of Displacement, Potion of Haste, Ring of Invisibility, Ring of Protection, +2
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Crossbow Mastery: Crossbow, Light You can reload any crossbow as a free action. With your chosen crossbow type, this does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Dancing Lights (At will) (Sp) Cast Dancing Lights at will.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deeper Darkness (At will) (Sp) Cast Deeper Darkness at will.
Detect Magic (Constant) (Sp) Constant Detect Magic
Dispel Magic (1/day) (Sp) Cast Dispel Magic once per day.
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp) Cast Divine Favor once per day.
Drow Immunities - Sleep You are immune to Sleep effects.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Endurance +4 to a variety of skill checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Enemies: Aberrations (+4 bonus) (Ex) (1/day) +4 to rolls vs Aberrations.
Enemies: Humanoids (Dwarf) (+6 bonus) (Ex) (1/day) +6 to rolls vs Humanoids (Dwarf).
Enemies: Humanoids (Elf) (+2 bonus) (Ex) (1/day) +2 to rolls vs Humanoids (Elf).
Enemies: Humanoids (Goblinoid) (+2 bonus) (Ex) (1/day) +2 to rolls vs Humanoids (Goblinoid).
Enemies: Humanoids (Human) (+4 bonus) (Ex) (1/day) +4 to rolls vs Humanoids (Human).
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Faerie Fire (At will) (Sp) Cast Faerie Fire at will.
Far Shot Halve the range increment penalty for extended range.
Featherfall (At will) (Sp) Cast Faerie Fire at will.
Hide in Plain Sight (Su) You can use Stealth even while observed, as long as there is a shadow within 10'
Improved Empathic Link (Su) You have an empathic link with all your companions.
Improved Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead. If you fail you take half damage.
Improved Quarry +4 to hit and other bonuses against your designated quarry.
Levitate (At will) (Sp) Cast Levitate at will.
Light Blindness (Ex) Blinded for 1r in bright light, dazzled as long as they remain in it.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Master Hunter (DC 23) Track at full speed without penalty. Gain a chance to kill or KO a favored enemy outright.
Mobility +4 to AC against some attacks of opportunity.
Mounted Archery Ranged weapon penalty when mounted is halved to -2 or -4.
Mounted Combat Once per round you can attempt to negate a hit to your mount in combat.
Mounted Skirmisher You can take a full-attack action if your mount moves only its speed.
Parting Shot (1/combat) When attacking with a ranged weapon, you can move - attack - move.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Poison Use (Ex) You do not risk poisoning yourself accidently while poisoning a weapon.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into combat.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Ride-by Attack You can move - attack - move when charging mounted.
Ring of Invisibility By activating this simple silver ring, the wearer can benefit from invisibility, as the spell.
Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Forge Ring, invisibility; Price 20,000 gp.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Spells cast on you can also affect your Companion, if it's within 5 feet.
Shot On The Run When attacking with a ranged weapon, you can move - attack - move.
Spell Resistance (31) You have Spell Resistance.
Suggestion (1/day) (Sp) Cast Suggestion once per day.
Swift Tracker (Ex) Tracking penalties when moving at normal speed or faster are reduced.
Terrains: Forest (+2 bonus) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Forest.
Terrains: Mountain (+2 bonus) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Mountain.
Terrains: Underground (+8 bonus) (Ex) +8 to rolls vs Underground.
Terrains: Urban (+2 bonus) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Urban.
Track +10 +10 to survival checks to track.
Trick Riding You do not need to make Ride checks for DC 15 or lower tasks, and gain 1 extra use of Mounted Combat/round.
Wild Empathy +20 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Woodland Stride (Ex) Move through undergrowth at normal speed.
And his mount.
Male Velociraptor
NN Medium Animal
Init +10; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +9
AC 32, touch 17, flat-footed 25. . (+6 Dex, +15 natural, +1 dodge)
hp 160 (+80)
Fort +15, Ref +16, Will +6
Spd 60 ft.
Melee Bite (Velociraptor) +18 (1d8+6/20/x2) and
. . Claw x2 (Velociraptor) +18 x2 (1d8+6/20/x2) and
. . Talon x2 (Velociraptor) +18 x2 (2d6+6/20/x2)
Special Attacks Pounce
Str 22, Dex 22, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +12; CMB +18; CMD 35
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes (7 AoO/round), Dodge, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack: Bite (Velociraptor), Improved Natural Attack: Claw x2 (Velociraptor), Improved Natural Attack: Talon x2 (Velociraptor), Mobility, Multiattack (Multiattack / Extra Attack)
Tricks Attack [Trick], Attack [Trick], Attack Any Target [Trick], Combat Riding [Trick], Come [Trick], Defend [Trick], Down [Trick], Fetch [Trick], Guard [Trick], Heel [Trick], Seek [Trick], Stay [Trick], Track [Trick]
Skills Acrobatics +14, Climb +10, Perception +9, Stealth +14
SQ Attack Any Target [Trick], Combat Riding [Trick], Devotion +4 (Ex), Evasion (Ex), Fetch [Trick], Hero Points (1), Improved Evasion (Ex), Multiattack / Extra Attack, Seek [Trick], Stay [Trick], Track [Trick]
Attack Any Target [Trick] The animal will attack any creature on command.
Blind-Fight Re-roll misses because of concealment, other benefits.
Combat Reflexes (7 AoO/round) You may make up to 7 attacks of apportunity per round, and may make them while flat-footed.
Combat Riding [Trick] The animal has been trained to bear a rider into combat.
Devotion +4 (Ex) +4 Morale bonus on Will Saves vs. Enchantments.
Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save.
Fetch [Trick] The animal will get a specific object.
Improved Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save; half on failed save.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mobility +4 to AC against some attacks of opportunity.
Multiattack / Extra Attack Multiattack or second attack with primary weapon at a -5 penalty.
Pounce (Ex) You can make a full attack as part of a charge.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Seek [Trick] The animal moves into an area and looks around for anything that is obviously alive or animate.
Stay [Trick] The animal will stay where it is.
Track [Trick] The animal will track a scent.

Katerek |

Well if you are in the mood and want to help I am looking for an oversized party of elite drow with a fat budget each of which are about cr20.
the pcs are el 27-29 and HIGHLY efficient. they are magic item tight.
they are getting ready to do a fetch mission and the premise is these drow are there first after the same item. also the drow are on a secondary kill mission set to take out a nascent demon-lord that clocks in around cr28 or so that the pcs do not know about.

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Well if you are in the mood and want to help I am looking for an oversized party of elite drow with a fat budget each of which are about cr20.
the pcs are el 27-29 and HIGHLY efficient. they are magic item tight.
they are getting ready to do a fetch mission and the premise is these drow are there first after the same item. also the drow are on a secondary kill mission set to take out a nascent demon-lord that clocks in around cr28 or so that the pcs do not know about.
I will make up a party of drow, how many do you want??
Also here is a update for the beastmaster above, I realized the Velociraptor is medium so he couldn't ride it so here is a Allosaurus
Male Allosaurus
NN Large Animal
Init +5; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +16
AC 32, touch 14, flat-footed 27. . (+5 Dex, -1 size, +18 natural)
hp 144 (+64)
Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +7
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Claw x2 (Allosaurus) +20 x2 (1d6+9/20/x2) and
. . Powerful Bite (Allosaurus) +20 (2d6+18/20/x2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks Grab, Pounce
Str 28, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 3, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +12; CMB +22 (+26 Grappling); CMD 37
Feats Cleave, Eldritch Claws, Great Cleave, Improved Natural Attack: Powerful Bite (Allosaurus), Improved Vital Strike, Multiattack (Multiattack / Extra Attack), Power Attack -4/+8, Toughness +16, Vital Strike
Tricks Attack [Trick], Attack [Trick], Attack Any Target [Trick], Cinderbrave [Trick], Combat Riding [Trick], Come [Trick], Defend [Trick], Down [Trick], Fetch [Trick], Guard [Trick], Heel [Trick], Perform [Trick], Seek [Trick], Stay [Trick], Work [Trick]
Skills Acrobatics +13, Climb +15, Fly +3, Perception +16, Stealth +1, Swim +17
SQ Attack Any Target [Trick], Cinderbrave [Trick], Combat Riding [Trick], Devotion +4 (Ex), Evasion (Ex), Fetch [Trick], Hero Points (1), Improved Evasion (Ex), Multiattack / Extra Attack, Perform [Trick], Seek [Trick], Stay [Trick], Work [Trick]
Attack Any Target [Trick] The animal will attack any creature on command.
Cinderbrave [Trick] The animal will carry or follow its master into an area enshrouded with flames, even if placed at risk.
Cleave If you hit your first target, attack an adjacent target at the same attack bonus in exchange for -2 AC.
Combat Riding [Trick] The animal has been trained to bear a rider into combat.
Devotion +4 (Ex) +4 Morale bonus on Will Saves vs. Enchantments.
Eldritch Claws Your natural weapons are considered both magic and silver for purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save.
Fetch [Trick] The animal will get a specific object.
Grab (Medium) (Ex) You can start a grapple as a free action if you hit with the designated weapon.
Improved Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save; half on failed save.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Multiattack / Extra Attack Multiattack or second attack with primary weapon at a -5 penalty.
Perform [Trick] The animal will perform tricks.
Pounce (Ex) You can make a full attack as part of a charge.
Power Attack -4/+8 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Seek [Trick] The animal moves into an area and looks around for anything that is obviously alive or animate.
Stay [Trick] The animal will stay where it is.
Vital Strike Standard action: x2 weapon damage dice.
Work [Trick] The animal pulls or pushes a medium or heavy load.

Katerek |

I will make up a party of drow, how many do you want??Also here is a update for the beastmaster above, I realized the Velociraptor is medium so he couldn't ride it so here is a Allosaurus
** spoiler omitted **...
Seriously? Cool!
Well, I had originally planned on basing them on eleven of the Drow figs that WoTC made:
The Drow Priestess, Drow Seargent, Lolths Sting, Karshite Fighter, Drow Spiderguard, Drow enforcer, drow adventurer, drow fighter, drow rogue, drow blademaster, and the drow arcane guard.
But hey, you are doing me a HUGE favor so go crazy. This will let me actually get some sleep before my game this week! Awesome!

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OK, I threw these up really quickly so they are nothing special.Most have the same sets of gear. If you can tell me a little more about what some of the others are like classes and such for Karshite Fighter,Drow Spiderguard, Drow enforcer, drow adventurer,drow blademaster, and the drow arcane guard, I might be able top come up with something for them as well.
Drow Priestess
Male Drow, Noble Cleric 20
CE Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision (120 feet), Low-Light Vision; Perception +14
AC 39, touch 18, flat-footed 36. . (+11 armor, +7 shield, +3 Dex, +3 natural, +5 deflection)
hp 123 (20d8+20)
Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +24
Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities; SR 31
Weakness Light Blindness
Spd 30 ft.
Melee +5 Defending, Flaming Burst, Keen, Spell Storing Adamantine Morningstar +23/+18/+13 (1d8+8/19-20/x2) and
. . Shield, Heavy Steel +14/+9/+4 (1d4+3/20/x2)
Special Attacks Destructive Smite +10 (10/day), Scythe of Evil for 10 rounds, 4/day. (4/day), Touch of Evil 10 rounds (10/day)
Spell-Like Abilities Dancing Lights (At will), Deeper Darkness (At will), Detect Magic (Constant), Dispel Magic (1/day), Divine Favor (1/day), Faerie Fire (At will), Featherfall (At will), Levitate (At will), Suggestion (1/day), Touch of Evil 10 rounds (10/day)
Cleric Spells Known (CL 20, 18 melee touch, 18 ranged touch):
9 (4/day) Winds of Vengeance (DC 26), Energy Drain (DC 28), Implosion (DC 26), Implosion (DC 26), Storm of Vengeance (DC 26)
8 (4/day) Earthquake (DC 25), Fire Storm (DC 25), Unholy Aura (DC 25), Antimagic Field, Stormbolts (DC 25)
7 (5/day) Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass (DC 26), Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass (DC 26), Destruction (DC 26), Disintegrate (DC 24), Word of Chaos
6 (5/day) Bull's Strength, Mass, Blade Barrier (DC 23), Harm (DC 25), Harm (DC 25), Hellfire Ray
5 (5/day) Break Enchantment (DC 22), Righteous Might, Flame Strike (DC 22), Dispel Good (DC 22), Boneshatter (DC 24), Snake Staff (DC 22)
4 (5/day) Spell Immunity, Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Unholy Blight (DC 21), Giant Vermin, Poison (DC 23)
3 (6/day) Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle against Good, Dispel Magic, Searing Light, Blindness/Deafness (DC 22), Sacred Bond
2 (6/day) Shield Other, Aid, Align Weapon, Silence (DC 19), Bull's Strength (DC 19), Hold Person (DC 21)
1 (6/day) Protection from Good, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Shield of Faith, Doom (DC 20), Obscuring Mist, Deathwatch
0 (at will) Resistance, Bleed (DC 19), Read Magic, Guidance
Str 14/16, Dex 14/16, Con 10/12, Int 10, Wis 20/24, Cha 17/21
Base Atk +15; CMB +18; CMD 36
Feats Blind-Fight, Channel Smite, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes (4 AoO/round), Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment, Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy, Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Focus: Enchantment, Spell Focus: Necromancy, Spell Penetration
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +0, Diplomacy +13, Escape Artist +0, Fly +0, Heal +15, Knowledge: Arcana +8, Knowledge: Dungeoneering +5, Knowledge: Religion +13, Knowledge: The Planes +13, Perception +14, Ride +0, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +5, Swim +0
Languages Elven, Undercommon
SQ Aura (Ex), Aura of Destruction +10 (20 rounds/day) (Su), Channel Negative Energy 10d6 (8/day) (DC 25) (Su), Cleric Domain: Destruction, Cleric Domain: Evil, Hero Points (1), Poison Use (Ex), Ring of Spell Storing, Major, Ring of Splendid Security, Spontaneous Casting
Combat Gear +5 Defending, Flaming Burst, Keen, Spell Storing Adamantine Morningstar, +5 Fortification, Moderate Mithral Chainmail, +5 Shield, Heavy Steel; Other Gear Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Belt of Physical Perfection, +2, Boots, Winged, Cloak of Resistance, +3, Headband of Mental Prowess, WIS & CHA +4, Pearl of Power, 1st Level, Pearl of Power, 1st Level, Pearl of Power, 3rd Level, Pearl of Power, 3rd Level, Pearl of Power, 4th Level, Pearl of Power, 5th Level, Pearl of Power, 6th Level, Ring of Spell Storing, Major, Ring of Splendid Security
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Aura of Destruction +10 (20 rounds/day) (Su) 30'r aura grants +1 to all damage rolls within and all critical threats are confirmed.
Blind-Fight Re-roll misses because of concealment, other benefits.
Channel Negative Energy 10d6 (8/day) (DC 25) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
Channel Smite Channel energy can be delivered through a Smite attack.
Cleric Domain: Destruction Granted Powers: You revel in ruin and devastation, and can deliver particularly destructive attacks.
Cleric Domain: Evil Granted Powers: You are sinister and cruel, and have wholly pledged your soul to the cause of evil.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Combat Reflexes (4 AoO/round) You may make up to 4 attacks of apportunity per round, and may make them while flat-footed.
Dancing Lights (At will) (Sp) Cast Dancing Lights at will.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deeper Darkness (At will) (Sp) Cast Deeper Darkness at will.
Destructive Smite +10 (10/day) (Su) You gain the destructive smite power: the supernatural ability to make a single melee attack with a morale bonus on damage rolls equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). You must declare the destructive smite before making the attack. You can use
Detect Magic (Constant) (Sp) Constant Detect Magic
Dispel Magic (1/day) (Sp) Cast Dispel Magic once per day.
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp) Cast Divine Favor once per day.
Drow Immunities - Sleep You are immune to Sleep effects.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Faerie Fire (At will) (Sp) Cast Faerie Fire at will.
Featherfall (At will) (Sp) Cast Faerie Fire at will.
Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment +1 to the Save DC of spells from one school.
Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy +1 to the Save DC of spells from one school.
Greater Spell Penetration +2 to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.
Levitate (At will) (Sp) Cast Levitate at will.
Light Blindness (Ex) Blinded for 1r in bright light, dazzled as long as they remain in it.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Poison Use (Ex) You do not risk poisoning yourself accidently while poisoning a weapon.
Ring of Spell Storing, Major As the minor ring of spell storing, except it holds up to ten levels of spells.
Strong evocation; CL 17th; Forge Ring, imbue with spell ability; Price 200,000 gp.
Ring of Splendid Security This extravagant ring is heavy with precious jewels. Even were the ring itself not magical, it would be worth thousands.
As fashions go in and out of style (or as your fancy shifts), you can alter the appearance of your armor, clothing, and even weaponry as you see fit at will as a standard action; this change is illusory and does not affect the actual abilities of gear or weapons (although drastic changes in size are beyond the scope of this ability).
A ring of splendid security’s primary purpose, though, is to grant you protection from harm. As long as it is worn, the ring grants you a +5 deflection bonus to AC, a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws, and spell resistance 22.
Strong abjuration; CL 16th; Requirements Forge Ring, minor image, resistance, shield or shield of faith, spell resistance; Cost 90,000 gp + 7,200 XP; Price: 180,000
Scythe of Evil for 10 rounds, 4/day. (4/day) (Su) A melee weapon you are holding becomes unholy
Spell Focus: Enchantment Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spell Focus: Necromancy Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spell Penetration +2 to caster levels checks to overcome spell resistance.
Spell Resistance (31) You have Spell Resistance.
Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.
Suggestion (1/day) (Sp) Cast Suggestion once per day.
Touch of Evil 10 rounds (10/day) (Sp) With a melee touch attack, target is sickened and counted as good-aligned for the purpose of [Evil] spells.
Drow Sergeant
Male Drow, Noble Fighter 20
CE Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +11; Senses Darkvision (120 feet), Low-Light Vision; Perception +23
AC 43, touch 23, flat-footed 35. . (+11 armor, +7 shield, +7 Dex, +2 natural, +5 deflection, +1 dodge)
hp 224 (20d10+80)
Fort +21, Ref +18, Will +12
Defensive Abilities Bravery +5; DR 5/—; Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities; SR 31
Weakness Light Blindness
Spd 25 ft.
Melee +5 Defending, Icy Burst, Unholy Longsword +37/+32/+27/+22 (1d8+19/19-20/x2) and
. . Shield, Heavy Steel +26/+21/+16/+11 (1d4+6/20/x2)
Special Attacks Weapon Training: Blades, Heavy, Weapon Training: Blades, Light, Weapon Training: Crossbows, Weapon Training: Pole Arms
Spell-Like Abilities Dancing Lights (At will), Deeper Darkness (At will), Detect Magic (Constant), Dispel Magic (1/day), Divine Favor (1/day), Faerie Fire (At will), Featherfall (At will), Levitate (At will), Suggestion (1/day)
Str 17/23, Dex 19/25, Con 13/19, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +20; CMB +26; CMD 49
Feats Blind-Fight, Blinding Critical (DC 30), Cleave, Combat Reflexes (8 AoO/round), Crippling Critical (DC 30), Critical Focus, Dodge, Furious Focus, Great Cleave, Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Focus: Longsword, Greater Weapon Specialization: Longsword, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Lunge, Mobility, Power Attack -6/+12, Spring Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus: Longsword, Weapon Specialization: Longsword
Skills Acrobatics +11, Climb +13, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Handle Animal +8, Intimidate +11, Perception +23, Ride +16, Stealth +36, Survival +14, Swim +13
Languages Aklo, Common, Elven, Undercommon
SQ Armor Mastery (Ex), Armor Training 4 (Ex), Hero Points (1), Poison Use (Ex), Ring of Regeneration, Ring of Splendid Security, Weapon Mastery: Longsword (Ex)
Combat Gear +5 Defending, Icy Burst, Unholy Longsword, +5 Deflecting, Fortification, Moderate, Shadow, Greater Mithral Agile Breastplate, +5 Arrow Deflection, Fire Resistance, Grt. Shield, Heavy Steel; Other Gear Amulet of Natural Armor +2, Belt of Physical Perfection, +6, Boots of Speed, Cloak of Resistance, +3, Ring of Regeneration, Ring of Splendid Security
Armor Mastery (Ex) DR 5/- while wearing armor
Armor Training 4 (Ex) Worn armor -4 check penalty, +4 max DEX.
Blind-Fight Re-roll misses because of concealment, other benefits.
Blinding Critical (DC 30) Critical hit blinds or dazzles target.
Bravery +5 (Ex) +5 Will save vs. Fear
Cleave If you hit your first target, attack an adjacent target at the same attack bonus in exchange for -2 AC.
Combat Reflexes (8 AoO/round) You may make up to 8 attacks of apportunity per round, and may make them while flat-footed.
Crippling Critical (DC 30) Critical Hits halves target's speed for 1 minute.
Critical Focus +4 to confirm critical hits.
Damage Reduction (5/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Dancing Lights (At will) (Sp) Cast Dancing Lights at will.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deeper Darkness (At will) (Sp) Cast Deeper Darkness at will.
Detect Magic (Constant) (Sp) Constant Detect Magic
Dispel Magic (1/day) (Sp) Cast Dispel Magic once per day.
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp) Cast Divine Favor once per day.
Drow Immunities - Sleep You are immune to Sleep effects.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Faerie Fire (At will) (Sp) Cast Faerie Fire at will.
Featherfall (At will) (Sp) Cast Faerie Fire at will.
Furious Focus If you are wielding a weapon in two hands, ignore the penalty for your first attack of each turn.
Levitate (At will) (Sp) Cast Levitate at will.
Light Blindness (Ex) Blinded for 1r in bright light, dazzled as long as they remain in it.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Lunge -2 to AC for +5' reach
Mobility +4 to AC against some attacks of opportunity.
Poison Use (Ex) You do not risk poisoning yourself accidently while poisoning a weapon.
Power Attack -6/+12 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Ring of Regeneration This white gold ring continually allows a living wearer to heal 1 point of damage per level every hour rather than every day. (This ability cannot be aided by the Heal skill.) Nonlethal damage heals at a rate of 1 point of damage per level every 5 minutes. If the wearer loses a limb, an organ, or any other body part while wearing this ring, the ring regenerates it as the spell. In either case, only damage taken while wearing the ring is regenerated.
Strong conjuration; CL 15th; Forge Ring, regenerate; Price 90,000 gp.
Ring of Splendid Security This extravagant ring is heavy with precious jewels. Even were the ring itself not magical, it would be worth thousands.
As fashions go in and out of style (or as your fancy shifts), you can alter the appearance of your armor, clothing, and even weaponry as you see fit at will as a standard action; this change is illusory and does not affect the actual abilities of gear or weapons (although drastic changes in size are beyond the scope of this ability).
A ring of splendid security’s primary purpose, though, is to grant you protection from harm. As long as it is worn, the ring grants you a +5 deflection bonus to AC, a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws, and spell resistance 22.
Strong abjuration; CL 16th; Requirements Forge Ring, minor image, resistance, shield or shield of faith, spell resistance; Cost 90,000 gp + 7,200 XP; Price: 180,000
Spell Resistance (31) You have Spell Resistance.
Spring Attack You can move - attack - move when attacking with a melee weapon.
Suggestion (1/day) (Sp) Cast Suggestion once per day.
Vital Strike Standard action: x2 weapon damage dice.
Weapon Mastery: Longsword (Ex) Chosen weapon has an improved critical multiplier, always confirms criticals, and cannot be disarmed.
Weapon Training: Blades, Heavy +4 (Ex) +4 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Heavy Blades
Weapon Training: Blades, Light +3 (Ex) +3 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Light Blades
Weapon Training: Crossbows +2 (Ex) +2 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Crossbows
Weapon Training: Pole Arms +1 (Ex) +1 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Pole Arms
LLoths Sting
Male Drow, Noble Monk (Weapon Adept) 10 Rogue 10
LE Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +12; Senses Darkvision (120 feet), Low-Light Vision; Perception +26
AC 38, touch 27, flat-footed 29. . (+8 armor, +8 Dex, +3 natural, +5 deflection, +1 dodge)
hp 153 (20d8+40)
Fort +17, Ref +27, Will +16
Defensive Abilities Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=14), Trap Sense +3; Immune sleep, disease; Resist Elven Immunities; SR 31
Weakness Light Blindness
Spd 60 ft.
Melee +5 Shocking Burst, Speed Temple Sword +25/+25/+20/+15 (1d8+12/17-20/x2)
Ranged +3 Adamantine Shuriken +25/+20/+15 (1d2+8/20/x2)
Special Attacks Befuddling Strike, Crippling Strike, Flurry of Blows +8/+8/+3/+3, Ki Strike, Lawful, Ki Strike, Magic, Sneak Attack +5d6
Spell-Like Abilities Dancing Lights (At will), Deeper Darkness (At will), Detect Magic (Constant), Dispel Magic (1/day), Divine Favor (1/day), Faerie Fire (At will), Featherfall (At will), Levitate (At will), Suggestion (1/day)
Str 16/20, Dex 22/26, Con 11/15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +14; CMB +22 (+24 Grappling); CMD 46 (48 vs. Grapple)
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Patrol (+10'), Combat Reflexes (9 AoO/round), Critical Focus, Desperate Battler, Dodge, Improved Critical: Temple Sword, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Lunge, Mobility, Monk Weapon Proficiencies, Nimble Moves, Perfect Strike (3d20) (12/day), Rogue Weapon Proficiencies, Shadow Strike, Spider Step (25'), Spring Attack, Strike Back, Weapon Focus: Temple Sword, Weapon Specialization: Temple Sword
Skills Acrobatics +31, Bluff +10, Climb +28, Disable Device +34, Perception +26, Stealth +36, Use Magic Device +20
Languages Elven, Undercommon
SQ AC Bonus +3, Cloak of the Bat, Fast Movement (+30'), Fast Stealth (Ex), Hero Points (1), High Jump (+10) (Ex), Ki Defense (Su), Ki Pool (Su), Maneuver Training (Ex), Poison Use (Ex), Purity of Body (Ex), Ring of Invisibility, Ring of Splendid Security, Slow Fall 50' (Ex), Still Mind (Ex), Trapfinding +5, Unarmed Strike (1d10), Wholeness of Body (10 HP/use) (Su)
Combat Gear +5 Shocking Burst, Speed Temple Sword, +3 Adamantine Shuriken (20); Other Gear Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Belt of Physical Perfection, +4, Boots of Striding and Springing, Bracers of Armor, +8, Cloak of the Bat, Ring of Invisibility, Ring of Splendid Security
AC Bonus +3 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Befuddling Strike (Ex) Sneak attack imposes a -2 penalty for 1d4r if opponent wants to attack you.
Blind-Fight Re-roll misses because of concealment, other benefits.
Cloak of the Bat Fashioned of dark brown or black cloth, this cloak bestows a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. The wearer is also able to hang upside down from the ceiling, like a bat.
By holding the edges of the garment, the wearer is able to fly as per the spell. If he desires, the wearer can actually polymorph himself into an ordinary bat and fly accordingly. (All possessions worn or carried are part of the transformation.) Flying, either with the cloak or in bat form, can be accomplished only in darkness (either under the night sky or in a lightless or near-lightless environment underground). Either of the flying powers is usable for up to 7 minutes at a time, but after a flight of any duration the cloak cannot bestow any flying power for a like period of time.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, fly, polymorph; Price 26,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Combat Patrol (+10') Full-round action: increase your threatened area by +10' until your next turn.
Combat Reflexes (9 AoO/round) You may make up to 9 attacks of apportunity per round, and may make them while flat-footed.
Crippling Strike (Ex) Your sneak attacks do 2 points of Strength damage.
Critical Focus +4 to confirm critical hits.
Dancing Lights (At will) (Sp) Cast Dancing Lights at will.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deeper Darkness (At will) (Sp) Cast Deeper Darkness at will.
Desperate Battler Gain +1 morale bonus on melee attack and damage when alone
Detect Magic (Constant) (Sp) Constant Detect Magic
Dispel Magic (1/day) (Sp) Cast Dispel Magic once per day.
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp) Cast Divine Favor once per day.
Drow Immunities - Sleep You are immune to Sleep effects.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Faerie Fire (At will) (Sp) Cast Faerie Fire at will.
Fast Movement (+30') The Monk adds 10 or more feet to his base speed.
Fast Stealth (Ex) You may move at full speed while using the Stealth skill without penalty.
Featherfall (At will) (Sp) Cast Faerie Fire at will.
Flurry of Blows +8/+8/+3/+3 (Ex) Make Flurry of Blows attack as a full action.
High Jump (+10) (Ex) +10 to Acrobatics checks made to jump.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Improved Grapple You grapple at +2, with no attacks of opportunity allowed.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=14) (Ex) Retain DEX bonus to AC when flat-footed. You cannot be flanked unless the attacker is Level 14+.
Ki Defense (Su) A monk can spend 1 point from his ki pool to give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Ki Pool (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your WIS modifier.
Ki Strike, Lawful (Su) At 10th level, a monk's unarmed attacks are also treated as lawful weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Ki Strike, Magic (Su) At 4th level, ki strike allows a monk's unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Levitate (At will) (Sp) Cast Levitate at will.
Light Blindness (Ex) Blinded for 1r in bright light, dazzled as long as they remain in it.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Lunge -2 to AC for +5' reach
Maneuver Training (Ex) CMB = other BABs + Monk level
Mobility +4 to AC against some attacks of opportunity.
Nimble Moves Move through 5' of difficult terrain/round as if it was normal terrain.
Perfect Strike (3d20) (12/day) Roll 3d20 for an attack with a Monk weapon and use the higher as your attack roll, the next as your critical confirmation.
Poison Use (Ex) You do not risk poisoning yourself accidently while poisoning a weapon.
Purity of Body (Ex) At 5th level, a monk gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.
Ring of Invisibility By activating this simple silver ring, the wearer can benefit from invisibility, as the spell.
Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Forge Ring, invisibility; Price 20,000 gp.
Ring of Splendid Security This extravagant ring is heavy with precious jewels. Even were the ring itself not magical, it would be worth thousands.
As fashions go in and out of style (or as your fancy shifts), you can alter the appearance of your armor, clothing, and even weaponry as you see fit at will as a standard action; this change is illusory and does not affect the actual abilities of gear or weapons (although drastic changes in size are beyond the scope of this ability).
A ring of splendid security’s primary purpose, though, is to grant you protection from harm. As long as it is worn, the ring grants you a +5 deflection bonus to AC, a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws, and spell resistance 22.
Strong abjuration; CL 16th; Requirements Forge Ring, minor image, resistance, shield or shield of faith, spell resistance; Cost 90,000 gp + 7,200 XP; Price: 180,000
Shadow Strike You can deal precision damage against targets with some concealment.
Slow Fall 50' (Ex) Treat a fall as shorter than normal if within arm's reach of a wall.
Sneak Attack +5d6 +5d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Spell Resistance (31) You have Spell Resistance.
Spider Step (25') Walk half your slow fall distance across walls, ceilings, ropes, branches, water, etc. as a move action.
Spring Attack You can move - attack - move when attacking with a melee weapon.
Still Mind (Ex) +2 to saves against enchantment spells and effects.
Strike Back A readied melee attack can be used against a foe whose reach allows them to attack you, but whom you could not attack.
Suggestion (1/day) (Sp) Cast Suggestion once per day.
Trap Sense +3 (Ex) +3 bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps.
Trapfinding +5 +5 to find or disable traps.
Unarmed Strike (1d10) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Wholeness of Body (10 HP/use) (Su) Self-heal monk level in damage for 2 Ki points.
Drow Rogue
Male Drow, Noble Rogue (Poisoner) 20
CE Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +17; Senses Darkvision (120 feet), Low-Light Vision; Perception +25
AC 35, touch 22, flat-footed 28. . (+9 armor, +6 Dex, +4 natural, +5 deflection, +1 dodge)
hp 163 (20d8+60)
Fort +14, Ref +26, Will +11
Defensive Abilities Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=24); Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities; SR 31
Weakness Light Blindness
Spd 40 ft.
Melee +5 Dueling, Icy Burst, Speed Kukri +23/+23/+18/+13 (1d4+6/18-20/x2) and
. . +5 Flaming Burst, Speed Kukri +23/+23/+18/+13 (1d4+8/18-20/x2)
Special Attacks Befuddling Strike, Bleeding Attack +10, Crippling Strike, Hunter's Surprise (1/day), Lasting Poison, Master Strike (DC 22), Positioning Attack (1/day), Sneak Attack +10d6
Spell-Like Abilities Dancing Lights (At will), Deeper Darkness (At will), Detect Magic (Constant), Dispel Magic (1/day), Divine Favor (1/day), Faerie Fire (At will), Featherfall (At will), Levitate (At will), Suggestion (1/day)
Str 13/17, Dex 24/28, Con 12/16, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +15; CMB +18; CMD 40 (42 vs. Disarm42 vs. Feint)
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise +/-4, Combat Reflexes (10 AoO/round), Critical Focus, Dodge, Greater Two-weapon Fighting, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-weapon Fighting, Lunge, Mobility, Piranha Strike -4/+8, Rogue Weapon Proficiencies, Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +32, Climb +26, Disable Device +30, Escape Artist +32, Perception +25, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +47, Survival +20, Swim +16, Use Magic Device +24
Languages Common, Elven, Undercommon
SQ Fast Stealth (Ex), Hero Points (1), Master Poisoner +10 (Ex), Poison Use, Poison Use (Ex), Ring of Invisibility, Ring of Splendid Security
Combat Gear +5 Flaming Burst, Speed Kukri, +5 Dueling, Icy Burst, Speed Kukri, +5 Fortification, Moderate, Glamered, Shadow, Greater Mithral Chain Shirt; Other Gear Amulet of Natural Armor +4, Belt of Physical Perfection, +4, Boots of Striding and Springing, Cloak of Resistance, +4, Ring of Invisibility, Ring of Splendid Security
Befuddling Strike (Ex) Sneak attack imposes a -2 penalty for 1d4r if opponent wants to attack you.
Bleeding Attack +10 (Ex) Sneak attacks also deal 10 bleed damage per round.
Blind-Fight Re-roll misses because of concealment, other benefits.
Combat Expertise +/-4 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Combat Reflexes (10 AoO/round) You may make up to 10 attacks of apportunity per round, and may make them while flat-footed.
Crippling Strike (Ex) Your sneak attacks do 2 points of Strength damage.
Critical Focus +4 to confirm critical hits.
Dancing Lights (At will) (Sp) Cast Dancing Lights at will.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deeper Darkness (At will) (Sp) Cast Deeper Darkness at will.
Detect Magic (Constant) (Sp) Constant Detect Magic
Dispel Magic (1/day) (Sp) Cast Dispel Magic once per day.
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp) Cast Divine Favor once per day.
Drow Immunities - Sleep You are immune to Sleep effects.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Faerie Fire (At will) (Sp) Cast Faerie Fire at will.
Fast Stealth (Ex) You may move at full speed while using the Stealth skill without penalty.
Featherfall (At will) (Sp) Cast Faerie Fire at will.
Hunter's Surprise (1/day) (Ex) 1/day, all attacks against a chosen target are sneak attacks.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=24) (Ex) Retain DEX bonus to AC when flat-footed. You cannot be flanked unless the attacker is Level 24+.
Lasting Poison (Ex) Poisoned weapon can be used for 2 hits, but saves are at +2.
Levitate (At will) (Sp) Cast Levitate at will.
Light Blindness (Ex) Blinded for 1r in bright light, dazzled as long as they remain in it.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Lunge -2 to AC for +5' reach
Master Poisoner +10 (Ex) Change a poison's type (contact, ingested, inhaled, injury), +10 Craft (Alchemy) for poisons.
Master Strike (DC 22) (Ex) Kill, paralyze, or KO the target of a sneak attack.
Mobility +4 to AC against some attacks of opportunity.
Piranha Strike -4/+8 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage with light weapons.
Poison Use You don't accidentally poison yourself with blades.
Poison Use (Ex) You do not risk poisoning yourself accidently while poisoning a weapon.
Positioning Attack (1/day) (Ex) 1/day, move up to 30' without AoO after hitting a target, as long as you finish adjacent to that target.
Ring of Invisibility By activating this simple silver ring, the wearer can benefit from invisibility, as the spell.
Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Forge Ring, invisibility; Price 20,000 gp.
Ring of Splendid Security This extravagant ring is heavy with precious jewels. Even were the ring itself not magical, it would be worth thousands.
As fashions go in and out of style (or as your fancy shifts), you can alter the appearance of your armor, clothing, and even weaponry as you see fit at will as a standard action; this change is illusory and does not affect the actual abilities of gear or weapons (although drastic changes in size are beyond the scope of this ability).
A ring of splendid security’s primary purpose, though, is to grant you protection from harm. As long as it is worn, the ring grants you a +5 deflection bonus to AC, a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws, and spell resistance 22.
Strong abjuration; CL 16th; Requirements Forge Ring, minor image, resistance, shield or shield of faith, spell resistance; Cost 90,000 gp + 7,200 XP; Price: 180,000
Sneak Attack +10d6 +10d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Spell Resistance (31) You have Spell Resistance.
Suggestion (1/day) (Sp) Cast Suggestion once per day.

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Katerek |

OK, I threw these up really quickly so they are nothing special.Most have the same sets of gear. If you can tell me a little more about what some of the others are like classes and such for Karshite Fighter,Drow Spiderguard, Drow enforcer, drow adventurer,drow blademaster, and the drow arcane guard, I might be able top come up with something for them as well.
** spoiler omitted **...
Wow Bigkilla, this is MUCH appreciated! My two-year old daughter is in the last phases of a late teething AND she is hyper-daddy-clingy right now. Any spare minute I get from work is typically going to her right now, thank you SO MUCH, this saves me tremendous amounts of time!
Originally here is what I was gonna do with the others had my schedule not gotten so wonky.
Karsite Fighter - Ranger 10, Fighter 10 (sword and shield)
Drow Spider Guard - Rog 10, Stalwart Defender 10
Drow Enforcer - Anti-Paladin 10, Holy Vindicator 10
Drow Adventurer - Fighter 10, Duelist 10
Drow Blademaster - Rog 5, Ftr 5, Shadow Dancer 10
Drow Arcane Guard - Wiz 5, Ftr 5, Eldritch Knight 10
If you want to play around with these, that would be WAY cool. I am not married to any of the level distributions, that's just as far as my notes got me. I hadn't gotten into any of the mechanics of it yet to see how feasible it was or if there needed to be adjustments. Also, I was going to look at some templates to see if there were any that might be spicy.
Like I said before though, you are doing ME the favor here, so go crazy and do what you want.

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This is an Abyssal bloodline sorcerer i came up with. I mostly envisioned him as a debuff type of guy, but he has some offensive spells. He has fairly powerful gear, but you said that it is ok. I will post the priestess and a guard which will be a fighter/defender tomorrow when i sleep a little...
Hope you like it!
Abyssal Sorcerer (Role: Debuffer/Debilitator)
CE, Male Drow Sorcerer 20
Init: +5 ;Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Perception: +2
AC 25 (+1 Dex, +5 natural, +5 Deflection, +4 Armor)
HP 130 (20d6 + 60)
Saves: Fort:+14 , Ref: +12 , Will: +17
SR 26,
Immune: Electricity, Poison, Magic sleep
Resist: Acid 10, Fire 10, Cold 10
Speed: 30ft.
Melee: +3 Anarchic Rapier +15 (1d6 + 5) (Against lawful creatures +17 (3d6 +7))
2 Claws +12 (1d6 +2 +1d6 fire)
Ranged: +2 Light crossbow (1d8 + drow poison)
Ranged touch +11
Space: 5ft , Reach: 5ft.
Spell-Like Abilities: (CL20)
1/day: Dancing Lights, Darkness, Faerie Fire
Spells: (CL20)
Spells known:
9th Level(7) (DC 28)
Energy Drain (DC 30
Power Word Kill
Sumon Monster IX
8th Level(7) (DC 27)
Trap the soul
Symbol of Insanity
Unholy Aura
7th Level(7) (DC 26)
Hold Person, Mass
Waves of exaustion (DC 28)
Finger of death
Greater Teleport
6th Level(7) (DC 25)
Eyebite (DC 27)
Dispell Magic, greater
5th Level(8) (DC 24)
Dominate Person
Mind Fog
Waves of fatigue (DC 26)
4th Level(8) (DC 23)
Bestow Curse (DC 25)
Contagion (DC 25)
Fear (DC 25)
3rd Level(8) (DC 22)
Vampiric touch
2nd Level(8) (DC 21)
Touch of Idiocy
Blindness/Deafness (DC 23)
False Life
Ghoul Touch (DC 23)
Eagle's Splendor
Bull's Strenthg
1st Level(8) (DC 20)
Cause fear
Ray of Enfeeblement
Feather Fall
Reduce Person
Magic Missile
True Strike
0th Level (DC 19)
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Touch of fatigue
Mage Hand
Arcane Mark
Combat Equipment:
Wand Of Fireball (CL6 DC 14) 6d6
4x Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
Potion of Restoration
Abilities: Str: 14, Dex: 12 , Con: 12 , Int:14 , Wis: 11 , Cha: 28(22)
Bab: +10 , CMB: +9 , CMD: 20
Skills: Bluff:+32 , Knowledge(arcana): +25 , Knowledge(planes): +28 , Spellcraft: +25
Feats: Eschew Materials(B), Great Fortitude(B), Empower Spell(B), Skill Focus (Knowledge planes)(B), Improved Initiative, Spell Focus(Necromancy), Toughness, Greater Spell Focus(Necromancy), Miaximize Spell, Weapon Focus (Ray), Improved Critical (Ray), Rapid Reload, Craft Wondrous
Item, Extend Spell
SQ: +2 to saves vs. enchantments, Abyssal Arcana, Added Summonings, Claws, Light Blindness, Poison Use, Strength of the Abyss, Telepathy (60ft), ,
Languages: Drow, Undercommon, Abyssal, Draconic
Special Abilities
Abyssal Arcana: Whenever the sorcerer casts a spell of the [summoning] subschool, summoned creatures gain DR10/good. This does not stack with any DR the creature might have.
Added Summonings(Su): Whenever the sorcerer summons a creature with the demon subtype, or the fiendish template with a summon monster spell,he actually summons two creatures.
Claws(Su): The sorcerer can, as a free action cause his hands to turn into vicious claws. These claws are treated as natural weapons allowing the sorcerer to make two attacks at full attack bonus, as a full-attack action. The claws deal 1d6+2 points of slashing damage, additional 1d6 points of fire damage, and are considered magic weapons for purposes of penetrating damage reduction. The sorcerer can use them for 12 rounds every day. These rounds need not be consecutive.
Light Blindness: Sudden exposure to bright light blinds the sorcerer for one round, and he is dazzled as long as he remains in the area of bright light.
Poison Use: The sorcerer cannot poison himself accidentaly while applying poison to a weapon.
Strength of the Abyss: Sorcerer has a +6 inherent bonus to strength (added to the stat block)
Telepathy: The sorcerer can nonverbally communicate with any creature less than 60 feet away from him, if the creature speaks a language.
Ring of Protection +5
Amulet of Natural Armor +5
Bracers of Armor +4
Headband of incredible charisma +6
Cloak of Resistance +5

Waylorn |

Aluminum Falcon wrote:Those are some pretty hefty stat blocks. Excuse my ignorance, but what do you use to generate them, Bigkilla?Herolab. Dont play games without it.
As a player in some of Bigkilla's games i second this! Herolab is THE BEST at what it does. (IMHO)of course..

Dreaming Psion |

What about drow associated creatures? I've been working on a CR 20 aspect/avatar of Lolth that i've been working on for the conclusion to a Queen of Spiders campaign, basically just a half-fiend drider with 10 levels of cleric and possibly some minor divine abilities.

Katerek |

What about drow associated creatures? I've been working on a CR 20 aspect/avatar of Lolth that i've been working on for the conclusion to a Queen of Spiders campaign, basically just a half-fiend drider with 10 levels of cleric and possibly some minor divine abilities.
You know what? That would be AWESOME! I was literally just sitting here looking at my Aspect of Lloth mini wondering if I couldn't do something cool with her. Would you mind posting?

Thomas Gerlick |

Okay, I made the Duelist
Kalhisii Dridensi
Female Drow, Noble Fighter 10/ Duelist 20
NE Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision (120 feet), Low-Light Vision; Perception +
AC 34, touch 25, flat-footed 19 (+15 Dex, +4 Armor, +5 Natural Armor)
hp 164 (20d10+40)
Fort +12, Ref +19, Will +6 (+3 to Will saves against fear)
Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities; SR 31
Weakness Light Blindness
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Rapier +25/+20/+15/+10 (d6+3+10 precision damage 15-20 x2)
Special Attacks
Spell-Like Abilities Dancing Lights (At will), Deeper Darkness (At will), Detect Magic (Constant), Dispel Magic (1/day), Divine Favor (1/day), Faerie Fire (At will), Featherfall (At will), Levitate (At will)
Str 12 Dex 24 (28) Con 11 (15) Int 18 (22) Wis 10 Cha 10
Base Atk +20; CMB +; CMD
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Dodge, Greater Disarm, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Improved Vital Strike, Mobility, Spring Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier), Weapon Specialization (rapier)
Skills Perception +2
Languages Elven, Undercommon, Common, Varisian, Halit, Jitska, Azlanti
SQ Drow Immunities, Keen Senses, Spell Resistance, Spell-Like Abilities,
Combat Gear: +2 keen rapier, bracers of armor +4, belt of physical might +4 (Con and Dex), headband of vast intelligence +4 (Bluff and Sense Motive), cape of the mountebank, amulet of natural armor +5
Treasure: 200 gp
Bravery +3: +3 bonus on Will saves against fear.
Armor Training 2: Reduce armor check penalty by 2 and increase maximum dexterity modifier by 2.
Weapon Training 2 (light blades): Gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage roles when using one of the following weapons: dagger, kama, kukri, rapier, sickle, starknife and short sword.
Canny Defense: When wearing light or no armor gains her Intelligence modifier to her Dexterity bonus to her armor class.
Precise Strike (Ex): When wielding a light or one-handed piercing weapon add duelist level to damage (+10).
Improved Reaction: +4 bonus to Initiative.
Parry: When taking a full attack with a light or one-handed piercing weapon a duelist can elect to not take one of her attacks. At any time next turn she can attempt to parry an attack against her or an adjacent ally
as an immediate action. To parry the attack, the duelist makes an attack roll, using the same bonuses as the attack she chose to forego during her previous action. If her attack roll is greater than the roll of the attacking creature, the attack automatically misses. For each size category that the attacking creature is larger than the duelist, the duelist takes a –4 penalty on her attack roll. The duelist also takes a –4 penalty when attempting to parry an attack made against an adjacent ally. The duelist must declare the use of this ability after the attack is announced, but before the roll is made.
Enhanced Mobility: When wearing light or no armor the duelist gains an additional +4 to her armor class against attacks of opportunity when moving out of a threatened square.
Combat Reflexes: A duelist gains the benefits of the Combat Reflexes feat when using a light or one-handed piercing weapon.
Grace: A duelist gains a +2 competence on Reflex saves.
Riposte: A duelist can make an attack of opportunity against any creature whose attack she successfully parries, so long as the creature she is attacking is within reach.
Acrobatic Charge: A duelist may charge over difficult terrain that normally slows movement. Depending on the circumstance, she may still need to make appropriate checks to successfully move over the terrain.
Elaborate Defense (Ex): If a duelist chooses to fight defensively or use total defense in
melee combat, she gains an additional +1 dodge bonus to AC for every 3 levels of duelist she has attained.
Deflect Arrows: A duelist gains the benefit of the Deflect Arrows feat when using a light or one-handed piercing weapon. The duelist does not need a free hand to use this feat.
No Retreat (Ex): Enemies adjacent to the duelist that take a withdraw action provoke an attack of opportunity from the duelist.
Crippling Critical (Ex): When you confirm a critical hit using a light or one-handed piercing weapon, you can apply one of the following penalties in addition to the damage dealt: reduce all of the target’s speeds by 10 feet (minimum 5 feet), 1d4 points of Strength or Dexterity damage, –4 penalty on all saving throws, –4 penalty to Armor Class, or 2d6 points of bleed damage. These penalties last for 1 minute, except for ability damage, which must be healed normally, and bleed damage, which continues until the target receives magic healing or a DC 15 Heal skill check.

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Heeeres another drow, this one hard to hit and hard to kill:D
Drow temple guardian
LE, Medium Male Drow Fighter 10/Stalwart Defender 10
Initiative: +8 , Senses: Darkvision 120ft. Perception +3
AC: 52 (14 Armor, +9 Shield, +4 Dex, +5 Deflection, +5 Natural, +5 Dodge) 54 (Defensive Stance (DS))
HP: 260(Average), 300 (DS) (10d10+10d12+20+120)
Saves: Fort: 23 , Ref: 15 , Will: 14 (16 DS)
SR 26, DR 5/-
Speed: 30ft.
Melee: +5 Unholy Longsword +32/+27 (1d8+12) (+34 (1d8+2d6+14) Vs good)
Defensive stance +34/+29 (1d8+14) (+36 (1d8+2d6+16) vs good)
Heavy Steel shield +25/+20 (1d6+2)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20)
Dancing Lights
Faerie Fire
Combat Gear:
Potion of bulls strength
Potion of bears endurance
Potion of Stoneskin
Potion of enlarge person
Brooch of healing (heal 1/day, 110hp)
Abilities: Str: 20(14), Dex: 18, Con: 22(16), Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 8
Bab: +20 , CMB: +25, CMD: 39
Skills: Intimidate: +22, Ride: +23,
Feats: Endurance, Diehard, Dodge, Toughness, Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes, Stand still, Disruptive, Spellbreaker, Lunge, Shield Focus, Greater Shield Focus, Improved Shield Bash, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Bashing Finish
SQ: Bravery +3,Armor Training 2, Weapon training (Long blade +2, Polearm +1), Defensive Stance(Clear Mind, Fearless Defense,Immobile, Renewed defense 5d8+6), Mobile Defense, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Last Word,
Bravery: The Temple guard adds a +3 bonus to saves vs fear effects.
Armor Training: Temple guards armor check penalty and maximum dexterity bonus are lessened by two.
Weapon training: The temple guard adds +2 to attack and damage with all one handed swords, and +1 to all polearms.
Defensive stance: The temple guard can, enter a defensive stance as a free action, in this stance which lasts 28 rounds, these rounds need not be consecutive, he gains a +2 dodge bonus to ac, +4 morale bonus to strength and constitution and a +2 morale bonus to will saves. He can end the stance as a free action, and is fatigued for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the rounds he spent in the stance.
-Clear Mind: While in the defensive stance, the temple guard can reroll a single will save as an immediate action, once per stance.
-Fearless Defense: While in a defensive stance, the temple guard is immune to shaken and frightened conditions
-Immobile: While in a defensive stance, temple guard's CMD becomes 59 against bull rush, push, overrun and pull combat maneuvers, as well as grapple move maneuver.
-Renewed defense: As a standard action the temple guard can restore 5d8+6 hit points, once per stance.
Uncanny Dodge: The temple guard cannot be flanked, and caught flat footed. A rogue has to be level 24 in order to sneak attack him.
Mobile Defense: The temple guard can make a single 5 foot step during his turn while in the defensive stance.
Last Word: Once per day, while in a defensive stance,
the temple guard can make one melee attack against an
opponent within reach in response to an attack that would
reduce him to negative hit points, knock him unconscious,
or kill him. The attack is made with the temple guard's highest attack bonus, and damage dice are rolled twice and added together, then a single damage bonus is added. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. After this attack, the effect resumes (unconsciusness or death ettc...)
+5 Full Plate
+5 Heavy steel shield
Cloak of Resistance +5
Ring of Protection +5
Amulet of Natural Armor +5
+5 Longsword