Hotel Booking

PaizoCon General Discussion

So me and some friends are doing some hotel booking and unfortunatly when I called the hotel ( it was late when I called, my bad ) they had no info on the paizo room block or if there was any rooms left available.
Is anyone else having booking issues for the Paizo block, or having booking issues in general?

I just don't want me and my friends have paizo tickets and no rooms left ( going to try and book this weekend at the latest )

When I called yesterday the woman I spoke to told me that the block rooms were all reserved, but that the hotel still had rooms available. BTW, if you have AAA, use it. It's a decent discount.

They are now down to singles w/king-sized beds in the Paizo block.

edit: guess they had some cancellations... or someone at the front desk was feeling impish last night.

Yea Im hoping a double becomes available. Priceline confirmed me as reserving a double, but when I called the hotel ( because I am paranoid ) it was switched to a King when as they said " No doubles available for the dates selected".
Im hoping I can still get a double, which you know hey I booked for it, because its going to be 3 people ( including myself ).
Kindof unfair that one place says its available and another says its not >.<

Joshua Donovan wrote:
Im hoping I can still get a double, which you know hey I booked for it, because its going to be 3 people ( including myself ).

Not optimal, but fold-out beds are available.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

You can always share a room with someone. Me and another guy are sharing a room. It is a double bed, and I don't mind sleeping on the floor if anyone else wants to join us in sharing the room (and the bill.)

[Edit] I just now noticed you said 3 people were sharing a room. I kind of missed that on my first post.

For what's worth, I didn't sign up in the Paizo Block. It was a nice discount, but when I booked my flight to the Con I got an even better discount.

That's not ingratitude for the savings offered, but when you're on a budget you gotta do what you gotta do.

Sigh, we booked a little late and as of yesterday the Bellevue hotel is all booked up so my friends and I are going to have to stay somewhere else.

Liberty's Edge

Watcher wrote:

For what's worth, I didn't sign up in the Paizo Block. It was a nice discount, but when I booked my flight to the Con I got an even better discount.

That's not ingratitude for the savings offered, but when you're on a budget you gotta do what you gotta do.

Interesting! Did you get this discount at the same hotel? If so, do you mind letting me know who you booked through?


Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Arengrey wrote:
Sigh, we booked a little late and as of yesterday the Bellevue hotel is all booked up so my friends and I are going to have to stay somewhere else.

Arengrey, how many of you are there?

I have a room, and my roommate just dropped out, so I could use someone to split the room with. I think the hotel allows for 4 to a room, so if there's no more than 3 of you we might be able to work something out.

Email me at if you're interested.

Marc Radle wrote:

Interesting! Did you get this discount at the same hotel? If so, do you mind letting me know who you booked through?

My AAA membership would've saved $10, but it wouldn't have been in the block of rooms reserved for the Con.

Well I phoned again and apparently they added more rooms to the Paizo block and we are booked now (albeit with only a king bed). I would suggest to anyone who's not booked though to act quickly.

Arengrey wrote:
Well I phoned again and apparently they added more rooms to the Paizo block and we are booked now (albeit with only a king bed). I would suggest to anyone who's not booked though to act quickly.

The man on the phone said that there are exactly 15 rooms with kings left after my reservation, and that's it. Get yours while supplies last!


Hopefully we will have decent weather this year would of liked to use the pool this year, It did nothing but rain last year (sigh)but I am bringing my swimsuit anyway, does anyone have problems with speedos? :)

Just got off the phone with the hotel, they increased the block by 10 king rooms and then they are completely sold out she said.

They got a larger turnout than they were expecting I guess!!

Btw, the weather is supposed to be nice ... speedos for everyone!!

Big D please don't. I'm down to my last few sanity points and seeing that would push me over the edge :P

Silver Crusade

Well, nice is relative. In Seattle, in June nice is low to mid 70's with a percent chance of rain in the 20's. =) That said, I hope it's nice!

I had no problem swimming the pool last year it was fun :)

Josh I love too drive you crazy so speedos it is...Hahahahahaha(evil laughter).

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