Interest for a Pathfinder mercenary company PBP?

Gamer Connection

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Pentor Lionsmane wrote:

I'm going to give people till tommorrow some time to register their interest.

Current interested player list is -

Mark Sweetman
Mad Claw
Darkest Heart
Black Dow
Monkey God

And me. Also I vote for Isger and something to do with the Goblinblood Wars. Just my two cents.

Dark Archive

Black Dow and I are working up something. We should have something to submit later today. You can count us as wanting to play on the same squad.

My vote would be for Isger. It is centrally located. The Goblinblood Wars brought armies together from all over Avistan. The Hellknights, Eagle Knights and Druma Mercenaries were all working together there. There are mercenary companies all over the country.

As for the company's origin, I was struck by Yucale's mention of the Worldwound. That area was once the country of Sarkoria. What about being a mercenary company from Sarkoria that was working in another country when Aroden died and the Worldwound reopened and destroyed Sarkoria? The company would have no home to return to and now most of the current recruits would be from other countries.

Pentor Lionsmane wrote:

Ok if you are interested in this game please post after this post with your character concept and suggestion for a name and history for the merc company and where in Golarion the first adventure should be started.

Concept: Counterspell Wizard "Veto" (or) Crossbowman Fighter "Hal"(2nd choice)

Company Name: "Ashfall" was the name taken by the founders of the company as a result of their shared origins. It was during the siege of the city of Jouren that members of the resistance began their assault on the forces outside their walls. Unfortunately, the resistance was unable to prevent their attackers from setting fire to the city, but erratic weather was on their side.

The falling ash from the city along with that season's fog provided enough cover for the resistance to significantly weaken the attacking forces enough that when the army did arrive, the besieging army was at a disadvantage. The town was still unable to be saved, but the members of the resistance were offered a place in the army for the work that had been done. Referred to as the "Ashfall Company", they eventually broke with the army and went off on their own.

Location: Isger. It truly is central to so many locations, and I am a bit leery of Ustalav, due to the current Adventure Path being set there.

Character Creation guidlines are HERE, and depending on how gritty you intend, Standard to High Fantasy could work.

Would love to fight around Sargava or The Shackles personally. As for names... Black flags, Steel Wolves, Red Runners... I'll think of more

Character concept: Cortland Broakcloak wanted two things in his life. To be an Aldori swordlord like his father, and his father before him, and to claim the hand of the beautiful, spritely Aileen d'Trauer. Ailleen found him useful, and used the empty headed, foolish young boy to get rid of several suitors she found unsuitable. She needed only tell him that they were brutish and terrifying her before Cort would challenge any man, disgrace him, and rush back to her, sure that her love would be won this time. And so it was until Marten of Estcastle came to town.

Marten was aloof, smart, handsome, rich and already a swordlord at the age of 17. Ailleen fell for him instantly, and he found her to be an excellent distraction for a time. When Marten grew bored with her she was incredibly angry, and quickly intended to turn Cortland against her new ex. He was happy to oblige, and challenged Marten to a duel before thier fathers and the Lords of the academy, finally intending to best a swordlord in a duel and earn the right to fight at his fathers side.

The duel was quick, and when it was over the scion of the Broadcloaks lay bleeding in the grass, a losers mark scarred into his cheeks and two fingers on his right hand missing. Many claimed he would never again be able to wield a sword as he had before. But Cort left his home and signed on with the first company he could find afterward. He would learn to be even better with his left hand... or he would never return home.

Now I feel I may have been a bit too thorough. Oh well. Got caught up in the story. Simple version, disgraced and slightly bitter twenty something fighter going the Swordlord/Duelist route to follow in his fathers footsteps. Can he learn to work with others before his independence gets him killed? We'll see

As Drayen mentioned we're working on something together... but count us in.

With regards the leadership, rising of the ranks, you could award achievement traits and/or feats to signify this...

A trait could either be a "Rank" trait for those climbing the promotional ladder or a "Campaign" trait [as in military campaign] for the grunts.

Would allow those with no ranking aspirations [or are continually being disciplined lol] to build as veterans...

No preference where we operate initially, although like the idea of moving about...

While the game balance might be affected with certain class dominant numbers, it would also allow squads to be specialist and if they hit something they can't deal with then a runner to another squad [game thread] asking for a sapper or mage might also be fun... Rivallry between squads could be played up [who gets the best spoils/glory etc] and we'd only ever all be together on rare occassions [but they'd make for fun]... certain squads might also contain more unsavourly elements and be "punishment" to be assigned to... [right Drayen ;) heheheh]

If we can pull this off [and we'll need to help Pentor alot in ooc threads etc] this could be an amazing game to build and be part of!

Kratzee wrote:

The Finishers...

Now that is a cool name.

Forgot to mention setting in my last post - I reckon the mana wastes would be a good idea. A lot of people here seem to be drawing inspiration from low-magic settings (relative to Glorian, at least). The mana wastes would approximate that - they'd be ideal for the martial-focused campaign this is shaping up to be.

My characters vote would also be for Isger, prefer more of a gritty conventional setting than the desert or low magic setting.

Will look att he rest of the squad makeup and make something that works.

Grand Lodge

I'm up for starting anywhere. I wasn't able to post last night but I will post a character concept and company name sometime later, round 4:30ish cst. Do we have a character creation format yet?

Ok I'm going to go through this thread and edit my list of interested players and what type of characters they want to play tommorrow.

As for traits I'm open to it but I haven't used them at all in any of my games so I'm not sure how they work. I'm going to allow traits with the provision that if I think it's not working I'm going to cut them.

How does everybody want to handle character generation? Any character class and race from the main books and source books are fine. So a Suli Dawnflower Dervish or a Samurai from Tien is cool as long as they start 1st Level.

As for the merc company and where the game is based I'm thinking that we'll start each squad in a different location but they are all part of the same company which got scattered after a disastrous campaign and is trying to recruit back up to strength. I'll go through the list of suggestions for names and come up with 5 that I think could work and then we'll vote on it.

Mark Sweetman wrote:
However if you didn't like the first one - you're unlikely to like the rest

I would argue that. I mean, the first book is by far the weakest, or at least the first half of the book is. I find myself struggling with some of the books, or rather some of the characters in the books. But for the most, anything to do with the Malazans is pure gold.

Traits can be found in the APG mostly. The default is two, but its up the GM as to how many a character can actually take in his or her game during Char Creation. Since we're all mercs, I think one trait should either be a Combat one(or a non-combat one that still increases your effectivness in combat) or you can allow us an extra bonus trait that must follow the same guidelines.

I really like the idea that our company used to be based in Sarkoia, the nation that was once the Worldwound. This really hammers home the wandering merc concept as currenty we have no base of opperations, and most likely no truly high-ranking officers, as they likely died during the creation of the Worldwound, or could even be trapped inside it. This also allows us PCs the chance to found our own home base, perhaps using the kingdom building rules from Kingmaker.

Love the idea of nicknames as well. I think each unit should have a cool name as well as a name for the whole company.

Char Concept: "In combat, as in all things, speed kills" is the motto Blaze lives by. A devout follower of the Dawnflower, the lithe, little man is quick on his feet, as well as quick with his tongue and wits. So fast is his scimitar, that sometimes flames dance along its blade.

Will write up some more later. But he'll be a Dawnflower Dervish who will eventually go into Duelist, I think.

Looks like I am late to the party. If you still taking names I would like to throw mine in. This seems like it is going to be a good one.

Three different concepts depending on need.
1. Thief Scout: Life long military scout.
2. Cavalier: Ex Knight with questionable morals fallen from grace.
3. Sword and board fighter: Prior city guard caught in compromising situation forced to flee city or face jail.

I had a few minutes so I thought I would help out.

Squad 1 Isger or similar:
Terok-Ranger or Druid
Me’mori-Counterspell Wizard "Veto" (or) Crossbowman Fighter "Hal"
Drayen-pair of characters, similar, with Black Dow
Black Dow- Northman cavalier and a Crossbowman Fighter paired up with drayden
Jacen Keenwood-No concept yet
Open slot-Pull one character from Squad 2 or 3.

Squad 2 & 3 no preference:
Yucale-Inquisitor of Berserker Fighter
Pvt.Fury-Fighter with Greataxe/Bow
sunshadow21- Half-Orc Ranger
Mark Sweetman- Half-Orc Ranger
Mad Claw-No concept yet
Darkest Heart-Crossbow Fighter/Alchemist
Tok-Monk (Dwarf)
Donato-“Giant Fighter”
Ryuko- Swordlord/Duelist
Monkey God- Elven Shadow-Blooded Sorcerer or Dawnflower Dervish

Beyond the 18 slots according to first come first serve rules:
Kozaric-Thief Scout/Cavalier/Sword & Board

you guys are missing your rogue....

Half-orc acrobat archtype sound good to everyone?

greataxe/chain wearing/ sneak attack machine?

Half-Orc Acrobat? I like that. Pretty badass build. He will be pulling off some damage with a Greataxe sneak attack! :)

I also think we should create a faction for our merc company, ala the Faction Guide.

Since there's three groups with a ton of players, Penton might get overwhelmd. I hereby offer my services to help out in any way possible.

I also suggest that perhaps Penton pick up the Rival and NPC book to help out, so he doesn't get bogged down with them.

terok wrote:


Or Oracle, if the DM wants to steer clear of third party material. Good job putting all that up.

Kenderkin here!

Nearly ready to rumble!

How are we doing stats?

Grusk II wrote:

Kenderkin here!

Nearly ready to rumble!

How are we doing stats?

You might want to wait until we hear back from Pentor, was your submission one of the first 18? There are already two more waiting...

EDIT: Of course he is the GM he might decide to go by character submissions....not trying to tell people how to run their campign by any means...

terok wrote:
Grusk II wrote:

Kenderkin here!

Nearly ready to rumble!

How are we doing stats?

You might want to wait until we hear back from Pentor, was your submission one of the first 18? There are already two more waiting...

EDIT: Of course he is the GM he might decide to go by character submissions....not trying to tell people how to run their campign by any means...

"I dub thee hope-killer and dream-smasher!"

Monkeygod wrote:

Traits can be found in the APG mostly. The default is two, but its up the GM as to how many a character can actually take in his or her game during Char Creation. Since we're all mercs, I think one trait should either be a Combat one(or a non-combat one that still increases your effectivness in combat) or you can allow us an extra bonus trait that must follow the same guidelines.

I really like the idea that our company used to be based in Sarkoia, the nation that was once the Worldwound. This really hammers home the wandering merc concept as currenty we have no base of opperations, and most likely no truly high-ranking officers, as they likely died during the creation of the Worldwound, or could even be trapped inside it. This also allows us PCs the chance to found our own home base, perhaps using the kingdom building rules from Kingmaker.

Love the idea of nicknames as well. I think each unit should have a cool name as well as a name for the whole company.

Absolutely love these suggestions. Though up to you, I'm in either way

Grand Lodge

Hmm, after looking at the list of character classes I guess we kinda need some magical power. I guess I'll go with my 3rd character idea.

Character Name: Valen "Magic Hands" Morse.
Concept: Utility/Controller Sorcerer (not sure what bloodline). After a life of realative ease and privaledge as a lord's son, Valen decided life at home had become dull and boring. In order to spice up his life, and annoy his father, Valen set out on his own to see the world of Avistan. Had it not been for Valen's sudden manifestation of magical powers he would be dead by a couple of briggands wanting his cloak. Valen decided he would need the help of companions and quickly enlisted in a mercenary group he came across. He saw the chance to not only see the world, but to make some money along the way and put his sharp mind to use. And frankly the group could use a little culture.

Company Name Ideas:
The A Team. Hogan's Hero's. Charlie's Angels. Bad Company. Wait, my bad. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Actual Company Name Ideas: The Jesters. Black Rose Company. The Rabid Dire Weasels.

Wish I'd seen this earlier. If a slot opens up I'm very interested.

I'll follow the game once it starts up. I'm willing to play whatever's necessary.

I would like to second Doomed Hero in his wishing he'd spotted this earlier. If there are still spots open(wanted to get my interest in before reading all threads and taking a chance more people would jump in) I'd be willing to run pretty much anything.

Let me know if there is room and I'll throw a character together and have him up and ready by tomorrow night for sure.

Once this gets going, I'll update my character to "Tok Silverfist" and get some traits that better reflect the needs of a mercenary.

Any more thoughts on the makeup of the three "companies?"

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I like having an overall Company name, plus each squad named after it's commander (aka Rico's Roughneck's).

Company Names:
The Hanged Men
The Quarrelers
The Scorned
Death's Doorstops
The Menagerie
The Sideshow Freaks
The Iron Carnival (I am just coming up with these off the top of my head, but this one made me pause. I like the sound of "the Iron Carnival has just come to town". Has kind of the same connotation as JRR Martin's Bloody Mummer's)
The Fullers
The Scrap Heap

OK that is enough for now. We should collect all these that everyone suggests and vote what should be our name, but then also 4 or 5 of our competitors. Add a little more personal flavor to the mix.

How about "Blood Hawks"

Grand Lodge

Meowzebub wrote:

I like having an overall Company name, plus each squad named after it's commander (aka Rico's Roughneck's).

Company Names:
The Hanged Men
The Quarrelers
The Scorned
Death's Doorstops
The Menagerie
The Sideshow Freaks
The Iron Carnival (I am just coming up with these off the top of my head, but this one made me pause. I like the sound of "the Iron Carnival has just come to town". Has kind of the same connotation as JRR Martin's Bloody Mummer's)
The Fullers
The Scrap Heap

OK that is enough for now. We should collect all these that everyone suggests and vote what should be our name, but then also 4 or 5 of our competitors. Add a little more personal flavor to the mix.

I like the Iron Carnival. Works especially well if we get a lot of different races.

My goodness, yes. "The Iron Carnival" gets my vote for at least one company.

Count this as a third vote for The Iron Carnival. But not for the main I think, just one of the squad names. Also like the idea of seperate Squad names for the smaller ones. Maybe a bit of inter squad rivalry, and perhaps a "base camp" thread where all the characters can interact with others outside of their squad.

Awesome idea, or the AWESOMEST idea?

Ryuko wrote:
Maybe a bit of inter squad rivalry, and perhaps a "base camp" thread where all the characters can interact with others outside of their squad.

To reduce clutter, I figured we'd all have the same OOC, and threads for the squads. I suspect that they are all under one company, but the squads split for various reasons.

Perhaps my character Acune will get a nickname from the others- though I've only recently got an actual name for her, "The Spice Merchant" doesn't sound very... mercenary-ish.

Still having some trouble deciding on a deity. I think Acune will be a worshipper of Desna.

Here is my work in progress character. I originally wanted to go magus, but I felt an Arcane Duelist could contribute much more to a mercenary squad. Plus, although I like the magus and want to play one eventually, I am not sold on it it yet.

Half-elf Arcane Duelist:

Str 13
Dex 17
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 14

Racial Traits: Ancestral Arms (Aldori Dueling Sword), Arcane Training,

Traits: Desperate Focus, Sword Scion

Feats: Arcane Strike, Weapon Finesse


0th - 4 Spark, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Unwitting Ally
1st - Grease, Silent Image,

Skills: 6

He comes from the land of Mivon, a land known for its mercenaries. He grew up the son of some mercenaries who wanted something better for their son. They enrolled him in a bardic college in Cheliax, hoping that he could find a good life as a court bard. But he had his parents lust for battle and adventure. He instead, focused his studies as a duelist and got caught up in a rough crowd. He was drummed out of the college and hit the road, finding employment as an entertainer in various locals; or as a sword for hire when the need fit. He found that he as needed more for his sword than his voice, and signed on with the <insert company name here>

One more vote for Iron Carnival over here. If nothing else it opens a rich seam of naff one-liners

For the nicknames don't usually the other members of the squad give them to you instead of you picking them yourself? Would help the characters to get to know each other so they try to think up good nicknames for each other. Just an idea I was think over. Also for the company and squad names I think they should tie in some how.

Me'mori wrote:
Ryuko wrote:
Maybe a bit of inter squad rivalry, and perhaps a "base camp" thread where all the characters can interact with others outside of their squad.
To reduce clutter, I figured we'd all have the same OOC, and threads for the squads. I suspect that they are all under one company, but the squads split for various reasons.

Sure same OOC, but would be fun to have some cross-squad in-character interaction as well, no?

By the way, I'm typing this on a smartphone right now. The future is awesome.

Mrdarknlight wrote:
For the nicknames don't usually the other members of the squad give them to you instead of you picking them yourself? Would help the characters to get to know each other so they try to think up good nicknames for each other. Just an idea I was think over. Also for the company and squad names I think they should tie in some how.

Maybe some of the previous members of <insert company name here> already have nicknames, but the newer recruits (such as Acune) have yet to be given one.

Yeah the veterans have nicknames from being in a group and a rite of passage so to speak would be having them give you a nickname so you are really part of the squad.

One more voice in favor of "The Iron Carnival." but, as already stated, that should just be one squad - not the entire company.

And I also agree that the newer recruits probably shouldn't come in with nicknames. I do hope that there won't be undue pressure to come up with creative names and that they happen naturally.

Ryuko wrote:
Me'mori wrote:
Ryuko wrote:
Maybe a bit of inter squad rivalry, and perhaps a "base camp" thread where all the characters can interact with others outside of their squad.
To reduce clutter, I figured we'd all have the same OOC, and threads for the squads. I suspect that they are all under one company, but the squads split for various reasons.

Sure same OOC, but would be fun to have some cross-squad in-character interaction as well, no?

By the way, I'm typing this on a smartphone right now. The future is awesome.

Btw Ryuko, since the two of us have semi-similar concepts do we want to be in the same group or the different?

Heh! I was hoping someone would suggest the whole "Naming IC" thing. Fury is my Characters actual Surname. He is Private Jax Fury. This should make for an interesting naming experience!

Paizo Employee

Have we decided how characters are to be built? I just made mine standard PFS so far.

I think that is the way we are doing it yep!

@Monkeygod Kinda depends on how we get along. If we're good buddies/friendly rivals then it would be fun. But I could also have fun with a more angry or argumentative sort of rivalry, in which case I'd rather be in seperate squads.

Guess it would depend on our first meeting. My char would be pretty bitter towafd you at first. Our relationship would depend on how much your char could put up with Corts crap rly. So... Up to you I suppose

Standard PFS creation works for me, and it fits the theme of what we are trying to do pretty well.

Grand Lodge

Awww, standard PFS, but I wanted to take rich parents.....

Also I agree with the other squadmates giving monickers I just put one up since I saw others doing it as well.

What's standard PFS char creation??

I am not 100% sure of all the rules for PFS creation, you can find them around here I am sure but, basically, there are a list of Feats and Traits you are not allowed have. Someone should be able to expand on that for you Monkey God. Sorry I am not of more use.

Rich Parents would have been nice indeed. :)

Not a big fan of pfs. Heres hoping pentor doesnt rule that way. That said, he needs to get on and give chargen guidelines. I wanna make Pvt. Broadcloak already. Thinking Dodge, Mobility and EWP Aldori for first level feats. He's gonna be hard to hit for 1st level.

Great set of Feats. Should add an edge to your Company's Flanking ability.

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