New Base Class: The Avatar v2

Homebrew and House Rules

This is the second version of my new base class: The Avatar.

Major Changes:

  • Infused Being now replaces the constitution score on fortitude saves, rather than adding a bonus.
  • Improved Infused Being now causes a character to die when their charisma score reaches zero, rather than both constitution and charisma needing to reach zero.
  • The levels where you obtain Mana Sense, Improved Mana Sense, and Mystic Defense have been changed to give them more of a "scaling" feel, rather than seemingly arbitrary placement.
  • Bonuses and save DCs for Mystic Arts are based off of the Avatar's wisdom score, rather than charisma.
  • Arcane Bolt and all essence mystic arts are now spell-like abilities, rather than supernatural abilities.
  • Monstrous Form's scaling progression has been slowed.

Again, feedback is always appreciated!

-The Beast

The Avatar

There are many ways to use magic. Some spend years learning the ins and outs of spells in universities. Others have the talent born into them, through a bloodline or due to a natural phenomenon coinciding with their conception. Still others forge pacts with spirits or outsiders, or even gods in an attempt to use magic.
And then there is the avatar. No truly natural birth, nor any amount of study can create such a being. Avatars are magic. They embody it in all its glory, forgoing the ability to cast “spells” in favor of natural, mystical talents. They are infused completely with magic, the rarest of creations.

Role: Avatars generally find themselves in one of three situations. In lands that revere magic, they are treated as gods, given anything and everything they want. In societies that shun magic, they are shunned above all else, their telltale spellmarks giving them away. However, in areas where magic is no more special than martial prowess, Avatars are usually adventurers, proving themselves or discovering where they came from and why they have the powers they do.
Avatars generally find themselves as backup characters, with the ability to fill a large series of roles through either a diverse set of powers or a focused path.

HD: d8
BAB: 3/4
High Save: Will
Low Saves: Fortitude, Reflex

1 - Arcane bolt 1d6, magical paragon, spellmarks, touch of magic
2 - Mystic art, detect magic
3 - Arcane bolt 2d6. infused being
4 - Mystic art
5 - Arcane bolt 3d6, mana sense
6 - Mystic art
7 - Arcane bolt 4d6
8 - Mystic art, improved infused being
9 - Arcane bolt 5d6
10 - Mystic art
11 - Arcane bolt 6d6, improved mana sense
12 - Mystic art
13 - Arcane bolt 7d6, greater infused being
14 - Mystic art
15 - Arcane bolt 8d6
16 - Mystic art
17 - Arcane bolt 9d6, mystic defense
18 - Mystic art
19 - Arcane bolt 10d6
20 - Mythic art

Class Skills
The avatar’s class skills are Bluff (cha), Craft (int), Fly (dex), Intimidate (cha), Knowledge (arcana) (int), Knowledge (planes) (int), Knowledge (religion) (int), Perception (wis), Profession (wis), Sense Motive (wis), Spellcraft (int), Use Magic Device (cha)
Skill Ranks per Level: 4+int modifier

Class Features
The following are class features of the avatar.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The avatar is proficient with all simple weapons. He is also proficient with light armor.

Arcane Bolt (Sp): As a standard action, an avatar can unleash a ray of pure magical energy to destroy his foes. He makes a ranged touch attack against a single enemy at a range of 60 feet. If the attack hits, it deals 1d6 + the avatar’s charisma modifier force damage plus 1d6 more damage for every 2 levels beyond 1st. An avatar can use this ability at-will. An arcane bolt is affected by spell resistance, and an avatar must make a caster level check in order to bypass it. An arcane bolt is treated as a magic missile for the purposes of being blocked by the effects of shield and similar spells and abilities.

Magical Paragon (Su): An avatar is infused with magic, and is therefore a paragon of its power. He has both an arcane and divine caster level equivalent to his class level, even though he cannot cast spells.
He also has a natural magical aura that can be detected by spells such as detect magic or arcane sight. This aura’s strength is based on his caster level, as a magic item’s aura strength would be determined. The aura’s school is considered universal.

Spellmarks (Su): At 1st level, an avatar gains a strange, tattoo-like mark on his forehead known as a spellmark that identifies him as an avatar. Whenever the avatar gains a mystic art, he also gains an additional spellmark somewhere on his body. These marks normally just appear to be tattoos, but when an avatar uses his Arcane Bolt, activates a mystic art, or uses a spell-like ability, these marks glow like a torch for one round. When he uses a mythic art, these marks shine as a daylight spell for one round. These marks can be covered by mundane means, but the light generated by them cannot be suppressed.

Touch of Magic (Su): The magic infused into an avatar’s body aids him when interacting with magic items. He gains a bonus on spellcraft and use magic device checks equal to ½ his class level (minimum 1).

Mystic Art: At 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, an avatar gains mastery over a power known as a mystic art. Some mystic arts modify his arcane bolt, adding power to it that he normally wouldn’t be able to use. Others grant him powers comparable to spells. Unless otherwise noted, all mystic art take a standard action to activate. Any save DCs granted by mystic art (except for the spell-like abilities granted by certain mystic arts) are equivalent to 10 + 1/2 the avatar’s class level + the avatar’s wisdom modifier.
Some mystic arts are labeled “essence.” These specifically apply to the avatar’s arcane bolt. Only one “essence” mystic art can be applied to the arcane bolt at any given time, unless the avatar takes the “extra essence” mystic art or the “essence master” mystic art.

Arctic Bolt (essence) (Sp): The avatar’s bolt becomes cold as the arctic winds, and can slow enemies to a crawl. The bolt’s damage is lowered by 1d6, but deals cold damage and a creature hit by the attack must make a fortitude save or become staggered for 1 round, plus one extra round at 5th level and every 4 levels after 5th. An avatar must be at least 4th level to select this mystic art.

Beshadowed Bolt (essence) (Sp): The avatar’s bolt turns black as night, and clings to enemies’ eyes. The bolt’s damage is lowered by 1d6, but enemies hit by the bolt must make a reflex save or be blinded for 1 round, plus one extra round at 4th level and every 3 levels after 4th.

Bewitching Bolt (essence) (Sp): An avatar with this mystic art can transform his arcane bolt into a beam of bewitching magic. A bewitching bolt deals no damage, but creatures hit by it are affected as if by dominate person (they are still allowed a will save). A bewitching bolt cannot be combined with other essences. An avatar must be 12th level to select this mystic art.

Brimstone Bolt (essence) (Sp): The avatar’s Arcane Bolt becomes a roaring lance of fire. The bolt’s damage is lowered by 1d6, but deals fire damage and a creature hit by the attack must make a reflex save or catch fire. Creatures that catch fire take 1d6 damage at the beginning of their turn, unless they take a standard action to put the fire out or are doused by one gallon of water or more.

Concussive Bolt (essence) (Sp): The avatar’s bolt transforms into a concentrated beam of sound. The damage is lowered by 1d6 and the damage dice are changed from d6’s to d4’s, but it deals sonic damage and creatures hit by the bolt must make a fortitude save or be deafened for 1 round, plus one extra round at 4th level and every 3 levels after 4th. An avatar must be at least 6th level before selecting this mystic art.

Deflection Shield (Su): The avatar gains a deflection bonus to his AC equal to ½ his wisdom modifier. The avatar must be at least 4th level to select this mystic art.

Dispelling Bolt (essence) (Sp): An avatar with this mystic art can use his arcane bolt to negate magical effects on his enemies. A dispelling bolt deals no damage, but creatures and objects hit by it are affected as if by a targeted greater dispel magic. An avatar must be 14th level to select this mystic art.

Drain Life (Su): The avatar can suck the life out of his enemies, bolstering his own power. As a standard action, he can make a touch attack against an enemy. If successful, he deals damage equal to the damage dealt by his arcane bolt and gains temporary hit points equal to ½ the damage dealt. He cannot gain more temporary hit points this way than his wisdom score. The temporary hit points disappear after 10 minutes.

Eldritch Strike (Su): The avatar can channel his arcane bolt into his weapon in order to deal extra damage to his enemies in melee. As a standard action, he can make a single melee attack that deals extra force damage equal to his arcane bolt damage. If the avatar also has the rapid bolt mystic art, he can apply this extra damage to all melee attacks made during a full attack.

Enervating Bolt (essence) (Sp): The avatar’s arcane bolt has the power to cut straight through to a creature’s soul. The damage is lowered by 2d6, but the targeted creature must make a fortitude save or receive 1 temporary negative level. These negative levels dissipate after a number of minutes equal to the avatar’s class level. An avatar must be at least 16th level to select this mystic art.

Essence Master (Su): An avatar with this mystic art can apply up to three essence mystic arts to his arcane bolt at a time. All penalties and bonuses stack when applying these essences. If all three arts change the damage type of the bolt, it instead deals 1/3 of each type of damage. An avatar must be at least 10th level and must have extra essence to select this mystic art.

Extra Essence (Su): An avatar with this mystic art can apply two essence mystic arts to his arcane bolt at a time. All penalties to the bolt stack, as do the benefits. If both arts change the damage type of the bolt, it instead deals ½ of one type of damage, and ½ the other. An avatar must be at least 6th level before selecting this mystic art.

Healing (Su): The avatar can channel his magical energies into creatures, healing their wounds. As a standard action, he can touch a creature and restore a number of hit points equal to his arcane bolt damage. He can only use this ability once per creature touched per day.

Illusory Guise (Sp): The avatar can assume any identity he needs, for whatever purpose he chooses. He gains a bonus equal to ½ his level on disguise checks. In addition, he can change his appearance for a number of hours per day equal to his class level as if using disguise self. These hours need not be consecutive, but must be used in 1-hour increments. An avatar must be at least 4th level to select this mystic art.

Lightning Bolt (essence) (Sp): The avatar’s bolt becomes a bolt of lightning, capable of stopping enemies in their tracks. The bolt’s damage is lowered by 1d6, but it deals electricity damage. In addition, enemies that fail their reflex save must make a fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round, plus one extra round at 5th level and every 4 levels after 5th. An avatar must be at least 4th level before selecting this mystic art.

Maddening Bolt (essence) (Sp): The avatar’s Arcane Bolt blasts straight through a creatures’ body and into their mind, driving them insane. A maddening bolt deals 2d6 less damage, but deals 1d4 wisdom damage. The amount of wisdom damage dealt by a maddening bolt is reduced by 1 for every maddening bolt a creature has been hit by already, to a minimum of 1 wisdom damage per bolt. An avatar must be at least 12th level to select this mystic art.

Monstrous Form (Sp): The avatar can change his shape, transforming into a multitude of creatures, from animals to dragons. As a standard action, he can assume the form of another creature as if using beast shape I for a number of minutes per day equal to his class level x 10. These minutes need not be consecutive, but must be used in 10-minute increments. At 10th level, he can assume a shape as if using beast shape II or elemental body I. At 14th level, he can assume a shape as if using beast shape III, elemental body II, or plant shape I. At 18th level, he can assume a shape as if using beast shape IV, elemental body III, plant shape II, or form of the dragon I. The avatar must be at least 6th level to select this mystic art.

Otherworldly Step (Sp): The avatar gains the ability to teleport across the battlefield. As a swift action, he can teleport as if using dimension door. The total distance he can teleport in a day is equal to his level x 10 feet. This distance does not need to be used all at once, and can be divided throughout the day. The avatar must be at least 4th level to select this mystic art.

Overwhelming Presence (Sp): The sheer presence of the avatar allows him the ability to influence and manipulate those around him. He gains a bonus equal to ½ his class level on one skill check of his choice when trying to influence another creature: either bluff, diplomacy or intimidate. In addition, he can use suggestion as a spell-like ability at-will. A creature who succeeds on its saving throw against this ability is immune to it for 24 hours. An avatar must be at least 8th level to select this mystic art.

Piercing Bolt (Sp): Your arcane bolt has the ability to pierce through enemies’ defenses. It is no longer treated as a magic missile for the purposes of shield and similar effects that block magic missiles. In addition, if an opponent has an active shield spell or similar effect that blocks magic missiles and is hit by an arcane bolt, the avatar can dispel the effect by making a caster level check against the creature as if using a targeted dispel magic. If this ability dispels the effect of an item such as a brooch of shielding, the effect is negated for a number of rounds equal to the avatar’s level. An avatar must be at least 4th level to select this mystic art.

Rapid Bolt (Ex): An avatar with this mystic art can unleash a rapid flurry of bolts. He can fire additional bolts as a full-round action if his base attack bonus is high enough to grant him additional attacks. This functions just like a full-attack with a ranged weapon. An avatar must be at least 8th level before selecting this mystic art.

Shining Bolt (essence) (Sp): The avatar’s bolt turns into a searing ray of purifying light. A shining bolt deals fire damage, and the damage die is increased to d8 when dealing damage to undead, instead of d6.

Spellmaster (Sp): The avatar gains minor mastery over a select spell. He selects 1 spell from the sorcerer/wizard or cleric/oracle spell list of a level equal to ½ his level or less. He can cast that spell as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to his caster level/the spell’s level (rounded down). If an avatar selects this mystic art more than once, he must choose a new spell to cast. All bonuses and save DCs are based on the avatar’s charisma modifier.

Still Bolt (Su): An avatar who selects this mystic art can launch his arcane bolt without moving, usually through his eyes or the spellmark on his forehead. His arcane bolt no longer provokes attacks of opportunity. An avatar must be at least 8th level before selecting this mystic art.

Telepathic (Sp): The avatar gains a bonus equal to ½ his level on sense motive checks to determine if a creature is lying. In addition, he can target a single creature and detect their thoughts as if using detect thoughts as a spell-like ability at-will. Any creature who succeeds on their save against this effect is immune to the ability for 24 hours. An avatar must be at least 6th level to select this mystic art.

Vitriolic Bolt (essence) (Sp): The avatar’s bolt is infused with acidic compounds, capable of piercing even through magical protection. The bolt’s damage is lowered by 1d6, but deals acid damage and bypasses spell resistance. An avatar must be at least 4th level to select this mystic art.

Wand Mastery (Su): An avatar with this mystic art treats wands and other spell-trigger items as if they were a part of his being. He uses his wisdom modifier when determining bonuses and save DCs for any wands he uses, instead of the lowest score required.

Detect Magic (Sp): At 2nd level, an avatar’s ability to sense magic becomes natural. He can use detect magic as a spell-like ability at will.

Infused Being (Su): At 3rd level, the magic within an avatar actually takes over his bodily systems, literally holding his cells together and protecting him from harm. He replaces his constitution modifier on hit point rolls every level with his charisma modifier. In addition, replaces his constitution modifier with his charisma modifier on his fortitude saves, and makes a charisma check instead of a constitution check to remain stable after dropping below 0 hit points.

Mana Sense (Su): At 5th level, an avatar’s magical infusion allows him to physically sense magic being used around him. If a spell is cast or a spell-like ability is activated within 5 feet per caster level of the avatar, he automatically senses it. He does not sense where the magic came from, or what type it is, or the strength of the magic. He only senses that it occurred.
At 11th level, the avatar gains the ability to pinpoint and identify any spell being cast or spell-like ability being activated within his range. He can make a spellcraft check (DC 15 + 2 x the spell level) to pinpoint the origin of the spell, and a second spellcraft check to identify the spell as if he saw it being cast.
This ability is blocked by 5 feet of wood, one foot of stone, one inch of steel (or similar metals), or a thin sheet of lead.

Improved Infused Being (Su): At 8th level, an avatar’s magic physically prevents him from dying, stitching his body back together should he ever be close to death. Whenever an avatar’s hit points are below 0, he is automatically considered stable and gains Fast Healing 1 until his hit points equal 0 or higher. In addition, the avatar does not die until his hit points equal a negative number equal or higher than his charisma score, and no longer dies if his constitution score is dropped to zero. Instead, he dies if his charisma score is dropped to zero.

Greater Infused Being (Su): At 13th level, an avatar’s control over his magical infusion allows him limited control over his own bodily functions, right down to the cellular level. He is no longer required to eat or drink in order to survive, and he can now hold his breath for a number of minutes per day equal to his charisma score.
In addition, he can now control his own body’s healing abilities to a certain extent. As a free action, he can grant himself Fast Healing at a rate equivalent to his charisma modifier for a number of rounds equal to his class level per day. These rounds need not be consecutive.

Mystic Defense (Su): At 17th level, an avatar’s magic adapts, that it might defend the avatar even from other magic. He gain spell resistance equal to 10 + his class level.

Mythic Art: At 20th level, the avatar gains access to a single power known as a mythic art.

Eternal (Su): The magic inside the avatar keeps him from death, no matter what. He remains his current age category forever and no longer takes penalties from aging effects. Even if the avatar comes to a violent end, he spontaneously reincarnates (as the spell) 24 hours later in a place of his choosing within 20 miles of the place he died. The avatar must have visited the place in which he returns back to life at least once.

Magical Prowess (Ex): The avatar’s mastery over magical energies is beyond reproach. He gains a permanent +2 to his charisma and wisdom scores.

Eldritch Doom (Su): The avatar’s Arcane Bolt becomes an all-consuming whirlwind of energy. As a full-round action, the avatar can make a single ranged touch attack against all creatures within 30 feet of him. These creatures are all affected by an Arcane Bolt. He may apply any essences he could normally apply to an Arcane Bolt to eldritch doom. He may exclude a number of creatures equal to his charisma modifier from this effect.

Utterdark Bolt (Su): The avatar can summon forth dark energies to utterly destroy a target. An avatar can make a single attack with his Arcane Bolt against a single target as a full-round action. If the attack is successful, the creature hit must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ the avatar’s level + the avatar’s wisdom modifier) or die. This is a death effect. A creature killed in this way has its body and soul consumed by the utterdark bolt and cannot be brought back to life except by miracle or wish. Its equipment is destroyed when it dies. A creature who succeeds on its saving throw against this attack cannot be affected by it for 24 hours.

I give this class two thumbs up, i find it to be a very cool concept and i think it is balanced and well thought out

Bravo, sir, bravo. The fixes pretty much made this class perfect. One minor nitpick: On the table you have "Improved Mana Sense" listed at 11, but there is no separate entry for it on the description. I know it's in the Mana Sense paragraph, but it should have it's own entry because it's the 'improved' version of an ability, like imp. evasion and imp. uncanny dodge.

Much better. I like it.

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