Pathfinder Equivalents


Does anyone know of some sort of equivilant or something like it in Pathfinder for these 3.5 items/feats. Even if it's not exact, suggestions would be appreciated:

Healing Belt - 6d8 healing once per day
Tomb Tainted Soul - Heal from negative energy

You could probably just import both of them directly, as they are.

You're the same guy who posted this on GitP aren't you? :)
But yea, necromantic focus feat and be an oracle of bone.

Retech wrote:
Tomb Tainted Soul - Heal from negative energy

I think this is what Erik542 means, but Necromantic Affinity feat, from Inner Sea Guide (for latest version). You heal from negative, take damage from positive.

Gal, and maybe. I figured the breathe of Pathfinder knowledge here and the vast levels of optimisation in GITP would help.

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