Music and Sound

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Grand Lodge

I've been reading about Pathfinder a lot lately. I mean A LOT. I'm hoping that in the next 6-12 months I'll have the experience and knowledge to begin game mastering. This has me thinking a few things, but one topic that has me scratching my head is music. What has been successful (or not) in your groups?

Heck, does anyone listen to Radio Lab? I'd even consider investing a little into sound equipment for dramatic effect and immersive noises on demand.

Sovereign Court

Well, I've always found that fantasy game and movie soundtracks are an awesome source of music. I use AIMP 2 so i have different tabs for different terrains (like forest, desert, cave etc..) I also have some more dynamic music for combat and some sound effects like blowing wind and crackling fire or falling rain....

I also often use Loreena Mckennit and Enya in my games.

Generally it has been accepted very well, but you have to be careful not to play it too loud, because than it might be a distraction.

Sovereign Court

Kiss. Just, non-stop Kiss. All the time. Trust me on this one.

Sovereign Court

I would have to win the lottery, but....

My game room would have surround sound built into it as well as a mixing board for fine control or who hears what. I have also considered isolation style chairs for the really granular control of sounds and such.

I would also have to invest in more home owners insurance encase I gave some one cardiac arrest when the Dragon roars and the floor rumbles out of the blue.

I've considered using thematically appropriate music in my campaigns before. I'm a big fan of Two Steps From Hell, and their music is very good for epic battles. Unfortunately, one of my more stubborn players usually vetoes the idea, seeing it as distracting.

I did have some success using the sound of the T-Rex in Jurassic Park as a dragon roar, though. As the players were level one at the time, it scared the crap out of them.

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