Favorite PFS Game Masters

Pathfinder Society

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Liberty's Edge 5/5 Venture-Captain, Alabama—Birmingham

I can't recommend the GMing talents of Zach Hall enough. If you are ever passing through Birmingham on a Friday evening, or see Ezren himself running a table at Dragon*Con or Gen Con, get in that game! I have to pry people off his tables with a crowbar every week.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Thurston Hillman wrote:
Scott Young wrote:
Thurston Hillman is a great GM as well - he ran my first PFS game, his scenario "The Infernal Vault". Always great to be run by the sceanrio authour.
He's a filthy liar. Don't sit at my table. It is filled with nothing but tears and pain. Sometimes candy... :)

Stop trying to copy me. Those tears are mine!

Grand Lodge 3/5

In Manitoba we have so many great GM's and fun players its hard to single anyone out. I think its a testament to the leadership of Scott Young and Myron Pauls.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Is ignoring this thread, because he wasn't mentioned...even by people in his region.

Let my childish pouting begin!


Daniel Luckett wrote:

Is ignoring this thread, because he wasn't mentioned...even by people in his region.

Let my childish pouting begin!

don't worry .. someday you might be good enough to be in this thread ... but untill then HAHA channel that kid from The Simpsons for that one

***Disclaimer... seriously I lurve Dan and would probabaly mention him... but he's never run a game for me so I couldn't

You mean childish fishing? ;]

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Daniel Luckett wrote:

Is ignoring this thread, because he wasn't mentioned...even by people in his region.

Let my childish pouting begin!

If this thread has taught me anything, you have to kill a lot of PCs to find some who like you. :-)

The Exchange 5/5

Love hurts.

All my GMs have been equally terrible ;)

Silver Crusade 5/5

Yea, I've actually never ran a session for Kyle, Doug, or Thea. Probably cause they all run too much, and I played under them before I truly became "active".

Silver Crusade 5/5

My favorite GMs and why (In no particular order):

Thea Peters: For exceptional roleplay and craziness. Always a good time at her tables. My favorite scenario under her was The Frostfur Captives.

Doug Miles: He's like the Mario of my Smash Bros line up. He's got good stats across the board, and is all around great. My favorite scenario under him was Midnight Mauler.

Kyle Baird: I've only played a couple with him. He's tactically brutal, and keeps it challenging. I enjoy a good challenge. My favorite under him was actually when he just roleplayed the BBEG in #2-02. He cracked me up, and slightly intimidated me. Especially when he pulled a wad of dice out and rolled them.

Jim Tinklenberg: His voices are truly exceptional, and I enjoyed #4-01 the most under his watch.

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

I have had a chance to sit at some good tables and all of the DMs here in Jacksonville are great. So I am just gonna list the DMs I have had outside of my area and the memorable stuff.

Kristie aka Magical Beast. aka. The Dwavern fishmonger aka. Crazy pirate lady My group still owes me for paying for passage. Their are just somethings you cannot unsee or forget. We were doing Cyphermage.

Severed Ronin aka. Beasly aka. My Liege. Played Prince of Augustana. The Roleplaying alone was worth the trip down. Blew myself up, and still managed to live.

Theocrat DMed Sewer Dragons last year at Gen-Con. Never have I rolled that many 20s or 1s. I could not hit anything to save my life. Ask for a skill check though. I was unstoppable. Went old school with passing notes to players. Finally act was great. Probably one of the funniest fights ever.

Tiamack and the Midnight Mauler at Scotty's Brewhouse right before Gen-Con. When you decide to help another player reach his Faction goal after having a pretty decent fight and the DM asks you are you sure you want to do that. You should reconsider your actions. After all we beat the bad guy up pretty good. What did we have to fear?? Bad move. Never stop to smell the roses at night.Ever.

Nani Z. Race for the Runecraved Key Rd.2 That whole game was a blast. Great with rules and rolling with the punches. With the limited time she had with the adventure it was just great. She pulled no punches and laughed at our antics. It was a great table to be at.

I am hoping I will get a chance to sit at there tables again and at the tables of the DMs mentioned. Im hoping at one point I will get a chance to attend Paizo Con and play there as well. ( When a DM giggles or gives that crooked smile to themselves, thats not good. Everyone of them did that during the scenairo they DMed)

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Curaigh wrote:

My list is small, after three years my highest character is only 4th level (I dinnae get out much...).

Yoda8myHead for his knowledge and creepy little dead girl's voice. This was my first PFS, and credit goes to him for not making it my last :)
WalterGM prep extradoinaire, plus an amazing ability to wing it with crazy players.
Andrewchristian (really anyone who shows up on Sunday morning of a con is way ahead of the curve) For managing to work in parts of the story that could have been left out (other factions) made for a cohesive and memorable experience.
Thanks y'all!

Thanks! Glad I offered a memorable and fun experience!

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Kyle Baird wrote:
Any newbies out there want to chime in?

We have a bunch of great GMs in the Denver area!

Here are my favorites:

1. Dave - Dave the Barbarian****
2. Jeff - Drogon****
3. Todd - Todd Lower***
4. JP - JP Chapleau****

Scarab Sages 1/5

Checking in from Idaho with a couple awesome society GMs:

Ben Bruck - This guy is so awesome, we have to fight over who gets to play in his games every month. Go Ben!

Jessica - Sorry I don't know her last name but she's great with newbies.

and last but certainly not least;

JC Spears - great rper and gm alike.

Thanks to all Society gms. You all rock!!!!

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