Advice for Mystic Theurge character build and feats


I am in a core and APG pathfinder 3.0 game -playing serpent's skull.
I am shooting for a Mystic Theurge based off a Witch 4/Oracle 3[Nature]
I have slogged through the early sucky multi-classing stages and I am now on the verge of actually getting my first MT level.
I need some help coming up with some good feats for future levels.

I started off as human and did a voodoo thing [witch/oracle :)]
Now through death and magic I am now a dwarf
I still am going for a whole haunted-backwoods-darkish arts thing

Current Feats: H. toughness 1. Dodge 3. extra hex [cackle] 5. Arcane armor training 7. spell focus [necro]
hexes: evil eye, misfortune
revelations: nature's whispers, natural divination

So far all I can think of for future feats is (1)greater spell focus or (2) fight on. But I feel that there must be something better out there. Unfortunately, with the multi-classing I just don't have the spell level progression to make metamagic feats seem useful yet.

rory allen wrote:

I am in a core and APG pathfinder 3.0 game -playing serpent's skull.

I am shooting for a Mystic Theurge based off a Witch 4/Oracle 3[Nature]
I have slogged through the early sucky multi-classing stages and I am now on the verge of actually getting my first MT level.
I need some help coming up with some good feats for future levels.

I started off as human and did a voodoo thing [witch/oracle :)]
Now through death and magic I am now a dwarf
I still am going for a whole haunted-backwoods-darkish arts thing

Current Feats: H. toughness 1. Dodge 3. extra hex [cackle] 5. Arcane armor training 7. spell focus [necro]
hexes: evil eye, misfortune
revelations: nature's whispers, natural divination

So far all I can think of for future feats is (1)greater spell focus or (2) fight on. But I feel that there must be something better out there. Unfortunately, with the multi-classing I just don't have the spell level progression to make metamagic feats seem useful yet.

Mystic Theurges don't really get a lot of use out of metamagic until late in their career when they come into their own.

What is fight on? I have never heard of it.

Look at the guides on both the Oracle and Witch classes that are on the boards to help find feats that fit what you want to do.

Liberty's Edge

If you can switch that up to Witch 3/Oracle 4. That'll actually let you get Mystic Theurge your very next level.

Find ways to get your Caster Level up. That's important for a lot of reasons.

More advice may come after I sleep.

rory allen wrote:

I am in a core and APG pathfinder 3.0 game -playing serpent's skull.

I am shooting for a Mystic Theurge based off a Witch 4/Oracle 3[Nature]
I have slogged through the early sucky multi-classing stages and I am now on the verge of actually getting my first MT level.
I need some help coming up with some good feats for future levels.

I started off as human and did a voodoo thing [witch/oracle :)]
Now through death and magic I am now a dwarf
I still am going for a whole haunted-backwoods-darkish arts thing

Current Feats: H. toughness 1. Dodge 3. extra hex [cackle] 5. Arcane armor training 7. spell focus [necro]
hexes: evil eye, misfortune
revelations: nature's whispers, natural divination

So far all I can think of for future feats is (1)greater spell focus or (2) fight on. But I feel that there must be something better out there. Unfortunately, with the multi-classing I just don't have the spell level progression to make metamagic feats seem useful yet.

Additional traits feat should be quite useful for you to pick up the magical knack trait (+2 to CL, I would recommend to set it on the witch's CL). The other I would put into resilient (+1 Fortitude saves), since your build lack those.

Also, craft wondrous items could be incredibly useful to you, since you can basically create any item with your class combination, even if it might mean you have to buy scrolls somewhere. You could craft some non-standard items combining boosts for your class combination, for example. Or just save the money on them ... :-)
Scribe scroll I would definitely get in your case. Both your classes benefit from it.
Combat casting should be quite valuable to you and provide you with a great boost.
Defensive combat training would greatly improve your chances to resist grapples (an extremely dire situation for your class combination).
I would also never underestimate eschew materials, though it depends on the DM how useful it would be to you.
Finally, improved initiative, extra hex, spell penetration, brew potion and improved fortitude are also good choices IMO.

It really depends on what you want to do with the character.

wraithstrike wrote:

Look at the guides on both the Oracle and Witch classes that are on the boards to help find feats that fit what you want to do.

Oralce guide?

I can't seem to find it.

good catch - Correction: its oracle 4 witch 3

- I took magical knack for witch (but my DM stood fast on the rule that traits cannot be taken from the same list as a already selected trait.

- Fight on is a dwarf/half Orc Feat that gives temporary hit-points when reduced to 0, equal to Con. I was thinking of making my transformation to a dwarf more interesting.

- I'll re-examine meta magic feats later when I can take better advantage of them.

- My party is already chalked full of crafters

- Thanks for the other suggestions / extra hex/combat casting/ and improved initiative are all good candidates

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