Alchemical Archer PRC (variant to arcane archer) Please read and give oppinion!

Homebrew and House Rules

Scarab Sages

Hey guys,

I didn't make this variant and honestly I've only minimally looked over it. I'd appreciate it and I hope you find it interesting to look over this and let me know what you think. It is designed to allow the alchemist to enter the arcane archer PrC. A player of mine designed it and would like to use it in the up and coming continuation of my campaign. (they are lvl 10)

Alchemical Archer ( Arcane Archer variant )
Spells per Day: At the indicated levels, an Alchemical Archer gains new extracts per day as if he had also gained a level in Alchemist class. The Alchemical Archer also increases the number of bombs per day he can make and the damage those bombs do, although at a slower rate then a Alchemist of equal level; for every two indicated levels the number of bombs per day increases by 1, for every three indicated levels the damage increases by +1d6 ( +1 bomb per day at 3rd, 6th, 9th & +1d6 damage at 4th and 8th ).

Enhance Arrows: At 1st level, every nonmagical arrow the Alchemical Archer notches and lets fly becomes magical, gaining a +1 alchemical bonus. Unlike magic weapons created by normal means, the archer need not spend gold to accomplish this task. However, an Alchemical Archer's enhanced arrows only function for him.
At 3rd level, every nonmagical arrow fired by an Alchemical Archer is infused with a small amount of the power of his bombs. His arrows gain the flaming elemental quality, if he has the ability to change the damage type of his bombs he can also choose that damage type for his arrows instead of fire. At 7th level, this ability improves to the elemental burst quality but is still limited to only fire unless other energies are available for his bombs.
At 5th level, every nonmagical arrow fired by the Alchemical Archer gains the distance quality.
At 9th level, every nonmagical arrow fired by the Alchemical Archer gains one of the following aligned weapon qualities: anarchic, axiomatic, holy, or unholy. The archer cannot choose an ability that is the opposite of his alignment.

Discoveries: At 2nd level and every even level gained, the Alchemical Archer makes an incredible alchemical discovery relating to his bombs. unless otherwise noted an Alchemical Archer cannot select an individual discovery more then once. Some discoveries can only be made if certain prerequisites are fulfilled first, the archer uses his combined Alchemist and Alchemical Archer levels for qualifying for Alchemical Archer discoveries. The DC of any saving throw called for by a discovery is equal to 10 +1/2 the combined Alchemist & Alchemical Archer levels + the archers Intelligence modifier. Discoveries that modify bombs that are marked with an asterisk do not stack. Only one such discovery can be applied to an individual bomb. The archer may pick from the following list of discoveries -

Acid Bomb*see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)

Bomb Arrow: An Alchemical Archer gains the ability to make some or all of his bombs in the tip of his arrows. When the arrow is fired, the bomb’s area is centered where the arrow lands ( requiring a successful ranged attack, unlike the ranged touch attacks normally required for thrown bombs ). This ability allows the archer to use the bow’s range rather than the normal range of a thrown bomb. A bomb used in this way uses its normal activation time and the Alchemical Archer can fire the arrow as part of the activation. The arrow must be fired during the round the bomb is activated or it explodes centered on the archer.

Concussive Bomb*: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)

Delayed Bomb: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)

Dispelling Bomb: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)

Explosive Bomb*: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)

Fast Bombs: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)

Force Bomb*: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)

Frost Bomb: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)

Inferno Bomb*: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)

Madness Bomb: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)

Phase Arrow: An Alchemical Archer can launch an arrow at a target known to him within range, and the arrow travels to the target in a straight path, passing through any nonmagical barrier or wall in its way (any magical barrier stops the arrow). This ability negates cover, concealment, armor, and shield modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally. Using this ability is a standard action (and shooting the arrow is part of the action). An Alchemical Archer can use this ability once per day for every three levels of Alchemical Archer class. The Alchemical Archer must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.
Poison Bomb*: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)
Precise Bomb: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)
Rain of Fire: In lieu of his regular attacks, once per day an Alchemical Archer can fire a Bomb Arrow at each and every target within his bow's range, to a maximum of one target per Alchemical Archer level gained. Each attack uses the archer's primary attack bonus, and each enemy may only be targeted by a single arrow. The Alchemical Archer expends bombs normally when he uses this ability. The Alchemical Archer must have the Bomb Arrow & Fast Bomb Discoveries and be at least 10th level before selecting this discovery.

Scorched Earth Arrow: Once per day The Alchemical Archer can fire an Bomb Arrow that deals damage to a larger area then normal. With a successful attack, all creatures within a five foot radius of the target take bomb damage equal to the target and catch fire like the target. Additionally, all creatures within another ten foot radius take splash bomb damage. The Alchemical Archer expends bombs normally when he uses this ability. The Alchemical Archer must have the Bomb Arrow & Explosive Bomb Discoveries and be at least 10th level before selecting this discovery.

Seeker Arrow: An Alchemical Archer can launch an arrow at a target known to him within range, and the arrow travels to the target, even around corners. Only an unavoidable obstacle or the limit of the arrow's range prevents the arrow's flight. This ability negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally. Using this ability is a standard action (and shooting the arrow is part of the action). An Alchemical Archer can use this ability once per day plus one additional time for every three levels of Alchemical Archer class. The Alchemical Archer must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.
Shock Bomb: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)
Sticky Bomb: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)
Stink Bomb: (see Advanced Players Guide, pages 29-31 for description)

Walking Bomb: Once per day the Alchemical Archer can create a special type of bomb arrow with no immediate splash affect that forces the successfully struck target to make a fortitude save or continue taking bomb damage for 1d4 rounds +1 round per Intelligence modifier of the Alchemical Archer. If the target of the attack is slain within the duration of the extra damage the target's corpse explodes dealing splash damage to its surroundings. The Alchemical Archer expends a normal bomb when he uses this ability. The Alchemical Archer must have the Bomb Arrow & Sticky Bomb Discoveries and be at least 14th level before selecting this discovery.

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think please.

Edit: formated to hopefully make it more readable

Scarab Sages

What do people mean when they say "dot" =D lol?

Mcarvin wrote:
What do people mean when they say "dot" =D lol?

Damage Over Time is the usual usage.

Scarab Sages

No input at all?

Mcarvin wrote:

Hey guys,

I didn't make this variant and honestly I've only minimally looked over it. I'd appreciate it and I hope you find it interesting to look over this and let me know what you think. It is designed to allow the alchemist to enter the arcane archer PrC. A player of mine designed it and would like to use it in the up and coming continuation of my campaign. (they are lvl 10)

Alchemical Archer ( Arcane Archer variant )
Spells per Day: At the indicated levels, an Alchemical Archer gains new extracts per day as if he had also gained a level in Alchemist class. The Alchemical Archer also increases the number of bombs per day he can make and the damage those bombs do, although at a slower rate then a Alchemist of equal level; for every two indicated levels the number of bombs per day increases by 1, for every three indicated levels the damage increases by +1d6 ( +1 bomb per day at 3rd, 6th, 9th & +1d6 damage at 4th and 8th ).

Enhance Arrows: At 1st level, every nonmagical arrow the Alchemical Archer notches and lets fly becomes magical, gaining a +1 alchemical bonus. Unlike magic weapons created by normal means, the archer need not spend gold to accomplish this task. However, an Alchemical Archer's enhanced arrows only function for him.
At 3rd level, every nonmagical arrow fired by an Alchemical Archer is infused with a small amount of the power of his bombs. His arrows gain the flaming elemental quality, if he has the ability to change the damage type of his bombs he can also choose that damage type for his arrows instead of fire. At 7th level, this ability improves to the elemental burst quality but is still limited to only fire unless other energies are available for his bombs.
At 5th level, every nonmagical arrow fired by the Alchemical Archer gains the distance quality.
At 9th level, every nonmagical arrow fired by the Alchemical Archer gains one of the following aligned weapon qualities: anarchic, axiomatic, holy, or unholy. The archer cannot choose an...

OK, just gave it a quick read, so I might have overlooked something.

My first impression is that this is quite overpowered compared to the arcane archer. It seems to get all the benefits of the arcane archer, plus bombs, plus discoveries, but does not have to give up anything for it. It's like arcane archer on steroids (pun intended)...

I would do at least one of the following things to allow it in my games:

  • Reduce the "spell" progression to 4/10.
  • Reduce BAB to medium and not allow bomb's progression (neither number per day nor damage)
  • No stacking of alchemist levels with alchemist archer levels for anything except for extracts (the "spell" casting).

It also does not really work with me, the flavors are just too different. As a suggestion, I would rather think of enabling this class to increase the range of the bombs and to make mutagen more useful for ranged combat, instead of gaining those magical abilities of the arcane archer and add even more alchemist stuff to it.

Dark Archive

actually it doesnt look that bad. i'd have them use a rifle instead of a bow and do a "alca-gunner" but this looks not bad.

the lower progression of bomb damage is harsh, but understandable. i'd almost say let them count 1/2 level for bomb damage instaed of 1/3

phase arrow seems a little out of place to me. the rest of the stuff i can see being done threw alchemy. but id replace this ability.

Name Violation wrote:

actually it doesnt look that bad. i'd have them use a rifle instead of a bow and do a "alca-gunner" but this looks not bad.

the lower progression of bomb damage is harsh, but understandable. i'd almost say let them count 1/2 level for bomb damage instaed of 1/3

phase arrow seems a little out of place to me. the rest of the stuff i can see being done threw alchemy. but id replace this ability.

Yea I could go for alchemy gunner

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