What do YOU the player want to see in a 3PP product?

Product Discussion

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What would you like to see?
Adventure Paths?
All inclusive?

Let your opinion be heard!
Everything will be taken into consideration when we release our first product(s) after our free sample

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Well done character options. From feats, PrC's, archetypes, spells, classes etc. The key is fill a niche and be well balanced.
Expanded rules, like more haunts, alchemy items, chase rules etc.
Well done and instersting monsters that add something and is just not a new version of something already out there.

At this point between Frog God Games and Paizo I have more adventures than I can use. Now I still like them and something new and different would still be bought. But this I think is a tough area to break into. Urban or RP focused ones would work best for me. Or ones that are a bit different. Gothic horror if done well, or a Alice in Wonderland type adventure would be cool.

Dark_Mistress wrote:

Well done character options. From feats, PrC's, archetypes, spells, classes etc. The key is fill a niche and be well balanced.

Expanded rules, like more haunts, alchemy items, chase rules etc.
Well done and instersting monsters that add something and is just not a new version of something already out there.

At this point between Frog God Games and Paizo I have more adventures than I can use. Now I still like them and something new and different would still be bought. But this I think is a tough area to break into. Urban or RP focused ones would work best for me. Or ones that are a bit different. Gothic horror if done well, or a Alice in Wonderland type adventure would be cool.

Those last 2 sentences make me so happy

Liberty's Edge

I'd love a horror or steam punk campaign setting.

ShadowcatX wrote:
I'd love a horror or steam punk campaign setting.

nail on head?


I absolutely love Paizo's campaign paths. They are what makes it possible for my group to game together every week (as we don't have time to homebrew but demand a cohesive story arc).

The downside is that we are therefore stuck in a fantasy setting. I like Golarion and all but I like to change up the genres every once in a while. So what I would really like to see (from any company) is a Pathfinder compatible non-fantasy setting plus a solid campaign path to support it.

My personal favorite would include starships and blasters, but post-apoc or just about any sci-fi would be great.

I'd also be glad to work on such a project if someone needs a game author / cartographer :)

I'm working on the starships and blasters part... and they'll be playtested in the bowels of your existing cartography...

Dark Archive

As a player? classes, feats, options to tweak PCs, basically. Oh, and gear stuff.

More archetypes, equipment, races and spells (specifically elemental spells).

New settings. Iconic races, archetypes, monsters, spells, and locations to firmly establish the setting in my mind.

Insert the word "interesting" into all the above & shake until well blended.

While I second most of the above some specefic things I would buy in heartbeat if not insanely expensive(id spend up to $10 in said heartbeat lol)

1) I really, realy love organizations done up ala the Faction Guide and would love to see more. I would especially love to see a Mafia style one.

2) Archtypes for casters that are beyond just new bloodlines, subdomains, etc. While I know some are coming from Paizo, I want more, especially because I think a 3PP can get away with slightly more radical ideas. A Cleric that has decreased or even no Channeling would be a great way to create Cleric Archtypes, but I can see the mainstream audience being wary of that if its Paizo official.

3) awesome, mundane gadgety gear. This could be more steampunk-esque but I don't think it *has* to be.

4) shameless, selfish desire: more shadow magic/illusion stuff, and badass ones at that. I feel they don't truly get the love they deserve.

5) if you or really any 3PP could get the publishing rights to do a Looking Glass Wars game, that would be utterly amazing. LGW is an Alice in Wonderland triology by Frank Beddor that's very Steampunk and more Fantastical too boot. If need be, I could talk to Mr Beddor for you or any other 3PP that was interested

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Monkeygod wrote:
4) shameless, selfish desire: more shadow magic/illusion stuff, and badass ones at that. I feel they don't truly get the love they deserve.

*looking innocent and whistling* What? I didn't say anything. Nothing at all. Atleast not for a few more months I'm not saying anything. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:
4) shameless, selfish desire: more shadow magic/illusion stuff, and badass ones at that. I feel they don't truly get the love they deserve.
*looking innocent and whistling* What? I didn't say anything. Nothing at all. Atleast not for a few more months I'm not saying anything. ;)

Heh heh ....

I would like to see more cohesive setting specific Game Master tools, things that go far beyond the basic fantasy tropes would be really nice to see.
As others have mentioned, I would like to see different settings to possibly include steampunk, gothic horror, pseudo pre and early historical settings, science fiction settings, or simply vastly different settings that are focused on a set of complimentary ideas or concepts.
Setting specific spells or similar features, magic and mundane items, as well as game rules for setting specific hazards that have not already been covered would also be of interest.

Edit: And more setting specific critters, please!

I am uninterested in seeing more player character base classes, archtypes, prestige classes, feats, skills, traits or the like (unless setting specific).

Scarab Sages

1) stronghold builder's guidebook.

2) stronghold builder's guidebook.

3) campaign settings.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

archmagi1 wrote:

1) stronghold builder's guidebook.

2) stronghold builder's guidebook.

The Book of the River Nations: Complete Players' Reference for Kingdom Building does possess a few castle customization options where we used the stronghold builder's guide as a source of inspiration, but it is no where nearly as extensive since space was limited. If sales of the book go well, we will be doing an advanced book with a more expanded guild to castles and other strongholds.

1. Rules to allow players to set up and run guilds.
2. Stronghold builder's book.
3. The rest of those dragons, SGG!


Topping my current want list...

1. A reprise/remake of Dynasties and Demagogues with a more Pathfinder-ish feel, specifically for purposes of Dramatic Social Fu (or to put it another way, to do to social interactions in Pathfinder what the Ace Attorney series did for the concept of a video game based on Law; bring out the awesome, the cosplayers, and an iconic invocation of that most wonderful word in the lexicon...OBJECTION!) Which isn't to say that it would be to REPLACE standard role-playing for certain circumstances, but there are times where things need to go in an unexpected direction, or the original ideas need to be supplemented. Court intrigues! High debates! Legal Defense for killing someone purely due to them pinging on detect evil while in a Lawful Neutral nation that recognizes the principle of Active Morality!

2. Something not unlike Kingmaker, but from the perspective of a Demiplanar conflict; a parallel world that is being born from the PCs actions both conscious and otherwise. The conceit is that with enough of a concerted effort, this 'otherworld' could become theirs, but there is competition from across the Multiverse...

3. In the spirit of Nyambé, a semi-genericized Polynesia/Oceania flavorbook full of class archetypes/variants, magics, races, monsters, and fictionalized versions of the mythology, plus just enough material to play as a campaign unto itself. 'Moai' heads! Pearl magics! Flower Spirits and World Enders and Dances and..

I'll stop now.

Dark Archive

I would like to see more monster books, as that is basically the only 3rd party stuff I allow in my games.

Also adventures that are more world generic,I do not like all the special races and other stuff that pretty much all the 3PP'S put into their worlds.

Horror and Steampunk aspects are cool.

Low low low low low magic. No races other than human.

Considering I don't play Pathfinder, but only GM these days there isn't much to wish for as a player. ;) (I do play Rogue Trader though, which is awesome)

If I were to play though, I'd like:

Variant classes/archetypes with descriptions on what makes them different, and why my non-existant GM
New creative rules on stuff that players can enjoy and GMs won't cringe over because it's too much, too broken, too complex and so on.

And can't think of much else mainly because I don't feel the need for unlimited amounts of feats and spells.

Dark Archive

Dark_Mistress wrote:

Well done and instersting monsters that add something and is just not a new version of something already out there.

This is a big one for me. I have a *ton* of monsters to fill all sorts of niches.

A new monster would, ideally, somehow come with it's own plot-intro to the game, to make it relevant, such as a spider whose venom does Wisdom damage and causes pleasant hallucinations, which is cultivated by unsavory sorts and 'milked' to sell dilute samples of the venom for use as a street drug, or a creature that might serve as a familiar, or an extra-dimensional parasite that sometimes infests fiendish animals and can 'drop off' during a summoning and infect someone in the area, remaining behind even after the summoned creature has returned to the lower planes, and causing trouble long afterwards (and provide some justification for the fact that summoning a fire-resistant dretch and ordering it to save a bunch of kids from a burning building is an evil act).

No more Xvarts or Tasloi or Ogrillons or Beastmen or what-have-you. We've got enough humanoids, I think.

For those seeking new monster books, I can tell you that 4WFG's Tome of Monsters is currently in layout and is very near completion. Personally I had a great time working on it. I did work on a few humanoids, as well as Outsiders, undead, and magical beasts.

Lyingbastard wrote:
For those seeking new monster books, I can tell you that 4WFG's Tome of Monsters is currently in layout and is very near completion. Personally I had a great time working on it. I did work on a few humanoids, as well as Outsiders, undead, and magical beasts.

How many are expected and will hunter have a PDF+s/c bundle deal? Say yes. You know you want to say yes. Don't lie to us. :P

Liberty's Edge

Lyingbastard wrote:
For those seeking new monster books, I can tell you that 4WFG's Tome of Monsters is currently in layout and is very near completion. Personally I had a great time working on it. I did work on a few humanoids, as well as Outsiders, undead, and magical beasts.

I can't wait for this - it sounds really cool (and I'm not saying that just because a have a few illustrations in it, honest!) :)

I would like a few more GM aids. Book of Villains, Organizations, Guilds. Books with Unique spells that the players don't have access to.

As a player, I like the idea of spells that actually have a race as a 'component' requirement. Maybe even warrior mage spells that require a wielded weapon as the focus an an attack as the actual somatic component. You know, a real gish set of spells.

And Super Genius Games, a Rune focused class to go with your Rune feats.

Urizen wrote:
Lyingbastard wrote:
For those seeking new monster books, I can tell you that 4WFG's Tome of Monsters is currently in layout and is very near completion. Personally I had a great time working on it. I did work on a few humanoids, as well as Outsiders, undead, and magical beasts.
How many are expected and will hunter have a PDF+s/c bundle deal? Say yes. You know you want to say yes. Don't lie to us. :P

We've got around 100 monsters in the ToM, and I'm sure there will be a print+pdf bundle available - we have for every other book! Actually, there's a full list of monsters on our facebook page.

http://www.facebook.com/4WindsFantasyGaming?sk=notes#!/note.php?note_id=464 560362154

A simple to use, and dedicated character and monster builder platform for pathfinder, that is cross-platform capable, i.e. PC, Apple, tablet, etc.

Liberty's Edge

xorial wrote:

Maybe even warrior mage spells that require a wielded weapon as the focus an an attack as the actual somatic component. You know, a real gish set of spells.

Have you by any chance checked out the Vanguard from Super Genius Games?

TheAntiElite wrote:
1. A reprise/remake of Dynasties and Demagogues with a more Pathfinder-ish feel, specifically for purposes of Dramatic Social Fu (or to put it another way, to do to social interactions in Pathfinder what the Ace Attorney series did for the concept of a video game based on Law; bring out the awesome, the cosplayers, and an iconic invocation of that most wonderful word in the lexicon...OBJECTION!) Which isn't to say that it would be to REPLACE standard role-playing for certain circumstances, but there are times where things need to go in an unexpected direction, or the original ideas need to be supplemented. Court intrigues! High debates! Legal Defense for killing someone purely due to them pinging on detect evil while in a Lawful Neutral nation that recognizes the principle of Active Morality!

We are updating our debate/political systems that we used in Debatable Actions and Verbal Diplomacy which was made for D20 Modern. It was based off of the system created in Dynasties and Demagogues. You can expect to see te Pathfinder version of this product in a few weeks.

Lyingbastard wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Lyingbastard wrote:
For those seeking new monster books, I can tell you that 4WFG's Tome of Monsters is currently in layout and is very near completion. Personally I had a great time working on it. I did work on a few humanoids, as well as Outsiders, undead, and magical beasts.
How many are expected and will hunter have a PDF+s/c bundle deal? Say yes. You know you want to say yes. Don't lie to us. :P

We've got around 100 monsters in the ToM, and I'm sure there will be a print+pdf bundle available - we have for every other book! Actually, there's a full list of monsters on our facebook page.

http://www.facebook.com/4WindsFantasyGaming?sk=notes#!/note.php?note_id=464 560362154

That link didn't work right. Try this.

And I just looked at the list. It's on my "to-get" list now. :)

Most of you if not all will be happy to know that we are going to travel down most of these roads
It's very reassuring to read all of our ideas are something everyone wants to see.

Dark Archive

Oh and another item I forgot. More items in print, basically I will never buy a item if it is PDF only, only on the very rare occasion if it is something I really really want.

Marc Radle wrote:
xorial wrote:
Maybe even warrior mage spells that require a wielded weapon as the focus an an attack as the actual somatic component. You know, a real gish set of spells.
Have you by any chance checked out the Vanguard from Super Genius Games?

I own it. It doesn't do what I asked about. You get eschew materials with the bonded weapon. I mean that without a wielded weapon, you can't cast the spell at all.

Sovereign Court Raging Swan Press

xorial wrote:

I would like a few more GM aids. Book of Villains, Organizations, Guilds. Books with Unique spells that the players don't have access to.

As a player, I like the idea of spells that actually have a race as a 'component' requirement. Maybe even warrior mage spells that require a wielded weapon as the focus an an attack as the actual somatic component. You know, a real gish set of spells.

And Super Genius Games, a Rune focused class to go with your Rune feats.

Raging Swan has released a book of Villains! It's [url=http://www.ragingswan.com/villains.html]webpage contains more information and a free sample![\url] we've also done a similar product on Antipaladins.

LMPjr007 wrote:
We are updating our debate/political systems that we used in Debatable Actions and Verbal Diplomacy which was made for D20 Modern. It was based off of the system created in Dynasties and Demagogues. You can expect to see te Pathfinder version of this product in a few weeks.

This is made of awesome.

I will be glad to see it and quick to buy it.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Creighton Broadhurst wrote:
xorial wrote:

I would like a few more GM aids. Book of Villains, Organizations, Guilds. Books with Unique spells that the players don't have access to.

As a player, I like the idea of spells that actually have a race as a 'component' requirement. Maybe even warrior mage spells that require a wielded weapon as the focus an an attack as the actual somatic component. You know, a real gish set of spells.

And Super Genius Games, a Rune focused class to go with your Rune feats.

Raging Swan has released a book of Villains! It's webpage contains more information and a free sample! we've also done a similar product on Antipaladins.

Fixed the link for you.

Monkeygod wrote:
1) I really, realy love organizations done up ala the Faction Guide and would love to see more. I would especially love to see a Mafia style one.

After our third PC race book is released (we've got one released now), we'll be working on a faction book for the Yakuza, instead of the Mafia, but there are new classes, new spells, new feats that fit in the Yakuza organization. This will be followed by a factions book on Samurai as a caste with multiple samurai caste classes. And then a factions book on Shinobi (ninja clans) with five class archetypes, new weapons, new spells, new feats, and new ki powers, both lesser and greater. As well as Ki Potential Trait, allowing any character access to a limited ki pool, with the selection of Activate Ki feat at 4th level.

Monkeygod wrote:
2) Archtypes for casters that are beyond just new bloodlines, subdomains, etc. While I know some are coming from Paizo, I want more, especially because I think a 3PP can get away with slightly more radical ideas. A Cleric that has decreased or even no Channeling would be a great way to create Cleric Archtypes, but I can see the mainstream audience being wary of that if its Paizo official.

Related to the Yakuza, we're creating a Horimyo (tattoo sorcerer) for Yakuza tattoo magic. More a new type of magic rather than a bloodline.

Plus we've got five Necrotic warriors, that is really a series of Gish classes of 3/4 BAB, and some really odd arcane schticks of bone manipulation, body toxins, blood magic, force and shadow. Anti-heroes to serve as bad guys in the third Kaidan adventure.

Monkeygod wrote:
3) awesome, mundane gadgety gear. This could be more steampunk-esque but I don't think it *has* to be.

Sometime after the Yakuza book, we're working on 30 Ancestral Relics for Kaidan, which are essentially Weapons of Legacy, but with less fiddly rituals, no expenditure of GPs or XPs, and applies to all types of magic items, not just weapons. All the art has been created for it, as well as three of the magic items... so that's coming.

Perhaps a book of 30 Cursed Items as well. Each item has a unique and useful purpose, but is wrapped up in a detrimental curse.

No steam punk though, not my schtick.


gamer-printer wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:
1) I really, realy love organizations done up ala the Faction Guide and would love to see more. I would especially love to see a Mafia style one.

After our third PC race book is released (we've got one released now), we'll be working on a faction book for the Yakuza, instead of the Mafia, but there are new classes, new spells, new feats that fit in the Yakuza organization. This will be followed by a factions book on Samurai as a caste with multiple samurai caste classes. And then a factions book on Shinobi (ninja clans) with five class archetypes, new weapons, new spells, new feats, and new ki powers, both lesser and greater. As well as Ki Potential Trait, allowing any character access to a limited ki pool, with the selection of Activate Ki feat at 4th level.

Monkeygod wrote:
2) Archtypes for casters that are beyond just new bloodlines, subdomains, etc. While I know some are coming from Paizo, I want more, especially because I think a 3PP can get away with slightly more radical ideas. A Cleric that has decreased or even no Channeling would be a great way to create Cleric Archtypes, but I can see the mainstream audience being wary of that if its Paizo official.

Related to the Yakuza, we're creating a Horimyo (tattoo sorcerer) for Yakuza tattoo magic. More a new type of magic rather than a bloodline.

Plus we've got five Necrotic warriors, that is really a series of Gish classes of 3/4 BAB, and some really odd arcane schticks of bone manipulation, body toxins, blood magic, force and shadow. Anti-heroes to serve as bad guys in the third Kaidan adventure.

Monkeygod wrote:
3) awesome, mundane gadgety gear. This could be more steampunk-esque but I don't think it *has* to be.
Sometime after the Yakuza book, we're working on 30 Ancestral Relics for Kaidan, which are essentially Weapons of Legacy, but with less fiddly rituals, no expenditure of GPs or XPs, and applies to all types of magic items, not just weapons. All the art has been created for it, as well...

Who are you?? and what company is putting out such yummy sounding goodness??

Liberty's Edge

3D detachable terrain ( which you can write on and erase ) that can be arranged in various patterns so that it it is not the same design each time. This should be sized for standard miniatures. Preferably, a dungeon set to start.

Scarab Sages

Monkeygod wrote:
Who are you?? and what company is putting out such yummy sounding goodness??

Kaidan is being done through Rite Publishing.

The three race books deal with Kappa, Hengeyokai and Tengu. Each Race book has a base class for the race, stats for playing the race from 1st level as characters, and class archtypes.

The yakuza book will follow a similar plan as the race books with fluff presented first, followed by class archetypes for the various classes one might find within the yakuza organization.

I'll likely be starting on writing the Yakuza book this week. The Necrotic warrior base class is most likely going to see inclusion in the eventual Shinobi book we are planning (that was my initial thought anyway as it allows one to emulate certain ninja characters from Basilisk and such), but the class is getting a trial run in our third module (due to go to print in August).

Currently the three race books have all been written (Tengu goes to Editor tomorrow) and the three modules (an adventure arc) have been completed and are either in layout or with Cubicle 7 for printing. The first module is due in June. And if anyone can make it to Origins, I'll be running scenarios set in Kaidan at the Convention.

If you are interested in knowing when these books are being released, worked on, etc., I try and post such information to my Facebook page.

Is gamer-printer Michael K. Tumey, the guy with the original concept?

Scarab Sages

Dark Sasha wrote:
Is gamer-printer Michael K. Tumey, the guy with the original concept?

Yeah - it's his original concept and I'm heading up the design work. Michael is also doing the cartography (his specialty) and layout for Kaidan.

Wicht wrote:
Dark Sasha wrote:
Is gamer-printer Michael K. Tumey, the guy with the original concept?
Yeah - it's his original concept and I'm heading up the design work. Michael is also doing the cartography (his specialty) and layout for Kaidan.

Very cool, and appropriately timed I must say.

Dark Archive

Monkeygod wrote:
1) I really, realy love organizations done up ala the Faction Guide and would love to see more.

[tangent] I'd love to see a Kingmaker game that had a party built from different Factions, each hoping to further the goals of their Faction in this new territory.

The Aspis Consortium, the Church of Razmir, the Prophets of the Kalistrade, the Bloodstone Swords, the Green Faith, etc. would all be powerfully motivated to get their hooks into this new kingdom on the ground floor, and with minimal rationalizing, other groups, like the Ninth Battalion, Varisian Wanderers, Pathfinder Society or the Arcanamirium could also have a reason to want to set up a new base of operations in the area as a safe haven for their people, new lodge site, or a testbed for their theories.

Of all the APs, Kingmaker seems *perfect* for a Faction heavy party, with different PCs wanting to shape the fledgling kingdom in such a way as to make it amenable to the goals of their faction. [/tangent]

Yes, 'Michael K. Tumey', that's me. I lack the skills for RPG design, so required someone of quality as in Jonathan McAnulty (aka 'Wicht), but I shoot him my ideas, and then serve as technical advisor since Kaidan is based on my heritage, love of Japanese folklore and history, and a need to do something more authentic than OA or L5R ever accomplished.

@ Martin Kauffman 530 - while I am working with Rite Publishing for Kaidan, I have my own company of Gamer Printshop (who'd guess?) and my website FreeRPGMaps.com where I create geomorphic map tile sets on single purchase or (cheaper) subscription service. I have Heavy Forest and Dungeon Tiles so far (been open since April). The map tiles are four each, double side printed 11 x 17 map tiles, each with a unique design per tile, but the edges line up on every tile. Plus they come with heavy lamination for writing/erasing on.

The product is called Endless Terrain Battlemaps and are now available in the Paizo Store!

I've been printing custom map designs to large format and lamination, shipped worldwide since April 2007, plus I've been a pro fantasy cartographer since Jan 2008 - so I am not brand new, but hopefully, I won't be... 'who are you??' for much longer :p


Liberty's Edge

I, for one, DESPERATELY want some spell templates, as per Arcana Evolved. Genius concept, grotesquely under-utilized.

Dark Archive

ShadowcatX wrote:
I'd love a horror or steam punk campaign setting.

Check out Rhune: Dawn of Twilight (my very free setting)...

Click here for a link to the site. Also, I've been releasing newsletters for my local (and PbP) players that detail small bits of the setting. These, too, are free. You can find them on Scribd


Jason Sonia wrote:
ShadowcatX wrote:
I'd love a horror or steam punk campaign setting.

Check out Rhune: Dawn of Twilight (my very free setting)...

Click here for a link to the site. Also, I've been releasing newsletters for my local (and PbP) players that detail small bits of the setting. These, too, are free. You can find them on Scribd


I've been following this for awhile; I'm very intrigued by this setting.

Dark Archive

Urizen wrote:
I've been following this for awhile; I'm very intrigued by this setting.

You should definitely check out the newsletter then! I posted a new thread right here to keep this thread on its current course!

Jason Sonia wrote:
Urizen wrote:
I've been following this for awhile; I'm very intrigued by this setting.
You should definitely check out the newsletter then! I posted a new thread right here to keep this thread on its current course!


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