The Beautiful Shiny Button

Off-Topic Discussions

::Mounts a clearly lettered, "DO NOT PUSH" sign beside the jolly, candy-like button, then exits::


Scarab Sages

Sneaks in and carefully mounts a sign under the first one, matching in style and colour so perfectly the signs seem to merge into one.
then sneaks out again.

Scarab Sages

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

::Mounts a clearly lettered, "DO NOT PUSH" sign beside the jolly, candy-like button, then exits::

** spoiler omitted **

But...what will happen?

::Come in, sees both signs, pushes button twice, then leaves.::

Eats, shoots & leaves.

Dark Archive

*presses botton 10^8 times then leaves*

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

::Mounts a clearly lettered, "DO NOT PUSH" sign beside the jolly, candy-like button, then exits::

** spoiler omitted **


Liberty's Edge

See below for how to keep forum posters busy for hours (before messaging PMG that something's wrong with the boards):


ulgulanoth wrote:
*presses botton 10^8 times then leaves*

A botton is an entirely different thing/person. Sure, press it/him all you want. Whew, for a minute there, I was worried.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer


Scarab Sages

Oh crap! That was the history eraser but....*

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:

See below for how to keep forum posters busy for hours (before messaging PMG that something's wrong with the boards):

** spoiler omitted **

Aww, I wanted to repeat the button.

You know Goblins are illiterate and love to poke things that are blood red. :)
"What are these pieces of parchment all over the floor?"

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:

See below for how to keep forum posters busy for hours (before messaging PMG that something's wrong with the boards):

** spoiler omitted **

Now I'm going to have to send you my medical bills.

Stupid buttons...


I'm thinking a certain famous Twilight Zone episode would have a different bit of plotting.

MAN: Here is a box with a button. If--

WOMAN: Ooh! A button! (PRESSES BUTTON) What does it do?

MAN: I was going to say that if you press the button, you get a million dollars but--


MAN: But every time you press the button, someone dies! (TAKING BUTTON AWAY) Jesus, lady! This is supposed to be a moral dilemma!

ROD SERLING: An ordinary enigmatic figure knocks on an everyday door, ready to set forth a dilemma for a classic morality play, only to encounter a woman with ADHD in a place we now know is the Twilight Zone....

Beware! Potential accidental spoiler:
Yeaaaah. It's the last person who pressed the button who dies.
That's why the guy with the button leaves after someone pushes it. :)

Scarab Sages

Why all this talk of buttons? Don't we like levers anymore?

Scarab Sages

Levers are soooo last edition!

What's wrong with knobs? They can go all the way to 11.

Scarab Sages

And switches! Let's not forget switches!

Grand Lodge

What about sliders?

Madclaw wrote:
What about sliders?

They give me indigestion.

She can push my button and handle my leaver any time, Giggity.

I prefer touch screens myself.

Scarab Sages

ARTHUR: I wonder what this button does. *BING*
FORD: What happened?
ARTHUR: A sign lit up saying, "Please do not press this button again."

Gary Teter wrote:

That thing you burned up isn't important to me; it's the fluid catalytic cracking unit. It makes shoes for orphans... nice job breaking it, hero.

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