Jumbled Aliases?

Website Feedback

Shadow Lodge

I just took a look and noticed my aliases are not listed in my profile in the order I created them. Has this happened to anyone else?

The only thing I can think that might have done this was the maintenance the site underwent yesterday...

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Yes, this is a side effect of the server upgrade we did. Hopefully there are very few places where we depended on rows being sorted by creation date by default because the new server does not do that anymore.

We need to make some improvements to the profile page anyway, and hopefully the new hardware will give us the breathing room to do it.

Shadow Lodge

But I liked knowing where are my aliases were! Oh well, I'll get use to it...

Shadow Lodge

I just had a thought. Would it be possible to arrange the aliases in alphabetical order like the "Post as" pull-down menu?

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Aliases are now sorted alphabetically on profile pages.

Shadow Lodge

Thank you, Gary! I just posted in another thread that the reason I like Pathfinder over 3.5 was that Paizo listened to their community, and this proves it yet again!

Sovereign Court

I'll add my thanks. Like DB3, I have a ludicrous amount of aliases to manage.

Thanks, Gary! Much easier to find now; probably even easier than remembering what order I created them in!

Agreed, file this one under features, not bugs. :)

Paizo Employee Digital Pest

Laithoron wrote:
Agreed, file this one under features, not bugs. :)

Foiled again. :(

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