Modern Hero - Modern RPG – Pathfinder Compatible

Product Discussion

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We are a small startup company, and our first product is a set of Modern core rules based off the MSRD, but made to be used with the Pathfinder system. Our first pdf, (and Hero Labs dataset), will be a free and it is in the editing phase now.

Do we need to submit the work to PAZIO for review before we release the material?

Thank you,
GRC Team

So you are creating a pathfinder compatable version of the Modern SRD? You will find alot of interest already existing in such a product. And I imagine many would be curious to know more about it.

What are you trying to accomplish? How closely are you holding to either pathfinder or the modern ruleset? What form will the core rules be release in?(PDF or Print, several smaller products or one big one etc).

Pathfinder Compatibility License is your friend.

Aside from that, count me as one of those curious.

You also might want to be aware of this site's existence.

We are through with the rule set, (our editor is reviewing it now), and we are planning to release a free pdf and Hero Labs dataset, (also done), by the end of the month.

We feel it’s a good mix of MSRD and the Pathfinder rules, but in a new direction.

The idea started out a frustration that nobody has done it yet. So over the past few months we have put together what we feel is a good set of rules.

The free material is not a straight copy of the MSRD overlaid on the Pathfinder system.

Our hope is the community will enjoy the material and if so, we would like to make supplemental “setting” pdfs for a small price.
But first, we want to see if the free material will do well enough to justify further development.

GRC Team

Wanted to check out your web site, but it's also teasing us. ;-)

P.S. If you're unfamiliar with weblink tags, BBCode notes at the bottom of the page is your friend. So you can end your salutation with:

GRC Team
Game Room Creations


We want to release everything at the same time. I do most of the work on the rules system and the Hero Lab dataset material. The other three contributors are doing the website, art, editing, rule mods and play testing (which we need more of).

This is all new to us, and it is not our primary carriers, (I am a retired fire fighter). So it will not be at the same level as the bigger publishers, but we do feel it is a good set of rules.

If it doesn’t get any further than the free core rules, well at least there will be something the community can build on. Everything will be OGL so others can freely use that material.

I would like to give out more info, but we want everything in order before we do.

We are looking to have everything done by the end of the month.

My only question is are you writing this as a stand alone game, or will a player be required to use the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game core rule book.

You cannot make a stand alone game and use the compatibly licence. You can still use the game system but you won't be able to say you are using it without the compatibility licence.

This is the same problem Infinite Futures from Avalon Game Company ran into.

It is not a stand alone. You will need the Pathfinder core book.

Count this as one vote for keeping the d20 Modern massive damage rules. Non-lethal massive damage was extra fun and made the boxer a legit character concept right along with the martial artist. Lethal massive damage did well to remind players to treat gun weilding eneimes as threats and to remind them that cover is good.

Sovereign Court

Awesome, looking forward to it. I have been waiting for a good pathfinder modern version since Pathfinder RPG was released.

We did not include “massage damage”. We wanted to stay within the Pathfinder core rules.

We made other adjustments to make firearms more deadly, (not a damage increase), and worked within the CMD/CMB for the non-lethal damage.

Liberty's Edge

Kevin Webb GRC Team wrote:

We did not include “massage damage”. We wanted to stay within the Pathfinder core rules.

We made other adjustments to make firearms more deadly, (not a damage increase), and worked within the CMD/CMB for the non-lethal damage.

Just checked out you web site. There is no contact info yet?

Not yet, we are just starting up, (just four of us), but our contact e-mail is :


So you are creating a pathfinder compatable version of the Modern SRD? You will find alot of interest already existing in such a product. And I imagine many would be curious to know more about it.

Count me among the many. I'm very interested in seeing this product.

Best wishes to everyone at the GRC Team.

Thank you, we are working on finishing up. Everything is in review and on track.

Good luck! I'm looking forward to seeing this. I've wanted a new Modern d20 or in this case "Modern PF" for a while...


color me intrigued.

wish you guys best of luck, and can't wait to see the final product!

Dark Archive

If you build it, they will come.

Definitely interested in this, as I had started looking at doing the same while looking at upgrading d20 Future.

Just to keep everyone updated, everything is on track and if all goes well, we should go live this weekend.

You may have saved me a lot of work. I will be looking forward to it.

Sovereign Court

Good luck with posting the rules...i know i liked the old rules.

Pathfinder has massive damage...if you take 50 damage in a single attack, you mast succeed at a fortitude save or die.

Modern had a better type of massive damage, well suited for the system. It equaled your constitution score, and if you failed, you immediately dropped to -1 hit points and started dying...that was a good rule, i don't think you should dismiss it so easily...

That rule reminds me of the critical fumble rules that screw the players over more than the PC's, if your group does not like making new characters a lot. I don't think it is a bad rule, but I would have it as an optional rule as opposed to regular rule. D20 Modern already has a big lack of healing. I plan on using the Iron Heroes Reserve hit point system or either the SW Saga 2nd wind mechanic since I refuse to allow magic items or spells into the game.

It had its benefits and it's problems. People get hung up about gunshots not being lethal. This rule means most people go down from gunshots. But it definately caused some issues in the last game I played. Particularly in the sniper prc's ability to scale up the dc for that save. We had a highly optimized sniper dropping CR appropriate targets in 1 shot on a fairly regular basis.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hama wrote:

Good luck with posting the rules...i know i liked the old rules.

Pathfinder has massive damage...if you take 50 damage in a single attack, you mast succeed at a fortitude save or die.

Modern had a better type of massive damage, well suited for the system. It equaled your constitution score, and if you failed, you immediately dropped to -1 hit points and started dying...that was a good rule, i don't think you should dismiss it so easily...

Massive damage in Pathfinder is optional.

Grand Lodge

I too am looking forward to this. Throw up a post when things are ready!

To remain “compatible”, the Modern rules stay with in the Pathfinder core rules. We have a creative way to make firearms more deadly without changing and/or adding rules.

This material is a supplement to the core rules; we do hope you like it.

It is a free download and OGL, so free to use as you see fit.

We still are on track and looking to release it all this weekend.

Looking forward to it. Just be prepared for any potential backlashes, be amendable to revisions, and develop a thick skin. =)

Yes. Definitely. Why? Because I really want a *good* PF-compatible modern rules set. Why? Because (in general) a good sci-fi set needs a good modern set to build on.

Lol, well keep in mind, it isn’t medicine and you don’t have to take it, lol.

We do hope everyone enjoys the material, but we do know that we cannot please everyone. This is one reason the core rules will be free and open. If it catches on, great, if not, that’s fine also.

Again, everything is still on track, waiting from our editor, and then one final review, and it should be up soon!

Ok, we are in final review. I believe we have to send Pazio and Lone Wolf a copy of the pdf and data set.

If there are no errors in the final review, we will send it to them Thursday morning.

Once it’s clear with them, we will upload the website.

Lantern Lodge

Awesome I can't wait. I have been wanting an update to the modern rules for while now. I always thought it was sad how they never got to it with d20Modern.

Kevin Webb GRC Team wrote:

Ok, we are in final review. I believe we have to send Pazio and Lone Wolf a copy of the pdf and data set.

If there are no errors in the final review, we will send it to them Thursday morning.

Once it’s clear with them, we will upload the website.

Lone Wolf? I'm intrigued; what did you appropriate from them?

Along with a pdf we will also have a data set for Hero Lab

All looks good and working. Web site test went fine, should be able to go live Friday night or Sat morning. PDF in final, final, final review, lol, and Hero Lab said it's ok to post the dataset.

All done with the pdf and data file. Web site should go live tonight!

Good luck!

Site is up!
It's built in flash, so it's a little buggy with IE 9, sorry about that.
But it's there and free, I hope everyone enjoys the new rules and dataset!

Kevin Webb GRC Team wrote:

Site is up! Game Room Creations

It's built in flash, so it's a little buggy with IE 9, sorry about that.
But it's there and free, I hope everyone enjoys the new rules and dataset!


Thank you!

Lantern Lodge

I am just getting the under construction page. Did you guys have to take the site down for something?

Sgmendez wrote:
I am just getting the under construction page. Did you guys have to take the site down for something?

Their page just loaded fine for me and shows normal stuff and not "under construction". Are you still having problems with it?

Neat ideas :) Are you planning on following it up with some additional converted material from d20M? :)

Lantern Lodge

It's working now. I just had to clear out my browsing history. I am reading the material now and will give some feedback after I am finished with it.

I also had to clear my browsing history, but once I did, it shows up.

We would like to make more settings, if the core rules does well.
We would like to follow up on the new magic system with Modern Mystic Heroes, as well as the Modern Shadow Hunters. We already has some material ready for those also.

I'm also intrigued by your approach to character creation. Thanks for sharing this!


I checked it out, it looks nice, and will play test it sometime today.
Thanks for sharing this.

I just downloaded and skimmed through the document.

First it looks real nice and professionnal.

Second, I'm a bit confuse, if Modern Hero has to choose an archetype at 1st level and each archetype has its own attack/saves/hit points, why put put a chart with medium attack, low saves and d8? Would it be better to have: "Hit Dice: see archetype" and have a separate chart to show the difference between slow/medium/fast attack and one for saves?

Third, like I said I skimmed through the document and I had hard time seeing the switch between talent/difficulties/background etc.
Unless you're looking for a print edition, page count doesn't matter in a pdf, start new section on a new page if possible, this will make the document easier to read and search through.

Now time to playtest :D

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Okay, I skimmed the book, and there are two things I want to mention...

1) What is a Medium saving throw progression? I'm sure I could figure it out myself (eventually) but I didn't see it listed anywhere in the book.

2) How many backgrounds can you have? It doesn't say that I can see.

But otherwise, I'm very impressed at your work. ^_^

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